Should Trulmp seek to prosecute hillary for her crimes?


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
As much as I would like to see it on one level....I think for the sake of National Unity it is an idea whose time has come and gone....even if it did happen or even if it appears that Trump might do it...Obama would without a doubt issue a retro-active pardon for hillary which would negate such an Ford did for Nixon.

So....time to move on...lots of work to be done and to get the work done that needs to be done Trump will need as much unity as possible. Hillary is old, in bad health as well as bill...thus ultimate justice for them will not be long in coming at the hands of Allmighty God............history will show they were the most corrupt politicians ever to hold such high office...truth has a way of eventually coming out....thus history will prove all the allegations that I as well as others have made on here.

Did we have an impact...? I think so...much of what we talked about here made its way onto the consciousness of the nation...I said years ago....right when the mormon won the nomination that Romney was a loser and that he would lose...folks did not want to believe it...they felt sure anyone could defeat obama...they were proved wrong...I was proved right. In addition I said at that time....that what America needed and what America would vote for would be someone who was a combination of Huey P. Long aka the 'kingfish' and Teddy Roosevelt...I think Trump fits that description almost perfectly. He is a populist...not a Republican...and he is strong on National Defense as was Teddy...we will see the formation of a New Republican Party...actually it has already will become much plainer to see as time goes by....The New Republican Party will champion the working class as Trump has already indicated....he will stand up for those who have been forgotten........and no class has been more forgotten than The White Working Class...even though they are the largest voting bloc in the nation and they are the ones who elected Trump...he will not forget.
Hillary's only out is a pardon from Barry.

If he screws her though, yes Trump should go after her for violations of a plethora of laws, rules, etc.

Justice will be trading her pantsuit for a nice prison jumpsuit, XXL.
Appoint an independent counsel, if they find crimes were committed prosecute....that's how laws work and nobody should get a pass
Fuck it she's finished but the Clinton foundation needs a thorough going-over.

Yes, I think you are correct...........obama could not issue a pardon for a criminal organization....could he? The clinton foundation will of course wither a it should be investigated and exposed for what it actually was....a blight on this nation's character and history.
Appoint an independent counsel, if they find crimes were committed prosecute....that's how laws work and nobody should get a pass

Obama has already indicated that if an attempt is made to prosecute hillary ...he will issue a retro-active pardon. Case closed.

In fact if he even 'senses' such a scenario of prosecuting hillary might develop...he will most likely issue a those of you who are obsessed with prosecuting hillary would do well to keep quiet...until obama is out of office at least.
Appoint an independent counsel, if they find crimes were committed prosecute....that's how laws work and nobody should get a pass

Obama has already indicated that if an attempt is made to prosecute hillary ...he will issue a retro-active pardon. Case closed.

Nobody should get a pass, it's a bad predicent

She did not get a pass....the American People rejected her....that hurt her more than anything else could have done....she has admitted the pain and she will no doubt suffer that pain till the day she dies....I say get over hillary...she is done and as I said long before the election...she was dead meat.

Let us concentrate on what needs to be done to restore get it back on track...that is where we now need to utilize our energy and desire for justice.
Appoint an independent counsel, if they find crimes were committed prosecute....that's how laws work and nobody should get a pass

Obama has already indicated that if an attempt is made to prosecute hillary ...he will issue a retro-active pardon. Case closed.

Nobody should get a pass, it's a bad predicent

She did not get a pass....the American People rejected her....that hurt her more than anything else could have done....she has admitted the pain and she will no doubt suffer that pain till the day she dies....I say get over hillary...she is done and as I said long before the election...she was dead meat.

Let us concentrate on what needs to be done to restore get it back on track...that is where we now need to utilize our energy and desire for justice.

You have your thoughts and you asked for ours, she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. After that it's time to look into the Clinton Foundation
As much as I would like to see it on one level....I think for the sake of National Unity it is an idea whose time has come and gone....even if it did happen or even if it appears that Trump might do it...Obama would without a doubt issue a retro-active pardon for hillary which would negate such an Ford did for Nixon.

So....time to move on...lots of work to be done and to get the work done that needs to be done Trump will need as much unity as possible. Hillary is old, in bad health as well as bill...thus ultimate justice for them will not be long in coming at the hands of Allmighty God............history will show they were the most corrupt politicians ever to hold such high office...truth has a way of eventually coming out....thus history will prove all the allegations that I as well as others have made on here.

Did we have an impact...? I think so...much of what we talked about here made its way onto the consciousness of the nation...I said years ago....right when the mormon won the nomination that Romney was a loser and that he would lose...folks did not want to believe it...they felt sure anyone could defeat obama...they were proved wrong...I was proved right. In addition I said at that time....that what America needed and what America would vote for would be someone who was a combination of Huey P. Long aka the 'kingfish' and Teddy Roosevelt...I think Trump fits that description almost perfectly. He is a populist...not a Republican...and he is strong on National Defense as was Teddy...we will see the formation of a New Republican Party...actually it has already will become much plainer to see as time goes by....The New Republican Party will champion the working class as Trump has already indicated....he will stand up for those who have been forgotten........and no class has been more forgotten than The White Working Class...even though they are the largest voting bloc in the nation and they are the ones who elected Trump...he will not forget.

Screw Unity…if she did something that is worthy of prosecution…prosecute her.

Just remember that Congress and the FBI both already concluded that there was nothing there. If you’re not a fan of that decision, I understand that. If you’re not a fan of political hit jobs, you have to accept it though. What would happen, for example, if the new AG decided; we’re going to prosecute her anyway? The country goes through a trial, she is exonerated, and then what? Another 59 tries like the GOP did with Obamacare?

Go where the evidence leads you; the nation will be fine. Just make sure you’re following the evidence and not ahead of it.
The FBI is continuing its investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
The results may not be made known for another year.
BONOBO can't issue a pardon to someone who has not been charged and convicted with a crime.
He'll be living above 'Boystown' and 'MO' and the girls will be living in their villa near Nice by the time the convictions are made public.
Good old Rudy, the new AG is going to drop a legal MOAB on the Clintons next year.
Obama's 'real' long form BC will be revealed. All his school applications and records will be revealed after President Trump is inaugurated.
Anyone who believes President Trump isn't going to see the real LFBC is delusional.
The FBI is continuing its investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
The results may not be made known for another year.
BONOBO can't issue a pardon to someone who has not been charged and convicted with a crime.
He'll be living above 'Boystown' and 'MO' and the girls will be living in their villa near Nice by the time the convictions are made public.
Good old Rudy, the new AG is going to drop a legal MOAB on the Clintons next year.
Obama's 'real' long form BC will be revealed. All his school applications and records will be revealed after President Trump is inaugurated.
Anyone who believes President Trump isn't going to see the real LFBC is delusional.

Iran–Contra affair[edit]
Prosecutors brought an additional indictment four days before the 1992 presidential election. This was controversial because it cited a Weinberger diary entry contradicting a claim made by President George H. W. Bush. Republicans claimed that it contributed to President Bush’s defeat. On December 11, 1992, Judge Thomas F. Hogan threw out the indictment because it violated the five-year statute of limitations and improperly broadened the original charges.[26]

Before he could be tried on the original charges, Weinberger received a pardon from President Bush, who was Reagan's Vice President during the scandal, on December 24, 1992.[23]

—From Wikipedia.

Not sure why you guys keep saying that.
As much as I would like to see it on one level....I think for the sake of National Unity it is an idea whose time has come and gone....even if it did happen or even if it appears that Trump might do it...Obama would without a doubt issue a retro-active pardon for hillary which would negate such an Ford did for Nixon.

So....time to move on...lots of work to be done and to get the work done that needs to be done Trump will need as much unity as possible. Hillary is old, in bad health as well as bill...thus ultimate justice for them will not be long in coming at the hands of Allmighty God............history will show they were the most corrupt politicians ever to hold such high office...truth has a way of eventually coming out....thus history will prove all the allegations that I as well as others have made on here.

Did we have an impact...? I think so...much of what we talked about here made its way onto the consciousness of the nation...I said years ago....right when the mormon won the nomination that Romney was a loser and that he would lose...folks did not want to believe it...they felt sure anyone could defeat obama...they were proved wrong...I was proved right. In addition I said at that time....that what America needed and what America would vote for would be someone who was a combination of Huey P. Long aka the 'kingfish' and Teddy Roosevelt...I think Trump fits that description almost perfectly. He is a populist...not a Republican...and he is strong on National Defense as was Teddy...we will see the formation of a New Republican Party...actually it has already will become much plainer to see as time goes by....The New Republican Party will champion the working class as Trump has already indicated....he will stand up for those who have been forgotten........and no class has been more forgotten than The White Working Class...even though they are the largest voting bloc in the nation and they are the ones who elected Trump...he will not forget.

Jesus fucking Christ dude. All that cock & bull just to answer your own bullshit question. lol
How can obama pardon her if she hasn't been accused of anything?

I agree with sassy ... independent counsel, go from there.

The reality is that nothing has ever stuck to the slime of the clintons, don't expect now to be any different. Take solace in the fact that the one thing she wanted more than anything else, to be the first female potus, was snatched away from her. She was thisclose to it, she could taste it, she believed whole heartedly that it was hers ... and she lost. She is done. The clinton dynasty is OVER. Best. Punishment. Evah!
How can obama pardon her if she hasn't been accused of anything?

I agree with sassy ... independent counsel, go from there.

The reality is that nothing has ever stuck to the slime of the clintons, don't expect now to be any different. Take solace in the fact that the one thing she wanted more than anything else, to be the first female potus, was snatched away from her. She was thisclose to it, she could taste it, she believed whole heartedly that it was hers ... and she lost. She is done. The clinton dynasty is OVER. Best. Punishment. Evah!

The method obama could use to exonerate clinton is called a 'retroactive pardon' there is precedent for it. He has already expressed a willingness to do it. So ...the wise will forget about this at least for the time being aka...until obama is out of office.

I agree...her rejection by the American People was the best justice for hlllary...she spent practically her whole life...even suffering under bill in order to achieve the ultimate power....she lost...she has been assigned to the dustbin of history by the American People.
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As much as I would like to see it on one level....I think for the sake of National Unity it is an idea whose time has come and gone....even if it did happen or even if it appears that Trump might do it...Obama would without a doubt issue a retro-active pardon for hillary which would negate such an Ford did for Nixon.

So....time to move on...lots of work to be done and to get the work done that needs to be done Trump will need as much unity as possible. Hillary is old, in bad health as well as bill...thus ultimate justice for them will not be long in coming at the hands of Allmighty God............history will show they were the most corrupt politicians ever to hold such high office...truth has a way of eventually coming out....thus history will prove all the allegations that I as well as others have made on here.

Did we have an impact...? I think so...much of what we talked about here made its way onto the consciousness of the nation...I said years ago....right when the mormon won the nomination that Romney was a loser and that he would lose...folks did not want to believe it...they felt sure anyone could defeat obama...they were proved wrong...I was proved right. In addition I said at that time....that what America needed and what America would vote for would be someone who was a combination of Huey P. Long aka the 'kingfish' and Teddy Roosevelt...I think Trump fits that description almost perfectly. He is a populist...not a Republican...and he is strong on National Defense as was Teddy...we will see the formation of a New Republican Party...actually it has already will become much plainer to see as time goes by....The New Republican Party will champion the working class as Trump has already indicated....he will stand up for those who have been forgotten........and no class has been more forgotten than The White Working Class...even though they are the largest voting bloc in the nation and they are the ones who elected Trump...he will not forget.

Jesus fucking Christ dude. All that cock & bull just to answer your own bullshit question. lol

Thanx for the bump...chump. hehheh
The FBI is continuing its investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
The results may not be made known for another year.
BONOBO can't issue a pardon to someone who has not been charged and convicted with a crime.
He'll be living above 'Boystown' and 'MO' and the girls will be living in their villa near Nice by the time the convictions are made public.
Good old Rudy, the new AG is going to drop a legal MOAB on the Clintons next year.
Obama's 'real' long form BC will be revealed. All his school applications and records will be revealed after President Trump is inaugurated.
Anyone who believes President Trump isn't going to see the real LFBC is delusional.

Obama can pardon Hillary for anything he wants – for crimes committed or even suspected. This means he can pardon her without an indictment being issued.

Obama can pardon Hillary for anything he wants – for crimes committed or even suspected. This means he can pardon her without an indictment being issued. - Google Search
As much as I would like to see it on one level....I think for the sake of National Unity it is an idea whose time has come and gone....even if it did happen or even if it appears that Trump might do it...Obama would without a doubt issue a retro-active pardon for hillary which would negate such an Ford did for Nixon.

So....time to move on...lots of work to be done and to get the work done that needs to be done Trump will need as much unity as possible. Hillary is old, in bad health as well as bill...thus ultimate justice for them will not be long in coming at the hands of Allmighty God............history will show they were the most corrupt politicians ever to hold such high office...truth has a way of eventually coming out....thus history will prove all the allegations that I as well as others have made on here.

Did we have an impact...? I think so...much of what we talked about here made its way onto the consciousness of the nation...I said years ago....right when the mormon won the nomination that Romney was a loser and that he would lose...folks did not want to believe it...they felt sure anyone could defeat obama...they were proved wrong...I was proved right. In addition I said at that time....that what America needed and what America would vote for would be someone who was a combination of Huey P. Long aka the 'kingfish' and Teddy Roosevelt...I think Trump fits that description almost perfectly. He is a populist...not a Republican...and he is strong on National Defense as was Teddy...we will see the formation of a New Republican Party...actually it has already will become much plainer to see as time goes by....The New Republican Party will champion the working class as Trump has already indicated....he will stand up for those who have been forgotten........and no class has been more forgotten than The White Working Class...even though they are the largest voting bloc in the nation and they are the ones who elected Trump...he will not forget.

Screw Unity…if she did something that is worthy of prosecution…prosecute her.

Just remember that Congress and the FBI both already concluded that there was nothing there. If you’re not a fan of that decision, I understand that. If you’re not a fan of political hit jobs, you have to accept it though. What would happen, for example, if the new AG decided; we’re going to prosecute her anyway? The country goes through a trial, she is exonerated, and then what? Another 59 tries like the GOP did with Obamacare?

Go where the evidence leads you; the nation will be fine. Just make sure you’re following the evidence and not ahead of it.

The truth is the media has covered for the clintons for years....thus there has never been a honest investigation of the clinton crimes...especially those in Arkansas...where there are many victims of the Clinton/dixie mafia collusion.

See the Clinton Chronicles...all you will ever need to know about the clintons.


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