Should Trump go to jail for mishandling classified information?

Yes because our 2.5 million incarcerated are mostly billionaires
LOL, and which party has controlled congress, the big cities, and most state houses for the last 80 years or so? Do you dare to state the truth. Which party passed tax laws that benefit the very rich who fund campaigns? care to guess? hint, not the GOP.

Most of the people in jail are there because they violated some law or committed some crime. and yes, there are a lot of very wealthy who have skated around the law because of their money, The Clintons come to mind, and the Bidens and Pelosis
Not only did she have "top secret" files, she had "top secret: with special access" files, which is the highest classification for secret files.
show me
no, they are people who have violated the law. now due to left wing DAs those same people are walking the streets and attacking innocent people like you and me.
Who would imagine running for mayor or district attorney on a platform of "Do the crime, enjoy the spoils"?
Trump says he should……

In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law."

"One of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information," he said in September 2016.
Speaking in July of that year, Trump said Clinton's mishandling "disqualifies" her from public service.

"Any government employee who engaged in this kind of behavior would be barred from handling classified information," Trump said. "Again, that alone disqualifies her
No, ex-presidents don't go to jail. The worst you'll see is maybe a fine. But hey, keep believing, I hear it helps.
A complete sidestep. I accept your concession.
If you wish. You are welcome to your pathetic attempt to portray Trump as some sort of victim of anything but his own behavior. He isn’t unfairly treated, HE is the one holding power whether it was abusing it in office by vindictively destroying people’s careers (Vindman) or abusing it out of office by extorting and threatening election officials and hinting at more mob violence if things don’t go his way.

It’s enablers like you who will do their best to insure he is never held accountable for his behavior and remains above the law by perpetrating his self proclaimed victim myth and wallowing in yourselves.

As a teacher, I am sure you have encountered kids who have never been told NO, you can’t do this, and have never been held accountable. They don’t change without intervention. I’m amazed you don’t recognize this behavior in an adult.
Trump says he should……

In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law."

"One of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information," he said in September 2016.
Speaking in July of that year, Trump said Clinton's mishandling "disqualifies" her from public service.

"Any government employee who engaged in this kind of behavior would be barred from handling classified information," Trump said. "Again, that alone disqualifies her
Name the Law that Trump broke.As Potus he is In charge of
Classified docs in the possession of his Adm.As Potus he also decides
what is Classified and what isn't.
Hillary not only as a Non-potus but Secretary-of-State broke
every norm in her role.She defied State Dept. protocol regarding
using her own private server.Not allowed.She just disregarded that
Firm policy.She also disregarded many attempt to serve with a
subpoena for around 33,000 possibly Government docs that were
in her possession and potentially marked as Classified.
She ended up never handing them over and to add insult to injury
she used bleach bit to erase what was on those docs.
Plus she purposedly broke her Blackberrys.
I agree. Maybe it will be like Nixon.
If not for {Watergate} Nixon would have gone down as a mighty
fine President.He really never knew about Watergate until after
it went sour.Therefore the title :
- All the Presidents Men - { 1976 }
Dig Daddio
Name the Law that Trump broke.As Potus he is In charge of
Classified docs in the possession of his Adm.As Potus he also decides
what is Classified and what isn't.
Hillary not only as a Non-potus but Secretary-of-State broke
every norm in her role.She defied State Dept. protocol regarding
using her own private server.Not allowed.She just disregarded that
Firm policy.She also disregarded many attempt to serve with a
subpoena for around 33,000 possibly Government docs that were
in her possession and potentially marked as Classified.
She ended up never handing them over and to add insult to injury
she used bleach bit to erase what was on those docs.
Plus she purposedly broke her Blackberrys.

By the fact that Trump hasa been given three opportunities to return the documents he stole, and he still hasn't returned all of them.

Anybody who takes something by accident, returns everything , and doesn't "negotiate" about keeping any of it.
The Fourth Amendment Prohibits the Feds from unreasonable search and seizure, and they're lying their butts off because it's evil to falsely accuse a person over and over and over and over. the Democrats have cried "wolf" too many times to be believeable, and it's time to make sure they never put President Trump through any more lying, cheating, vote stealing, and downright calumny with ZERO proof, because there ISN'T ANY PROOF. The reason there isn't any proof is because Trump tells the truth, and they KNEW HE WASN'T AT HOME, BECAUSE HIS PROTECTORS HAVE TO CONTACT THEIR PROOF THAT HE IS ALIVE AND WELL AND WHERE HE IS EVERY HALF HOUR. If a nonpartisan regular American did something like that, they'd put 'em in a straight jacket immediately. I think it wouldn't hurt anything if they put one on the dolt who bribed the FBI agents to ignore the Constitution and RAID Mar-a-Laga, while Melania Trump watched in horror the videos of them rifling through her underwear drawer. Fer goodness' sakes!

His accusers ought to have been horsewhipped the first time they lied about him, which happens to be in the office of Big Mouth Singer Barack Obama who was flapping his jaws about Democrats impeaching Trump right after they cheated their asses off on E2020 vote, and while Obama was still in office, he issued a verbal order for his Demonic cabinet members to impeach Trump from the get go. They couldn't wait till he took office, so they began right away with Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's dervish design of making every decent person in America would want to throw up when they heard her lies about Trump jumping on and peeing on a bed with multiple prostitutes alleging that Hillary had slept in that bed, and Trump went out of his way to shame her into certain victimhood after winning the Presidency while she lost. That made the grand indignation of an immediate impeachment more believably satisfying to the shit-fer-brains Democrat leadership who hoodwinked not only the Republicans they were targeting, but their own voters as well who had no idea they were lying their rotten butts off.

The Democrat Party is corrupt from top to bottom, and the taxpayers are paying for their fiscal and America-destroying revenge plots, and it runs into the Trillion$ of dollar$.

The Tugwater Joe gurgles in with the most hateful speech ever made against the American people calling 74,000,000 conservative voters "fascist."

Are our homes going to be barged in on by the FBI because the unelected criminal extortionist of Congressional Foreign Aid Packages for 47 years calls us fascists? I saw the viral video of Joe Biden fluffing his criminality to his cronies three years ago in which he told them he gave the Ukrainian interim Top Cop to put one billion dollars cash in Air Force Two in less than 6 hours or he would use his office of the Vice President to make sure their 3.5 billion dollar foreign package would not be given to them on his powerful say-so in the Obama Administration. That's extortion, and it also violates the Constitution for which none of the Democrats are demonstrating total disrespect for when it doesn't fluff their betterment.

What we need is another million man march of American patriots to do protest the Alinsky Method foisted on this nation by Hillary the Crook and her cronies she influences, at the DC Mall. :cranky:
Which proves the guy is only human.Yes Trump has a big
mouth.But there is no disputing he Loves this Country and
he loves Americans who also Love the United States.
Does he have faults.Yes,I cited his biggest fault.Which he will
have to answer to God for.His Lack of Humility.In some respects
an almost complete lack of Humility as a key virtue.
So as far as the Cardinal Virtues { there are Four }
1}. Prudence { he has mastered } the ability to manage and take
appropriate action with consideration of consequences.
2.} Justice or Righteousness { fairness }
3} Fortitude { courage, or the ability to confront fear,uncertainty
and intimidation.
4.} Temperance ... is his one drawback.Or restraint,self-control and
discretion.Trump loves and Lives to brag and showoff.
He'd make a great P.T.Barnum.
As Cicero noted ... Virtue is a habit of mind in harmony with reason.
I doubt if Trump will see jail
I agree, but for the reason Trump did nothing wrong. The FBI acted in a manner like they never read the Constitution's words or would lose their jobs if they didn't agree to go along with destroying the Fourth Amendment which says one cannot use the government to engage in unreasonable searches and seizures of people's homes, in particular their private papers, which everything the put their criminal mits on was. Those papers were, are, and shall be returned to President Trump. They've no business rifling through his papers. None whatsoever. No the documents were not classified because President Trump declassified them before taking them home. And the incrowd media is competing for who can come up with the most damaging lies about President Trumps' rights to presidential papers.

The guillotine is too good for those who broke company with the Constitution of the United States of America, and in particular their "confusion" about what other people's property is.
The Fourth Amendment Prohibits the Feds from unreasonable search and seizure, and they're lying their butts off because it's evil to falsely accuse a person over and over and over and over. the Democrats have cried "wolf" too many times to be believeable, and it's time to make sure they never put President Trump through any more lying, cheating, vote stealing, and downright calumny with ZERO proof, because there ISN'T ANY PROOF. The reason there isn't any proof is because Trump tells the truth, and they KNEW HE WASN'T AT HOME, BECAUSE HIS PROTECTORS HAVE TO CONTACT THEIR PROOF THAT HE IS ALIVE AND WELL AND WHERE HE IS EVERY HALF HOUR. If a nonpartisan regular American did something like that, they'd put 'em in a straight jacket immediately. I think it wouldn't hurt anything if they put one on the dolt who bribed the FBI agents to ignore the Constitution and RAID Mar-a-Laga, while Melania Trump watched in horror the videos of them rifling through her underwear drawer. Fer goodness' sakes!

His accusers ought to have been horsewhipped the first time they lied about him, which happens to be in the office of Big Mouth Singer Barack Obama who was flapping his jaws about Democrats impeaching Trump right after they cheated their asses off on E2020 vote, and while Obama was still in office, he issued a verbal order for his Demonic cabinet members to impeach Trump from the get go. They couldn't wait till he took office, so they began right away with Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's dervish design of making every decent person in America would want to throw up when they heard her lies about Trump jumping on and peeing on a bed with multiple prostitutes alleging that Hillary had slept in that bed, and Trump went out of his way to shame her into certain victimhood after winning the Presidency while she lost. That made the grand indignation of an immediate impeachment more believably satisfying to the shit-fer-brains Democrat leadership who hoodwinked not only the Republicans they were targeting, but their own voters as well who had no idea they were lying their rotten butts off.

The Democrat Party is corrupt from top to bottom, and the taxpayers are paying for their fiscal and America-destroying revenge plots, and it runs into the Trillion$ of dollar$.

The Tugwater Joe gurgles in with the most hateful speech ever made against the American people calling 74,000,000 conservative voters "fascist."

Are our homes going to be barged in on by the FBI because the unelected criminal extortionist of Congressional Foreign Aid Packages for 47 years calls us fascists? I saw the viral video of Joe Biden fluffing his criminality to his cronies three years ago in which he told them he gave the Ukrainian interim Top Cop to put one billion dollars cash in Air Force Two in less than 6 hours or he would use his office of the Vice President to make sure their 3.5 billion dollar foreign package would not be given to them on his powerful say-so in the Obama Administration. That's extortion, and it also violates the Constitution for which none of the Democrats are demonstrating total disrespect for when it doesn't fluff their betterment.

What we need is another million man march of American patriots to do protest the Alinsky Method foisted on this nation by Hillary the Crook and her cronies she influences, at the DC Mall. :cranky:
It gonna quite possibly take an Act of God to help put the
United States back together again.This ain't knowed Humpty Dumpty
nursery rhyme.Or supreme world wide riddle.
We had Million man Rally's as in Glenn Becks :
Restoring Honor Rally. 12 years ago to the day damn near.
It helped The Tea Party but wasn't enough.Obama won again 2 years
later in 2012.Where we had an entire Summer of Suppression
crapola by MSNBC et al.In 2020 we had another version of
Black Suppression.The very reason BLM was created.
I agree, but for the reason Trump did nothing wrong. The FBI acted in a manner like they never read the Constitution's words or would lose their jobs if they didn't agree to go along with destroying the Fourth Amendment which says one cannot use the government to engage in unreasonable searches and seizures of people's homes, in particular their private papers, which everything the put their criminal mits on was. Those papers were, are, and shall be returned to President Trump. They've no business rifling through his papers. None whatsoever. No the documents were not classified because President Trump declassified them before taking them home. And the incrowd media is competing for who can come up with the most damaging lies about President Trumps' rights to presidential papers.

The guillotine is too good for those who broke company with the Constitution of the United States of America, and in particular their "confusion" about what other people's property is.
What did the FBI do that violated the law?
What was unconstitutional?

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