Snow go for NYC’s electric garbage trucks that can’t handle winter weather

Maybe not. The future is always difficult to tell what will and what won't be around. Maybe if we get fusion power, electric cars will be it.

If we had fusion and free electrical power, only an idiot would use heavy lithium batteries for transportation.
Obviously if we had free electrical power, then we should use it to make hydrogen and power ICE engines with that hydrogen, like they do in Iceland, with their abundant geothermal electricity.
The back trailer of the Tesla semi is half batteries.
The Tesla semi will carry half the cargo of an ICE semi.

He doesn't quite understand the concept of the more weight you have, the shorter the life of the battery. It's like the difference between leaving your cell phone on standby which can last for a week vs using your cell phone to play video games or go on the internet where the battery is dead in three hours or less.
He doesn't quite understand the concept of the more weight you have, the shorter the life of the battery. It's like the difference between leaving your cell phone on standby which can last for a week vs using your cell phone to play video games or go on the internet where the battery is dead in three hours or less.
Elon doesn't understand this? Or the top engineers he hires doesn't understand this? They're the ones who have spent the millions on studying it, determining if there is a market for it, then deciding yes and producing it.

But Ray, from Cleveland, knows better?
This is called 'Trump Brain'.
Elon doesn't understand this? Or the top engineers he hires doesn't understand this? They're the ones who have spent the millions on studying it, determining if there is a market for it, then deciding yes and producing it.

But Ray, from Cleveland, knows better?
This is called 'Trump Brain'.

I've been in the business over three decades. Drivers only make money when they have a load, and the heavier the load, the more money they make.

The range of this vehicle is only 300 miles and that's empty on a flat surface. No driver wants to sit for hours recharging their truck every couple of hours when they could fuel up with diesel in ten minutes and be back out making money. A standard duel tank tractor can last a couple of days depending on the weight and terrain of the roads they are traveling.

Musk has the bucks to waste on stuff like this just to say he actually did it, but it's not going to sell to over the road drivers. He may make money to local operations, but not OTR. Nobody will buy it.
If we had fusion and free electrical power, only an idiot would use heavy lithium batteries for transportation.
Obviously if we had free electrical power, then we should use it to make hydrogen and power ICE engines with that hydrogen, like they do in Iceland, with their abundant geothermal electricity.

Well, who knows what the future holds? They might find some way of getting electricity into cars without the need for batteries, like electric trains, having electric pathways etc
Boy I’m glad no other type of vehicle has problems in winter.

I wonder if we should abandon Diesel since it just doesn’t work in the cold?

It was three degrees recently. One of the tractors at work has 315,000 miles on it, we do not use engine heaters. It cranked over and fired like it was summer. Modern diesels will happily fire in sub-zero temperatures.
It was three degrees recently. One of the tractors at work has 315,000 miles on it, we do not use engine heaters. It cranked over and fired like it was summer. Modern diesels will happily fire in sub-zero temperatures.

Are you sure?

I guess he didn’t have a modern engine. Or something. Not sure what that would do to the fuel. But whatever.

Airplane fuel freezes. And yes. It can freeze in flight.

Are you sure?

I guess he didn’t have a modern engine. Or something. Not sure what that would do to the fuel. But whatever.

Airplane fuel freezes. And yes. It can freeze in flight. cranked and fired right up. Bad fuel is his own fault.
Are you sure?

I guess he didn’t have a modern engine. Or something. Not sure what that would do to the fuel. But whatever.

Airplane fuel freezes. And yes. It can freeze in flight.

That's why you use anti-gel in the mix. You can buy cheaper fuel but it won't have that additive in it. Our company found out the hard way when the boss instructed us to go to a certain station because fuel was much cheaper. He never did that again. Afterwards we went back to the dealership where we leased our trucks from because the boss knew damn well they wouldn't buy untreated fuel, and he still had us use anti-gel when it got below 0 degrees.
Are you sure?

I guess he didn’t have a modern engine. Or something. Not sure what that would do to the fuel. But whatever.

Airplane fuel freezes. And yes. It can freeze in flight.

It fired right up. WTF are you talking about?
Our intention is not to let you denier fuckups burn up the planet.

As the body count goes up in Buffalo, when are you commies going to realize humans can adapt to heat much easier than cold. Thousands more would have died in that blizzard if there weren't fissile fuels to keep them warm. Plus longer growing seasons allow us to produce more food for a growing world population. So take your propaganda and shove it.


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