Senator Chuck Schumer threatens two Supreme Court Justices Today.

Now 80 posts in this thread, and not a single leftist has showed up to condemn Schumer's threats.
Condemnation would mean you recognize the wrongness and aren’t capitulating to making emotion driven lethal threats.
There is neither ability nor willingness from this bunch.
frigidweirdo said:
I can't be bothered to play these silly fucking games.

Go find some other person to play with.


put your own ass in a sling did ya? Hoisted yourself on your own Petard??

and the right is even MORE enthusiastic with the potential of returning roe v wade to the states.
That Schumer is a POS doesn't come as a surprise to anyone.... but the fact that he now supports criminal behavior should put him behind bars for a very long time....that is of course if there is any Justice left in this poor, lost country of the USA.

Is that the kind of Senator leader America wants? or needs?

Give me a break!
Seeing this almost broke my heart today.

Edit: Much of his speech was cut, so I found his speech in writing and some of the reactions of VIPs.

The Schumer quote that triggered Roberts’s reply is this: “I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”​
“Gorsuch” and “Kavanaugh,” of course, refer to Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh — President Trump’s two appointees to the Supreme Court, whose confirmations were opposed by nearly all Senate Democrats.​
The conservative blowback against Schumer was swift and intense. The National Review’s John Hirschauer labeled Schumer a “thug.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Schumer’s remarks were, at best, “astonishing, reckless and completely irresponsible.” President Trump weighed in in his distinctly Trumpy way.​

By the end of Wednesday, even nonpartisan leaders such as American Bar Association president Judy Perry Martinez joined the pile-on with a statement saying that the ABA is “deeply troubled” by Schumer’s remarks.​
Roberts, for his part, interpreted this statement as a direct threat against Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, and it’s easy to see why. “Justices know that criticism comes with the territory,” the chief justice said in his statement rebuking Schumer. “But threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.”​

"you won't know what hit you."

obvious reference to hiring a hit man to go after Kavanaugh. The senior democrat should be in jail
When are they going to hold hearings regarding the democrat party encouraging lawlessness against Supreme Court Justices? Schumer almost got what he was looking for when a man was arrested before he could kill Justice Kavanaugh.
When are they going to hold hearings regarding the democrat party encouraging lawlessness against Supreme Court Justices? Schumer almost got what he was looking for when a man was arrested before he could kill Justice Kavanaugh.
Never. Dems encourage illegals to flood across the border. They have killed 10's of thousands of Americans and there's zero accountability. Dems encourage their base to burn, loot and riot injuring over 2,000 cops, damage to untold number of federal, state and local government buildings and the few who were arrested Dems decided not to prosecute.
"you won't know what hit you."

obvious reference to hiring a hit man to go after Kavanaugh. The senior democrat should be in jail
I think Biden and Schumer are the same kind of confused. It would be best for the American people to build them a small hospital and let them spend the rest of their lives in a way that doesn't do further damage to American law, the Constitution, the Ten Commandments, and in general, severe damage to the American people who have the burden of paying for their arrogance and outlandish spending practices, not to mention bragging about diverting funds to their personal pet rock projects saddled with contempt for 3/4ths of the American people who hold politicians to a standard of serving the people, not them and their apparatchik cronies.
It now officially an insurrection since threats are being hurled.
It's a month later than when this thread started, but I understand that this morning a man with a knife and a gun showed up at Brett Kavanaugh's home, but he was stopped by the police after he called 911. Is that weird or what. I think that Chuck Schumer should stand with the assassin who was prepared to kill the Supreme Court Justice, his wife, and his children but got cold feet when he realized he was being followed by a couple of federal gumshoes. The Schumer threat was being acted out. Schumer should go to jail.
He should be arrested for inciting violence
The wannabe violence dominoed at 1 am this morning when a stalker was found at the Kavanaugh's home with a gun and a knife. Now I wonder if he had a list like the late James Hodgkinson who shot Scalise did, with Scalise's name at the top of the list. Democrat assassins are becoming more profuse the more suggestive and nastier the Democrat hatespeak gets. Schumer outdid Hodgkinson's boss, Bernie Sanders, today.
Schumer should hold his tongue and do what is needed and investigate if the two Justices perjured themselves and if so their removal is required and their vote invalidated!
What Chuck Schumer said and did was against the Constitutional law in that he breached the separation of powers clause. Senator Schumer is of the legislative branch. Brett Kavanaugh is of the Judicial Branch. There was also a break with the U. S. Law against inciting harrassment, following, and stalking a member of the Supreme Court over an impending decision they are making. He is the Senate Majority Leader and he knows better than that. He has held that title since Feb. 3, 2021.
When are they going to hold hearings regarding the democrat party encouraging lawlessness against Supreme Court Justices? Schumer almost got what he was looking for when a man was arrested before he could kill Justice Kavanaugh.
Just as soon as Republicans take back the House and the Senate next November.
Never. Dems encourage illegals to flood across the border. They have killed 10's of thousands of Americans and there's zero accountability. Dems encourage their base to burn, loot and riot injuring over 2,000 cops, damage to untold number of federal, state and local government buildings and the few who were arrested Dems decided not to prosecute.​
Four days ago (June 3) a Judge was murdered and it was political.

A 56-year-old Wisconsin man with a hit list that included Governor Tony Evers and others, broke into the home of a retired judge and murdered him before attempting to take his own life.​
Schumer is culpable for the radicalization of this would be assassin.
Thanks, Missourian. It's too bad the Democrats never clean house. They're starting to look like gimme-gimmie terrorists.

I think Schumer's words had a lot to do with the political assassination of the judge in Wisconsin who died of his egregious wounds on June 3. Chuck Schumer should be impeached, tried for incitement of murder. "You won't know what hit you" indeed!

Chuck Schumer, are you proud of yourself? :cranky: You are a co-conspirator in an assassination and an assassination attempt on a Supreme Court Justice, his wife, and his young children. You aren't fit to slop pigs much less be the Senate majority leader.
Thanks, Missourian. It's too bad the Democrats never clean house. They're starting to look like gimme-gimmie terrorists.

I think Schumer's words had a lot to do with the political assassination of the judge in Wisconsin who died of his egregious wounds on June 3. Chuck Schumer should be impeached, tried for incitement of murder. "You won't know what hit you" indeed!

Chuck Schumer, are you proud of yourself? :cranky: You are a co-conspirator in an assassination and an assassination attempt on a Supreme Court Justice, his wife, and his young children. You aren't fit to slop pigs much less be the Senate majority leader.
They are ghouls and don't care. They own the DOJ and most of the DA's and courts..........They are above the law.

There is only one way to end this in this country and everyone knows it.
Seeing this almost broke my heart today.

Edit: Much of his speech was cut, so I found his speech in writing and some of the reactions of VIPs.

The Schumer quote that triggered Roberts’s reply is this: “I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”​
“Gorsuch” and “Kavanaugh,” of course, refer to Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh — President Trump’s two appointees to the Supreme Court, whose confirmations were opposed by nearly all Senate Democrats.​
The conservative blowback against Schumer was swift and intense. The National Review’s John Hirschauer labeled Schumer a “thug.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Schumer’s remarks were, at best, “astonishing, reckless and completely irresponsible.” President Trump weighed in in his distinctly Trumpy way.​

By the end of Wednesday, even nonpartisan leaders such as American Bar Association president Judy Perry Martinez joined the pile-on with a statement saying that the ABA is “deeply troubled” by Schumer’s remarks.​
Roberts, for his part, interpreted this statement as a direct threat against Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, and it’s easy to see why. “Justices know that criticism comes with the territory,” the chief justice said in his statement rebuking Schumer. “But threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.”​

This comes from Republicans who are responsible for the deaths of 29 people this summer so far. You are the filthy butchers who are3 more concerned with people having AR-15s than they are people being killed. John Roberts has said the same thing that Schumer has said. The Supreme Court will be shown to be a bunch of partisan hacks. The disapproval ratings of the Supreme Court has already reached above 50%.

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