Several New Papers Indicate Sea Levels Were 1 – 3 Meters Higher Than Today A Few Thousand Years Ago


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
No Tricks Zone

Several New Papers Indicate Sea Levels Were 1 – 3 Meters Higher Than Today A Few Thousand Years Ago

By Kenneth Richard on 14. May 2020


Both during the last interglacial (~120,000 years ago) and from roughly 2000 to 7000 years ago, relative sea levels were from 6-10 meters to 1-3 meters higher than they are today, respectively.

For a list of over 100 other scientific papers indicating sea levels across the world were multiple meters higher when Earth’s CO2 concentrations were about 150 ppm lower than they are today (~260 ppm), see our database here.


Gee how did we manage to survive?

Maybe we used to run a lot faster 2,000- 7,000 years ago, that must be how we survived, many were able to outrun the waves, who were sent by accused human killer CO2 to drown them.
I see Lakhoha laughing at a post that uses a bunch of peer reviewed published research about ancient sea levels that were higher than today.

One Climate CO2 sniffing loser goes down in flames...

Who is next?
There may have been a few less people 7000 years ago. :dunno:

What about 1 AD?

Rome founded 753 BC
Carthage Founded 1215 BC
Alexandria Founded 332 BC

and more in that time frame that were cities on the coast line.

There were still a few billion less people in existence.

Of course, but what is your point?

The effects of rising sea levels would have effected billions less than today.
There may have been a few less people 7000 years ago. :dunno:

What about 1 AD?

Rome founded 753 BC
Carthage Founded 1215 BC
Alexandria Founded 332 BC

and more in that time frame that were cities on the coast line.

There were still a few billion less people in existence.

Of course, but what is your point?

The effects of rising sea levels would have effected billions less than today.

Ha ha your deflection has gotten really silly now, since you didn't read post one very well, here is the main point of the article you haven't noticed:

"For a list of over 100 other scientific papers indicating sea levels across the world were multiple meters higher when Earth’s CO2 concentrations were about 150 ppm lower than they are today (~260 ppm), see our database here."

You are apparently avoiding the article itself, you want to minimize the fact that thousands of years ago, Sea level was higher than now, sometimes a lot higher than now, while CO2 levels were a lot lower.

Population numbers isn't a topic of discussion here, thus your deflection is a dishonest one.
There's a few places in California where the higher beaches are still obvious ... In several cases the coast highway is built on these benches ... if you're familiar with the Los Angeles area, then you know LAX is built right there on the coast line, yet the runways are 34 feet above sea level ... in 80 years these same runways will be 32 feet above sea level ... oh the humanity of it all !!! ...

We built 43,000 miles of interstate freeways criss-crossing the United States in about 20 years ... seems adding 3 feet to our sea walls in 80 years would be trivial ... Japan lost about 800 miles of 50 foot sea walls back in 2011 ... they've got about half of them rebuilt already ... the money saver there is that Japan ownes that land ... the wall itself is cheap, it's the real estate that's expensive ... the beach homes built today won't last 80 years ...

Yes, S'Tommy ... we've had higher temperatures and higher sea level during the Holocene ... that's why Alarmists prefer to only look back 50 years, or at most 4,000 years ... we're 12,000 years past peak inter-glaciation ... we can expect temperatures to fall very slowly over the next 110,000 years ... 3,000 generations ... our (great)^3,000-grandchildren will suffer ... I just hope they're not as useless as today's kids ...
Tommy - Your link is to a questionable source. Note objections to "No tricks zone" in these links:

For example:

Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?

25 Oct. 2017

“The first time that Breitbart ran a NTZ based-story, numerous scientists listed in the report pointed out their their graphs had been digitally altered by NTZ to omit data, and that NTZ had either misinterpreted their papers or read them so superficially that the author of the post did not realize he was sometimes quoting from general background material and not the actual findings of the papers themselves. […] Ernesto Tejedor Vargas, whose study “Temperature Variability in the Iberian Range Since 1602 Inferred from Tree-ring Records” was featured in both the June Breitbart article and in the current iteration, told Climate Feedback in June that he “would like the author of the No Tricks Zone post to remove my name from the blog since it is not reflecting our research conclusion””



Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?
An article stakes its claim on a regurgitation of false information from a blogger who rejects mainstream climate science."


"Did 58 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Say Global Warming is a Myth?
An article on Breitbart News used flawed interpretations from a climate skeptic blog to amplify a grossly inaccurate understanding of climatological research."

See also:


"In an article for Breitbart, author James Delingpole claims to provide 58 scientific papers published in 2017 that show global warming to be “a myth”. This claim is sourced entirely from a list on a blog called “No Tricks Zone”. Delingpole claims “comfort” in “know[ing] that ‘the science’ is on our side”, but he can only do so by fundamentally misrepresenting the scientists’ research.

Climate Feedback reached out to authors of the scientific studies in the list of 58 papers that Delingpole claims “corroborate, independently and rigorously” his view that “‘man-made global warming’ just isn’t a thing.”

So far, 29 scientists have responded to our request for comment, and all 29 have replied “No” to the question, “Do you agree with the Breitbart article that your study provides evidence against modern climate change caused by human activities?” You can read more about their reactions below.

See all the scientists’ annotations in context"

Why not post from PNAS or some other relatively reliable science source? There is no way you are going to convince me by quoting clearly biased sources with their own misleading spin on the actual results of scientific research!

Oh, btw, sea level was higher during the Noachian flood in 2370 BCE - likely you discount the Biblical account as well. It was also warmer before the mammoths and other animals were quick frozen in the arctic permafrost until the current global warming.

Sea level was lower prior to that catastrophe - see oceanographic maps of the edges of continental shelves for example.
Tommy - Your link is to a questionable source. Note objections to "No tricks zone" in these links:

For example:

Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?

25 Oct. 2017

“The first time that Breitbart ran a NTZ based-story, numerous scientists listed in the report pointed out their their graphs had been digitally altered by NTZ to omit data, and that NTZ had either misinterpreted their papers or read them so superficially that the author of the post did not realize he was sometimes quoting from general background material and not the actual findings of the papers themselves. […] Ernesto Tejedor Vargas, whose study “Temperature Variability in the Iberian Range Since 1602 Inferred from Tree-ring Records” was featured in both the June Breitbart article and in the current iteration, told Climate Feedback in June that he “would like the author of the No Tricks Zone post to remove my name from the blog since it is not reflecting our research conclusion””



Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?
An article stakes its claim on a regurgitation of false information from a blogger who rejects mainstream climate science."


"Did 58 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Say Global Warming is a Myth?
An article on Breitbart News used flawed interpretations from a climate skeptic blog to amplify a grossly inaccurate understanding of climatological research."

See also:


"In an article for Breitbart, author James Delingpole claims to provide 58 scientific papers published in 2017 that show global warming to be “a myth”. This claim is sourced entirely from a list on a blog called “No Tricks Zone”. Delingpole claims “comfort” in “know[ing] that ‘the science’ is on our side”, but he can only do so by fundamentally misrepresenting the scientists’ research.

Climate Feedback reached out to authors of the scientific studies in the list of 58 papers that Delingpole claims “corroborate, independently and rigorously” his view that “‘man-made global warming’ just isn’t a thing.”

So far, 29 scientists have responded to our request for comment, and all 29 have replied “No” to the question, “Do you agree with the Breitbart article that your study provides evidence against modern climate change caused by human activities?” You can read more about their reactions below.

See all the scientists’ annotations in context"

Why not post from PNAS or some other relatively reliable science source? There is no way you are going to convince me by quoting clearly biased sources with their own misleading spin on the actual results of scientific research!

Oh, btw, sea level was higher during the Noachian flood in 2370 BCE - likely you discount the Biblical account as well. It was also warmer before the mammoths and other animals were quick frozen in the arctic permafrost until the current global warming.

Sea level was lower prior to that catastrophe - see oceanographic maps of the edges of continental shelves for example.

Your deflection is silly since you IGNORED the LINKED published papers inside the main link, not only that you drag in Breitbart which I never use as a source.

Meanwhile here is what you didn't read:

The Mid-Holocene, 2000-7000 years ago

Lopez-Belzunce et al., 2020 (Mediterranean)

“Regarding the stabilization of the RSL [relative sea level], our data show it to be 1.20 m above the present-day level at 3000 cal yr BP and 1 m higher at 2000 cal yr BP.”

Burley et al., 2020 (Polynesia)

“At the time of first Lapita arrival at Nukuleka, sea levels were 1.2–1.4 m higher than present (Dickinson 2007).”

Lopes et al., 2020 (Brazil)

“The late Pleistocene-middle Holocene post-glacial marine transgression (PMT) that started around 18 ka b2k in response to the melting of ice caps and glaciers, together with increased precipitation, would have led to another lake highstand (Figure 3A). Sea-level curves obtained from several sites along the Brazilian coast show that a mean sea level (m.s.l.) equal to the present one was reached at ~7 ka b2k, and continued to rise until reaching up to +5 meters between 6 and 5 ka b2k (Martin et al., 2003; Angulo et al., 2006). In the CPRS the PMT formed the Barrier IV, and the estimates based on geologic and fossil records indicate that it reached amplitude of about 2-3 meters above the present m.s.l. (Barboza and Tomazelli, 2003; Caron, 2007; Lima et al., 2013; Dillenburg et al., 2017).”

“The altitude of the terrace T3 above the fossils of Toxodon found in situ indicates this was cut by the Holocene sea-level highstand that reached a maximum altitude of 3 meters [above present] between 6 and 5.1 ka b2k. At that time Mirim Lake was invaded by the Atlantic Ocean through Taim and São Gonçalo channel, becoming a large paleo-lagoon with conditions suitable for its occupation by marine organisms, including sharks, rays, teleost fishes and whales. The coastal waters were warmer than today, as indicated by the presence of fossils of the shark Carcharhinus leucas, common in tropical areas.”

and more in the LINK you are trying hard to discredit.
Last edited:
Tommy - Your link is to a questionable source. Note objections to "No tricks zone" in these links:

For example:

Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?

25 Oct. 2017

“The first time that Breitbart ran a NTZ based-story, numerous scientists listed in the report pointed out their their graphs had been digitally altered by NTZ to omit data, and that NTZ had either misinterpreted their papers or read them so superficially that the author of the post did not realize he was sometimes quoting from general background material and not the actual findings of the papers themselves. […] Ernesto Tejedor Vargas, whose study “Temperature Variability in the Iberian Range Since 1602 Inferred from Tree-ring Records” was featured in both the June Breitbart article and in the current iteration, told Climate Feedback in June that he “would like the author of the No Tricks Zone post to remove my name from the blog since it is not reflecting our research conclusion””



Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?
An article stakes its claim on a regurgitation of false information from a blogger who rejects mainstream climate science."


"Did 58 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Say Global Warming is a Myth?
An article on Breitbart News used flawed interpretations from a climate skeptic blog to amplify a grossly inaccurate understanding of climatological research."

See also:


"In an article for Breitbart, author James Delingpole claims to provide 58 scientific papers published in 2017 that show global warming to be “a myth”. This claim is sourced entirely from a list on a blog called “No Tricks Zone”. Delingpole claims “comfort” in “know[ing] that ‘the science’ is on our side”, but he can only do so by fundamentally misrepresenting the scientists’ research.

Climate Feedback reached out to authors of the scientific studies in the list of 58 papers that Delingpole claims “corroborate, independently and rigorously” his view that “‘man-made global warming’ just isn’t a thing.”

So far, 29 scientists have responded to our request for comment, and all 29 have replied “No” to the question, “Do you agree with the Breitbart article that your study provides evidence against modern climate change caused by human activities?” You can read more about their reactions below.

See all the scientists’ annotations in context"

Why not post from PNAS or some other relatively reliable science source? There is no way you are going to convince me by quoting clearly biased sources with their own misleading spin on the actual results of scientific research!

Oh, btw, sea level was higher during the Noachian flood in 2370 BCE - likely you discount the Biblical account as well. It was also warmer before the mammoths and other animals were quick frozen in the arctic permafrost until the current global warming.

Sea level was lower prior to that catastrophe - see oceanographic maps of the edges of continental shelves for example.

Your deflection is silly since you IGNORED the LINKED published papers inside the main link, not only that you drag in Breitbart which I never use as a source.

Meanwhile here is what you didn't read:

The Mid-Holocene, 2000-7000 years ago

Lopez-Belzunce et al., 2020 (Mediterranean)

“Regarding the stabilization of the RSL [relative sea level], our data show it to be 1.20 m above the present-day level at 3000 cal yr BP and 1 m higher at 2000 cal yr BP.”

Burley et al., 2020 (Polynesia)

“At the time of first Lapita arrival at Nukuleka, sea levels were 1.2–1.4 m higher than present (Dickinson 2007).”

Lopes et al., 2020 (Brazil)

“The late Pleistocene-middle Holocene post-glacial marine transgression (PMT) that started around 18 ka b2k in response to the melting of ice caps and glaciers, together with increased precipitation, would have led to another lake highstand (Figure 3A). Sea-level curves obtained from several sites along the Brazilian coast show that a mean sea level (m.s.l.) equal to the present one was reached at ~7 ka b2k, and continued to rise until reaching up to +5 meters between 6 and 5 ka b2k (Martin et al., 2003; Angulo et al., 2006). In the CPRS the PMT formed the Barrier IV, and the estimates based on geologic and fossil records indicate that it reached amplitude of about 2-3 meters above the present m.s.l. (Barboza and Tomazelli, 2003; Caron, 2007; Lima et al., 2013; Dillenburg et al., 2017).”

“The altitude of the terrace T3 above the fossils of Toxodon found in situ indicates this was cut by the Holocene sea-level highstand that reached a maximum altitude of 3 meters [above present] between 6 and 5.1 ka b2k. At that time Mirim Lake was invaded by the Atlantic Ocean through Taim and São Gonçalo channel, becoming a large paleo-lagoon with conditions suitable for its occupation by marine organisms, including sharks, rays, teleost fishes and whales. The coastal waters were warmer than today, as indicated by the presence of fossils of the shark Carcharhinus leucas, common in tropical areas.”

and more in the LINK you are trying hard to discredit.

As I posted, the time range is when the Noachian flood occurred. The permafrost that resulted from the catastrophic sudden climate change in the arctic has remained frozen for thousands of years since then - until the current global warming.

Btw - dating in pre-historic times is unreliable. In fact, scientists use historical records to reign in their faulty dating - but this does not work in pre-historic times. But it is known that the Noachian flood was near the boundary between pre-historic and historic. Worldwide flood legends confirm this.

Thank you for confirming the warmer pre-flood climate. The many species of plants in frozen mammoths like the Beresovka mammoth also confirm the milder arctic climate that mammoths grazed on before that sudden catastrophic climate change.

My main point is that the resulting permafrost has remained frozen for thousands of years until the current global warming - it is current proof of global warming. While not nearly as fast as the sudden arctic climate change thousands of years ago - the current global warming is nonetheless too fast for many species to adapt - and extinctions are ongoing.

Edit: There are other causes of extinctions besides global warming. Loss of habitat for example. It is all caused by man, and this is the time we can expect our Creator to destroy those destroying the earth as foretold in Revelation 11:18 - in fact 2 Peter 3:9 explains why the delay until the current tipping points are being reached.
Last edited:
Tommy - Your link is to a questionable source. Note objections to "No tricks zone" in these links:

For example:

Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?

25 Oct. 2017

“The first time that Breitbart ran a NTZ based-story, numerous scientists listed in the report pointed out their their graphs had been digitally altered by NTZ to omit data, and that NTZ had either misinterpreted their papers or read them so superficially that the author of the post did not realize he was sometimes quoting from general background material and not the actual findings of the papers themselves. […] Ernesto Tejedor Vargas, whose study “Temperature Variability in the Iberian Range Since 1602 Inferred from Tree-ring Records” was featured in both the June Breitbart article and in the current iteration, told Climate Feedback in June that he “would like the author of the No Tricks Zone post to remove my name from the blog since it is not reflecting our research conclusion””



Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?
An article stakes its claim on a regurgitation of false information from a blogger who rejects mainstream climate science."


"Did 58 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Say Global Warming is a Myth?
An article on Breitbart News used flawed interpretations from a climate skeptic blog to amplify a grossly inaccurate understanding of climatological research."

See also:


"In an article for Breitbart, author James Delingpole claims to provide 58 scientific papers published in 2017 that show global warming to be “a myth”. This claim is sourced entirely from a list on a blog called “No Tricks Zone”. Delingpole claims “comfort” in “know[ing] that ‘the science’ is on our side”, but he can only do so by fundamentally misrepresenting the scientists’ research.

Climate Feedback reached out to authors of the scientific studies in the list of 58 papers that Delingpole claims “corroborate, independently and rigorously” his view that “‘man-made global warming’ just isn’t a thing.”

So far, 29 scientists have responded to our request for comment, and all 29 have replied “No” to the question, “Do you agree with the Breitbart article that your study provides evidence against modern climate change caused by human activities?” You can read more about their reactions below.

See all the scientists’ annotations in context"

Why not post from PNAS or some other relatively reliable science source? There is no way you are going to convince me by quoting clearly biased sources with their own misleading spin on the actual results of scientific research!

Oh, btw, sea level was higher during the Noachian flood in 2370 BCE - likely you discount the Biblical account as well. It was also warmer before the mammoths and other animals were quick frozen in the arctic permafrost until the current global warming.

Sea level was lower prior to that catastrophe - see oceanographic maps of the edges of continental shelves for example.

Your deflection is silly since you IGNORED the LINKED published papers inside the main link, not only that you drag in Breitbart which I never use as a source.

Meanwhile here is what you didn't read:

The Mid-Holocene, 2000-7000 years ago

Lopez-Belzunce et al., 2020 (Mediterranean)

“Regarding the stabilization of the RSL [relative sea level], our data show it to be 1.20 m above the present-day level at 3000 cal yr BP and 1 m higher at 2000 cal yr BP.”

Burley et al., 2020 (Polynesia)

“At the time of first Lapita arrival at Nukuleka, sea levels were 1.2–1.4 m higher than present (Dickinson 2007).”

Lopes et al., 2020 (Brazil)

“The late Pleistocene-middle Holocene post-glacial marine transgression (PMT) that started around 18 ka b2k in response to the melting of ice caps and glaciers, together with increased precipitation, would have led to another lake highstand (Figure 3A). Sea-level curves obtained from several sites along the Brazilian coast show that a mean sea level (m.s.l.) equal to the present one was reached at ~7 ka b2k, and continued to rise until reaching up to +5 meters between 6 and 5 ka b2k (Martin et al., 2003; Angulo et al., 2006). In the CPRS the PMT formed the Barrier IV, and the estimates based on geologic and fossil records indicate that it reached amplitude of about 2-3 meters above the present m.s.l. (Barboza and Tomazelli, 2003; Caron, 2007; Lima et al., 2013; Dillenburg et al., 2017).”

“The altitude of the terrace T3 above the fossils of Toxodon found in situ indicates this was cut by the Holocene sea-level highstand that reached a maximum altitude of 3 meters [above present] between 6 and 5.1 ka b2k. At that time Mirim Lake was invaded by the Atlantic Ocean through Taim and São Gonçalo channel, becoming a large paleo-lagoon with conditions suitable for its occupation by marine organisms, including sharks, rays, teleost fishes and whales. The coastal waters were warmer than today, as indicated by the presence of fossils of the shark Carcharhinus leucas, common in tropical areas.”

and more in the LINK you are trying hard to discredit.

As I posted, the time range is when the Noachian flood occurred. The permafrost that resulted from the catastrophic sudden climate change in the arctic has remained frozen for thousands of years since then - until the current global warming.

Btw - dating in pre-historic times is unreliable. In fact, scientists use historical records to reign in their faulty dating - but this does not work in pre-historic times. But it is known that the Noachian flood was near the boundary between pre-historic and historic. Worldwide flood legends confirm this.

Thank you for confirming the warmer pre-flood climate. The many species of plants in frozen mammoths like the Beresovka mammoth also confirm the milder arctic climate that mammoths grazed on before that sudden catastrophic climate change.

My main point is that the resulting permafrost has remained frozen for thousands of years until the current global warming - it is current proof of global warming. While not nearly as fast as the sudden arctic climate change thousands of years ago - the current global warming is nonetheless too fast for many species to adapt - and extinctions are ongoing.

Edit: There are other causes of extinctions besides global warming. Loss of habitat for example. It is all caused by man, and this is the time we can expect our Creator to destroy those destroying the earth as foretold in Revelation 11:18 - in fact 2 Peter 3:9 explains why the delay until the current tipping points are being reached.

You are all over the map now with your unsupported "Noachian" floods nonsense.

I will stick with the science, leave out the bible crap.

Now that you suddenly went quiet about all those links you once claimed were ... he he... unreliable because it was in a skeptical blog.

As I posted, the time range is when the Noachian flood occurred. The permafrost that resulted from the catastrophic sudden climate change in the arctic has remained frozen for thousands of years since then - until the current global warming.

Btw - dating in pre-historic times is unreliable. In fact, scientists use historical records to reign in their faulty dating - but this does not work in pre-historic times. But it is known that the Noachian flood was near the boundary between pre-historic and historic. Worldwide flood legends confirm this.

Thank you for confirming the warmer pre-flood climate. The many species of plants in frozen mammoths like the Beresovka mammoth also confirm the milder arctic climate that mammoths grazed on before that sudden catastrophic climate change.

My main point is that the resulting permafrost has remained frozen for thousands of years until the current global warming - it is current proof of global warming. While not nearly as fast as the sudden arctic climate change thousands of years ago - the current global warming is nonetheless too fast for many species to adapt - and extinctions are ongoing.

Edit: There are other causes of extinctions besides global warming. Loss of habitat for example. It is all caused by man, and this is the time we can expect our Creator to destroy those destroying the earth as foretold in Revelation 11:18 - in fact 2 Peter 3:9 explains why the delay until the current tipping points are being reached.

Very strange ... Noah's floods are generally considered mythology, or should I say it's a fable ... a story to teach moral responsibility ... the wicked sons and daughters of Cain being swept off the face of the Earth thus leaving behind only the the sons and daughters of Seth ... and we have no evidence of any world-wide flood 5,000 years ago that I'm aware of ... do you have any credible scientific citations to back up your claim that we do have evidence ...

Helpful would be for you to learn how we date things from pre-history, what faults that exist are covered in the margin-of-error statements ... we find a bit of clothing and we can date that 30,000 years old ± 5,000 years ... and of course these dating techniques are very good at relative timing ... there's no scientific reason to believe the Beresovka mammoth died in this time range, and every reason to believe this occurred 10,000's of years before the advent of written history ...

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." -- 2 Peter 3:9

This doesn't explain any delay in tipping-points ... it explains why tipping-points will never happen ... God so loves us He won't be killing us, ever ... also helpful is if you read the entire chapter and so you can see how out of context your reasoning is ... "And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation;" ... please study Ecclesiastes, you're advancing vexation of spirit, the very thing Peter warns us against ...
I see Lakhoha laughing at a post that uses a bunch of peer reviewed published research about ancient sea levels that were higher than today.

One Climate CO2 sniffing loser goes down in flames...

Who is next?
Damn, Tommy, old boy, you are once again coming across as a real dummy. Yes, it was warmer 7000 years ago as it should have been because of the Milankovic Cycles. And it has been slowly cooling for the last 6000 years.

However, by the burning of fossil fuels, there is now more CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere than there has been in more than 4 million years, and the world has been rapidly warming as a result. And all your dumb ass spewing will not change what is occurring.
Tommy - Your link is to a questionable source. Note objections to "No tricks zone" in these links:

For example:

Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?

25 Oct. 2017

“The first time that Breitbart ran a NTZ based-story, numerous scientists listed in the report pointed out their their graphs had been digitally altered by NTZ to omit data, and that NTZ had either misinterpreted their papers or read them so superficially that the author of the post did not realize he was sometimes quoting from general background material and not the actual findings of the papers themselves. […] Ernesto Tejedor Vargas, whose study “Temperature Variability in the Iberian Range Since 1602 Inferred from Tree-ring Records” was featured in both the June Breitbart article and in the current iteration, told Climate Feedback in June that he “would like the author of the No Tricks Zone post to remove my name from the blog since it is not reflecting our research conclusion””



Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?
An article stakes its claim on a regurgitation of false information from a blogger who rejects mainstream climate science."


"Did 58 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Say Global Warming is a Myth?
An article on Breitbart News used flawed interpretations from a climate skeptic blog to amplify a grossly inaccurate understanding of climatological research."

See also:


"In an article for Breitbart, author James Delingpole claims to provide 58 scientific papers published in 2017 that show global warming to be “a myth”. This claim is sourced entirely from a list on a blog called “No Tricks Zone”. Delingpole claims “comfort” in “know[ing] that ‘the science’ is on our side”, but he can only do so by fundamentally misrepresenting the scientists’ research.

Climate Feedback reached out to authors of the scientific studies in the list of 58 papers that Delingpole claims “corroborate, independently and rigorously” his view that “‘man-made global warming’ just isn’t a thing.”

So far, 29 scientists have responded to our request for comment, and all 29 have replied “No” to the question, “Do you agree with the Breitbart article that your study provides evidence against modern climate change caused by human activities?” You can read more about their reactions below.

See all the scientists’ annotations in context"

Why not post from PNAS or some other relatively reliable science source? There is no way you are going to convince me by quoting clearly biased sources with their own misleading spin on the actual results of scientific research!

Oh, btw, sea level was higher during the Noachian flood in 2370 BCE - likely you discount the Biblical account as well. It was also warmer before the mammoths and other animals were quick frozen in the arctic permafrost until the current global warming.

Sea level was lower prior to that catastrophe - see oceanographic maps of the edges of continental shelves for example.

Your deflection is silly since you IGNORED the LINKED published papers inside the main link, not only that you drag in Breitbart which I never use as a source.

Meanwhile here is what you didn't read:

The Mid-Holocene, 2000-7000 years ago

Lopez-Belzunce et al., 2020 (Mediterranean)

“Regarding the stabilization of the RSL [relative sea level], our data show it to be 1.20 m above the present-day level at 3000 cal yr BP and 1 m higher at 2000 cal yr BP.”

Burley et al., 2020 (Polynesia)

“At the time of first Lapita arrival at Nukuleka, sea levels were 1.2–1.4 m higher than present (Dickinson 2007).”

Lopes et al., 2020 (Brazil)

“The late Pleistocene-middle Holocene post-glacial marine transgression (PMT) that started around 18 ka b2k in response to the melting of ice caps and glaciers, together with increased precipitation, would have led to another lake highstand (Figure 3A). Sea-level curves obtained from several sites along the Brazilian coast show that a mean sea level (m.s.l.) equal to the present one was reached at ~7 ka b2k, and continued to rise until reaching up to +5 meters between 6 and 5 ka b2k (Martin et al., 2003; Angulo et al., 2006). In the CPRS the PMT formed the Barrier IV, and the estimates based on geologic and fossil records indicate that it reached amplitude of about 2-3 meters above the present m.s.l. (Barboza and Tomazelli, 2003; Caron, 2007; Lima et al., 2013; Dillenburg et al., 2017).”

“The altitude of the terrace T3 above the fossils of Toxodon found in situ indicates this was cut by the Holocene sea-level highstand that reached a maximum altitude of 3 meters [above present] between 6 and 5.1 ka b2k. At that time Mirim Lake was invaded by the Atlantic Ocean through Taim and São Gonçalo channel, becoming a large paleo-lagoon with conditions suitable for its occupation by marine organisms, including sharks, rays, teleost fishes and whales. The coastal waters were warmer than today, as indicated by the presence of fossils of the shark Carcharhinus leucas, common in tropical areas.”

and more in the LINK you are trying hard to discredit.

As I posted, the time range is when the Noachian flood occurred. The permafrost that resulted from the catastrophic sudden climate change in the arctic has remained frozen for thousands of years since then - until the current global warming.

Btw - dating in pre-historic times is unreliable. In fact, scientists use historical records to reign in their faulty dating - but this does not work in pre-historic times. But it is known that the Noachian flood was near the boundary between pre-historic and historic. Worldwide flood legends confirm this.

Thank you for confirming the warmer pre-flood climate. The many species of plants in frozen mammoths like the Beresovka mammoth also confirm the milder arctic climate that mammoths grazed on before that sudden catastrophic climate change.

My main point is that the resulting permafrost has remained frozen for thousands of years until the current global warming - it is current proof of global warming. While not nearly as fast as the sudden arctic climate change thousands of years ago - the current global warming is nonetheless too fast for many species to adapt - and extinctions are ongoing.

Edit: There are other causes of extinctions besides global warming. Loss of habitat for example. It is all caused by man, and this is the time we can expect our Creator to destroy those destroying the earth as foretold in Revelation 11:18 - in fact 2 Peter 3:9 explains why the delay until the current tipping points are being reached.

You are all over the map now with your unsupported "Noachian" floods nonsense.

I will stick with the science, leave out the bible crap.

Now that you suddenly went quiet about all those links you once claimed were ... he he... unreliable because it was in a skeptical blog.


Thank you for making your position clear.
I see Lakhoha laughing at a post that uses a bunch of peer reviewed published research about ancient sea levels that were higher than today.

One Climate CO2 sniffing loser goes down in flames...

Who is next?
Damn, Tommy, old boy, you are once again coming across as a real dummy. Yes, it was warmer 7000 years ago as it should have been because of the Milankovic Cycles. And it has been slowly cooling for the last 6000 years.

However, by the burning of fossil fuels, there is now more CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere than there has been in more than 4 million years, and the world has been rapidly warming as a result. And all your dumb ass spewing will not change what is occurring.

While I disagree with your specific favored science model - we agree it was warmer 7,000 years ago. You seem to have missed the evidence of the sudden and permanent (until the current global warming) freezing of the arctic permafrost.

Crucially, we agree on global warming.

Btw - we believe in the Biblical account of the Noachian flood which clearly made sea level higher than it is today. In fact, the edges of continental shelves imply old coastlines have been deluged.
Tommy - Your link is to a questionable source. Note objections to "No tricks zone" in these links:

For example:

Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?

25 Oct. 2017

“The first time that Breitbart ran a NTZ based-story, numerous scientists listed in the report pointed out their their graphs had been digitally altered by NTZ to omit data, and that NTZ had either misinterpreted their papers or read them so superficially that the author of the post did not realize he was sometimes quoting from general background material and not the actual findings of the papers themselves. […] Ernesto Tejedor Vargas, whose study “Temperature Variability in the Iberian Range Since 1602 Inferred from Tree-ring Records” was featured in both the June Breitbart article and in the current iteration, told Climate Feedback in June that he “would like the author of the No Tricks Zone post to remove my name from the blog since it is not reflecting our research conclusion””



Do Hundreds of Papers Published in 2017 ‘Prove’ That Global Warming is a Myth?
An article stakes its claim on a regurgitation of false information from a blogger who rejects mainstream climate science."


"Did 58 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Say Global Warming is a Myth?
An article on Breitbart News used flawed interpretations from a climate skeptic blog to amplify a grossly inaccurate understanding of climatological research."

See also:


"In an article for Breitbart, author James Delingpole claims to provide 58 scientific papers published in 2017 that show global warming to be “a myth”. This claim is sourced entirely from a list on a blog called “No Tricks Zone”. Delingpole claims “comfort” in “know[ing] that ‘the science’ is on our side”, but he can only do so by fundamentally misrepresenting the scientists’ research.

Climate Feedback reached out to authors of the scientific studies in the list of 58 papers that Delingpole claims “corroborate, independently and rigorously” his view that “‘man-made global warming’ just isn’t a thing.”

So far, 29 scientists have responded to our request for comment, and all 29 have replied “No” to the question, “Do you agree with the Breitbart article that your study provides evidence against modern climate change caused by human activities?” You can read more about their reactions below.

See all the scientists’ annotations in context"

Why not post from PNAS or some other relatively reliable science source? There is no way you are going to convince me by quoting clearly biased sources with their own misleading spin on the actual results of scientific research!

Oh, btw, sea level was higher during the Noachian flood in 2370 BCE - likely you discount the Biblical account as well. It was also warmer before the mammoths and other animals were quick frozen in the arctic permafrost until the current global warming.

Sea level was lower prior to that catastrophe - see oceanographic maps of the edges of continental shelves for example.

Snopes, New York times?


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