DHS secretary says illegals have "earned right to be citizens"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
These are criminal invaders who come here to steal jobs, govt benefits and IDs from the american citizens. They are the trash of mexico, the losers who can't make it in their home country and given citizenship, will immediately go on welfare.

Homeland Security Secretary: Illegals Have ?Earned Right to be Citizens? | CNS News

January 24, 2014 - 4:17 PM

(CNSNews.com) – Speaking at the United States Conference of Mayors on Friday, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the approximately 11 million people who are in the country illegally have “earned the right to be citizens.”

“It is also, frankly, in my judgment, a matter of who we are as Americans,” he said, “to offer the opportunity to those who want to be citizens, who’ve earned the right to be citizens, who are present in this country--many of whom came here as children--to have the opportunity that we all have to try to become American citizens
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Democrat appear to think if you break a law for ten years, you should be rewarded!!
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Send all these criminals back to mexico and tell them to apply legally. The ones that can prove they have technical skills can come back. The unskilled ones must be rejected.
These are criminal invaders who come here to steal jobs, govt benefits and IDs from the american citizens. They are the trash of mexico, the losers who can't make it in their home country and given citizenship, will immediately go on welfare.
Homeland Security Secretary: Illegals Have ?Earned Right to be Citizens? | CNS News

January 24, 2014 - 4:17 PM

(CNSNews.com) – Speaking at the United States Conference of Mayors on Friday, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the approximately 11 million people who are in the country illegally have “earned the right to be citizens.”

“It is also, frankly, in my judgment, a matter of who we are as Americans,” he said, “to offer the opportunity to those who want to be citizens, who’ve earned the right to be citizens, who are present in this country--many of whom came here as children--to have the opportunity that we all have to try to become American citizens.”

This guy ought to be arrested for treason. The invasion of America by millions of Mexican poor people is a planned operation by Mexico to steal US wealth. Every year, they do just that, by way of remittances ($25 Billion/yr) extracted out of the US economy, and re-inserted into the Mexican economy. They also steal from us by way of the anchor baby racket, and use of false documents. This enables them to secure a lifetime of benefits$$$$ at US taxpayer expense. Essentially, it's the USA paying Mexico's poverty bill for them.

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We have those born here (such as ShootSpeeders and Lonestar_Logic) who are far greater threats to American civil liberties than the immigrants.
We have those born here (such as ShootSpeeders and Lonestar_Logic) who are far greater threats to American civil liberties than the immigrants.

Who said anything about "civil liberties" ?

And immigrants aren't just "threats" (things that might occur in the future)

They are HARMS occuring in the past, present, AND future. Here's a list of them.>>>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($40 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
These are criminal invaders who come here to steal jobs, govt benefits and IDs from the american citizens. They are the trash of mexico, the losers who can't make it in their home country and given citizenship, will immediately go on welfare.

Homeland Security Secretary: Illegals Have ?Earned Right to be Citizens? | CNS News

January 24, 2014 - 4:17 PM

(CNSNews.com) – Speaking at the United States Conference of Mayors on Friday, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the approximately 11 million people who are in the country illegally have “earned the right to be citizens.”

“It is also, frankly, in my judgment, a matter of who we are as Americans,” he said, “to offer the opportunity to those who want to be citizens, who’ve earned the right to be citizens, who are present in this country--many of whom came here as children--to have the opportunity that we all have to try to become American citizens

Earned? The first thing they did was break the law or their parents broke the law. Either way send them packing. There are people from all countries trying to get in this country legitimately and these guys cut the line and feel they should get preferential treamtment? What kind of a message does that send when we give it to them? And then we wonder why we have problems.
We have those born here (such as ShootSpeeders and Lonestar_Logic) who are far greater threats to American civil liberties than the immigrants.

We have those born here (such as ShootSpeeders and Lonestar_Logic) who are far greater threats to American civil liberties than the immigrants.

HAHAHA. The board notes you evaded the issue and made yet another personal attack.
Earned? The first thing they did was break the law or their parents broke the law. Either way send them packing. There are people from all countries trying to get in this country legitimately and these guys cut the line and feel they should get preferential treamtment? What kind of a message does that send when we give it to them? And then we wonder why we have problems.

In a sane country, illegal invaders would be treated as the very serious criminals they are. The idea of granting amnesty to these monsters is off-the-charts crazy.
Earned? The first thing they did was break the law or their parents broke the law. Either way send them packing. There are people from all countries trying to get in this country legitimately and these guys cut the line and feel they should get preferential treamtment? What kind of a message does that send when we give it to them? And then we wonder why we have problems.

In a sane country, illegal invaders would be treated as the very serious criminals they are. The idea of granting amnesty to these monsters is off-the-charts crazy.

Didn't we try Amnesty once anyway and it was a major fail? Only libs would consider rewarding criminals with everything they demand.
If they work here, buy property here, pay taxes here, and so forth, guess what social cons: they are staying and will get citizenship.
Send all these criminals back to mexico

What's your plan on doing that? Rounding them (Trail of Tears) into a concentration camp, then deport them on a trains to --- well if Mexico doesn't want them back --- to gas chambers? This would be a wonderful opportunity for the Neo cons to round up Tea Party/Libertarian leaders and gas them too --- would never be noticed in the chaos and bloodshed. Chaos and bloodshed you ask? What, you think millions of people sharing a common identity aren't going to band up and fight the feds that attempt to destroy their way of life? Did the Native Americans fight the feds or not? There's yo answer. Get lost kidd
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Send all these criminals back to mexico

What's your plan on doing that? Rounding them (Trail of Tears) into a concentration camp, then deport them on a trains to --- well if Mexico doesn't want them back --- to gas chambers? This would be a wonderful opportunity for the Neo cons to round up Tea Party/Libertarian leaders and gas them too --- would never be noticed in the chaos and bloodshed. Chaos and bloodshed you ask? What, you think millions of people sharing a common identity aren't going to band up and fight the feds that attempt to destroy their way of life? Did the Native Americans fight the feds or not? There's yo answer. Get lost kidd

Mexico doesn't have anything to say about it. They are a country that has been making an imperialist war against the US for decades, and ripping us off for tens on billions $$ every year in remittances and human services payouts.The aliens should be deported to south Mexico and just dumped there. What Mexico does with them is Mexico's problem.

As for fighting the feds, well they didn't in 1954, during Eisenhower's Operation Wetback, when huge numbers of them were hunted down by US immigration agents, and deported. More huge numbers fled back to Mexico, on their own.
Send all these criminals back to mexico

What's your plan on doing that? Rounding them (Trail of Tears) into a concentration camp, then deport them on a trains to --- well if Mexico doesn't want them back --- to gas chambers? This would be a wonderful opportunity for the Neo cons to round up Tea Party/Libertarian leaders and gas them too --- would never be noticed in the chaos and bloodshed. Chaos and bloodshed you ask? What, you think millions of people sharing a common identity aren't going to band up and fight the feds that attempt to destroy their way of life? Did the Native Americans fight the feds or not? There's yo answer. Get lost kidd

We don't have to round them up. Stop giving them free health care at ERs and free k-12 for their kids and most will self-deport.
The only thing illegals earn is a swift kick in the ass that sends them back to their country of origin.

Stupid Obama hack
Send all these criminals back to mexico

What's your plan on doing that? Rounding them (Trail of Tears) into a concentration camp, then deport them on a trains to --- well if Mexico doesn't want them back --- to gas chambers? This would be a wonderful opportunity for the Neo cons to round up Tea Party/Libertarian leaders and gas them too --- would never be noticed in the chaos and bloodshed. Chaos and bloodshed you ask? What, you think millions of people sharing a common identity aren't going to band up and fight the feds that attempt to destroy their way of life? Did the Native Americans fight the feds or not? There's yo answer. Get lost kidd

We don't have to round them up. Stop giving them free health care at ERs and free k-12 for their kids and most will self-deport.

That is the proper solution.

However, do not ever expect me to endorse "rounding them up."

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