Seattle NPR Station Says It Will No Longer Carry Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Live Because Of Misinformation

Here's your bullshit "fantasy world" on video. Here's Rump LYING HIS ASS OFF, yet again.

And as is usual with you TDS afflicted morons, you cannot quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.

You merely assume that Trump lied because some fake news source said so. You believe that he lied because, like most low IQ individuals, your feeble mind is very suggestible. You are a typical TDS afflicted moron.
Here's your bullshit "fantasy world" on video. Here's Rump LYING HIS ASS OFF, yet again.

And as is usual with you TDS afflicted morons, you cannot quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.

You merely assume that Trump lied because some fake news source said so. You believe that he lied because, like most low IQ individuals, your feeble mind is very suggestible. You are a typical TDS afflicted moron.

Maybe you have, like an immunity to reading or sump'm. Maybe you're just plain stupid.




Fer FUX SAKE you're dense.
Here's your bullshit "fantasy world" on video. Here's Rump LYING HIS ASS OFF, yet again.

And as is usual with you TDS afflicted morons, you cannot quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.

You merely assume that Trump lied because some fake news source said so. You believe that he lied because, like most low IQ individuals, your feeble mind is very suggestible. You are a typical TDS afflicted moron.

Maybe you have, like an immunity to reading or sump'm. Maybe you're just plain stupid.




Fer FUX SAKE you're dense. didn't actually think that showing a video of Trump lying would actually convince a Trump cultist that Trump lied, did you?
Here's your bullshit "fantasy world" on video. Here's Rump LYING HIS ASS OFF, yet again.

And as is usual with you TDS afflicted morons, you cannot quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.

You merely assume that Trump lied because some fake news source said so. You believe that he lied because, like most low IQ individuals, your feeble mind is very suggestible. You are a typical TDS afflicted moron.

Maybe you have, like an immunity to reading or sump'm. Maybe you're just plain stupid.




Fer FUX SAKE you're dense.
The story you linked to is fake news, you TDS afflicted moron. Why did you link to fake news, you feeble minded low IQ SADFI?
Here's your bullshit "fantasy world" on video. Here's Rump LYING HIS ASS OFF, yet again.

And as is usual with you TDS afflicted morons, you cannot quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.

You merely assume that Trump lied because some fake news source said so. You believe that he lied because, like most low IQ individuals, your feeble mind is very suggestible. You are a typical TDS afflicted moron.

Maybe you have, like an immunity to reading or sump'm. Maybe you're just plain stupid.




Fer FUX SAKE you're dense. didn't actually think that showing a video of Trump lying would actually convince a Trump cultist that Trump lied, did you?
And of course, as usual for you TDS afflicted morons, you claim that Trump lied, yet you cannot quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.

TDS makes moonbats like you stupider every day, DAN.
Here's your bullshit "fantasy world" on video. Here's Rump LYING HIS ASS OFF, yet again.

And as is usual with you TDS afflicted morons, you cannot quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.

You merely assume that Trump lied because some fake news source said so. You believe that he lied because, like most low IQ individuals, your feeble mind is very suggestible. You are a typical TDS afflicted moron.

Maybe you have, like an immunity to reading or sump'm. Maybe you're just plain stupid.




Fer FUX SAKE you're dense. didn't actually think that showing a video of Trump lying would actually convince a Trump cultist that Trump lied, did you?
and of course, as usual for you TDS afflicted morons, you claim that Trump lied, yet you cannot quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.

TDS makes moonbats like you stupider every day, DAN.
Of course, anyone with a functioning brain cell can post about 100 Trump lies in a minute. But anyone with a functioning brain cell also knows that doing so for a retarded, angry little puke like you is truly a waste of time and bandwidth. As already proven in this very thread. Have a nice day.
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360
Fake news.

Prove it fake.
They incorrectly claimed that there was false information presented at the briefings. Therefore it's fake news, you fucking stupid TDS afflicted moron.

So fuck off, you low IQ scumbag.

Guess the art of reading STILL hasn't penetrated throughout the land yet.

The NEWS here is that the station ceased broadcasting live briefings. THAT iS A FACT. They DID. You can't refute it. It's right there in the station's own notice and on (not on) its airwaves.

You linked to a fake news article, you fucking TDS afflicted moron. Why did you link to a fake news article, you low IQ moonbat?

Because it is *NOT* a "fake news article", Toiletbreath. It is a notice FROM the station, that they will discontinue live broadcasts of the White House Hoax Breifings. AND THEY DID JUST THAT.

What part of that are you pretending not to GET??
Yes they did do that. However they did it under false pretenses, therefore the notice you linked to is fake news, you fucking moron.

You are sure are one stupid motherfucker.

It DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER what the 'pretenses' were --- the actual *NEWS* is that they discontinued the live broadcasts. WHICH THEY FUCKING DID.
Here's your bullshit "fantasy world" on video. Here's Rump LYING HIS ASS OFF, yet again.

And as is usual with you TDS afflicted morons, you cannot quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.

You merely assume that Trump lied because some fake news source said so. You believe that he lied because, like most low IQ individuals, your feeble mind is very suggestible. You are a typical TDS afflicted moron.

Maybe you have, like an immunity to reading or sump'm. Maybe you're just plain stupid.




Fer FUX SAKE you're dense. didn't actually think that showing a video of Trump lying would actually convince a Trump cultist that Trump lied, did you?
and of course, as usual for you TDS afflicted morons, you claim that Trump lied, yet you cannot quote the alleged lie and prove that it is a lie.

TDS makes moonbats like you stupider every day, DAN.
Of course, anyone with a functioning brain cell can post about 100 Trump lies in a minute. But anyone with a functioning brain cell also knows that doing so for a retarded, angry little puke like you is truly a waste of time and bandwidth. As already proven in this very thread. Have a nice day.
Your concession is accepted, DAN.
An NPR station in Seattle said that it no longer will carry live coverage of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus briefings because of concerns that they feature unchecked misleading or false information.

KUOW is monitoring White House briefings for the latest news on the coronavirus — and we will continue to share all news relevant to Washington State with our listeners,” the station tweeted. “However, we will not be airing the briefings live due to a pattern of false or misleading information provided that cannot be fact checked in real time.”

Most recently, Trump has called for lifting of social distancing guidelines in the near future, perhaps by Easter, even though public health professionals are still grappling with the spread of the virus. He also has made false claims about the availability of tests, the timeline for finding a vaccine and the potential benefits of a treatment that includes the ingredient chloroquine. While there is some promising study of its potential use, it has not it has not been approved for treatment. NBC News reported on one Arizona man who died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate, and his wife said that they learned about its use after watching a briefing. The chloroquine they used was part of a product use to clean fish tanks, not for medical purposes.
Once again, whatever Trump says, the idiots on this board parrot, word for word.

Common sense, on the other hand, dictates if the spread of Covid19 increases with exposure to other people, avoid other people.

Seems simple enough, even for trumpers.

Maybe not. trumpers are not too bright.
That's the first station Trump should de-fund.
An NPR station in Seattle said that it no longer will carry live coverage of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus briefings because of concerns that they feature unchecked misleading or false information.

KUOW is monitoring White House briefings for the latest news on the coronavirus — and we will continue to share all news relevant to Washington State with our listeners,” the station tweeted. “However, we will not be airing the briefings live due to a pattern of false or misleading information provided that cannot be fact checked in real time.”

Most recently, Trump has called for lifting of social distancing guidelines in the near future, perhaps by Easter, even though public health professionals are still grappling with the spread of the virus. He also has made false claims about the availability of tests, the timeline for finding a vaccine and the potential benefits of a treatment that includes the ingredient chloroquine. While there is some promising study of its potential use, it has not it has not been approved for treatment. NBC News reported on one Arizona man who died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate, and his wife said that they learned about its use after watching a briefing. The chloroquine they used was part of a product use to clean fish tanks, not for medical purposes.
Once again, whatever Trump says, the idiots on this board parrot, word for word.

Common sense, on the other hand, dictates if the spread of Covid19 increases with exposure to other people, avoid other people.

Seems simple enough, even for trumpers.

Maybe not. trumpers are not too bright.
That's the first station Trump should de-fund.

He can't. It's funded by its listeners.

Oh look, the previous post noted that Rumpsters aren't too bright. And here you come demonstrating it.
An NPR station in Seattle said that it no longer will carry live coverage of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus briefings because of concerns that they feature unchecked misleading or false information.

KUOW is monitoring White House briefings for the latest news on the coronavirus — and we will continue to share all news relevant to Washington State with our listeners,” the station tweeted. “However, we will not be airing the briefings live due to a pattern of false or misleading information provided that cannot be fact checked in real time.”

Most recently, Trump has called for lifting of social distancing guidelines in the near future, perhaps by Easter, even though public health professionals are still grappling with the spread of the virus. He also has made false claims about the availability of tests, the timeline for finding a vaccine and the potential benefits of a treatment that includes the ingredient chloroquine. While there is some promising study of its potential use, it has not it has not been approved for treatment. NBC News reported on one Arizona man who died after ingesting chloroquine phosphate, and his wife said that they learned about its use after watching a briefing. The chloroquine they used was part of a product use to clean fish tanks, not for medical purposes.
Once again, whatever Trump says, the idiots on this board parrot, word for word.

Common sense, on the other hand, dictates if the spread of Covid19 increases with exposure to other people, avoid other people.

Seems simple enough, even for trumpers.

Maybe not. trumpers are not too bright.
That's the first station Trump should de-fund.

He can't. It's funded by its listeners.

Oh look, the previous post noted that Rumpsters aren't too bright. And here you come demonstrating it.
Yeah, the listeners tax dollars!
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360
Fake news.

Prove it fake.
They incorrectly claimed that there was false information presented at the briefings. Therefore it's fake news, you fucking stupid TDS afflicted moron.

So fuck off, you low IQ scumbag.

Guess the art of reading STILL hasn't penetrated throughout the land yet.

The NEWS here is that the station ceased broadcasting live briefings. THAT iS A FACT. They DID. You can't refute it. It's right there in the station's own notice and on (not on) its airwaves.

You linked to a fake news article, you fucking TDS afflicted moron. Why did you link to a fake news article, you low IQ moonbat?

Because it is *NOT* a "fake news article", Toiletbreath. It is a notice FROM the station, that they will discontinue live broadcasts of the White House Hoax Breifings. AND THEY DID JUST THAT.

What part of that are you pretending not to GET??
Yes they did do that. However they did it under false pretenses, therefore the notice you linked to is fake news, you fucking moron.

You sure are one stupid motherfucker.

It DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER what the 'pretenses' were --- the actual *NEWS* is that they discontinued the live broadcasts. WHICH THEY FUCKING DID.
Wrong. Putting one tiny tidbit of fact in a report that contains falsehoods does not mean it's not fake news, you gullible idiot.

You TDS afflicted morons are pathetic low IQ individuals.
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360
Fake news.

Prove it fake.

oh fuck off you lying sack of poo. At least your stupid avi is an accurate representation of you.
Irrelevant here. KUOW is not "government funded".

VOA is though. Radio/TV Marti is. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty is. And they have gihugic transmitters here in North Cackalackee, which I toured recently, so there is literally a place for government funded media. It's quite the sprawling complex, with yuge buildings and acres of antennas.

You'll be happy to know they are sleeping the half-gigawatt xmtrs because they just cost too damn much to run. That's at least SOME of your tax dollars "saved" eh?

Back in the 1918 pandemic, the one commonly but erroneously called the "Spanish" Flu, and the one that killed Rump's grandfather, this country did indeed have a Ministry of Information, euphemistically called the Committee for Public Information, which did indeed publish newsletters like this


and crank out an endless stream of lying propaganda news releases to flood newspapers, the medium of the time, and more importantly to censor, in tandem with the Sedition Act of 1918, news of the pandemic's existence, thus living thousands upon thousands to die, unprotected.

THAT is what government media looks like. And we should note, what government censorship looks like as well.

But that's in no way related here. KUOW is licensed to the University of Washington and supported by its listeners with augmented corporate underwriting. It isn't run by the government. So go sell shit somewhere else, I know better and I'll say so.

Shame Henry. You either don't know about all this and are purporting to, in which case you're a fraud, or you do know about all this and are deliberately lying about it, in which case you're a fraud.

Absolutely NO government funding from any level. No federal money. No state money. No county money. No city, town or village money. No money from state operated institutions of "education" or indoctrination. Only voluntary contributions from actual humans. No union money. NO corporate money.

Of course that would dash your aspirations of being Propaganda Minister....
Irrelevant here. KUOW is not "government funded".

VOA is though. Radio/TV Marti is. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty is. And they have gihugic transmitters here in North Cackalackee, which I toured recently, so there is literally a place for government funded media. It's quite the sprawling complex, with yuge buildings and acres of antennas.

You'll be happy to know they are sleeping the half-gigawatt xmtrs because they just cost too damn much to run. That's at least SOME of your tax dollars "saved" eh?

Back in the 1918 pandemic, the one commonly but erroneously called the "Spanish" Flu, and the one that killed Rump's grandfather, this country did indeed have a Ministry of Information, euphemistically called the Committee for Public Information, which did indeed publish newsletters like this


and crank out an endless stream of lying propaganda news releases to flood newspapers, the medium of the time, and more importantly to censor, in tandem with the Sedition Act of 1918, news of the pandemic's existence, thus living thousands upon thousands to die, unprotected.

THAT is what government media looks like. And we should note, what government censorship looks like as well.

But that's in no way related here. KUOW is licensed to the University of Washington and supported by its listeners with augmented corporate underwriting. It isn't run by the government. So go sell shit somewhere else, I know better and I'll say so.

Shame Henry. You either don't know about all this and are purporting to, in which case you're a fraud, or you do know about all this and are deliberately lying about it, in which case you're a fraud.

Absolutely NO government funding from any level. No federal money. No state money. No county money. No city, town or village money. No money from state operated institutions of "education" or indoctrination. Only voluntary contributions from actual humans. No union money. NO corporate money.

Of course that would dash your aspirations of being Propaganda Minister....

Henry demonstrates to the class why "verbs" are important. Not much goes anywhere without them.
Seattle NPR Station Says It Will No Longer Carry Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Live Because Of Misinformation

:abgg2q.jpg:are they not worried about their ratings?:abgg2q.jpg:...a financial hit like this could land them on welfare

A public radio station is not concerned with "ratings". "Ratings" have one purpose and one purpose only, which is to set advertising rates. That's it, full stop. Whelp --- KUOW has no advertising, ergo no need for a ratings book. It has no relationship with their finances.

Summa y'all, it's like talking to aliens from another galaxy.
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360
Fake news.

Prove it fake.
They incorrectly claimed that there was false information presented at the briefings. Therefore it's fake news, you fucking stupid TDS afflicted moron.

So fuck off, you low IQ scumbag.

Guess the art of reading STILL hasn't penetrated throughout the land yet.

The NEWS here is that the station ceased broadcasting live briefings. THAT iS A FACT. They DID. You can't refute it. It's right there in the station's own notice and on (not on) its airwaves.

You linked to a fake news article, you fucking TDS afflicted moron. Why did you link to a fake news article, you low IQ moonbat?

Because it is *NOT* a "fake news article", Toiletbreath. It is a notice FROM the station, that they will discontinue live broadcasts of the White House Hoax Breifings. AND THEY DID JUST THAT.

What part of that are you pretending not to GET??
Yes they did do that. However they did it under false pretenses, therefore the notice you linked to is fake news, you fucking moron.

You sure are one stupid motherfucker.

It DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER what the 'pretenses' were --- the actual *NEWS* is that they discontinued the live broadcasts. WHICH THEY FUCKING DID.
Wrong. Putting one tiny tidbit of fact in a report that contains falsehoods does not mean it's not fake news, you gullible idiot.

You TDS afflicted morons are pathetic low IQ individuals.

It's impossible to believe anyone could actually be this degree of Stupid. Therefore I have to conclude it's an act of some sort. What the purpose of that act would be eludes me but not interested in pissing away my time on it.
Especially no government money for NPR affiliate coffee room attendants.

Don't you love "non-commercial" PBS (not to be confused with NPR though there are many similarities) starts each program with 5-7 minutes of "underwring" - naught more than commercials without a few critical key words.

Any government money doled to any form of "public radio" or "public television" is direct competition with private business. That includes government money laundered through any state funded institution of "education" or indoctrination.

By the current standard we should be offered "Government Motors" cheap but "good for you" vehicles. Or how about government-made toilet paper? Would you be brave enough to use it?
A public radio station is not concerned with "ratings". "Ratings" have one purpose and one purpose only, which is to set advertising rates. That's it, full stop. Whelp --- KUOW has no advertising, ergo no need for a ratings book. It has no relationship with their finances.
Notice the snickering hound...what you described above is my sarcasm of them ending up on welfare i.e. "public funding" or to spell it out, "already on the dole" [welfare] making it satirical...[they may very well be dropping trumps pressers for the reason they stated, but as an entity that depends on pubic funds trump is the enemy and it is far more likely they are going back to regular programming for practical reasons and just taking a parting shot by claiming it is for lying.]

Summa y'all, it's like talking to aliens from another galaxy.
They/we would have to feel the same way [both figuratively and/or literally] for that to be true

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