Schumer Tells CFAP That IRS Should Be Used To Curtail Tea Party


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Schumer Calls for Using IRS to Curtail Tea Party Activities

BY: Alana Goodman, Washington Free Beacon

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) proposed using the Internal Revenue Service to curtail Tea Party group funding during a speech on how to “exploit” and “weaken” the movement at the Center for American Progress on Thursday.

Arguing that Tea Party groups have a financial advantage after the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision, Schumer said the Obama administration should bypass Congress and institute new campaign finance rules through the IRS.

“It is clear that we will not pass anything legislatively as long as the House of Representatives is in Republican control, but there are many things that can be done administratively by the IRS and other government agencies—we must redouble those efforts immediately,” Schumer said.​

Schumer Calls for Using IRS to Curtail Tea Party Activities - Fox Nation


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In this speech Schumer blames Prohibition on Tea Party types. The truth is Prohibition was a Progressive idea.

He also blames the decline in middle-class income on some invisible boogeyman. In fact, Obama has helped cause the decline in income. Since he has become POTUS middle-class incomes have stagnated and declined while at the same time costs of goods and services have skyrocketed.

So essentially, Schumer and friends have caused the very problem they claim is the fault of the rich.

The Rise and Potential Fall of the Tea Party
Is it even accurate to call them the Tea PARTY? Democrat, Republican, Green, Communist, Socialist parties I've heard of, but is there actually a Tea Party on ballots or are they all just a segment of the Republican Party?
Schumer needs to be institutionalized and kept in a straight jacket and small rubber room and fed cat food once a day.

he and his fucking commie ideas and ideals belong in Cuba or Iran. :up: :clap2:
Is it even accurate to call them the Tea PARTY? Democrat, Republican, Green, Communist, Socialist parties I've heard of, but is there actually a Tea Party on ballots or are they all just a segment of the Republican Party?

I doubt you'll see it because the Tea Party has been effectively demonized.
Is it even accurate to call them the Tea PARTY? Democrat, Republican, Green, Communist, Socialist parties I've heard of, but is there actually a Tea Party on ballots or are they all just a segment of the Republican Party?

They are trying hard to become the wingnuttiest party of them all but the fact is they are not a viable party. They are a faction of the Republican party.
Any organization posing as an educational awareness group for tax exempt status should be broken up and people prosecuted for deliberate violation of the law.

Schumer needs to make sure that he is saying this for all such groups from far left to far right.
Any organization posing as an educational awareness group for tax exempt status should be broken up and people prosecuted for deliberate violation of the law.

Schumer needs to make sure that he is saying this for all such groups from far left to far right.

He doesn't.

You liars on the left like a rigged game.
Schumer conveniently overlooks that the Tea Party was essentially formed because of a backlash to the hard left path that the Obama Administration coupled with Nancy Pelosi controlling the House and Harry Reid controlling the Senate had taken us in. If THAT hadn't occurred then chances are the Tea Party groups wouldn't exist or if they did exist they would be much smaller.

Use of the IRS to quell ANY political the left, right or center...goes so counter to what America stands for that it's amazing that Schumer can't grasp the concept of how dangerous what he is proposing could be for everyone! The Democrats have the upper hand at the moment. That can and will change at some point because our political system has a natural ebb and flow to who has power. When the Republicans have control is Chuckie going to be OK with them coming after "his peeps" with the IRS?

Stupid, Chuck...EXTREMELY stupid!!!
Is it even accurate to call them the Tea PARTY? Democrat, Republican, Green, Communist, Socialist parties I've heard of, but is there actually a Tea Party on ballots or are they all just a segment of the Republican Party?

They are trying hard to become the wingnuttiest party of them all but the fact is they are not a viable party. They are a faction of the Republican party.

They are average, everyday, people who are the target of political assassination by Democrats and the media. They aren't part of the Republican Party.
Does anyone know exactly how corrupt this speech was?

I read it, hes bascially saying what they have to say doesn't count is illegally done and he wants to shut them up...tell me something I didn't know;)

now, do you know right now the irs unbidden by congressional leg. is massaging the rules ala 501 c 3's to basically reflect what they did to them in the years running up ti the 2012 election?
Any organization posing as an educational awareness group for tax exempt status should be broken up and people prosecuted for deliberate violation of the law.

Schumer needs to make sure that he is saying this for all such groups from far left to far right.

true, so why does League of Women Voters Education Fund, a 5013c, get to advertise candidate debates and forums on their website?:eusa_eh:
Schumer needs to be institutionalized and kept in a straight jacket and small rubber room and fed cat food once a day.

he and his fucking commie ideas and ideals belong in Cuba or Iran. :up: :clap2:

My Dad was a teacher. His philosophy for anyone who should be severely punished was "the law protects them!" :lol:

Schumer knows he can't be impeached with High-handed Harry in charge of the Senate.

New York State has had its share of disagreeable politicians in the last few years. :(
Time out! I thought the Tea Party were a bunch of skin head ruffians....

They look more like geriatric grandparents.
Schumer conveniently overlooks that the Tea Party was essentially formed because of a backlash to the hard left path that the Obama Administration coupled with Nancy Pelosi controlling the House and Harry Reid controlling the Senate had taken us in. If THAT hadn't occurred then chances are the Tea Party groups wouldn't exist or if they did exist they would be much smaller.

Use of the IRS to quell ANY political the left, right or center...goes so counter to what America stands for that it's amazing that Schumer can't grasp the concept of how dangerous what he is proposing could be for everyone! The Democrats have the upper hand at the moment. That can and will change at some point because our political system has a natural ebb and flow to who has power. When the Republicans have control is Chuckie going to be OK with them coming after "his peeps" with the IRS?

Stupid, Chuck...EXTREMELY stupid!!!

They were formed because of a backlash? Who exactly is it the formed them?

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