So on Monday Letitia James can grab Trump's empire? (Poll)

So what are Trump's options?

  • Tell Letitia James if she drops the charges he'll drop out of the 2024 race?

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Let Letitia James take all of his property?

    Votes: 15 30.6%
  • Appeal to every court he can think of to get a delay until his appeals are processed?

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Keep cool knowing that when he is elected president he can settle the score...

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • Other options...see my post.

    Votes: 6 12.2%

  • Total voters
Looks like Trump won't be able to post a $500,000,000 bond.

That means Letitia James can take possession of all of Trump's assets.

Will Trump lose everything but Mar-a-Lago? (I think Desantis would keep NY out of FL.)

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DeSantis can't stop this.
You under-estimate the level of hatred we are dealing with in NYS. While your right about the process, there is a lot in play here. Theres a reason NYS intentionally under valued his assets by claiming he over valued them. It will take more assets to cover the bond. His 767 is on the chopping block for sure.

You think NYS cares about the law? They openly executed 25,000+ Americans and no one said a peep! Please, these people are above the law. And the process is the punishment. You talk about making him whole on appeal? Can't be done. Not with these criminals still in charge.

Once theyre done with Trump... We are next.

Getting back to his assets, they can tie up everything. The goal is to show him they can hurt him.

Remember though, so far NY has played with kid gloves. As soon as the cameras turn away the brass knuckles come out against the small business owners.
No you aren't next. Unless you commit fraud.
...Getting back to his assets, they can tie up everything. The goal is to show him they can hurt him.

Remember though, so far NY has played with kid gloves. As soon as the cameras turn away the brass knuckles come out against the small business owners.
Oh, I know. The idea that the "business climate" is clean in NY is laughable.

Many years ago I had to go to NYC to troubleshoot a big excavation. It was an entire city block on lower Manhattan, I don't recall what building was going up- this was back around '82-'83. The excavation was about 40 feet below street level.

The company was the second largest construction company in New York. I won't say the name, but everyone went by Petey, or Paulie, or Guido, you get the idea. You don't get to be the second largest construction company in NY without being connected...

They would excavate the rock from the construction site on one contract, and truck it about 2 miles to the Hudson, where they sold it back to the city to shore up the river bank. Got paid to dig it out, and paid again to dump it, lol.
Oh, I know. The idea that the "business climate" is clean in NY is laughable.

Many years ago I had to go to NYC to troubleshoot a big excavation. It was an entire city block on lower Manhattan, I don't recall what building was going up- this was back around '82-'83. The excavation was about 40 feet below street level.

The company was the second largest construction company in New York. I won't say the name, but everyone went by Petey, or Paulie, or Guido, you get the idea. You don't get to be the second largest construction company in NY without being connected...

They would excavate the rock from the construction site on one contract, and truck it about 2 miles to the Hudson, where they sold it back to the city to shore up the river bank. Got paid to dig it out, and paid again to dump it, lol.
So, that just confirms the humper family business was and is dirty.
So you're a communist? I agree its ridiculous for the Banana Republic" of NY to take the assets of a citizen unfairly.

There is no other case in history where a $500,000,000 bond was required like in this case.

Better for Trump to be a Communist and take things instead then?
Hope President Trump can find some way to protect his properties from that racist female.

But if he loses them to her, he should publicize the photo of her strutting into Trump Tower.

Such a revolting photo would probably convince a lot of people to vote for him.
Trump is mortgaged up to the tits, existing on other people's money as usual, so this will be complicated as hell.

He won't be able to lie his way out of this, like he did when he got other people's money to begin with.

He's now a target for anyone in any country in the world to help him financially. He is absolutely compromised. That's what happens when you're "the King of Debt". I just hope he doesn't have any more critical classified documents he can sell.
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Trump is mortgaged up to the tits, existing on other people's money as usual, so this will be complicated as hell.

He won't be able to lie his way out of this, like he did when he got other people's money to begin with.

He's now a target for anyone in any country in the world to help him financially. He is absolutely compromised. That's what happens when you're "the King of Debt". I just hope he doesn't have any more critical classified documents he can sell.
Everything we do can have an element of corruption in it. This case against Trump if it is held up, will spread to others. And it will trickle down. There are inept, incompetent, grifting contractors for example. With many being minority. So, I do not know how corrupted you think Trump is, is he is however from your drumhead kangaroo courts the tip of the iceberg is humongous.
Don't take his property. Trump would make a spectacle of it. Don't allow that.

Instead, keep grabbing his bank accounts. Whenever money shows up anywhere, take it. Much easier than grabbing property. It will take a while, but there's no hurry.

The beauty is that if Trump can't pay his debts, the banks will be the ones seizing his assets. Let the private sector handle that.

There's a good reason no one will loan Trump money.

If Trump loses, he can't pay it back.

And if Trump wins, he'd use dictatorial powers to declare he doesn't have to pay back any loans.

It's a lose-lose for the banks, so the only way they win is not to play.

Yep. You people are a bunch of mental patients who spend your non-comatose hours obsessing over Trump.
Trump is mortgaged up to the tits, existing on other people's money as usual, so this will be complicated as hell.

He won't be able to lie his way out of this, like he did when he got other people's money to begin with.

He's now a target for anyone in any country in the world to help him financially. He is absolutely compromised. That's what happens when you're "the King of Debt". I just hope he doesn't have any more critical classified documents he can sell.
Corruption is massive. Really massive. We can clean it up with pure dictatorial enforcement. Let us clean it all up. Prison and slave labor camps for all from the top of hierarchy to the peasant classes. The taxpayer is always on the hook.
Oh, I know. The idea that the "business climate" is clean in NY is laughable.

Many years ago I had to go to NYC to troubleshoot a big excavation. It was an entire city block on lower Manhattan, I don't recall what building was going up- this was back around '82-'83. The excavation was about 40 feet below street level.

The company was the second largest construction company in New York. I won't say the name, but everyone went by Petey, or Paulie, or Guido, you get the idea. You don't get to be the second largest construction company in NY without being connected...

They would excavate the rock from the construction site on one contract, and truck it about 2 miles to the Hudson, where they sold it back to the city to shore up the river bank. Got paid to dig it out, and paid again to dump it, lol.

Pretty smart.
So you trust Letitia James and her mob of democrats to not take any of Trump's assets?

I think she will be staying in Trump's suite in Trump Tower.
Mara Lago is in a historic trust. It can't be sold.

WTF is that supposed to mean? Look at the OP photo and tell me what he took.

It means Trump is a theft, he will do all kinds of dodgy things.

If Trump breaks the law.... he's going to find people come after him for breaking the law. If he can't afford it, he's in the same boat as everyone else who can't afford it.
You know wht demographic is often very patriotic, but don't really get recognized for it?

The mob.

True story...

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