SEE No Problem, HEAR No Problem, SPEAK No Problem: America's Inability To See Her Fla


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
This is just an excerpt of the whole article. Please take a moment today to read it.

The big government liberal ideology is carried forth by a desire to pursue solutions while ignoring problems. The solution to immigration reform is amnesty, while border security is of no concern. The solution to gun violence lies in controlling the guns not addressing the people who wield them on others. With a President who believes society can be engineered comes a society that needs not see their own flaws, only believe that their President has the solutions.

In this society, a rising national debt quickly ceases to be a flaw; rising welfare rolls aren’t problems; the continued spending of money we don’t have and likely will never be able to pay back is of no concern. Where society once would see these things as negative, they now are conditioned to them and convinced they are both necessary and commonplace. Those politicians who would speak out against them are regarded as “terrorists,” “anarchists,” and working against the greater good. Sound familiar?

Read the whole post at See No Problem, Hear No Problem, Speak No Problem: America's Inability To See Her Flaws -
Yeah, we need more whiners and pessimists pointing out everything wrong with America. We need more Becks and Limbaughs and Coulters whining and whining and whining and whining. We can't get enough of them around here.
Yeah, we need more whiners and pessimists pointing out everything wrong with America. We need more Becks and Limbaughs and Coulters whining and whining and whining and whining. We can't get enough of them around here.

Are they not more responsible than the Yes-Men the President surrounds himself with?

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