Tom Hanks Alien Report: Dianetics/Trump (Patriot Day)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-culture 'ouija-tale' inspired by Dogma.

It's meant to ask President Trump, "Is pedestrian dialogue conducive to capitalism?"

I couldn't post this in the Writing section (since it's political), but it's my last post anyway...

Signing off,


Alexandra Satan was a figure of supreme courage and rebelliousness towards God and the Kingdom of Heaven. Alexandra wanted to use her telekinetic/telepathic powers to scramble email communications within the U.S. government. She became Enemy of the State. Who would come to America's rescue --- Tom Hanks?


Meanwhile, another minion of Hell arose to the surface as well. This was the ghoulish spectre known as Menace, and it flew on an eerie jet-glider and threw pumpkin-bombs at his heroic nemesis Spider-Man. Menace and Spider-Man were 'invisible angels' who made themselves appear in these tech-stuffed End Times.


Believe it or not, super-celebrity Tom Hanks was able to help. His new film about the beloved/iconic morning kids' program Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (PBS), titled You Are My Friend, offered audiences a glimpse of the exuberance of social consciousness oriented entertainment/media. This obviously sent the message to Menace and Alexandra Satan that America would not tolerate a complete devastation of its morality imagination. Hanks was the JFK-like 'savior of human wit.'


After this, the Devil was infuriated at this humanity-rebellion, so he sent his worse force of Hell, a shape-shifting flesh-creature named Carnage who had a taste for mayhem and bloodlust and social anarchy. Carnage wished to destroy the campus of Yale University by coercing its Literature students to accept the modern fact that socialization was too claustrophobic to entertain spiritually, even though we possessed the toys of Facebook,, Netflix, Expedia, Wikipedia, MTV, etc., etc.


A comic book fan-fic writer/artist named Ajay Satan (no relation to Alexandra Satan) submitted two stick-figure doodles of the comic book superhero Batman paired with the iconic chainsaw-wielding cannibal horror-film series monster Leatherface. The Batman-Leatherface stick-figure pairing would capture a sociocultural modern fascination with 'pedestrian chatter' and 'low-brow art' in the age of 'low-brow communications' (e.g., emails, SMS, Twitter, etc.). However, Ajay's message was that this brand of 'graffiti' was ironically stimulating for empiricism-modes of thought --- people would be more 'sensitive' about exposure to the moral obligations of magazine-consciousness.


Soon, other celebrities got involved, including eco-activism minded Hollywood (USA) super-celebrity Leo DiCaprio who headed an environmentalism-awareness organization. Also of interest was that U.S. President Donald Trump and Scientology advocate Tom Cruise got involved in this 'media crusade' so they could use socialization-aesthetics to promote marketing-positivity. Suddenly, Highlights Magazine for Children was being hailed as a 'species-metaphysics' conscience-defense logo. Menace and Alexandra Satan and Carnage were forever expelled to a faraway deserted island, secured by US battleships.


Meanwhile, an eco-terrorist came to prominence to defy this patriotic media fervor. Her name was Poison Ivy, a former ethno-botanist with an interest in global warming named Dr. Pamela Isely. Poison Ivy dumped green slime all over the Salk Institute from her private helicopter on Patriot Day, the newly-designated date choreographed by Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise about media optimism in democracy. Hanks/Cruise knew their idealism was immature, and evil threats to new age social labyrinth divination were still lingering. Poison Ivy was worse than Adolf Hitler.


After workers cleaned up the Salk Institute and cleared it of all slime, there was a special U2 and Boston Orchestra concert in the sunset one evening in southern California. Suddenly, people felt a moment of architectural patriotism towards the sheer power of community-science apologetics and rationalism capitalism. Perhaps Tom Cruise's interest in Dianetics (Scientology) would impact this new intrigue regarding purism-dialogue oriented media fantasy-chatter.


Nevertheless, Poison Ivy sparked off a terrible terrorism-war between Eastern and Western forces. This was the great Joe-Cobra War, and it signified a sociocultural focus on spiritualism behind network-stabilization governance-ethos. Would Hollywood respond with accurate films about the general innocent daydreams about great capitalism-defending wars, such as Spy Game, The Contender, and Syriana?


Since Tom Hanks emerged as the Messiah, Patriot Day was receiving more leadership-sanity fuel for its operations, even after the trauma of the 'Salk Incident' [SI]. The tragedies of 9/11 and SI revealed that anti-American forces were determined to make socialization-oriented trade-networking (e.g., European Union) seem counter-productive to the needs of the 'under-represented' factions of humanity (e.g., Muslims, radicals, Third World countries, atheists, etc.). What would educators at Yale think? What would President Trump tweet?




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