Snake Meat......source of chinese virus

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www. 'The One COVID-19 Side Effect That's Terrifying People.'

This resonates with Guillain-Barre posted earlier in this thread.
We will gather reports on the neurological symptom.

Neuro COVID-19
www. Pandemic Talk thread "U.S. Cases Estimated 50,000 Today"
'....ER director in Houston said there were more 20-somethings being admitted than any other age group.'

One might suspect that the virus targets the more abundant glycosylation of 20-somethings than of 50-70-somethings.
During a COVID-19 conversation with a surgeon in March 2020, the surgeon mentioned a curious parameter of dengue virus, recalling that it was within the context of vaccine dynamics. Today, we sat up and took notice:

'....COVID-19 and dengue sound really different, but the cells that are involved are similar....a 1960s report on a patient with dengue fever...."There were large swaths of damage due to oxygen deprivation. Whether the deceased were longtime intensive care patients or people who died suddenly," Solomon said, "the pattern was eerily similar.
....megakaryocytes." '

Dengue Megakaryocytes
'....glycoprotein 1b....'

Oxygen deprivation in COVID-19 autopsies compare with the biology of anoxia in suspected COVID-19 intermediate host, Chrysemys picta.
Perhaps. But it has been snake handlers (Charismatic Christianity) and snake oil (Cloroquine as cure-all, "No big deal," reopening) that made the US the place in the world that the contagion is the worst.
What absolute BS....... It was a biological attack on America by China
The virus came from a weapons lab in Wuhan. It was meant to destroy the US economy and take down Donald Trump along the way.
The Washington Post autopsy article continues:

'Rapkiewicz was struck by the abundance in the heart of rare cells called megakaryocytes, which produce platelets that control clotting.'

We next plug in the turtle-platelet assemblage at Pubmed:

Marine Leech Anticoagulant
Marine Leech Anticoagulant Diversity and Evolution - PubMed
'....a transcript with homology to ohanin, originally isolated from King Cobra, was found in Cystobranchus vividus but is otherwise unknown from leeches.'

A sea turtle/human link to cytokines:

Human Cytokines

Closer to Chrysemys would be Trachemys. Both share a certain parasite, so hydroxychloroquine COVID-19 pharmacodynamics link the malaria parasite at this point:

#668 has an intriguing hypothesis, though post #669 fails to consider that the 'lab strain' hypothesis was refuted back in Feb or Mar. The genome has been sequenced, and anyone who thinks they know where the lab sequence was inserted and what the sequence is, is welcome to speculate. We don't think it's a viable argument.

Quite by serendipity, as chloroquine and snakes were being invoked in post #668, we retrieved some interesting links from Pubmed.
We should reiterate that Chrysemys (and Pelodiscus) as likely intermediate hosts of COVID-19 came from a multi-authored report from Wuhan University, China; Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico; University of California at San Diego, etc.
Malaria is from the phylum Apicocomplexa. So too is the coccidea from Trachemys (Big Bend Slider, Socorro County, New Mexico):

Trachemys / Coccidea (Apicocomplexa: Eimeriidae)

Genus Eimeria also occurs in Chrysemys, and the parasite shared by both Chrysemys and Trachemys is Eimeria trachemydis. Now, it will be a matter of investigating parasite populations in Chinese Chrysemys and Pelodiscus, but will Americans be allowed to do that there?
We've already posted the U.S. Army study for another suspected intermediate COVID-19 host, Chinese krait, Bungarus. As that study (from 1988) showed, chloroquine increased bungarotoxin potency 17-fold. This is another item we will place in the hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine file. The U.S. Army study is in post #357.
For comparison with COVID-19 neuro symptoms in humans, a spirorchid fluke causes neurological symptoms in Chrysemys:

Chrysemys / Spirorchis / Fatal Trematodiasis
'....swimming sideways....eggs were seen within liver, spleen, brain, kidney, lung, myocardium and pancreas....praziquantel is effective treatment.'

Chloroquine links to praziquantel:

Plasmodium Chloroquine Resistance
'....reversing action of praziquantel on effect of chloroquine.'

Two abstracts in particular link helminth parasites to Bungarus:

Bungarus / ACE

Bungarus / Food Market Sparganosis
What works for Chrysemys helminth infection is contraindicated for COVID-19 when treated with hydroxychloroquine:

Jul 2020 COVID-19 ChemoProphylaxis with Hydroxychloroquine
'....Exclusion Criteria: presence of any of the following....praziquantel.'
Following the platelet evidence in COVID-19 autopsies (posts #667 & 670), we linked leech anticoagulant of King Cobra (post #670). We next link Monogenea parasites to both snake and turtle:

Pseudonaja textilis / Monogenea

Monogenea / Chrysemys / Upper Peninsula, Michigan

Monogenea Chrysemys / Trachemys
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