SMOKING GUN: Biden's Mail-in votes CATESTROPHICALLY fail Benford test in Atlanta, even though his election day votes, advanced votes and provisional v


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
SMOKING GUN: Biden's Mail-in votes CATESTROPHICALLY fail Benford test in Atlanta, even though his election day votes, advanced votes and provisional votes pass!

Fellow USMB conservatives, you will need a solid 45 minutes to watch this entire video from beginning to end. I made the commentary friendly for non mathematics. I spent the last three days making this video, please give me 45 minutes in return!

In this video you will see that all votes received by Biden, Trump and Jo Jorgenson pass the Benford test, even when divided into Election Day, Advanced Voting, Mail-in and Provisional Votes across the 1100 districts in Atlanta, Georgia.

The only category that fails the Benford test (and fails catastrophically) are Biden's Mail in votes.

Since Biden received roughly the same (or slightly more) Advanced Votes, and his Advanced Vote passed the Benford test quite smoothly, any argument raised by Democrats in defense of Biden's Mail-in vote failure is automatically refuted by the smooth Benford distribution of his Advanced Votes, compounded by the fact that Biden's Election Day and Provisional Votes also pass the test, as do all categories of Trump's and Jo Jorgenson's votes, including their own Mail-in frequencies.

Here are the links:

SCYTL's election tabulations and spreadsheet files for each county and district:

Election Night Reporting

A compilation of all precinct data for Georgia:

The original thread where me and pede brainpreeze collaborated to get past the hurdles (which I believe were intentional) to prevent ordinary citizens without a paid version of Excel nor ancient 32-bit JRE operating system overlay:

CANT PUT LINK to another messageboard ON USMB, watch near end of video

The Digit Separation Tool, with all the data from the 1041 voting precincts in the Democrat counties of Atlanta (to use this calculator you will have to make your copy so you can enter your own values, I protected the original file):

Georgia Digit Parse, Atlanta Counties, Presidential, Edward Solomon

The Benford Analysis tool (to use this calculator you have to copy and paste the values from the Digit Separation Tool into the corresponding columns, watch video for tutorial).

The Benford Calculator, Edward Solomon

The Index Chart for the Digit Separation Tool for the Atlanta Counties and Columns.

Atlanta Indicies, 2020 Election; Digit Parse Sheet

I will soon have the data for all counties. I'm going to do the following:

Atlanta Counties only (complete). All Democrat Counties All Democrat Counties excluding Atlanta Counties. All Republican Counties (want to look for Dominion machine fraud in the R counties).
For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
It is a tried and true method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.
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For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.

Um no. Unlike you, I try to educate myself.

You on the other hand have nothing but to call people liars in lieu of an actual point.
For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.
Hey Chang, shouldn't you be eating the corn out of the pretend prez-elect's shit right about now?

You do not want to displease your dear leaders..... hmm?
Bah, we're not supposed to be nerds, just stupid rednecks. ... Right?

For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it. It is a tried and true method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
And Biden votes fail to met up to this standard?
Well....who would have thought, that is shocking, I'm so surprised, knock me over with a feather, you're shittin'me, etc.

Fuck Biden and his fan boys.
For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.

Um no. Unlike you, I try to educate myself.

You on the other hand have nothing but to call people liars in lieu of an actual point.
Another LIE! If you had actually tried to educate yourself you would have known that the Benford test is no more accurate than a flip of a coin in elections. It is as wrong as often as it is right, but educated as you are, you knew that already, which makes you a PREMEDITATED serial LIAR.
For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.

Um no. Unlike you, I try to educate myself.

You on the other hand have nothing but to call people liars in lieu of an actual point.
Another LIE! If you had actuall;y tried to educate yourself you would have known that the Benford test is no more accurate than a flip of a coin in elections. It is as wrong as often as it is right, but educated as you are, you knew that already, which makes you a PREMEDITATED serial LIAR.


You know nothing. And I am not about to waste my time trying to educate you on how the Benford test works.

You sir, are well outside 5 standard deviations of a fully functioning brain.
For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
It is a tried and true method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.

Really? Then why did Biden's IN person votes, Advanced Votes and Provisional votes match the Benford distribution perfectly, as did Trump's and Jorg's votes (including their mail in votes?

The only category that fails IS THE MAIL IN VOTE (for Biden)!

SMOKING GUN: Biden's Mail-in votes CATESTROPHICALLY fail Benford test in Atlanta, even though his election day votes, advanced votes and provisional votes pass!

Fellow USMB conservatives, you will need a solid 45 minutes to watch this entire video from beginning to end. I made the commentary friendly for non mathematics. I spent the last three days making this video, please give me 45 minutes in return!

In this video you will see that all votes received by Biden, Trump and Jo Jorgenson pass the Benford test, even when divided into Election Day, Advanced Voting, Mail-in and Provisional Votes across the 1100 districts in Atlanta, Georgia.

The only category that fails the Benford test (and fails catastrophically) are Biden's Mail in votes.

Since Biden received roughly the same (or slightly more) Advanced Votes, and his Advanced Vote passed the Benford test quite smoothly, any argument raised by Democrats in defense of Biden's Mail-in vote failure is automatically refuted by the smooth Benford distribution of his Advanced Votes, compounded by the fact that Biden's Election Day and Provisional Votes also pass the test, as do all categories of Trump's and Jo Jorgenson's votes, including their own Mail-in frequencies.

Here are the links:

SCYTL's election tabulations and spreadsheet files for each county and district:

Election Night Reporting

A compilation of all precinct data for Georgia:


The original thread where me and pede brainpreeze collaborated to get past the hurdles (which I believe were intentional) to prevent ordinary citizens without a paid version of Excel nor ancient 32-bit JRE operating system overlay:

CANT PUT LINK to another messageboard ON USMB, watch near end of video

The Digit Separation Tool, with all the data from the 1041 voting precincts in the Democrat counties of Atlanta (to use this calculator you will have to make your copy so you can enter your own values, I protected the original file):

Georgia Digit Parse, Atlanta Counties, Presidential, Edward Solomon

The Benford Analysis tool (to use this calculator you have to copy and paste the values from the Digit Separation Tool into the corresponding columns, watch video for tutorial).

The Benford Calculator, Edward Solomon

The Index Chart for the Digit Separation Tool for the Atlanta Counties and Columns.

Atlanta Indicies, 2020 Election; Digit Parse Sheet

I will soon have the data for all counties. I'm going to do the following:

Atlanta Counties only (complete). All Democrat Counties All Democrat Counties excluding Atlanta Counties. All Republican Counties (want to look for Dominion machine fraud in the R counties).

USMB conservatives, you need to stop believing these ridiculous lies, stop being so desperate and pathetic, and start accepting the fact that Trump lost and Biden will be president come January 20, 2021, the consequence of fair and honest elections devoid of fraud or misconduct.
For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.

Um no. Unlike you, I try to educate myself.

You on the other hand have nothing but to call people liars in lieu of an actual point.
Another LIE! If you had actuall;y tried to educate yourself you would have known that the Benford test is no more accurate than a flip of a coin in elections. It is as wrong as often as it is right, but educated as you are, you knew that already, which makes you a PREMEDITATED serial LIAR.


You know nothing. And I am not about to waste my time trying to educate you on how the Benford test works.

You sir, are well outside 5 standard deviations of a fully functioning brain, my friend.
You don't even know what a standard deviation is, IDIOT.
You can't educate me about something you know nothing about.
For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
It is a tried and true method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.

Really? Then why did Biden's IN person votes, Advanced Votes and Provisional votes match the Benford distribution perfectly, as did Trump's and Jorg's votes (including their mail in votes?

The only category that fails IS THE MAIL IN VOTE (for Biden)!

Why? Because you are lying.

The very fact that so many votes pass the Benford test when half should fail proves your use of the data is flawed or more likely deliberately rigged.
For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
It is a tried and true method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.

Really? Then why did Biden's IN person votes, Advanced Votes and Provisional votes match the Benford distribution perfectly, as did Trump's and Jorg's votes (including their mail in votes?

The only category that fails IS THE MAIL IN VOTE (for Biden)!

Why? Because you are lying.

The very fact that so many votes pass the Benford test when half should fail proves your use of the data is flawed or more likely deliberately rigged.

So, uh, simple question: did this election pass the Benford test?
For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.

Um no. Unlike you, I try to educate myself.

You on the other hand have nothing but to call people liars in lieu of an actual point.
Another LIE! If you had actuall;y tried to educate yourself you would have known that the Benford test is no more accurate than a flip of a coin in elections. It is as wrong as often as it is right, but educated as you are, you knew that already, which makes you a PREMEDITATED serial LIAR.


You know nothing. And I am not about to waste my time trying to educate you on how the Benford test works.

You sir, are well outside 5 standard deviations of a fully functioning brain, my friend.
You don't even know what a standard deviation is, IDIOT.
You can't educate me about something you know nothing about.

See the thing is, I can look it up. Easy enough for me right? I actually want to know things. I don't mindlessly parrot LIAR LIAR on a forum like you do, rookie.
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For those who don't know what the Benford Curve is, google it.
It is a tried and true method of weeding out irregularities in elections around the world.
LIAR! You just made that crap up!
In elections it is no more accurate than a coin toss, and nobody knows that better than you.

Really? Then why did Biden's IN person votes, Advanced Votes and Provisional votes match the Benford distribution perfectly, as did Trump's and Jorg's votes (including their mail in votes?

The only category that fails IS THE MAIL IN VOTE (for Biden)!

Why? Because you are lying.

The very fact that so many votes pass the Benford test when half should fail proves your use of the data is flawed or more likely deliberately rigged.

I have all the links in the OP, including the SCYTL website for the original data, and the compendium of the district tabulations.

You can very easily verify that the data is transcribed into the calculators with perfection.

If you don't believe the calculators, you can use the "Column data" feature in google sheets for the frequencies yourself as well, and see they match the calculators.

As to why only Biden's MAIL IN vote fails...tell it to the judge.
Trump Nazis don't even know what a Benford test is, they are just mindlessly parroting Right-wing BULLSHIT!
Care to comment on the op, or are you just going to mindlessly parrot your Left wing bullshit opinion?
I did comment on the OP, the Benford test is WORTHLESS for elections.

A study called “Benford’s Law and the Detection of Election Fraud”, published in 2011 by Joseph Deckert, Mikhail Myagkov, Professor of Political Science at the University of Oregon (here) and Peter Ordeshook, Professor of Political Science at Caltech (here), found that Benford’s Law was “problematical at best” when applied to elections: “We find that conformity with and deviations from Benford's Law follow no pattern. […] Its “success rate” either way is essentially equivalent to a toss of a coin, thereby rendering it problematical at best as a forensic tool and wholly misleading at worst.” (here)

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