Should Children Get Into Politics?

Then how about Kathy Najimy?
I know NOTHING!!

Children learn what they learn from their parents/caregivers...

With regards to politics and religion, I did my very best not to influence my children in any way. I did not discourage nor did I encourage any belief in a particular deity or religion, nor did I encourage or discourage a lack of belief. I taught them right and wrong, I taught them morals. When they were each old enough, when they asked a question regarding faith, I explained it was up to them to find their own way.

I took the same approach to politics.

One has found some religion, one is wishy washy about it, and one has followed me.

Two are liberals (you can't win them all), and one, to the best of mt knowledge, doesn't vote.

And I love them all just the same because none of that matters when it comes to ones children.
For me it was Junior High School ... student government ... we had elections and campaigns and a small budget ... the adults railroaded everything so it was a GREAT introduction to how our government works ... teachers got their cars washed for free ... or folks will be failing their classes ... just like Real Life™ ...

It's never too soon to teach children that government is our enemy ... a cancer on the American Dream ... always, always, always vote against taxes ...
Before they "get into" politics, kids need to learn about U.S. history and the constitutional freedoms that made this nation great. Once they have that basic appreciation and awareness they can consider issues that pertain to politics.
Does "that history" include the untidy parts as well? You know, slaughtering the native Americans, slavery, lynchings, hangings, Jim Crow.....?
Just wondering if they need to learn real history or just the revisionist version that doesn't make a certain majority group of people uncomfortable?

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