Just How Stupid Do They Think We Are?

Just How Stupid Do They Think We Are?

2 Dec 2024 ~~ By Stephen Green

The more I think about Joe Biden's pardon of his bagman/tax-cheat son, Hunter, the angrier I get — but maybe not for the reason you think.

As I'm sure you're well aware by now, père Biden's blanket pardon forgives all of Hunter's transgressions going back ten years, when father (then vice president) and son were both playing footsie with Vladimir Putin's old cronies in Kyiv. Burisma? Pardoned. Million-dollar tax evasion? Ditto. Gun offenses, all of it.
Then there's the Big Lie because it isn't Joe Biden without one.
"No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son," Biden said in a statement on Sunday, "and that is wrong."
Oh, please. Hunter was guilty of far more than he was ever convicted of. The Biden DOJ dragged its feet and let the worst offenses slip under the statute of limitations and only brought him to court after whistleblowers blew up the DOJ's sweetheart plea deal. If Joe had gotten his way — and he nearly did — there would have been no need for pardon.
And as my colleague Matt Margolis wrote earlier today, the pardon was just as much about protecting père as it was about forgiving son — "it was about preventing exposure of the Biden crime family's influence-peddling schemes."
But here's the thing. The president's constitutional power to pardon for federal offenses is effectively unlimited. POTUS can pardon anyone for anything at any time and at his sole discretion. "He shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment," the Founders wrote. And that's that. So there's no sense in getting all upset about the Hunter Biden pardon, even though it's easily the most nepotistic and self-serving act in White House history — all wrapped in a shroud of lies about Trump.
Here are nine full minutes of KJP repeating Biden's lie that he wouldn't pardon Hunter — and, no, I don't expect you to watch the whole thing.

We weren't just assured that Biden would never do the thing we all knew he would, we were scolded for knowing that Biden would do the thing we all knew he would do.

Meanwhile, the biased media is scrambling to justify this dual act of Nepotism and covering up of the Biden family crimes and treasonous acts against America.
Schiff may have been right when he attempted to stop Trump by introducing the Abuse of the Pardon Prevention Act.
Although it was specifically aimed at controlling Trump. It could have stopped Biden his butt today.
Read more:

In a way, Joe's action, pardoning his son, is a brilliant gift to Trump. It does two things:
1. Shows that Democrats — at least Biden — also believe the DoJ unfairly targets people for political reasons. Which is exactly what Trump has been saying!​
2. Provides cover for Trump to pardon individuals he thinks have been such targets, like the J6ers. And family members and friends for personal reasons, as well. (He would do this anyway, of course, but now it will cost him less political capital.)​
This may not be the end of it from Biden. I wouldn’t be surprised if on Jan 19th he issues a sweeping pardon for hundreds or thousands of people who he thinks may be a “target” of Trump. THAT will really open Pandora’s box.

Well.... Biden definitely hung the media out to dry on this one. They have to be pissed at him behind closed doors. Really though what did they expect?
Well.... Biden definitely hung the media out to dry on this one. They have to be pissed at him behind closed doors. Really though what did they expect?
Not to hear it from Whoopie. Then again she said she's leaving the U.S.
Get a grip. Trump's supreme court says any official act by a president is good to go, totally legal. Absolute control of presidential clemency, is part of the constitution.
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Yes we all know the legal side, but what's at play here is the deception side. I use the word deception because people just think of out right lying. Biden's act of Hunter's pardoning goes beyond just bare faced lying.

And those now back peddling trying to support Biden's actions is called obedience.

Even a blind man on a galloping horse can see the breadth of the pardoning is trying to hide an awful lot, more than just a gun and drugs charge.

2. Provides cover for Trump to pardon individuals he thinks have been such targets, like the J6ers. And family members and friends for personal reasons, as well. (He would do this anyway, of course, but now it will cost him less political capital.)​

I absolutely agree with this. I say now, Trump, PARDON ALL J6'ERS. The dems can say NOTHING.
Biden is part of a well established known crime family. But unlike Al Capone, he gets to pardon his family to the max. Even charges not yet brought up are pardoned. Watch the media change from he is a hero not to pardon them to a hero because he pardoned his son. Call that a hypocrisy? You betcha.


Get a load of Biden promising not to pardon his own son.​

Joe is just a man of honor, a real stand up guy standing by the rule of law!


Do democrats EVER get tired of wearing egg on their faces?!
I always figured that Sleepy Joe would pardon his boy, in spite of what he said during the campaign.

The hard part not to laugh at was how the Lame Stream Media reported Biden's obvious lie during the campaign as proof of his "integrity".
Do democrats EVER get tired of wearing egg on their faces?!
Democrats do not feel shame or remorse so no. Dems are not sorry. Dems don't apologize. Dems have no problem breaking or ignoring the law. Dems get American citizens RAPED and MURDERED and they sleep like a baby. This is the evil filth we are fighting.
Democrats do not feel shame or remorse so no.
That is because in their minds, they are always right. Even now, they maintain that Harris ran the perfect campaign! Best campaign in history! Have you seen ONE thread here by them asking what went wrong with her? It is YOUR failing, your being brainwashed by the orange cheeto con man Trump that did them in. See? They are a victim of YOUR failings!

Dems are not sorry. Dems don't apologize. Dems have no problem breaking or ignoring the law.
That is only because their agenda is so important that rules do not matter so long as they accomplish their goal.
But rules still apply to you. Watch now as they hold Trump's feet to the fire over the tiniest detail! After watching Joe fail horribly at everything, lie about everything, they will point out if Trump is ONE DAY LATE in getting anything 100% perfectly done. Then they will fault YOU for still having confidence in him, even if he is met with 100% obstruction by the democrats.

I liken democrats to a lizard mentality. You can pull a lizard out of the water and save it from drowning but it will still bite you---
because it is a lizard.
Democrats do not feel shame or remorse so no. Dems are not sorry. Dems don't apologize. Dems have no problem breaking or ignoring the law. Dems get American citizens RAPED and MURDERED and they sleep like a baby. This is the evil filth we are fighting.
This is all based on the fundamental premise to be a Democrat. One has to be a pure authoritarian and not remotely a liberal. When they get called liberals, it is a sign of approval, yet they are as authoritarian as any dictator. Take a look at how long they have had power since Franklin Roosevelt had his for 4 terms. Franklin was bad as Hitler when he told the Jews on the ship St. Louis to return to Germany. And jailed citizens because they had families in Japan. And put tight controls on the market to fund his wars. When you needed a tire for your car then, you needed papers to get them.

Just How Stupid Do They Think We Are?

2 Dec 2024 ~~ By Stephen Green

The more I think about Joe Biden's pardon of his bagman/tax-cheat son, Hunter, the angrier I get — but maybe not for the reason you think.

As I'm sure you're well aware by now, père Biden's blanket pardon forgives all of Hunter's transgressions going back ten years, when father (then vice president) and son were both playing footsie with Vladimir Putin's old cronies in Kyiv. Burisma? Pardoned. Million-dollar tax evasion? Ditto. Gun offenses, all of it.
Then there's the Big Lie because it isn't Joe Biden without one.
"No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son," Biden said in a statement on Sunday, "and that is wrong."
Oh, please. Hunter was guilty of far more than he was ever convicted of. The Biden DOJ dragged its feet and let the worst offenses slip under the statute of limitations and only brought him to court after whistleblowers blew up the DOJ's sweetheart plea deal. If Joe had gotten his way — and he nearly did — there would have been no need for pardon.
And as my colleague Matt Margolis wrote earlier today, the pardon was just as much about protecting père as it was about forgiving son — "it was about preventing exposure of the Biden crime family's influence-peddling schemes."
But here's the thing. The president's constitutional power to pardon for federal offenses is effectively unlimited. POTUS can pardon anyone for anything at any time and at his sole discretion. "He shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment," the Founders wrote. And that's that. So there's no sense in getting all upset about the Hunter Biden pardon, even though it's easily the most nepotistic and self-serving act in White House history — all wrapped in a shroud of lies about Trump.
Here are nine full minutes of KJP repeating Biden's lie that he wouldn't pardon Hunter — and, no, I don't expect you to watch the whole thing.

We weren't just assured that Biden would never do the thing we all knew he would, we were scolded for knowing that Biden would do the thing we all knew he would do.

Meanwhile, the biased media is scrambling to justify this dual act of Nepotism and covering up of the Biden family crimes and treasonous acts against America.
Schiff may have been right when he attempted to stop Trump by introducing the Abuse of the Pardon Prevention Act.
Although it was specifically aimed at controlling Trump. It could have stopped Biden his butt today.
Read more:

In a way, Joe's action, pardoning his son, is a brilliant gift to Trump. It does two things:
1. Shows that Democrats — at least Biden — also believe the DoJ unfairly targets people for political reasons. Which is exactly what Trump has been saying!​
2. Provides cover for Trump to pardon individuals he thinks have been such targets, like the J6ers. And family members and friends for personal reasons, as well. (He would do this anyway, of course, but now it will cost him less political capital.)​
This may not be the end of it from Biden. I wouldn’t be surprised if on Jan 19th he issues a sweeping pardon for hundreds or thousands of people who he thinks may be a “target” of Trump. THAT will really open Pandora’s box.

They're right about one thing. We would never likely know anything all about the laptop if he had not been Biden's son. And all the probably corruption re the Ukraine and China and Russia deals would never have happened if Hunter was not Biden's son so we wouldn't have spent any time with that either. But Hunter is Biden's son and Biden has full constitutional authority to pardon him and that's that.

Does it stink to high heaven? Of course it does. Was the intention to protect Biden and others? Of course it was. Trump has said again and again and again that revenge is not part of his agenda, but the political opposition is sure acting as if they are liable to be prosecuted for something.

So there may be more pardons. And it has been suggested that we may be having a constitutional discussion on whether Biden can pardon himself which is also suggested to be a possibility.

It is what it is. Let's hope Trump and company are successful in cleaning house and making it far more difficult for future presidents and congressional leaders to use their offices for malfeasance without consequence.
They're right about one thing. We would never likely know anything all about the laptop if he had not been Biden's son. And all the probably corruption re the Ukraine and China and Russia deals would never have happened if Hunter was not Biden's son so we wouldn't have spent any time with that either. But Hunter is Biden's son and Biden has full constitutional authority to pardon him and that's that.

Does it stink to high heaven? Of course it does. Was the intention to protect Biden and others? Of course it was. Trump has said again and again and again that revenge is not part of his agenda, but the political opposition is sure acting as if they are liable to be prosecuted for something.

So there may be more pardons. And it has been suggested that we may be having a constitutional discussion on whether Biden can pardon himself which is also suggested to be a possibility.

It is what it is. Let's hope Trump and company are successful in cleaning house and making it far more difficult for future presidents and congressional leaders to use their offices for malfeasance without consequence.
Unfortunately, because Democrats are 100 percent authoritarians, they will never pay attention to you nor to me.
Unfortunately, because Democrats are 100 percent authoritarians, they will never pay attention to you nor to me.
It is what it is. Hopefully in the next four years they will be sufficiently neutered and rendered much less likely to be so corrupt without consequence. A substantial majority of Americans are hoping for that outcome.
It is what it is. Hopefully in the next four years they will be sufficiently neutered and rendered much less likely to be so corrupt without consequence. A substantial majority of Americans are hoping for that outcome.
You and I are precisely on the same page. Democrats as authoritarians perfected the stunt of claiming they are republicans but then when voting stick to voting as Democrats. TX has a huge problem and is working on solutions.
Get a grip. Trump's supreme court says any official act by a president is good to go, totally legal. Absolute control of presidential clemency, is part of the constitution.
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Suddenly that "no one is above the law" talking point no longer matters to you lefties. You dont give a flying fuck that the Bidens committed MANY crimes.
Suddenly that "no one is above the law" talking point no longer matters to you lefties. You dont give a flying fuck that the Bidens committed MANY crimes.
You guys chucked the Nobody is Above the Law thing for Trump. Your justices were just too stupid to know it would automatically protect Biden from you guys, also. I have told you how stupid Trump Republican lawyers are, time and time again.:rolleyes:

Just How Stupid Do They Think We Are?

2 Dec 2024 ~~ By Stephen Green

The more I think about Joe Biden's pardon of his bagman/tax-cheat son, Hunter, the angrier I get — but maybe not for the reason you think.

The harder I think about it...the funnier I think it is.

Just wait until Trump pardons himself or resigns a week before the end of his term and the VP pardons him.

Then OMB can tie it up in the Supreme Court for the next 20 years. Hope he is still alive to see the outcome.
Well, some 70 million voted for the worst person, Kamala Harris, to ever be at the top of a major party ticket in our lifetimes. A drunk, dumb cluck, Harris.
She is also a whore. Slept her way into politics. Ask Willie Brown.

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