So if more people are being tested, wouldn't that mean more people have COVID???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
After reading the above article I am asking a simple question.
If more people are COVID testing, wouldn't that be adding to the number of cases?
And if there are more cases, and this web site tracks these cases and the statistics show, 99.94% of cases in USA are NOT critical but mild, why the continual agitation i.e. "spiking" articles?
The USA has over 221 million tests done so far and geez you think the more number of tests would naturally identify more cases?
YET not ONE single MSM seems to put 2 and 2 together! The more you test, the more you'll find cases!
Simple but the MSM makes it sound like oh woe is us!!!!

Agreed. The more tests, the more COVID ----- which is meaningless. Why? Because the testing is human activity and that is not what we need to know about. We need to know about virus activity, not what people are driving around doing, foolishly.

We already know the virus is replicating very fast and spreading all over (blowing right thru masks). I think the only really interesting statistic is the death count. I think that's the best number we have. Because hospital admissions --- that's human activity too! All the restrictions have been to protect normal hospital operation, and why do that? So docs and hospitals will make more money? Probably. You know the virus is bad when they set up huge field hospitals, and that isn't happening yet. There are a lot of photos of those big warehouses covered with beds in the epidemic books --- Spanish Flu, yellow fever, etc.
cases in USA are NOT critical but mild, why the continual agitation i.e. "spiking" articles?
So "mild" 306,475 have died so far!!!!

Yeah, there's a problem. It's a big epidemic, all right. The 300,000 dead is only in the U.S., too.

However, who counts as "having" it? Do the people who don't know they have it count? Even without any symptoms? This happens with some diseases (yellow fever, too) but lots of them, if you get infected, you KNOW it.

Two conflicting ideas about that:
1. Yeah, if infected with COVID or yellow fever, you can and do spread it. So that counts.
2. No, if you're sick you're sick, if you're not sick but got challenged by some of the germs but beat them, you have one all-time great immune system, doing exactly what it was designed to do! Congratulations.

If everyone who gets infected gets sick, getting a case-fatality number is easy. If lots of people get infected but do not get sick, I say let's just count the sick people for the case-fatality rate. Yes, that does make it higher, but isn't that fair? Not sick is not sick. Calling people who are not sick diseased is a money-grubbing doctor trick to turn healthy people into patients so they can make more money. That's why they do all the tests they do, to disease-hunt (let's do an invasive procedure just to make sure!!) and make more money. Same deal with all this useless and pointless COVID testing.
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Obama demanded to stop H1N1 testing. The logic was,


How many POS fucknut libs criticized Obama for this? None.

The overreation to the RONA was a ruse to get Trump put of office. Nothing more.

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Obama demanded to stop H1N1 testing. The logic was,


How many POS fucknut libs criticized Obama for this? None.

The overreation to the RONA was a ruse to get Trump put of office. Nothing more.

For once, I agree with Obama. This is a terrible waste of resources. HUGE numbers getting tested, and very few coming up positive (look at the Reuters graph to see that!). So ---- cui bono? Somebody is so making obscene profits out of all this testing -----
"Infected" is the new buzz word invented to scare people into submission to authoritarian government. If the same type of tests were used to detect exposure to other viruses, we would have continual "pandemics." Maybe that's the purpose?

P.S. The number of Covid "deaths" is so grossly exaggerated that it is nearly worthless data.
cases in USA are NOT critical but mild, why the continual agitation i.e. "spiking" articles?
So "mild" 306,475 have died so far!!!!
The most recent report includes data up to the week ending October 3.2020
So far this year, 2.39 million Americans have died of all causes.
At the same point in both 2018 and 2019, it was 2.17 million.
The difference nearly matches the reported number of COVID-19 victims.

220,000 in 10/3/2020 from COVID is less than 9% of all deaths. I'd say we've been hyped!

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