So if the GOP takes control of the house, what happens to the January 6th committee?

Will the dems make a quick decision and convict Trump for whatever
And dissolve the committee so republicans can't "pollute" their kangaroo court

Will the GOP coop it, and turn it to their way of things. Which is what I would like to see. Uncover these undercover trouble makers and their chain of command. File charges against Michael Bird.

Or will it just go away.
Why do you think Trumps goons are all slow playing it? Ignoring subpoenas filing lawsuits…. They are stalling in hope of winning the midterms and shutting it down. So much for the truth and accountability.
Will the dems make a quick decision and convict Trump for whatever
And dissolve the committee so republicans can't "pollute" their kangaroo court

Will the GOP coop it, and turn it to their way of things. Which is what I would like to see. Uncover these undercover trouble makers and their chain of command. File charges against Michael Bird.

Or will it just go away.
Oh geez....

They can't convict anyone.... This is a congressional investigation, not a criminal one....

They are just trying to find out for us, we the people, all that happened that day, and what lead up to it, and why it was handled so poorly, and what can be done to prevent that horrible day, from happening again.

They can refer things to Doj if they believe it could be criminal and the Doj can investigate criminality if they wish to....Doj would decide....and so far, it looks like Doj is disinterested in it all....? Unless the Doj is doing their own investigation secretly and none of us know it???

The special select committee will be done, before the election...public hearings begin in January 2022.
If the GOP wins control of the House it will be time to investigate Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler.
The politicians on the committee will wait to see how the election turn out. If the GOP wins the House, the committee will come up with a verdict that there isn’t enough evidence to prosecute anyone then shut down the committee. Then the GOP won’t have access to the information gathered. If the De o rats keep control, they will prosecute anyone with any connection to 1/6 at all.
What are you charging her with? Something made up like the Democrats did to Trump, twice!
Facilitating urban insurrection through her bail program, along with associated crimes by those so recklessly bailed out. It falls in line with what prosecutors are doing around the country. Sometimes the only way to end absurdity is to exploit it until it's no longer tenable.
No it wasn't. Who gave a damn about collusion except you? Cite me the US Code that mentions collusion, but don't strain yourself if you still have an early bed time.
Oh, here's a link to the release of the final Senate report in 2020.

Factbox: Key findings from Senate inquiry into Russian interference in 2016 U.S. election​

Hahahahahaha. What a lemming.
Will the dems make a quick decision and convict Trump for whatever
And dissolve the committee so republicans can't "pollute" their kangaroo court

Will the GOP coop it, and turn it to their way of things. Which is what I would like to see. Uncover these undercover trouble makers and their chain of command. File charges against Michael Bird.

Or will it just go away.

From my understanding the enquiry should be complete.
You might like to see it abandoned by republicans because thats how they deal with embarrassing situations.
It ain't gonna happen.
Of course. the truth of January 6th must stay hidden for the sake of the repub party....and their King...trump.
No one should ever know how much trump was involved in the attempted coup.
Yep. Pretty amazing. This is all really happening. They're really trying it.

And all the jackals are cheering it on.

Never did I think this could happen here. Never.
Remind me, how many Republicans are on that committee?
Well, according to their title, 2.

My point was, however, that, if McConnel is there, and depending on who becomes speaker, they will probably start things off by offering concessions to the democrats.

Sadly, what we will need is a republican congress who will use the exact same tactics that the democrats do. They will have to impeach Biden 3 times, run multiple investigations, and start removing some democrats from committees.

The repubs can't afford to try and play "the nice guy" when you have a democrat party who will always be in the offensive.

But they won't. They will say "we don't need to resort to partisan bickering", and they will move along as normal, and the next time the dems are in control, they will railroad repubs again.
Fantastic fairy tale. Much better you commie slugs stay in power, right?
Is that not what the former president attempted to do on 1/6? By contacting states like GA and MI to not certify their elections?

Are you blind or just want a authoritarian regime here to replace our Democracy?
Well, according to their title, 2.

My point was, however, that, if McConnel is there, and depending on who becomes speaker, they will probably start things off by offering concessions to the democrats.

Sadly, what we will need is a republican congress who will use the exact same tactics that the democrats do. They will have to impeach Biden 3 times, run multiple investigations, and start removing some democrats from committees.

The repubs can't afford to try and play "the nice guy" when you have a democrat party who will always be in the offensive.

But they won't. They will say "we don't need to resort to partisan bickering", and they will move along as normal, and the next time the dems are in control, they will railroad repubs again.
Sure, that's a great way to do anything without consequences...Always allege that your opposition does the things that you want to do, so you can do them.

The former president was Impeached twice for his actions.

republic house members lost committee assignments because of their actions against House decorum.

But hey, you're on the apology tour.
The GOP would be foolish to simply stop the investigation. It would provide a tremendous opportunity to uncover the corruption within those who began this witch hunt. 1/6 needs to be THOROUGHLY investigated, calling the FBI in under oath as well as every congress member that had any part in the events of that day. My biggest question would be for Pelosi. Why did she refuse to allow Trump's request for Guardsmen to provide security that day?

All of the background emails, texts and so forth need to be made public with little or no redactions.
i'd agree. finish what they started and whoever pushed this needs to be held accountable. if the dems set this up and blew it out of proportion and make crap up again (russia and kavanaugh) then they should be brought to justice to explain their actions and be held accountable.

if trump really did push people to "storm the castle" then he too should be held accountable.

im not after one side over the other, im after our laws we have NOW to be upheld.
i'd agree. finish what they started and whoever pushed this needs to be held accountable. if the dems set this up and blew it out of proportion and make crap up again (russia and kavanaugh) then they should be brought to justice to explain their actions and be held accountable.

if trump really did push people to "storm the castle" then he too should be held accountable.

im not after one side over the other, im after our laws we have NOW to be upheld.
The Democrat's offered republic pols equal standing for the committee and they were turned down. republic turned the offer down because the former president and supporters don't want any light shown on 1/6.
Likely very few to none, like 2021. But you keep hiding under your bed with your penis extension, just in case. .
What is it with the left and their fixation on penises? It's like they're constantly thinking about penises and who is gay and stuff like that.
What is it with the left and their fixation on penises? It's like they're constantly thinking about penises and who is gay and stuff like that.
like the former president and his hands...
Will the dems make a quick decision and convict Trump for whatever
And dissolve the committee so republicans can't "pollute" their kangaroo court

Will the GOP coop it, and turn it to their way of things. Which is what I would like to see. Uncover these undercover trouble makers and their chain of command. File charges against Michael Bird.

Or will it just go away.
You kidding? The crooks will then be in charge of the investigation on themselves. It will go away quickly.

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