Sexual assault , it's a trap!

If they think this erases their culture of corruption they are in for rude surprise come election time

You mean YOUR culture of corruption.

Trump morons are laughable
yeah ...thats it many dems are hitting the door running so they can keep their big fat pensions and escape prosecution

How many of you losers voted for an admitted sexual predator and are supporting a child molester?

How many of you think our country being sold to Russians is ok.

Until you admit your treasonous immoral white supremacist supporting president needs to go there is nothing you can say that isn't BS. Your party has no morality and no high ground.

You can go back to whining now. 70% of this country will continue to think you're disgusting
All allegations, keep it up though. Moore might be the last time you will get away with these allegations liberals pull out, when they will get defeated. The Moore allegations are being proven to be lies. Keep it up though.
If they think this erases their culture of corruption they are in for rude surprise come election time

You mean YOUR culture of corruption.

Trump morons are laughable

What's "laughable", Jillian is that you on the left went after conservatives with accusations of sexual harassment only to open a Pandora's box that's resulted in the destruction of dozens of liberal icons in the entertainment and media industry! Gee, it turns out that the REAL "war on women" has been waged more by liberal males than by conservatives! So tell does it feel when you shoot your own foot off like that?

yes, how dare women tell the truth

Moore accusers are losing credibility as we speak.
If they think this erases their culture of corruption they are in for rude surprise come election time

You mean YOUR culture of corruption.

Trump morons are laughable

What's "laughable", Jillian is that you on the left went after conservatives with accusations of sexual harassment only to open a Pandora's box that's resulted in the destruction of dozens of liberal icons in the entertainment and media industry! Gee, it turns out that the REAL "war on women" has been waged more by liberal males than by conservatives! So tell does it feel when you shoot your own foot off like that?

yes, how dare women tell the truth


I have zero problem with women telling the truth, Jillian...nor do I have any problem with men who abuse power being held accountable! What I do have a problem with is a main stream media that pretended that was only happening with conservatives when it's become PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that they knew sexual harassment was liberal Hollywood and the liberal media's dirty little secret!
Reality Mainstream Media did nothing of the sort, while Fake Alt Right Media try to throw it exclusively on the left.

That's bullshit and you know it, Jake! You had liberals like Harvey Weinstein speaking at rallies protesting the treatment of women by the GOP when he was about as abusive of women as any man in memory...literally all of Hollywood KNEW it...and nobody said a peep. You had Al Franken calling out Trump for sexual harassment when he was guilty of exactly that himself! You had Matt Lauer's holier than thou grilling of Bill O'Reilly over the disgraced FOX News big wig's sexual harassment problems when he himself was guilty of far worse than O'Reilly ever was! "Reality Mainstream Media"? Don't make me laugh!
The Alt Right fakes try to make this all about the left.

Trump and Moore and the GOP in Congress and the legislatures and on the benches getting pinched every day.

Grow up, Oldstyle.
It's open season on anyone who's even winked at a female.
If they are going to go back 40 years, then any male who has ever made a pass at a female is going to be accused. It appears that even asking a woman for a date is now a criminal offense. They are going after Trump because he supposedly asked a woman out to lunch and then tried to give her a goodbuy kiss. That is utterly ridiculous.
You mean YOUR culture of corruption.

Trump morons are laughable

What's "laughable", Jillian is that you on the left went after conservatives with accusations of sexual harassment only to open a Pandora's box that's resulted in the destruction of dozens of liberal icons in the entertainment and media industry! Gee, it turns out that the REAL "war on women" has been waged more by liberal males than by conservatives! So tell does it feel when you shoot your own foot off like that?

yes, how dare women tell the truth


I have zero problem with women telling the truth, Jillian...nor do I have any problem with men who abuse power being held accountable! What I do have a problem with is a main stream media that pretended that was only happening with conservatives when it's become PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that they knew sexual harassment was liberal Hollywood and the liberal media's dirty little secret!
Reality Mainstream Media did nothing of the sort, while Fake Alt Right Media try to throw it exclusively on the left.

That's bullshit and you know it, Jake! You had liberals like Harvey Weinstein speaking at rallies protesting the treatment of women by the GOP when he was about as abusive of women as any man in memory...literally all of Hollywood KNEW it...and nobody said a peep. You had Al Franken calling out Trump for sexual harassment when he was guilty of exactly that himself! You had Matt Lauer's holier than thou grilling of Bill O'Reilly over the disgraced FOX News big wig's sexual harassment problems when he himself was guilty of far worse than O'Reilly ever was! "Reality Mainstream Media"? Don't make me laugh!

Harvey spoke at rallies AFTER he was exposed for what he is?

or was he tossed out on his keister?

the same should have happened with Donald the admitted sexual predator and Moore the creepy child molester.
If they think this erases their culture of corruption they are in for rude surprise come election time

You mean YOUR culture of corruption.

Trump morons are laughable

What's "laughable", Jillian is that you on the left went after conservatives with accusations of sexual harassment only to open a Pandora's box that's resulted in the destruction of dozens of liberal icons in the entertainment and media industry! Gee, it turns out that the REAL "war on women" has been waged more by liberal males than by conservatives! So tell does it feel when you shoot your own foot off like that?

yes, how dare women tell the truth

Moore accusers are losing credibility as we speak.

no one lost credibility except to morons who still think Donald isn't crooked, insane and stupid.
What's "laughable", Jillian is that you on the left went after conservatives with accusations of sexual harassment only to open a Pandora's box that's resulted in the destruction of dozens of liberal icons in the entertainment and media industry! Gee, it turns out that the REAL "war on women" has been waged more by liberal males than by conservatives! So tell does it feel when you shoot your own foot off like that?

yes, how dare women tell the truth


I have zero problem with women telling the truth, Jillian...nor do I have any problem with men who abuse power being held accountable! What I do have a problem with is a main stream media that pretended that was only happening with conservatives when it's become PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that they knew sexual harassment was liberal Hollywood and the liberal media's dirty little secret!
Reality Mainstream Media did nothing of the sort, while Fake Alt Right Media try to throw it exclusively on the left.

That's bullshit and you know it, Jake! You had liberals like Harvey Weinstein speaking at rallies protesting the treatment of women by the GOP when he was about as abusive of women as any man in memory...literally all of Hollywood KNEW it...and nobody said a peep. You had Al Franken calling out Trump for sexual harassment when he was guilty of exactly that himself! You had Matt Lauer's holier than thou grilling of Bill O'Reilly over the disgraced FOX News big wig's sexual harassment problems when he himself was guilty of far worse than O'Reilly ever was! "Reality Mainstream Media"? Don't make me laugh!

Harvey spoke at rallies AFTER he was exposed for what he is?

or was he tossed out on his keister?

the same should have happened with Donald the admitted sexual predator and Moore the creepy child molester.

Everyone in Hollywood knew who Wienstein was. So did Bill and Hillary. They also knew exactly what kind of guy Matt Lauer was.
What's "laughable", Jillian is that you on the left went after conservatives with accusations of sexual harassment only to open a Pandora's box that's resulted in the destruction of dozens of liberal icons in the entertainment and media industry! Gee, it turns out that the REAL "war on women" has been waged more by liberal males than by conservatives! So tell does it feel when you shoot your own foot off like that?

yes, how dare women tell the truth


I have zero problem with women telling the truth, Jillian...nor do I have any problem with men who abuse power being held accountable! What I do have a problem with is a main stream media that pretended that was only happening with conservatives when it's become PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that they knew sexual harassment was liberal Hollywood and the liberal media's dirty little secret!
Reality Mainstream Media did nothing of the sort, while Fake Alt Right Media try to throw it exclusively on the left.

That's bullshit and you know it, Jake! You had liberals like Harvey Weinstein speaking at rallies protesting the treatment of women by the GOP when he was about as abusive of women as any man in memory...literally all of Hollywood KNEW it...and nobody said a peep. You had Al Franken calling out Trump for sexual harassment when he was guilty of exactly that himself! You had Matt Lauer's holier than thou grilling of Bill O'Reilly over the disgraced FOX News big wig's sexual harassment problems when he himself was guilty of far worse than O'Reilly ever was! "Reality Mainstream Media"? Don't make me laugh!

Harvey spoke at rallies AFTER he was exposed for what he is?

or was he tossed out on his keister?

the same should have happened with Donald the admitted sexual predator and Moore the creepy child molester.

NO...Harvey spoke at those rallies BEFORE he was exposed for what he is! That doesn't change the fact that his behavior was a well known thing in Hollywood circles FOR DECADES!!! My point...which you seem unable to that the left's attempts to make sexual harassment an election issue has blown up in it's face because it turns out that liberals sexually harass women as much if not MORE than conservatives do!
yes, how dare women tell the truth


I have zero problem with women telling the truth, Jillian...nor do I have any problem with men who abuse power being held accountable! What I do have a problem with is a main stream media that pretended that was only happening with conservatives when it's become PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that they knew sexual harassment was liberal Hollywood and the liberal media's dirty little secret!
Reality Mainstream Media did nothing of the sort, while Fake Alt Right Media try to throw it exclusively on the left.

That's bullshit and you know it, Jake! You had liberals like Harvey Weinstein speaking at rallies protesting the treatment of women by the GOP when he was about as abusive of women as any man in memory...literally all of Hollywood KNEW it...and nobody said a peep. You had Al Franken calling out Trump for sexual harassment when he was guilty of exactly that himself! You had Matt Lauer's holier than thou grilling of Bill O'Reilly over the disgraced FOX News big wig's sexual harassment problems when he himself was guilty of far worse than O'Reilly ever was! "Reality Mainstream Media"? Don't make me laugh!

Harvey spoke at rallies AFTER he was exposed for what he is?

or was he tossed out on his keister?

the same should have happened with Donald the admitted sexual predator and Moore the creepy child molester.

Everyone in Hollywood knew who Wienstein was. So did Bill and Hillary. They also knew exactly what kind of guy Matt Lauer was.

ok bubbalah../..

and everyone at faux news knew what bill o'reilley was

and Donald the orange sociopath ADMITTED what he is and you elected him after.

and everyone knows what roy Moore is and you couldn't give a damn.

now go back to your basement.
yes, how dare women tell the truth


I have zero problem with women telling the truth, Jillian...nor do I have any problem with men who abuse power being held accountable! What I do have a problem with is a main stream media that pretended that was only happening with conservatives when it's become PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that they knew sexual harassment was liberal Hollywood and the liberal media's dirty little secret!
Reality Mainstream Media did nothing of the sort, while Fake Alt Right Media try to throw it exclusively on the left.

That's bullshit and you know it, Jake! You had liberals like Harvey Weinstein speaking at rallies protesting the treatment of women by the GOP when he was about as abusive of women as any man in memory...literally all of Hollywood KNEW it...and nobody said a peep. You had Al Franken calling out Trump for sexual harassment when he was guilty of exactly that himself! You had Matt Lauer's holier than thou grilling of Bill O'Reilly over the disgraced FOX News big wig's sexual harassment problems when he himself was guilty of far worse than O'Reilly ever was! "Reality Mainstream Media"? Don't make me laugh!

Harvey spoke at rallies AFTER he was exposed for what he is?

or was he tossed out on his keister?

the same should have happened with Donald the admitted sexual predator and Moore the creepy child molester.

NO...Harvey spoke at those rallies BEFORE he was exposed for what he is! That doesn't change the fact that his behavior was a well known thing in Hollywood circles FOR DECADES!!! My point...which you seem unable to that the left's attempts to make sexual harassment an election issue has blown up in it's face because it turns out that liberals sexually harass women as much if not MORE than conservatives do!

you elected Donald after he admitted to being a sexual predator....after he admitted he liked watching 15 year old girls in their dressing room.....

and the rabid loons will vote for roy Moore knowing he's a psycho, bigot disgusting child molester.

so I'm really not interested in the pretense that the right has any higher ground.
If they think this erases their culture of corruption they are in for rude surprise come election time

You mean YOUR culture of corruption.

Trump morons are laughable

What's "laughable", Jillian is that you on the left went after conservatives with accusations of sexual harassment only to open a Pandora's box that's resulted in the destruction of dozens of liberal icons in the entertainment and media industry! Gee, it turns out that the REAL "war on women" has been waged more by liberal males than by conservatives! So tell does it feel when you shoot your own foot off like that?

yes, how dare women tell the truth

Moore accusers are losing credibility as we speak.

no one lost credibility except to morons who still think Donald isn't crooked, insane and stupid.
Nope, not one is proven. Even the tape that he said being a powerful man. He COULD grab pussy, even after you turned it around. Still didn't affect him. Trump is the Teflon man, just like Clinton. Give it up, Trump is your President for another 7 years.
I have zero problem with women telling the truth, Jillian...nor do I have any problem with men who abuse power being held accountable! What I do have a problem with is a main stream media that pretended that was only happening with conservatives when it's become PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that they knew sexual harassment was liberal Hollywood and the liberal media's dirty little secret!
Reality Mainstream Media did nothing of the sort, while Fake Alt Right Media try to throw it exclusively on the left.

That's bullshit and you know it, Jake! You had liberals like Harvey Weinstein speaking at rallies protesting the treatment of women by the GOP when he was about as abusive of women as any man in memory...literally all of Hollywood KNEW it...and nobody said a peep. You had Al Franken calling out Trump for sexual harassment when he was guilty of exactly that himself! You had Matt Lauer's holier than thou grilling of Bill O'Reilly over the disgraced FOX News big wig's sexual harassment problems when he himself was guilty of far worse than O'Reilly ever was! "Reality Mainstream Media"? Don't make me laugh!

Harvey spoke at rallies AFTER he was exposed for what he is?

or was he tossed out on his keister?

the same should have happened with Donald the admitted sexual predator and Moore the creepy child molester.

NO...Harvey spoke at those rallies BEFORE he was exposed for what he is! That doesn't change the fact that his behavior was a well known thing in Hollywood circles FOR DECADES!!! My point...which you seem unable to that the left's attempts to make sexual harassment an election issue has blown up in it's face because it turns out that liberals sexually harass women as much if not MORE than conservatives do!

you elected Donald after he admitted to being a sexual predator....after he admitted he liked watching 15 year old girls in their dressing room.....

and the rabid loons will vote for roy Moore knowing he's a psycho, bigot disgusting child molester.

so I'm really not interested in the pretense that the right has any higher ground.
Please show proof of your accusations.
Trump may be, but that is conditional. Do not bother about jknowgood asking for proof, because he does not believe in any proof except for what he believes.


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