Seriously: What's Wrong with the Left?

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
They just don't seem to develop or mature. Is it genetic?

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach
They just don't seem to develop or mature. Is it genetic?

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach

This is indeed the reason why having Trump as president was needed, whether you agree with him or not.
These students have been coddled by helicopter parents throughout high school, so they are still very much children when they are in college. It's why they need safe spaces and coloring books yet they want to be treated and respected as full fledged members of society. Why the Left caters to it though, I really don't understand other than the need to be overly sensitive, maybe? This does however explain why they have acted like spoiled children with the riots and such.

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Why the Left caters to it though, I really don't understand other than the need to be overly sensitive,
Because they really haven't matured themselves.

Look at Hillary. Locked herself up to "have a good cry" rather than speak to her supporters.

What the hell kind of emotional baby did they almost elect? Thank God she lost. The woman is too unstable and emotional to make decisions that impact the lives of 300 million citizens
They just don't seem to develop or mature. Is it genetic?

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach
It's not the students, it's the teachers.

What you are dealing with is a bunch of aging women who gave up their heterosexuality to fight a gender war. If you don't play with the play-doh then you won't pass the course. It sounds weird but that's literally what's happening.

"Don't ya like ya play-doh? What are ya, a Trump lover?
When an elephant is born, he weighs about 250 lbs.

That makes them the largest babies on earth - right after American college students.
South Park did a pretty good job describing it.

Liberalism needs to be utterly gutted. The damage it has done to the psyche of the nation (the world) is virtually irreversible at this point.

All of those brainwashed kids are going into the adult world and they will be running things. God help us all.
When an elephant is born, he weighs about 250 lbs.

That makes them the largest babies on earth - right after American college students.
And female Democrat nominees:
  • Klein added that the friend 'said it was even hard to understand what she was saying, she was crying so hard'
  • He also said Clinton apparently blamed FBI Director James Comey for her loss, as he reopened investigation into her emails 11 days before election
  • Clinton's longtime aide Huma Abedin was pictured on Friday crying as she walked to the Clinton campaign headquarters
Hillary Clinton 'inconsolable' after losing US election to Donald Trump | Daily Mail Online
South Park did a pretty good job describing it.

Liberalism needs to be utterly gutted. The damage it has done to the psyche of the nation (the world) is virtually irreversible at this point.

All of those brainwashed kids are going into the adult world and they will be running things. God help us all.

They've got it wrong.

The teachers and permanent students weed out anyone that doesn't want to go along with their social agenda. The people who finish courses are not brainwashed, they already felt the same.

Safe spaces must be to protect them from the science and engineering students, while they are conspiring how to take over those departments too.
They just don't seem to develop or mature. Is it genetic?

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach
I dont know if any of this is true or not, but what makes you think the university of Kansas and Yale university represent "the left"? Is this a conspiracy thread about the evil leftists infiltrating the universities to teach your kids that evolution is real?
They just don't seem to develop or mature. Is it genetic?

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach
I dont know if any of this is true or not, but what makes you think the university of Kansas and Yale university represent "the left"? Is this a conspiracy thread about the evil leftists infiltrating the universities to teach your kids that evolution is real?
Holy shit
They just don't seem to develop or mature. Is it genetic?

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach

You beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They just don't seem to develop or mature. Is it genetic?

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach
I dont know if any of this is true or not, but what makes you think the university of Kansas and Yale university represent "the left"? Is this a conspiracy thread about the evil leftists infiltrating the universities to teach your kids that evolution is real?

Logic and facts are moderate to leftist in nature. The far right sticks with jesus and the 18th century without a thought.
South Park did a pretty good job describing it.

Liberalism needs to be utterly gutted. The damage it has done to the psyche of the nation (the world) is virtually irreversible at this point.

All of those brainwashed kids are going into the adult world and they will be running things. God help us all.

They've got it wrong.

The teachers and permanent students weed out anyone that doesn't want to go along with their social agenda. The people who finish courses are not brainwashed, they already felt the same.

Safe spaces must be to protect them from the science and engineering students, while they are conspiring how to take over those departments too.

Easy; "are you AGW friendly???"

Then the left is IN!!

They just don't seem to develop or mature. Is it genetic?

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach
I dont know if any of this is true or not, but what makes you think the university of Kansas and Yale university represent "the left"? Is this a conspiracy thread about the evil leftists infiltrating the universities to teach your kids that evolution is real?

Logic and facts are moderate to leftist in nature. The far right sticks with jesus and the 18th century without a thought.

Not at all, Matt. The technocrats are both sides of the divide. What they do in their own time is up to them.

They just don't seem to develop or mature. Is it genetic?

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach
I dont know if any of this is true or not, but what makes you think the university of Kansas and Yale university represent "the left"? Is this a conspiracy thread about the evil leftists infiltrating the universities to teach your kids that evolution is real?

Logic and facts are moderate to leftist in nature. The far right sticks with jesus and the 18th century without a thought.

“I remained a socialist for several years, even after my rejection of Marxism; and if there could be such a thing as socialism combined with individual liberty, I would be a socialist still. For nothing could be better than living a modest, simple, and free life in an egalitarian society. It took some time before I recognized this as no more than a beautiful dream; that freedom is more important than equality; that the attempt to realize equality endangers freedom; and that, if freedom is lost, there will not even be equality among the unfree.”

Karl R. Popper, Unended Quest: An Intellectual Autobiography

They just don't seem to develop or mature. Is it genetic?

  • The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)
  •  The University of Kansas reminded its stressed-out kids that therapy dogs, a regular campus feature, were available.
  •  Cornell University, an Ivy League school, held a campus-wide “cry-in,” with officials handing out tissues and hot chocolate.
  •  Tufts University offered its devastated students arts and crafts sessions. (OK, not kindergarten — more like summer camp.)
  •  At campuses from elite Yale to Connecticut to Iowa and beyond, professors canceled classes and/or exams — either because students asked or because instructors were too distraught to teach
I dont know if any of this is true or not, but what makes you think the university of Kansas and Yale university represent "the left"? Is this a conspiracy thread about the evil leftists infiltrating the universities to teach your kids that evolution is real?

Logic and facts are moderate to leftist in nature. The far right sticks with jesus and the 18th century without a thought.
it comes from old neo nazi propganda hitler would say that the communists were infiltrating universities and intellectuals were all jews trying to trick people. Its kind of funny to hear people call yale university a school historically famous for racism and antisemitism, george bush's alma mater not just being called a lefitst university, but being decribed as some kind of harbor for communists and bleeding heart liberals. most of this safe space nonsense is completely made up there is an issue in some european schools about the BNP and fascist politcal parties being banned from campuses something america's feedom of speech laws prevent. So it makes the rounds on stormfront and pretty soon donald trump is retweeting it and south park is parodying it

The Nazi Expulsion of Professors
Massacre of Lwów professors - Wikipedia
Intelligenzaktion - Wikipedia
South Park did a pretty good job describing it.

Liberalism needs to be utterly gutted. The damage it has done to the psyche of the nation (the world) is virtually irreversible at this point.

All of those brainwashed kids are going into the adult world and they will be running things. God help us all.

They've got it wrong.

The teachers and permanent students weed out anyone that doesn't want to go along with their social agenda. The people who finish courses are not brainwashed, they already felt the same.

Safe spaces must be to protect them from the science and engineering students, while they are conspiring how to take over those departments too.

Easy; "are you AGW friendly???"

Then the left is IN!!


What's AGW?
South Park did a pretty good job describing it.

Liberalism needs to be utterly gutted. The damage it has done to the psyche of the nation (the world) is virtually irreversible at this point.

All of those brainwashed kids are going into the adult world and they will be running things. God help us all.

They've got it wrong.

The teachers and permanent students weed out anyone that doesn't want to go along with their social agenda. The people who finish courses are not brainwashed, they already felt the same.

Safe spaces must be to protect them from the science and engineering students, while they are conspiring how to take over those departments too.

Easy; "are you AGW friendly???"

Then the left is IN!!


What's AGW?

global warmimg hoax

These students have been coddled by helicopter parents throughout high school, so they are still very much children when they are in college. It's why they need safe spaces and coloring books yet they want to be treated and respected as full fledged members of society. Why the Left caters to it though, I really don't understand other than the need to be overly sensitive, maybe? This does however explain why they have acted like spoiled children with the riots and such.

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Our grandparents faught for high paying union jobs and for freedom. These kids faught for nothing.

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