SCOTUS has until midnight EST to decide the fate of Roe v Wade


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Apparently if we hear nothing, Greg Abbott and Texghanistan Republicans can outlaw abortion after 6 weeks (when no one knows they are pregnant).

Additionally, anyone in the country can sue and get 10 grand from anyone involved from a doctor to a nurse to the person who drove that woman to the clinic.

So grab those coat hangers ladies - or plan on a 20 hour drive to a state not interested in Taliban tactics.

Texas' law will just get struck down by lower courts like in every other state that has pulled this stunt. Nothing to see here...

I admire your confidence but not so sure SCOTUS want punt this one back to the states. It’s kind of what conservatives have been wishing for and it would be copied in every other state with a Republican legislature & governor.
"No one knows they are pregnant after 6 weeks"? What does that mean? Surely a normal woman knows she is pregnant within a month. Are liberal men afraid that they will be forced to live up to their responsibilities and lose their chance to coerce a woman to hire someone to end the life inside her and suffer symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of her life?
Is that the primary reason women cite for wanting an abortion? I can't imagine you would bring forth an anecdotal appeal without having some data to bolster it. I'll wait.

You can be the most responsible person in Texas and still get pregnant. Six weeks and vigilante lawsuits? Get real, and please think before you post.
Apparently if we hear nothing, Greg Abbott and Texghanistan Republicans can outlaw abortion after 6 weeks (when no one knows they are pregnant).

Additionally, anyone in the country can sue and get 10 grand from anyone involved from a doctor to a nurse to the person who drove that woman to the clinic.

So grab those coat hangers ladies - or plan on a 20 hour drive to a state not interested in Taliban tactics.

:wtf:, for over a year liberals have been :206: about people wearing masks, and now wanting to force people to get an experimental :anj_stfu: you all lost the argument on abortion!!!
"No one knows they are pregnant after 6 weeks"? What does that mean? Surely a normal woman knows she is pregnant within a month. Are liberal men afraid that they will be forced to live up to their responsibilities and lose their chance to coerce a woman to hire someone to end the life inside her and suffer symptoms similar to PTSD for the rest of her life?

You are full of crap. Yes, some woman test after a missed period (the one month point) and discover they are pregnant. Others may not think about that or notice any change whatsoever.

Let’s assume you know at the 4-5 week point. Have you tried to schedule a doc appointment lately? They don’t happen overnight pal.

And what doc will want to risk charges, lawsuits and having their clinic shut down if it’s borderline? This law would have the practical effect of banning abortion.

Apparently if we hear nothing, Greg Abbott and Texghanistan Republicans can outlaw abortion after 6 weeks (when no one knows they are pregnant).

Additionally, anyone in the country can sue and get 10 grand from anyone involved from a doctor to a nurse to the person who drove that woman to the clinic.

So grab those coat hangers ladies - or plan on a 20 hour drive to a state not interested in Taliban tactics.

The SCOTUS can take it up any time they so choose

So? Isn't like the SCOTUS has to strike down a law before it takes effect in order to have jurisdiction. In fact, a great number of cases that come before them deal with laws that have already been in effect. There is the legal issue of standing that has to exist, and "I don't like it" doesn't give one that standing.
So? Isn't like the SCOTUS has to strike down a law before it takes effect in order to have jurisdiction. In fact, a great number of cases that come before them deal with laws that have already been in effect. There is the legal issue of standing that has to exist, and "I don't like it" doesn't give one that standing.

SCOTUS experts (including Dahlia Lithwick
- link in OP) disagree with your assessment.
SCOTUS experts (including Dahlia Lithwick
- link in OP) disagree with your assessment.
Then perhaps they were absent the day Marbury v Madison was being taught. Just because the law goes into effect does not mean it cannot be struck down at a later date.

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