The Common Thread


Educator (of liberals)
Nov 11, 2011
Portland, OR / Salem, OR
I did some extensive research in this today. According to the most recent census and statistical information from government reporting agencies, the 10 cities with the highest poverty level and the 10 cities with the highest crime rate all have one thing in common. Can you guess what it is? Let's break it down:

10 Cities with Highest Poverty Level as of 2010

10. Newark, NJ – Last Republican mayor was 1907
9. Philadelphia, PA – Last Republican mayor was 1952
8. Cincinnati, OH – Last Republican mayor was 1971
7. Memphis, TN – Has NEVER had a Republican mayor
6. Miami, FL - Has NEVER had a Republican mayor
5. St. Louis, MO - Hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1949
4. Milwaukee, WI – Last Republican mayor was 1908
3. Buffalo, NY - Hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961
2. Cleveland, OH - Hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1980
1. Detroit, MI - Hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1957

10 Cities with the Highest Crime Rate as of 2010

10. Stockton, CA - Last Republican mayor left office in 2008
9. Rockford, IL - Hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1957
8. Baltimore, MD – Last elected GOP mayor in 1963
7. Little Rock, AK - Last Republican mayor was in 1985
6. Oakland, CA - Hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1966
5. Memphis, TN - Has NEVER had a Republican mayor.
4. New Haven, CT - Last elected a Republican mayor in 1945
3. St. Louis. MO – Hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1949
2. Detroit, MI - Hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1957
1. Flint, MI – Last elected a GOP mayor in 1973

Currently, not a single one of them has a Republican mayor and their city-councils are mostly dominated by the Democrats. With the exception on Stockton, CA where the GOP held the office of the mayor until 2008, the most recent Republican governance of these cities was Little Rock 26 years ago!! Don't you think voters would have put two and two together by now?
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