The Dark-Side of Education: Pornography


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will media reorient our imagination about slang?

This yarn was inspired by Election...



Americans were pensive about what constituted ethical imagination in this modern world of media and marketing and merchandising. Censorship, democracy, capitalism-criticism, free-trade, and eco-activism were hot topics. Media was a big symbol, since TV and Internet were readily available, and educators were paranoid about the contours between shock-value art and questionable pornography. Kids could access nude photos on Google easily and teachers were wondering if they should talk about 'vulgarity aesthetics' in the classroom.


An idealistic Ivy League student named Damien was studying the sociological value of Playboy and Hustler and the development of pornography as an art-form in America. Damien decided to travel to Italy on a summer-study program to evaluate the aesthetics of female fashions in Italian villages and cities and compare them to the fashion-bravado and media-graphic imagery in American society. Damien met a beautiful culinary teacher named Maleena who was impressed with Damien's studies and offered to teach him about Italian cuisine and culture/couture that summer...


Maleena was very intelligent and very attractive, and Damien instantly started falling in love with her, even though he was three years her minor. Maleena was impressed with Damien's idealistic curiosity and considered courting a summer romance with her new culinary/couture pupil. Maleena was however very level-headed and did not want to give in to basic human lust. She continued to teach Damien professionally as a teacher! Meanwhile, Damien continued to impress Maleena with his inquiries into the psychology and sociology of lifestyle aesthetics. It was an educational bond they shared.


As the summer neared its end, and Damien was about to wrap up his mini-thesis, he took wonderful pictures of Italian villages by the cliffs near waters and culturally-colourful cities such as Milan and Naples. Damien had concluded that Italy and America were very different but were also quite similar in their approach to lifestyle-based social consciousness. After all, Americans and Italians both loved pizza(!), and Maleena had taught her pupil how to made a very delicious and authentic Sicilian pizza. Damien prepared to return to Yale University in the autumn and decided he'd never forget Italy (or Maleena!).


A Yale professor was so impressed with Damien's thesis that he decided to have it published in a special sociology journal usually reserved for the work by formal professors (not students!). The thesis was read by an executive at Al Jazeera (Muslim-TV) who decided to discuss Damien's work on a live broadcast for a discussion about the contours of education and pornography and fashion in modern media. Damien watched the program and realized his thesis was creating a stir about the controversies regarding the 'ethics' of permissible content in modern globally-accessible media.


Alien: Covenant was the chic new sci-fi horror-film in America and it presented the story of human space-explorers engaging with a terrifying predatory alien creature known as the 'Xenomorph' which required them to reorient their perspectives on survivalism and teamwork imagination and of course evolutionary variation (and fate itself!). Damien loved the film and considered how it reflected a new age social fascination with competitive thinking in futurama-storytelling. He considered how capitalism created marketable images of 'adapting women' in magazines and movies. Was media an arena for species consciousness?


As with all parables about ethics and idealism there is a 'dark side' to reality. In the underworld, a demonic female eco-terrorist named Poison Ivy (very attractive and malicious) was trying to fatally seduce a young rogue vigilante named Nightwing who was trying to create an 'idealistic Marxist regime' to finally solve the problem of terrorism. Nightwing was tied up to a tree with the poisonous live vines that wrapped up Nightwing's body (and mind!). Poison Ivy insisted that she could seduce Nightwing and 'compel' him to give up his 'political crusade.' Nightwing was to Damien what Poison Ivy was to Maleena...but this was the 'dark side.' Nightwing quickly discovered that Poison Ivy's 'pure message' was that lust was a 'face' of philosophical enlightenment...


After Damien attended a special symposium about media and imagery as they related to censorship in modern human civilization, he decided to read Herman Melville's bureaucracy-meditation story Bartleby, a tale of a claustrophobic but suffocating civil bureaucrat who typified a modern paranoia about mindless work. Damien decided that Melville's story symbolized a real new age problem --- the problem of 'civil discourse' regarding industry, labor, and social imagination. Damien wondered if censorship and pornography somehow 'complicated' modern erudition(!).


GOD: I'm not a fan of Playboy or Hustler.
SATAN: Pornography is in demand now...
GOD: Media is a format for expressionism.
SATAN: Censorship is a complex issue!
GOD: Americans are claustrophobic about markets.
SATAN: Yes, they liken aesthetics to consumerism (e.g., Bazaar Magazine).
GOD: Do you think Damien was infatuated with Maleena?
SATAN: No, he was focused on his studies...
GOD: Yes, in the underworld, Nightwing was 'caged' by Poison Ivy.
SATAN: Hell has its own language.
GOD: Are you a fan of Wonder Woman (DC Comics)?
SATAN: I appreciate female avatars signifying 'bravado-politics.'
GOD: I prefer Joan of Arc and Aunt Jemima.
SATAN: You can choose your own poison...
GOD: Maybe media will alter our perception of moral hygiene.
SATAN: Isn't that why The People's Court is so popular?
GOD: Perhaps pornography truly is the 'dark-side' of education!
SATAN: Democracy creates 'fitness intrigue.'




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