Shouldn't the GOP be genuinely worried about 2012?

In truth, the only viable candidate is Romney, so if he doesn't win the primary, the GOP might as well throw in the towel because the rest of them suck.

Romney is pretty evenly matched with Obama right now in the polls. However, they are tied despite a sluggish economy. That says a lot about Obama. I think he is bound to only gain momentum from here on out. Afterall, the economy is actually improving a smidge. It just needs to remain consistent until 2012 (not very likely).

Sex scandal or no sex scandal, Cain doesn't know what the hell he is doing. His only solution to growing the economy is his 999 plan which would raise takes on 87% of the population. It would hardly be a cure-all.
Not only does he not have any experience in foreign policy, he knows nothing about it. He's demonstrated that several times in the debates.

I'm not sure about Newt's policies. I don't think it matters, though. He isn't going to win the Primary. It will likely be Romney.
Newt has been pulling himself up in the debates.

Politics have gotten tough these days, and the press had made it clear the sole and only qualification they will accept is the ability to scorch the earth in debate.

There is a brutal battle going on in the land, free enterprise v marxism, and those expecting the presidency to be a pampered pal existence are in for a rude awakening. If anyone has the clout and wherewithal to intimidate today's dirty press, it's Newt Gingrich. There might be a 4-year opening for someone who can counter brutalize the asinine press and send their sorry heineys to the corner.
And it's been absolutely wonderful how ALL the candidates have been firing back at the media...and it's long past due...

That has certainly served them well.
That might be because the Republicans have been lackluster to the point of being limpwristed in rebuttals. From what I have seen from the Candidates? They have been firing back don't's gonna get brutal...and it needs to happen. Fire the shit right back at them and all based in fact.

I think that's why Newt has been scoring a lot of points. He's not taking their BS and he is calling them out on it. The liberals (especially the MSM) are absolutely brutal when it comes to launching an attack on a GOP candidate. Historically, the GOP has been rather passive in response ('cause if they shove it right back just as hard then the media calls them loose cannons so historically there's been no way to win). Newt doesn't seem to give a shit. :lol: I would like to see a touch of that from Romney as well. We've seen a bit, I think, but he's a lot smoother about it. I think if Romney gave one good "up yours" in Newt's style to a debate moderator his numbers would improve.

It raises an interesting question in my mind....what's more important to the Republican electorate as a whole? Someone who has iron clad conservative principles or someone who is willing to shove it up the ass of a liberal?
It isn't true that the incumbent normally has a big lead at this point in the race. At this point in the race -- one year away -- the challenger normally polls about 5-10 points better against the incumbent than he will on election day, because the incumbent hasn't started campaigning yet.

Where you expect the incumbent to have a lead and the race to tighten from is after Labor Day election year, after both nominations have happened. From here, Obama tying Romney is very bad news for Romney.

It depends. Incumbents who end up winning usually poll strongly ahead of their challenger at this point. Incumbents who end up losing usually don't. Also it depends on the time frame. The "incumbent poll advantage" (we will call it) has to be limited to the last few presidents...say back to Carter at the absolute most because technology and the flow of information has changed dramatically. And keep in mind the key word is "usually". There is always the confounder.
In truth, the only viable candidate is Romney, so if he doesn't win the primary, the GOP might as well throw in the towel because the rest of them suck.

Romney is pretty evenly matched with Obama right now in the polls. However, they are tied despite a sluggish economy. That says a lot about Obama. I think he is bound to only gain momentum from here on out. Afterall, the economy is actually improving a smidge. It just needs to remain consistent until 2012 (not very likely).

Sex scandal or no sex scandal, Cain doesn't know what the hell he is doing. His only solution to growing the economy is his 999 plan which would raise takes on 87% of the population. It would hardly be a cure-all.
Not only does he not have any experience in foreign policy, he knows nothing about it. He's demonstrated that several times in the debates.

I'm not sure about Newt's policies. I don't think it matters, though. He isn't going to win the Primary. It will likely be Romney.
Newt has been pulling himself up in the debates.

Politics have gotten tough these days, and the press had made it clear the sole and only qualification they will accept is the ability to scorch the earth in debate.

There is a brutal battle going on in the land, free enterprise v marxism, and those expecting the presidency to be a pampered pal existence are in for a rude awakening. If anyone has the clout and wherewithal to intimidate today's dirty press, it's Newt Gingrich. There might be a 4-year opening for someone who can counter brutalize the asinine press and send their sorry heineys to the corner.
And it's been absolutely wonderful how ALL the candidates have been firing back at the media...and it's long past due...
It takes a keen eye to see a press that's like Medusa with an arm waving enticingly toward every leftist pie, luring the unchary to defeat. But it will take the next president to save fairness in the land the ability to countermand point by point each and every flaming charcoal hurled his way by the gorgon.
That might be because the Republicans have been lackluster to the point of being limpwristed in rebuttals. From what I have seen from the Candidates? They have been firing back don't's gonna get brutal...and it needs to happen. Fire the shit right back at them and all based in fact.

I think that's why Newt has been scoring a lot of points. He's not taking their BS and he is calling them out on it. The liberals (especially the MSM) are absolutely brutal when it comes to launching an attack on a GOP candidate. Historically, the GOP has been rather passive in response ('cause if they shove it right back just as hard then the media calls them loose cannons so historically there's been no way to win). Newt doesn't seem to give a shit. :lol: I would like to see a touch of that from Romney as well. We've seen a bit, I think, but he's a lot smoother about it. I think if Romney gave one good "up yours" in Newt's style to a debate moderator his numbers would improve.

It raises an interesting question in my mind....what's more important to the Republican electorate as a whole? Someone who has iron clad conservative principles or someone who is willing to shove it up the ass of a liberal?
You have hit on the crux of the issue, BluePhantom. The American public wants all you have mentioned plus unity of the poles. It's the American pie. :D
You have hit on the crux of the issue, BluePhantom. The American public wants all you have mentioned plus unity of the poles. It's the American pie. :D

Well if that's what they want then I will have to respectfully decline my party's nomination as I have far too many skeletons in my closet. :eusa_whistle: Seriously though, candidates that have all that are very rare. I think I can count on one hand how many presidents have had all that.

And me Scott
I don't suppose it dawns on you dumbass liberals that the very fact that Romney is acceptable to you is what makes him completely unelectable. Romney may be Obama's only chance.
I don't suppose it dawns on you dumbass liberals that the very fact that Romney is acceptable to you is what makes him completely unelectable.

Nope. Exactly the opposite, in fact. The "conservative" cult represents maybe 20% of the population, and its hard-core tenets are anathema to the other 80%. Any candidate you guys REALLY like, is, for that reason, by definition, unelectable. The only GOP candidate that can ever have any chance at all of beating Obama is, by definition, one that, from your perspective, sucks.
In truth, the only viable candidate is Romney, so if he doesn't win the primary, the GOP might as well throw in the towel because the rest of them suck.

Romney is pretty evenly matched with Obama right now in the polls. However, they are tied despite a sluggish economy. That says a lot about Obama. I think he is bound to only gain momentum from here on out. Afterall, the economy is actually improving a smidge. It just needs to remain consistent until 2012 (not very likely).

Sex scandal or no sex scandal, Cain doesn't know what the hell he is doing. His only solution to growing the economy is his 999 plan which would raise takes on 87% of the population. It would hardly be a cure-all.
Not only does he not have any experience in foreign policy, he knows nothing about it. He's demonstrated that several times in the debates.

I'm not sure about Newt's policies. I don't think it matters, though. He isn't going to win the Primary. It will likely be Romney.

Only if the General Public is Stupid enough to By the narrative Obama and the Dems are selling. That this is just all Republicans fault, and that Democrats could save us all if Republicans just went away.

Which I don't think is gonna happen. lol
I don't suppose it dawns on you dumbass liberals that the very fact that Romney is acceptable to you is what makes him completely unelectable. Romney may be Obama's only chance.

Riiiiigggghhhhtttt! Because, you know, if you want to win an election there's no better thing to do than nominate someone who the Independent voters (who make up 1/3rd of the electorate) absolutely can't stand. Sharon Angle ring a bell? Christine O'Donnell? Nominate Bachman, Santorum, or someone like that and you will see that happen all over again.

Cain MIGHT beat Obama. Gingrich CAN beat Obama. Romney WILL beat Obama.
You have hit on the crux of the issue, BluePhantom. The American public wants all you have mentioned plus unity of the poles. It's the American pie. :D

Well if that's what they want then I will have to respectfully decline my party's nomination as I have far too many skeletons in my closet. :eusa_whistle: Seriously though, candidates that have all that are very rare. I think I can count on one hand how many presidents have had all that.

And me Scott
You are right, Scott. We pick presidents for the human race, then expect them to be immortals. The current press demands someone with the gift of gab, maximizes conservatives' gaffes while minimizing those of liberals. We need all of the American people to get a grip on the tenets of the peril our way of life is in. Unfortunately, a bureaucracy has grown in every aspect of government with too much centralized power, and it takes nothing but raw intellect to cut through the amenities with love and respect for the least and the best among us.

The next President must have a huge capacity to love his enemies as well as his friends.
In truth, the only viable candidate is Romney, so if he doesn't win the primary, the GOP might as well throw in the towel because the rest of them suck.

Romney is pretty evenly matched with Obama right now in the polls. However, they are tied despite a sluggish economy. That says a lot about Obama. I think he is bound to only gain momentum from here on out. Afterall, the economy is actually improving a smidge. It just needs to remain consistent until 2012 (not very likely).

Sex scandal or no sex scandal, Cain doesn't know what the hell he is doing. His only solution to growing the economy is his 999 plan which would raise takes on 87% of the population. It would hardly be a cure-all.
Not only does he not have any experience in foreign policy, he knows nothing about it. He's demonstrated that several times in the debates.

I'm not sure about Newt's policies. I don't think it matters, though. He isn't going to win the Primary. It will likely be Romney.

9% unemployment.....buh-bye Obama.

that would certainly be true for sure....

IF the public actually blamed him for where we are. But they don't. They blame congress.... which is why congressional job approval is barely above 10%.

given the unemployment level, the president's approval rating is pretty high.

and just as a reminder, when reagan was re-elected, unemployment was very high, too.

no matter what that circumstance is, you STILL have to have a decent candidate and can't just nominate one of the nutbars
It isn't true that the incumbent normally has a big lead at this point in the race. At this point in the race -- one year away -- the challenger normally polls about 5-10 points better against the incumbent than he will on election day, because the incumbent hasn't started campaigning yet.

Where you expect the incumbent to have a lead and the race to tighten from is after Labor Day election year, after both nominations have happened. From here, Obama tying Romney is very bad news for Romney.

Can you tell us when Obama stopped campaigning??????
I don't suppose it dawns on you dumbass liberals that the very fact that Romney is acceptable to you is what makes him completely unelectable. Romney may be Obama's only chance.

Just a second Ben...let's put this into perspective. Now the nation is pretty evenly split. Roughly 1/3rd are democrats, 1/3rd are Republicans, and 1/3rd are Independents. Now if I want to elect a Republican I can immediately kiss 1/3rd of the electorate goodbye because they are Democrats and won't vote for my candidate regardless of what he says or does. So your strategy is to nominate someone that only the Republicans can stomach securing me 1/3rd of the electorate, yet someone the Independents would love to track down with torches and pitchforks. That means we have secured 1/3rd and pissed away 2/3rds.

Well that's fucking brilliant Ben! Why didn't any of us ever think of that? I swear to God, the next time I am in a situation where there's going to be a vote on something I want done, you're the man I am going to call. We will identify everyone that is on the fence and you can go kick them in the balls and tell them "hey, that's from Scott. he would appreciate your vote".

In truth, the only viable candidate is Romney, so if he doesn't win the primary, the GOP might as well throw in the towel because the rest of them suck.

Romney is pretty evenly matched with Obama right now in the polls. However, they are tied despite a sluggish economy. That says a lot about Obama. I think he is bound to only gain momentum from here on out. Afterall, the economy is actually improving a smidge. It just needs to remain consistent until 2012 (not very likely).

Sex scandal or no sex scandal, Cain doesn't know what the hell he is doing. His only solution to growing the economy is his 999 plan which would raise takes on 87% of the population. It would hardly be a cure-all.
Not only does he not have any experience in foreign policy, he knows nothing about it. He's demonstrated that several times in the debates.

I'm not sure about Newt's policies. I don't think it matters, though. He isn't going to win the Primary. It will likely be Romney.

And your definition of "viable" would be what, newbie? And why should any of us be at all interested in your pronouncements and predictions?
It isn't true that the incumbent normally has a big lead at this point in the race. At this point in the race -- one year away -- the challenger normally polls about 5-10 points better against the incumbent than he will on election day, because the incumbent hasn't started campaigning yet.

Where you expect the incumbent to have a lead and the race to tighten from is after Labor Day election year, after both nominations have happened. From here, Obama tying Romney is very bad news for Romney.

Can you tell us when Obama stopped campaigning??????

All Presidents Campaign all the time, But Obama has taken it to a new Level. It seems like since he made his big "jobs plan Speech" that he has completely given up on Governing, and is focusing 100% on Campaigning. It seems he and the Dems would rather have something to point at and say look we tried but they wouldn't let us. Than actually compromise and do something.

They have been pretty successful at claiming Republicans are doing nothing, but the truth is The Republicans in the house have passed a Dozen plus Bills that Harry Reid has Tabled and Refuses to even allow Debate on. All of which are Aimed at helping the Economy and Jobs Situation. Things that will Actually Stimulate the Private Sector. Unlike most of the Presidents plan. Things that address what we believe are some of the Problems dragging this Economy down. Obama and the Dems think the only way to Create Jobs is through Massive Government spending programs. They want us to Believe a half again Version of Stimulus will finally get the Private sector rolling again. It's sheer Insanity.

This Election comes down to the Gullibility of the American People. If they buy the line of BS that Democrats are selling. Obama will win another Term, and Republicans might even lose some seats.

If Americans are smarter and understand that it takes 2 to Compromise. That Obama's Idea of Compromise is to toss a few things the Republicans might like into a Bill full of shit they are totally opposed to, and Deficit Spending they Promised their Constituents they would not support, Along with some small short term Tax Cuts. While putting the Responsibility of Finding the Cuts(and Tax Increases later) to pay for it all on a Dysfunctional Super Committee. Then Scream and Cry that Republicans are stopping him from Saving us all when they Refuse to support it. As he knew they would have to do.
There are some factors on the horizon that have not developed yet. The OWS protesters intend to make this election about the banking/investment industry, they will be a presence at every tea party republican rally next year, bound to be police beatings galore, not good for people already struggling to appear as if they give a damn about regular people, plus they will be forced to publicly side with the big banks.

The primaries are going to be a bitter exercise in party disunity, the candidates are going to sully each other's names to the point that none of them are likely to look good by Nov.

The incredible onslaught of smear ads against Obama will make this the most negative presidential race in history, people are getting sick of apocalyptic warnings of socialist takeovers already.

Finally a word to the conservative base, quit thinking the swing voters feel the same as you, you are now so far from the center that even they look like commies to you. Fringe politics will be terribly out of fashion by next November, do not be surprised when your tired old culture wars social issues lose traction.

So you are claiming that the OWs people will attend Republican or right leaning functions and cause violence. And that this will win the election for Obama......
OK! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Fact is none of it matters. Should Obama win it will just take that much longer to get the country back to it's former greatness.

The left labors under the delusion that the Idiot Occupation is sympathetic to normal people.
I think Romney is going to be the nominee and I think the Repubs will rally around him to beat Obama, same as the Dems will do for Obama. If the economy does not improve much then I'd have to think Obama is toast, hard to believe the independents will stick with a president that has such a poor record. I think Romney would win.

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