Should Trump go to jail for mishandling classified information?

It doesn't elevator the protectee to anything beyond "ordinary citizen"
Just like witness protection, or police protection.
You are utterly full of shit and a completely incoherent lying boob to suggest that a former POTUS immediately becomes nothing more than an “ordinary citizen”. That is some sort of wish transposed into your “fact”
There will be no further convo on this matter as your idiocy could be internet contaigious.
Which proves the guy is only human.Yes Trump has a big
mouth.But there is no disputing he Loves this Country and
he loves Americans who also Love the United States.
Does he have faults.Yes,I cited his biggest fault.Which he will
have to answer to God for.His Lack of Humility.In some respects
an almost complete lack of Humility as a key virtue.
So as far as the Cardinal Virtues { there are Four }
1}. Prudence { he has mastered } the ability to manage and take
appropriate action with consideration of consequences.
2.} Justice or Righteousness { fairness }
3} Fortitude { courage, or the ability to confront fear,uncertainty
and intimidation.
4.} Temperance ... is his one drawback.Or restraint,self-control and
discretion.Trump loves and Lives to brag and showoff.
He'd make a great P.T.Barnum.
As Cicero noted ... Virtue is a habit of mind in harmony with reason.
Trump does not have a big mouth. If you want to see a big mouth look over a picture of Maxine Waters telling her cronies to stalk Trump staffers, friends, family members, and Trump himself if they ever got the opportunity to. She oughta be in prison for life for demanding people stalk the President's staff. It's unconstitutional as hell to solicit political stalking and harassment of those stalked.
It gonna quite possibly take an Act of God to help put the
United States back together again.This ain't knowed Humpty Dumpty
nursery rhyme.Or supreme world wide riddle.
We had Million man Rally's as in Glenn Becks :
Restoring Honor Rally. 12 years ago to the day damn near.
It helped The Tea Party but wasn't enough.Obama won again 2 years
later in 2012.Where we had an entire Summer of Suppression
crapola by MSNBC et al.In 2020 we had another version of
Black Suppression.The very reason BLM was created.

It’s ALL going to come to light sooner or later…

View attachment 691801

Go Garland!!!!!
Awww, did those documents have secrets the Demmies don't want anyone to know about, so they're getting the FBI to retain them from President Trump's private papers. tch, tch, tch.
Remove your damn porno pic. USMB Rules and Guidelines

Graphic Images, material or links to images, Videos, and or material, whether real, satirical or implied, depicting obscene, indecent, pornography, pornographic acts, or Morbid Images (at Moderator/Admin discretion) are not permitted. This includes Gifs and cartoons.
So many lib loon”men” are condemning of good looking women. It’s part of the forced pussifucation of the American male .
If you wish. You are welcome to your pathetic attempt to portray Trump as some sort of victim of anything but his own behavior. He isn’t unfairly treated, HE is the one holding power whether it was abusing it in office by vindictively destroying people’s careers (Vindman) or abusing it out of office by extorting and threatening election officials and hinting at more mob violence if things don’t go his way.

It’s enablers like you who will do their best to insure he is never held accountable for his behavior and remains above the law by perpetrating his self proclaimed victim myth and wallowing in yourselves.

As a teacher, I am sure you have encountered kids who have never been told NO, you can’t do this, and have never been held accountable. They don’t change without intervention. I’m amazed you don’t recognize this behavior in an adult.

It's fascinating to me that non-teachers here talk more about "behavior" than I do. Then again, I'm not a pursued lipped, judgmental Leftist.
What did the FBI do that violated the law?
What was unconstitutional?
You must meanie the most Obvious recently.
How about being the instigators and basis for the Gretchen
Whitmer plot to kidnap.
Then of course the entire 4 Illegally acquired F.I.S.A.
warrants as basis for the Framing of Donald Trump with
a Hoax { Russian Collusion }. Technically I can't think of one
Good the F.B.I. has demonstrated recently.Why not give us an
example of One good.
If not for {Watergate} Nixon would have gone down as a mighty
fine President.He really never knew about Watergate until after
it went sour.Therefore the title :
- All the Presidents Men - { 1976 }
Dig Daddio
And Furthermore only Hollywood legends like *Bob Hope,
James Stewart and Fred McMurray found ample time to
Campaign for Nixon in 1968.
Nixon only had arguably The Largest Victory in Presidential
History.A virtual landslide in 1972.
In the worst defeat ever dealt a Democratic Presidential, candidate,
Nixon piled up 521 out of 538 electoral votes.

* Probably The most decorated civilian in american
history.Had an entire room filled with plaques,statues,awards
and Diplomas at his Compound.
His tenacious Americanism was never disputed as his
Service in the War effort with his decades of Entertaining
troops from WWII to the Gulf War.
Lived to see his 100th birthday.Remarkable man who was
not born in the U.S. he was born in London.
LOL, and which party has controlled congress, the big cities, and most state houses for the last 80 years or so? Do you dare to state the truth. Which party passed tax laws that benefit the very rich who fund campaigns? care to guess? hint, not the GOP.

Most of the people in jail are there because they violated some law or committed some crime. and yes, there are a lot of very wealthy who have skated around the law because of their money, The Clintons come to mind, and the Bidens and Pelosis
No need to pussyfoot around.What Party was the Party of both
Slavery AND Jim Crow.Dinesh D'souza proved with his books
and Documentary that No Republican pol ever held slaves.
It's fascinating to me that non-teachers here talk more about "behavior" than I do. Then again, I'm not a pursued lipped, judgmental Leftist.
You don’t have to be a “teacher” to understand human behavior. Sounds like you are a judgemental rightist, with an unknown lip posture,
You are utterly full of shit and a completely incoherent lying boob to suggest that a former POTUS immediately becomes nothing more than an “ordinary citizen”. That is some sort of wish transposed into your “fact”
There will be no further convo on this matter as your idiocy could be internet contaigious.
He does become an ordinary citizen insofar as the law and rights are concerned.
You don’t have to be a “teacher” to understand human behavior. Sounds like you are a judgemental rightist, with an unknown lip posture,

You sure spend a lot of time responding to Sue... she's under your skin

I'm no Trump fan but it's ludicrous for any leftist to demand he pay while Hillary skated. That's just a fact. Just stop
The system has never pursued any politician for any crime as much as Trump,,,this tells you that the Deep State NEEDS TO GET HIM OUT OF THE WAY.

They did not go this far with Nixon and Watergate. They have been attacking him since 2016 non-stop.

Should Trump go to jail for mishandling classified information?​


If it is shown that he lost, destroyed, shared, or sold any of it?

I am to old and crippled but if you lot continue on this political witch hunt you will be sorry.


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