Secret Service shows up at delaware gun shop that sold hunter biden his weapon.... and

seize the records
Judicial watch wants to know why
I've never seen such a one sided justice system except maybe 3rd world, or communist countries.

When are we going to see The FBI raid Hunter Biden's house? How about prosecute him for the Treasonous and Illegal Crap on his laptop?
... because we don't send the FBI after Democrats, no matter the reason.
What you really mean is that The FBI would never bother with a Globalist, Democrat or Republican, because The FBI is for The Coming Globalist Fascist 666 New World Order.

You will only see The FBI go after people who run counter to The New World Order Narrative. Anyone that for instance is for American Independence and National Sovereignty you will find become instant targets. Anyone that has information that would damage a globalist member of their cabal also becomes a target.

The 4th DemNazi Globalist Reich is real. It goes beyond The Democrat Party. The Dems just have an overwhelming majority of Evil Doers who promote it in their party.
candycorn & bodecea
I don't know why it matters what shop, but it's StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply, owned by Ron Palmieri.


I think he picked that shop because he read, while he was stoned, that they also sell supplies for Hunters. :auiqs.jpg:

Here is Hunter's 4473....

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What was the name of the gun shop?

"What, at this point, difference does it make?"

It's undisputed that the criminal crackhead lied on the federal forms and bought a handgun. It's also undisputed that his sister-in-law, with benefits, illegally disposed of that gun, by throwing it into a dumpster about a block from an elementary school. So you can keep asking irrelevant questions or just accept you've been supporting xiden's crime family.

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