Sinema's Poll Numbers Are Plumetting!

I don't know much about Sinema... But Mancin has a vested and legit interest in keeping the coal industry happy in his state. Maybe you should be asking why Biden and Buffett are so hot on shipping millions of tons of coal to Xi instead of criticizing a guy who's trying to save jobs that his constituents. That's what A Senator is supposed to do...take care of his States residents.
Ted Kennedy is corrupt and immoral as he was was a fabulous state senator when it came to take care of the people of Massachusetts.
BTW, there is no such thing as Fossil Fuels. That is a way outdated theory. We know now that The Earth takes carbon from the sea floor in a subduction zone, and under heat and pressure converts it to Hydrocarbons. The Hydrocarbons percolate up through the Earth's crust in to permeable rock, fissures, and cavities.
Looks like the Arizona voters have had just about enough of her corrupt corporate Democrat her BS...
  1. Kyrsten Sinema is in real trouble after awful poll numbers and big new revelations
  2. Sinema viewed unfavorably by one-third of Arizona Democrats in poll
  3. Democratic Voters Drive Decline in Sinema’s Popularity in Arizona - Morning Consult
  4. New poll shows Kyrsten Sinema's moderate approach has weakened democratic support
Unless the Republican voters of Arizona decide to support her, if this keeps up she's sure to be a goner.

And it would be good riddance to bad rubbish.
Leftists cheering on the demise of their own party can't be a bad thing...
Not the general, Sinema is up in 2024, not many will split from the party in a presidential election year.
If Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) decides to run for reelection next year, she’ll do so without the help of the big-name Democratic ad makers and pollsters who helped her win her Senate seat in 2018, and without access to the voter database maintained by the Democratic Party.

If Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) decides to run for reelection next year, she’ll do so without the help of the big-name Democratic ad makers and pollsters who helped her win her Senate seat in 2018, and without access to the voter database maintained by the Democratic Party.

yep…guess she sees the writing on the wall and realizes she has a much better chance without the demafasict party…

moreover how much money is your party gonna have now that your second largest donor is going to prison for a ponzi. scheme and campaign fin volations? can your party really hold up with our crooks funding it?
yep…guess she sees the writing on the wall and realizes she has a much better chance without the demafasict party…

moreover how much money is your party gonna have now that your second largest donor is going to prison for a ponzi. scheme and campaign fin volations? can your party really hold up with our crooks funding it?

Turns out, you're just repeating another lie

FTX's Sam Bankman-Fried Says He Made Secret Donations to Republicans​

In a newly published phone call SBF claims, "reporters freak the fuck out if you donate to a Republican because they’re all super liberal."​

Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, says he donated equally to both Democratic and Republican politicians before his cryptocurrency platform filed for bankruptcy earlier this month, wiping out billions of dollars in customer deposits. And that fact is going to come as a real shock to right-wing political operatives on Fox News who’ve tried to claim Democrats were the only ones beholden to FTX cash.

I doubt you being wrong will even slow you down though.

Your lies are so easy to debunk

Turns out, you're just repeating another lie

FTX's Sam Bankman-Fried Says He Made Secret Donations to Republicans​

In a newly published phone call SBF claims, "reporters freak the fuck out if you donate to a Republican because they’re all super liberal."​

Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, says he donated equally to both Democratic and Republican politicians before his cryptocurrency platform filed for bankruptcy earlier this month, wiping out billions of dollars in customer deposits. And that fact is going to come as a real shock to right-wing political operatives on Fox News who’ve tried to claim Democrats were the only ones beholden to FTX cash.

I doubt you being wrong will even slow you down though.

Your lies are so easy to debunk

haha oh yeah let’s take the word of this crook that he “secretly” donated to both hahaha

you are just sad
yep…guess she sees the writing on the wall and realizes she has a much better chance without the demafasict party…

moreover how much money is your party gonna have now that your second largest donor is going to prison for a ponzi. scheme and campaign fin volations? can your party really hold up with our crooks funding it?

Bankman-Fried’s claim paints an even more perplexing picture of a man who positioned himself as an ethical billionaire who was very publicly the second largest donor to Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections, but was donating just as much to the Republicans behind closed doors.

The 30-year-old Bankman-Fried, who’s reportedly still living in the Bahamas, said that he was able to make his donations anonymously because of Citizens United, a 2010 U.S. Supreme Court case that declared unlimited political donations were a form of speech and should be protected by the First Amendment. The case has allowed millions of dollars of so-called “dark money” to enter the political system without disclosures on who’s making the payments.

“[My Republican donations were] not generally known, because despite Citizens United being literally the highest profile Supreme Court case of the decade and the thing everyone talks about when they talk about campaign finance, for some reason, in practice, no one can possibly fathom the idea that someone, in practice, actually gave dark,” Bankman-Fried explained on the phone call.

Bankman-Fried was very public about giving to Democrats, even appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press Reports to discuss his left-leaning donations with host Chuck Todd before the 2022 midterms. But Bankman-Fried’s donations to Republicans were done secretly, according to the former crypto billionaire, because most reporters are “super liberal.”

“All my Republican donations were dark. And the reason, was not for regulatory reasons, it’s because reporters freak the fuck out if you donate to a Republican because they’re all super liberal. And I didn’t want to have that fight so I just made all the Republican ones dark,” Bankman-Fried said on the call, claiming he was the “second or third biggest” donor to Republicans in 2022.

Right-wing media figures have spent the past two weeks raising questions about Bankman-Fried’s donation of roughly $40 million to Democrats, even asking if they skewed the result of the 2022 midterms.

Will all the Republicans who received dark money from this guy going to give the money he gave them back?
haha oh yeah let’s take the word of this crook that he “secretly” donated to both hahaha

you are just sad

He's a Republican asshole. And this is why us liberals hate citizens united. We told you assholes this kind of shit could and would happen.

Yes, I believe he donates to both sides. He'd be stupid not to and you'd be stupid to think he doesn't.
Bankman-Fried’s claim paints an even more perplexing picture of a man who positioned himself as an ethical billionaire who was very publicly the second largest donor to Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections, but was donating just as much to the Republicans behind closed doors.

The 30-year-old Bankman-Fried, who’s reportedly still living in the Bahamas, said that he was able to make his donations anonymously because of Citizens United, a 2010 U.S. Supreme Court case that declared unlimited political donations were a form of speech and should be protected by the First Amendment. The case has allowed millions of dollars of so-called “dark money” to enter the political system without disclosures on who’s making the payments.

“[My Republican donations were] not generally known, because despite Citizens United being literally the highest profile Supreme Court case of the decade and the thing everyone talks about when they talk about campaign finance, for some reason, in practice, no one can possibly fathom the idea that someone, in practice, actually gave dark,” Bankman-Fried explained on the phone call.

Bankman-Fried was very public about giving to Democrats, even appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press Reports to discuss his left-leaning donations with host Chuck Todd before the 2022 midterms. But Bankman-Fried’s donations to Republicans were done secretly, according to the former crypto billionaire, because most reporters are “super liberal.”

“All my Republican donations were dark. And the reason, was not for regulatory reasons, it’s because reporters freak the fuck out if you donate to a Republican because they’re all super liberal. And I didn’t want to have that fight so I just made all the Republican ones dark,” Bankman-Fried said on the call, claiming he was the “second or third biggest” donor to Republicans in 2022.

Right-wing media figures have spent the past two weeks raising questions about Bankman-Fried’s donation of roughly $40 million to Democrats, even asking if they skewed the result of the 2022 midterms.

Will all the Republicans who received dark money from this guy going to give the money he gave them back?
he’s a crook that laundered money for your cult.
He's a Republican asshole. And this is why us liberals hate citizens united. We told you assholes this kind of shit could and would happen.

Yes, I believe he donates to both sides. He'd be stupid not to and you'd be stupid to think he doesn't.
if he we’re a republican he wouldn’t be the second largest donor to your klan…and his parents wouldn’t be two liberal professors from Stanford

you are a cheap hack
haha oh yeah let’s take the word of this crook that he “secretly” donated to both hahaha

you are just sad

if he we’re a republican he wouldn’t be the second largest donor to your klan…and his parents wouldn’t be two liberal professors from Stanford

you are a cheap hack
That is actually a brilliant move for a rich asshole to pull. Give all your public money to Democrats. Like Bezos. But the dark money donations are bigger and go to Republicans..

If you don't think that's happening, you're a complete idiot.
That is actually a brilliant move for a rich asshole to pull. Give all your public money to Democrats. Like Bezos. But the dark money donations are bigger and go to Republicans..

If you don't think that's happening, you're a complete idiot.
haha yeah some brilliant con…be the second largest donor to the dem party…and trump’s tax returns, and russia…haha
haha yeah some brilliant con…be the second largest donor to the dem party…and trump’s tax returns, and russia…haha
The guy admitted that it's not very popular with the media to be a Republican so publicly he donates to Dems and dark money goes to GOP.

Let's end Citizens United. Otherwise, of course this is what rich scumbag are doing.
The guy admitted that it's not very popular with the media to be a Republican so publicly he donates to Dems and dark money goes to GOP.

Let's end Citizens United. Otherwise, of course this is what rich scumbag are doing.
haha the guy is a lying crook…a dem that donates to the demafasict because they support his crook ways

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