Should Trump Pardon Bernie (Madoff)?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Back in 2009, notorious white-collar criminal Bernie Madoffpleaded guilty to 11 federal felonies, including securities fraud, wire fraud, and mail fraud, in an epic, multi-decade scam that saw him swindle thousands of clients out of almost $65 billion.

"At 81, he is virtually guaranteed to die in prison, having been sentenced to a century and a half behind bars for running the largest Ponzi scheme of all time. But, he thinks that he shouldn’t, and he’s pretty sure he knows just the guy to turn to for help on that front..."

Should Don the Con grant Bernie clemency?
Would his base approve?

"Bernie Madoff is asking that President Donald Trump reduce his 150-year prison sentence.… Madoff, who pleaded guilty to 11 crimes in 2009, is not asking for a pardon from the president. Instead, he is requesting clemency from Trump in the form of a sentence commutation, or reduction, according to an application filed with the Justice Department.

"A search of the Justice Department’s website shows that Madoff’s clemency request is 'pending.'"

Madoff Asks Trump to Get Him Out of Jail, Because Why Not
"Back in 2009, notorious white-collar criminal Bernie Madoffpleaded guilty to 11 federal felonies, including securities fraud, wire fraud, and mail fraud, in an epic, multi-decade scam that saw him swindle thousands of clients out of almost $65 billion.

"At 81, he is virtually guaranteed to die in prison, having been sentenced to a century and a half behind bars for running the largest Ponzi scheme of all time. But, he thinks that he shouldn’t, and he’s pretty sure he knows just the guy to turn to for help on that front..."

Should Don the Con grant Bernie clemency?
Would his base approve?

"Bernie Madoff is asking that President Donald Trump reduce his 150-year prison sentence.… Madoff, who pleaded guilty to 11 crimes in 2009, is not asking for a pardon from the president. Instead, he is requesting clemency from Trump in the form of a sentence commutation, or reduction, according to an application filed with the Justice Department.

"A search of the Justice Department’s website shows that Madoff’s clemency request is 'pending.'"

Madoff Asks Trump to Get Him Out of Jail, Because Why Not
yes reduce it to 100 years....
This thread is proof that there is such a thing as a stupid question!
Trump should do the honorable thing and wait until his last day in office to pardon Madoff....just like Bill Clinton did for Mark Rich.
"Back in 2009, notorious white-collar criminal Bernie Madoffpleaded guilty to 11 federal felonies, including securities fraud, wire fraud, and mail fraud, in an epic, multi-decade scam that saw him swindle thousands of clients out of almost $65 billion.

"At 81, he is virtually guaranteed to die in prison, having been sentenced to a century and a half behind bars for running the largest Ponzi scheme of all time. But, he thinks that he shouldn’t, and he’s pretty sure he knows just the guy to turn to for help on that front..."

Should Don the Con grant Bernie clemency?
Would his base approve?

"Bernie Madoff is asking that President Donald Trump reduce his 150-year prison sentence.… Madoff, who pleaded guilty to 11 crimes in 2009, is not asking for a pardon from the president. Instead, he is requesting clemency from Trump in the form of a sentence commutation, or reduction, according to an application filed with the Justice Department.

"A search of the Justice Department’s website shows that Madoff’s clemency request is 'pending.'"

Madoff Asks Trump to Get Him Out of Jail, Because Why Not

This is a golden opportunity.
It's best that he die in prison, as an example to deter other con men
"Back in 2009, notorious white-collar criminal Bernie Madoffpleaded guilty to 11 federal felonies, including securities fraud, wire fraud, and mail fraud, in an epic, multi-decade scam that saw him swindle thousands of clients out of almost $65 billion.

"At 81, he is virtually guaranteed to die in prison, having been sentenced to a century and a half behind bars for running the largest Ponzi scheme of all time. But, he thinks that he shouldn’t, and he’s pretty sure he knows just the guy to turn to for help on that front..."

Should Don the Con grant Bernie clemency?
Would his base approve?

"Bernie Madoff is asking that President Donald Trump reduce his 150-year prison sentence.… Madoff, who pleaded guilty to 11 crimes in 2009, is not asking for a pardon from the president. Instead, he is requesting clemency from Trump in the form of a sentence commutation, or reduction, according to an application filed with the Justice Department.

"A search of the Justice Department’s website shows that Madoff’s clemency request is 'pending.'"

Madoff Asks Trump to Get Him Out of Jail, Because Why Not

Shorten his sentence to life plus a day.
"Back in 2009, notorious white-collar criminal Bernie Madoffpleaded guilty to 11 federal felonies, including securities fraud, wire fraud, and mail fraud, in an epic, multi-decade scam that saw him swindle thousands of clients out of almost $65 billion.

"At 81, he is virtually guaranteed to die in prison, having been sentenced to a century and a half behind bars for running the largest Ponzi scheme of all time. But, he thinks that he shouldn’t, and he’s pretty sure he knows just the guy to turn to for help on that front..."

Should Don the Con grant Bernie clemency?
Would his base approve?

"Bernie Madoff is asking that President Donald Trump reduce his 150-year prison sentence.… Madoff, who pleaded guilty to 11 crimes in 2009, is not asking for a pardon from the president. Instead, he is requesting clemency from Trump in the form of a sentence commutation, or reduction, according to an application filed with the Justice Department.

"A search of the Justice Department’s website shows that Madoff’s clemency request is 'pending.'"

Madoff Asks Trump to Get Him Out of Jail, Because Why Not

Only a Clinton, either one, would do something that stupid. Trump would never give that Ahole a pardon.
Not so stupid of Bill and his dollar hungry wife. The Clinton's undoubtedly got a whole bunch of that Rich money and the media hardly mentioned it . When was the last time anyone heard the issue mentioned?

The media goes to bat for the left, baby! Always have...always will.

All Bill has to worry about is his guilty conscience and we all know that thing has never ever worked.

Aside from the obvious reasons why he shouldn't, the asshole has shown zero remorse.
Neither did Marc Rich. In fact he and his wife just renounced their American citizenship so they don't have to pay American taxes.
Only a Clinton, either one, would do something that stupid. Trump would never give that Ahole a pardon.

Never Underestimate Trump.

"You would think the odds of Trump granting Madoff’s request are probably quite low, but given who we’re talking about, they’re definitely above zero percent!

"Since taking office in January 2017, Trump has issued 10 pardons that all neatly fit with his primary worldview as a Hillary Clinton–hating psychopath who thinks cheating is fine as long as the cheater is rich.

"Beneficiaries have included Kristian Saucier, who pleaded guilty to unauthorized possession and retention of national defense information, who argued at his sentencing that he should have received probation because Hillary Clinton didn’t go to jail for her own email scandal, which Trump obviously ate up.

"There was Scooter Libby, who was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice, a topic extremely close to the president’s heart.

"There was Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who the Department of Justice said oversaw 'the worst pattern of racial profiling by a law enforcement agency in U.S. history,' which, y’know.

"And of course, there was millionaire Conrad Black, who was convicted in 2007 of obstruction of justice and fraud.

"Black received his own pardon from Trump after writing a book last year called Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other, in which Black argued that 'the great majority of anti-Trump activity in the first year of his administration was devoted to falsehoods,' and that Trump is not 'a racist, sexist, warmonger, hothead, promoter of violence, or a foreign or domestic economic warrior.'"

Madoff Asks Trump to Get Him Out of Jail, Because Why Not

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