Should stupid people procreate?


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
It is a given that stupidity has been observed in the animal kingdom and most reasonable people accept that by and large morons, both human and animal, are born that way. That is to say their attraction to their own idiocy is neither a choice, nor is it a product of their environment. I've also heard many people suggest that it's a natural mechanism for keeping populations in check. Personally, I think this is a very reasonable hypothesis. And that's what led me to ask the philosophical question, should stupid people procreate? If it truly is nature's population control mechanism, then isn't that just another way of nature saying this is the end of the line for this genetic combination? Of course we know that existing technology enables us to circumvent nature's intent in this case, but just because we can, does that make it a good idea?
If stupid people were not allowed to procreate there would be no Republicans so I say take all the stupid people in America, put them on an uninhabited island in Alaska and nuke the fuckers.
Stupidity is more about upbringing than about Genes, however, stupid people have high odds at messing up with the incredibly important early childhood part.
Is it more about upbringing? I'm not convinced. Have you ever noticed that in families with more than one child there is almost always a difference in intelligence level. Take the Bushes, for example. Jeb seems quite intelligent while George seems barely coherent.

I don't mean to pick on them, they are just an easily recognizable example.
ItThat is to say their attraction to their own idiocy is neither a choice, nor is it a product of their environment.

This statement makes no sense at all. :cuckoo:

I've also heard many people suggest that it's a natural mechanism for keeping populations in check?

I've never heard anyone say this. Link?

Of course we know that existing technology enables us to circumvent nature's intent in this case, but just because we can, does that make it a good idea?

Existing technology??? You mean like sticking a cock in a dumb broad's ****?? Newsflash: That doesn't require any use of technology whatsoever and it certainly ain't circumventing nature's intent.

In other words...Wow! Just Wow!
This statement makes no sense at all.
REALLY? You cannot see the idiot's attraction to idiocy?

I've never heard anyone say this. Link?
Um, genocide, bombing other countries for no reason, bailing out the rich and leaving the poor to die...need more?

Existing technology??? You mean like sticking a cock in a dumb broad's ****?? Newsflash: That doesn't require any use of technology whatsoever and it certainly ain't circumventing nature's intent.

In other words...Wow! Just Wow!
Way to get my thread booted to the flame zone.
REALLY? You cannot see the idiot's attraction to idiocy?


Um, genocide, bombing other countries for no reason, bailing out the rich and leaving the poor to die...need more?

Genocide is natural according to you? Wow! Just Wow!

Way to get my thread booted to the flame zone.

That's where you should've put it in the first place dillhole.
If stupid people were not allowed to procreate there would be no Republicans so I say take all the stupid people in America, put them on an uninhabited island in Alaska and nuke the fuckers.

Ohh great enlightened one, you do realize that you are talking about 50% of the US. You know that group that grows your food, builds your houses and most likely runs your military. Hey we cant all be as "smart" as you great wonderful liberals that think anyone that doesn't think "just like you' must some how be inferior and uneducated. Why is that????
Anything humans do is natural. But I was referring to stupidity in that sentence.

Ravi actually made a good post, and some one jumped on her about that?

Anyhow, you are right, everything humans do IS natural, that is EVERYTHING. Not just because almost all of it has been observed in nature with other animals but also because if it wasn't natural, we wouldn't have the desire to do it. Here's a flaw when people use the 'unnatural' argument against anything, emotion and desire are natural so anything that is based on those is natural. A machine is even natural, but the parts are not in human made machines, still, all living things are machines if you look at how the processes work. Love is natural, hate is natural, all of it is. What makes us 'higher' beings than animals is the ability to control our natural reactions and not hurt other people with our actions, even that is natural for us. Breeding in any way is natural, resisting it can make you even 'higher' than animals, but not just resisting one type or the other, resisting it as a whole. Learning to control out population is also natural, it's just part of our survival instinct kicking in.
Anyhow, you are right, everything humans do IS natural, that is EVERYTHING. Not just because almost all of it has been observed in nature with other animals but also because if it wasn't natural, we wouldn't have the desire to do it.
So rape, murder, child molesting, homosexuality, torture, etc. are all natural??
So rape, murder, child molesting, homosexuality, torture, etc. are all natural??

Why you insist on putting homosexuality in with the ones that actually hurt other people only shows you are trolling and not interested in a real answer, so I won't answer more than this to your idiotic post.
Why you insist on putting homosexuality in with the ones that actually hurt other people only shows you are trolling and not interested in a real answer, so I won't answer more than this to your idiotic post.

You've got poor old Sunni worked out KK - keep that attitude and he won't be able to needle you.
Why you insist on putting homosexuality in with the ones that actually hurt other people only shows you are trolling and not interested in a real answer, so I won't answer more than this to your idiotic post.
Ok, minus the homos.

How is rape, murder, child molesting, natural?

Waiting for your answer answer. :eusa_angel:
So rape, murder, child molesting, homosexuality, torture, etc. are all natural??

Rape is a social construct. So is murder. So is "child molesting" (that's far too broad a concept, you need to be more precise about what you mean). Homosexuality is a sexual predilection just like heterosexuality or bisexuality or any other point on the Kinsey Scale. Torture is also a social construct.

Got anything else?
Yep. And all those things, though natural, are stupid and evil (if you accept the concept of evil). Because they are causing pain to someone else and/or depriving them of their rights.
If humans do it then it must be because we can.

What's "unnatural" about that?

And focus on the terms "natural" and "unnatural". They don't mean "good" and "bad".

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