Seeing In Visions

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

There is much controversy of what racial type Jesus should be represented as since the Bible does not provide a adequate description of his appearance. Has anyone considered that an adequate description of what Jesus actually looked like is not available because no one during those times could agree on what he looked like? Perhaps he appeared to others as they chose to see him. That to to a Semite he would look Semitic, a black person would see a black person, a Aryan would see an Aryan, a Mongolian would see a Mongolian, etc, etc, etc,...

In the Christian religion there is precedent for such an a wonder. It's called Speaking In Tongues which, by one definition, everyone present believed the speaker was talking to them in their native language. If one such wonder can exist then is there not room for other such wondrous occurrences?

I put this before you to consider because if you truly believe Jesus is the Son Of God then what would make this beyond the his capabilities?


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Would this phenomenon have begun at birth? Did some people see Mary's baby as a black baby while others saw Mary's baby as a white baby?
View attachment 355200

There is much controversy of what racial type Jesus should be represented as since the Bible does not provide a adequate description of his appearance. Has anyone considered that an adequate description of what Jesus actually looked like is not available because no one during those times could agree on what he looked like? Perhaps he appeared to others as they chose to see him. That to to a Semite he would look Semitic, a black person would see a black person, a Aryan would see an Aryan, a Mongolian would see a Mongolian, etc, etc, etc,...

In the Christian religion there is precedent for such an a wonder. It's called Speaking In Tongues which, by one definition, everyone present believed the speaker was talking to them in their native language. If one such wonder can exist then is there not room for other such wondrous occurrences?

I put this before you to consider because if you truly believe Jesus is the Son Of God then what would make this beyond the his capabilities?



All people have a tendency to render depictions of humans looking familiar to them, hence the white Jesus and the black Jesus.
Myself, while I don't believe the guy was "the son of God," he was, the way he behaved, one of the first of what we would call in the 60's, a Hippie, by virtue of his peace not war thinking.
As for his personal appearance, the Shroud of Turin's authenticity has been dated and debated and is still controversial. But, I believe that that negative image on the shroud, may very well represent the general facial features of someone who lived in the Middle East.
Jesus' parents were Hebrew and of course, resided in the Middle East and as such, he would have been olive-skinned, dark-haired, and dark-eyed.....NOT a pale Caucasian with blue eyes, blond hair and a blond beard. He also would most likely NOT be black.
Sadly, in this day and age, if Jesus was what the superstitious like to believe he is and came back.
The racist whites would reject him as he wouldn't be truly white and the racist blacks would reject him as a racist for not being black.
View attachment 355200

There is much controversy of what racial type Jesus should be represented as since the Bible does not provide a adequate description of his appearance. Has anyone considered that an adequate description of what Jesus actually looked like is not available because no one during those times could agree on what he looked like? Perhaps he appeared to others as they chose to see him. That to to a Semite he would look Semitic, a black person would see a black person, a Aryan would see an Aryan, a Mongolian would see a Mongolian, etc, etc, etc,...

In the Christian religion there is precedent for such an a wonder. It's called Speaking In Tongues which, by one definition, everyone present believed the speaker was talking to them in their native language. If one such wonder can exist then is there not room for other such wondrous occurrences?

I put this before you to consider because if you truly believe Jesus is the Son Of God then what would make this beyond the his capabilities?



All people have a tendency to render depictions of humans looking familiar to them, hence the white Jesus and the black Jesus.
Myself, while I don't believe the guy was "the son of God," he was, the way he behaved, one of the first of what we would call in the 60's, a Hippie, by virtue of his peace not war thinking.
As for his personal appearance, the Shroud of Turin's authenticity has been dated and debated and is still controversial. But, I believe that that negative image on the shroud, may very well represent the general facial features of someone who lived in the Middle East.
Jesus' parents were Hebrew and of course, resided in the Middle East and as such, he would have been olive-skinned, dark-haired, and dark-eyed.....NOT a pale Caucasian with blue eyes, blond hair and a blond beard. He also would most likely NOT be black.
Sadly, in this day and age, if Jesus was what the superstitious like to believe he is and came back.
The racist whites would reject him as he wouldn't be truly white and the racist blacks would reject him as a racist for not being black.


And exactly how does this pertain to the subject except to be divisive and an attempt to derail the thread?


View attachment 355200

There is much controversy of what racial type Jesus should be represented as since the Bible does not provide a adequate description of his appearance. Has anyone considered that an adequate description of what Jesus actually looked like is not available because no one during those times could agree on what he looked like? Perhaps he appeared to others as they chose to see him. That to to a Semite he would look Semitic, a black person would see a black person, a Aryan would see an Aryan, a Mongolian would see a Mongolian, etc, etc, etc,...

In the Christian religion there is precedent for such an a wonder. It's called Speaking In Tongues which, by one definition, everyone present believed the speaker was talking to them in their native language. If one such wonder can exist then is there not room for other such wondrous occurrences?

I put this before you to consider because if you truly believe Jesus is the Son Of God then what would make this beyond the his capabilities?



All people have a tendency to render depictions of humans looking familiar to them, hence the white Jesus and the black Jesus.
Myself, while I don't believe the guy was "the son of God," he was, the way he behaved, one of the first of what we would call in the 60's, a Hippie, by virtue of his peace not war thinking.
As for his personal appearance, the Shroud of Turin's authenticity has been dated and debated and is still controversial. But, I believe that that negative image on the shroud, may very well represent the general facial features of someone who lived in the Middle East.
Jesus' parents were Hebrew and of course, resided in the Middle East and as such, he would have been olive-skinned, dark-haired, and dark-eyed.....NOT a pale Caucasian with blue eyes, blond hair and a blond beard. He also would most likely NOT be black.
Sadly, in this day and age, if Jesus was what the superstitious like to believe he is and came back.
The racist whites would reject him as he wouldn't be truly white and the racist blacks would reject him as a racist for not being black.

View attachment 355234

And exactly how does this pertain to the subject except to be divisive?



I am JUST discussing the OP stating that there is no adequate description of Jesus' appearance. That's all. If it bothers you, move on.
I am JUST discussing the OP stating that there is no adequate description of Jesus' appearance. That's all. If it bothers you, move on.

The OP is about Seeing In Visions.

If you have nothing to contribute other than attempting to derail the thread I suggest you move on.


Just to add to what OP siad...after Jesus rose from the tomb...none of the disciples recognized Him.

He walked and talked with the disciples for quite a while before they figured out it was Him.

Maybe they were seeing Jesus as He truely looked for the first time.
View attachment 355200

There is much controversy of what racial type Jesus should be represented as since the Bible does not provide a adequate description of his appearance. Has anyone considered that an adequate description of what Jesus actually looked like is not available because no one during those times could agree on what he looked like? Perhaps he appeared to others as they chose to see him. That to to a Semite he would look Semitic, a black person would see a black person, a Aryan would see an Aryan, a Mongolian would see a Mongolian, etc, etc, etc,...

In the Christian religion there is precedent for such an a wonder. It's called Speaking In Tongues which, by one definition, everyone present believed the speaker was talking to them in their native language. If one such wonder can exist then is there not room for other such wondrous occurrences?

I put this before you to consider because if you truly believe Jesus is the Son Of God then what would make this beyond the his capabilities?



I have heard people talking in tongues several times and it sounds like garbled nonsense to me.
Here's the catch....Since no one is allowed to see the face of God and live and since Christ was only half human and half God we only got to see the human half, so the other half was invisible.
Just to add to what OP siad...after Jesus rose from the tomb...none of the disciples recognized Him.

He walked and talked with the disciples for quite a while before they figured out it was Him.

Maybe they were seeing Jesus as He truely looked for the first time.


Then there's this occurrence...

Luke 4:28 - 4-30
28 And they were all filled with wrath in the synagogue, as they heard these things; 29 and they rose up, and cast him forth out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might throw him down headlong. 30 But he passing through the midst of them went his way.
American Standard Version

Did he look different to them when he passed through their midst?


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