So Did Biden Just Lose More Of The Black Vote? Kamala Isn't Black, Right?

i mentioned this before,,so what happens if when the new polls come out,,and Biden drops between 5 and 8 points because of Spamela and Trump shoots up another 5%?
I don't see what position he is trying to take by choosing her. This is like the McCain/Palin pairing vs Obama.

If Trump is smart, he focuses on them as career politicians. Nothing more. Establishment types who have no ability, interest or history standing up to China, or, for justice reform.

That's it. That's his main angle. The attack ads are easy at this point, he just has to repeat "China and Justice Reform", and he will stifle their votes. My guess is he made this decision LONG ago. Cali being the first state to send mail-in votes certainly was well timed and supportive...
Harris debating Pence will make him look like the ass kissing turd he is If Trump is smart you say ??? Catch the last 3 1/2 years of the moron ?? Think he changes stripes now?
Didn't she perform terribly in the primaries? People wanted to like her because she checked off all the boxes, but she was so bad they had a brain dead white guy rush to the rescue.

I kept saying that Biden is the Democrats' way of getting someone running the country who couldn't win on her own. Looks like I was right.
I don't see what position he is trying to take by choosing her. This is like the McCain/Palin pairing vs Obama.

If Trump is smart, he focuses on them as career politicians. Nothing more. Establishment types who have no ability, interest or history standing up to China, or, for justice reform.

That's it. That's his main angle. The attack ads are easy at this point, he just has to repeat "China and Justice Reform", and he will stifle their votes. My guess is he made this decision LONG ago. Cali being the first state to send mail-in votes certainly was well timed and supportive...
Harris debating Pence will make him look like the ass kissing turd he is If Trump is smart you say ??? Catch the last 3 1/2 years of the moron ?? Think he changes stripes now?
Didn't she perform terribly in the primaries? People wanted to like her because she checked off all the boxes, but she was so bad they had a brain dead white guy rush to the rescue.
You didn't see her make mince meat out of the slob Barr? That was nothing compared to what she can do to pence and the moron

No, for us to see that would require us to be slavishly partisan drones like you, who are determined that Harris is brilliant no matter what.
Now wait, didn't Biden promise to choose a black female because most normal black voters really don't care for Joe Biden {for obvious reasons}.
I thought Stacey was going to declare Biden a racist who hates all black people if he didn't choose her.
Biden was so backed into a corner, he knows he's screwed if he picks a black male or female VP when u think of his history of racially charged statements over the years.
So now, we find out that Biden chooses someone with maybe 4 nationalities, and none of them are black.
Oh well....guess 40% of Blacks still aren't gonna vote for Biden.
Except she is black. Over 90 percent of us black folk will be voting for Biden. Rasmussen and the gp are lying to you.
Since when is 1/2 Indian "black"?
Oh gee Nostra since she's not 100% black you can't vote for her and Biden?
Unlike you racist Dimwingers, skin color means nothing to me. I wouldn't vote for them because his is senile and she is an idiot.

For you to believe he's senile and she an idiot leads me to know for sure you're nothing but a boot licking repub with your head up trumps ass You like trump because he hates the same people you do

Now wait, didn't Biden promise to choose a black female because most normal black voters really don't care for Joe Biden {for obvious reasons}.
I thought Stacey was going to declare Biden a racist who hates all black people if he didn't choose her.
Biden was so backed into a corner, he knows he's screwed if he picks a black male or female VP when u think of his history of racially charged statements over the years.
So now, we find out that Biden chooses someone with maybe 4 nationalities, and none of them are black.
Oh well....guess 40% of Blacks still aren't gonna vote for Biden.
Except she is black. Over 90 percent of us black folk will be voting for Biden. Rasmussen and the gp are lying to you.
Since when is 1/2 Indian "black"?
Oh gee Nostra since she's not 100% black you can't vote for her and Biden?

Oh, gee, Klan-Boy. Since you think she's black, you can't imagine there's any more to her than her skin color?

Pretty sure Nostra's not voting for her and Biden because he thinks their policy ideas are a steaming pile of shit. We'll leave the hyper-focus on race to bigots like you.
Biden just got every person of color to come out and vote for them Can any of you republican scum imagine trump selecting some one just questioning him on the debate stage? Biden is smart Biden is a real man ,2 things the POS trump can never be Listen to the trash trump comes up with now A real low life pos

I'm actually trying to imagine if a Republican said, "People of color will vote for someone just because of their race", the way you just did. I knew you were a bigot for how you hate Jews, but I didn't realize it extended to all other minorities. How long before your local Klan chapter makes you Grand Wizard?
You know them better than me Give em a call Seems to me people of color know trump the lying cheat is a racist and can't wait to get his dumb ass out of the WH and into the court room

Nice try, shitbird, but I'm not the one constantly talking about non-white people as though they're cardboard cutouts with no identity other than their melanin content. Seems to ME that you're trying to deflect off onto your all-consuming TDS to avoid addressing that your every word and attitude screams, "RACIST!"

Be careful not to use too much bleach on your robe and hood.
oh well, if Spamela later decides shes out,,,i hear that Rachael Doolazol is on the waiting list

"Just a reminder, had libertarians and constitution purist conservatives voted for the GOP... Kamala wouldn't have won her AG race back in 2010."

"Had Californians not had their landslide vote for Prop 187 (denying welfare benefits to illegals) overturned by a single judge, Kamala wouldn't have won."
Now wait, didn't Biden promise to choose a black female because most normal black voters really don't care for Joe Biden {for obvious reasons}.
I thought Stacey was going to declare Biden a racist who hates all black people if he didn't choose her.
Biden was so backed into a corner, he knows he's screwed if he picks a black male or female VP when u think of his history of racially charged statements over the years.
So now, we find out that Biden chooses someone with maybe 4 nationalities, and none of them are black.
Oh well....guess 40% of Blacks still aren't gonna vote for Biden.
Except she is black. Over 90 percent of us black folk will be voting for Biden. Rasmussen and the gp are lying to you.

Vote by mail and vote early so y'all don't miss any of your looting or killing of each other.
Face reality and stop lying to yourself.

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI found no evidence that antifa was involved in violence, and of course Trump ignored them
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
51 Protesters Facing Federal Charges—Yet No Sign Of Antifa Involvement
The only arrests have been on white supremacists.
Officials Say White Supremacists Infiltrated Black Lives Matter Protest in Richmond to Instigate Riots
Evidence mounts of far-right extremists' violent chicanery at police protests around the nation
White Supremacist Street Gangs Are Going to BLM Protests
Why are White Supremacists Involved in the Black Lives Matter Protests?
Far-right extremists keep showing up at BLM protests. Are they behind the violence?

Experts say that in many states, far-right extremists, fresh from recruiting at “open states” rallies during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, continue to inject themselves into the protests, creating a potential powder keg as they mix with Black Lives Matter demonstrators.

White supremacists and other extremist groups are using protests and a pandemic to amplify their message
Far-Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests: Indicators of White Supremacists

The demographics of a largely white, young, and destructive group fit more with a movement known as accelerationists than Black Lives Matter.

The accelerationists, if you have never heard the term, are an extreme subset of white nationalism whose goal is to bring about chaos and destruction. The basic tenet of accelerationism argues that since Western governments are inherently corrupt, the best (and only) thing supremacists can do is to accelerate the end of society by sowing chaos and aggravating political tensions. “Accelerationist ideas have been cited in mass shooters’ manifestos — explicitly, in the case of the New Zealand killer — and are frequently referenced in white supremacist web forums and chat rooms,” Zack Beauchamp explained.

White Supremacists pretending to host a protest to honor Floyd George on Facebook to whip up violence in San Diego were posted on the BLMSD social media warning people not to go and that it was a white supremacist organized rally. People attending demonstrations remarked on the fact that the demographics were wrong, in places like Oakland where the majority of the destruction was perpetrated by young Caucasian men has inspired not just people on social media but reporting in the mainstream media to properly question whether this is a form of infiltration by outside extremist elements.

Three Men Arrested With Alleged White Supremacist Plans to Terrorize Vegas Protests
White supremacists pose as Antifa online, call for violence
Minneapolis “Umbrella Man” is white supremacist who tried to incite riot after Floyd killing: police
Far-right “Boogaloo boy” killed officer after using Black Lives Matter protest as cover: prosecutors

White supremacists attended the protests caused most of the problems knowing that much of white America and ALL of the trump fans would believe trump and the RWM depiction of it as black violence and looting or that ANTIFA was to blame.
i mentioned this before,,so what happens if when the new polls come out,,and Biden drops between 5 and 8 points because of Spamela and Trump shoots up another 5%?
Clearly, America will be racist...........or at least half racist.
Biden prioritized choosing a running mate with whom he was “simpatico,” as he frequently said

what a creep
Voters rejected Harris, they smartly spotted a phony

But not Joe Biden — he’s not that smart
Horrible at prior job, prosecutor in Cali, check. Takes money from anybody and everybody, check. A nominee from a state they can't lose, check. Biden's first major choice, put a fork in it people.
Biden is so desperate he was forced to pick a black female that accurately nailed him as being a racist in the debates and who has declared she believes his sexual misconduct victims...


HARRIS is going to be the one who files the 25th Constitutional amendment challenge against Biden to have his ass removed from 'her' office the day after they take their oaths of office should they win...

Now wait, didn't Biden promise to choose a black female because most normal black voters really don't care for Joe Biden {for obvious reasons}.
I thought Stacey was going to declare Biden a racist who hates all black people if he didn't choose her.
Biden was so backed into a corner, he knows he's screwed if he picks a black male or female VP when u think of his history of racially charged statements over the years.
So now, we find out that Biden chooses someone with maybe 4 nationalities, and none of them are black.
Oh well....guess 40% of Blacks still aren't gonna vote for Biden.
Except she is black. Over 90 percent of us black folk will be voting for Biden. Rasmussen and the gp are lying to you.

But Kamala family were slaves owners. Sad. :(

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