Schools K-12 Adopting Race-Based Discipline Policies


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2021

Schools K-12 Adopting Race-Based Discipline Policies​

Let them in, and kiss their feet wait until you whites crackers,
get your white kids jacked slapped by CRT.
Your whites kids are in for a sorry sorry future because white America can’t stand up and fight back.
You kiss the feet of blacks lmfao , you are pathetic, your weak and they actually respect you less for doing it rather than
telling them to kiss your Ass.

You will deserve to see your little white grand kids getting the s**t beat out of them becuase you know, it’s white privledge you can’t have any.
This is going to blow up in the faces of you pathetic racist dumb asses.
Your sickening for complying.

and here is one right in ARIZONA these two little ————ts never got a thing done to them as far as disciplined. This is what will keep happening they get no punishment.

Public policy makers absolutely refuse to address the proverbial Elephant in the Room.

70% of Black students come from homes where there is no FATHER in residence. This is a particularly bad situation for male children, whose natural aggressive, competitive, and cruel tendencies need the guidance of - for lack of a better expression - a threatening presence in the household to keep them in check. Without this social constraint, they come to school with few inhibitions, no respect for authority, and little motivation to avail themselves of the free public education that is being proffered.

For these reasons, it is entirely predictable that the Black male student population will be disproportionately responsible for the mayhem that occurs in and about the schools. Indeed, it would be remarkable if that were not the case.

But when the blind, deaf, and mute Academic Powers see that Black males - maybe 10% of the overall student population - constitute 50% or more of the total disciplinary actions, they conclude (wrongly) that there is racism motivating the decisions to take disciplinary measures.

In fact, the Obama Administration's Department of Education declared that schools that were disciplining disproportionate numbers of BIPOC students would see cutbacks in Federal funding and benefits. As a result, and continuing to this very day, public school administrators have, in effect, implemented a two-tiered disciplinary policy where conduct that would get a "white" student suspended will get a BIPOC student a stern lecture and a ticket back into the classroom.

Which begs the question, How did "we" get so stupid?

Schools K-12 Adopting Race-Based Discipline Policies​

Let them in, and kiss their feet wait until you whites crackers,
get your white kids jacked slapped by CRT.
Your whites kids are in for a sorry sorry future because white America can’t stand up and fight back.
You kiss the feet of blacks lmfao , you are pathetic, your weak and they actually respect you less for doing it rather than
telling them to kiss your Ass.

You will deserve to see your little white grand kids getting the s**t beat out of them becuase you know, it’s white privledge you can’t have any.
This is going to blow up in the faces of you pathetic racist dumb asses.
Your sickening for complying.

and here is one right in ARIZONA these two little ————ts never got a thing done to them as far as disciplined. This is what will keep happening they get no punishment.

The black students of ASU were actually reprimanded and told to desist from such behavior.
Public policy makers absolutely refuse to address the proverbial Elephant in the Room.

70% of Black students come from homes where there is no FATHER in residence. This is a particularly bad situation for male children, whose natural aggressive, competitive, and cruel tendencies need the guidance of - for lack of a better expression - a threatening presence in the household to keep them in check. Without this social constraint, they come to school with few inhibitions, no respect for authority, and little motivation to avail themselves of the free public education that is being proffered.

For these reasons, it is entirely predictable that the Black male student population will be disproportionately responsible for the mayhem that occurs in and about the schools. Indeed, it would be remarkable if that were not the case.

But when the blind, deaf, and mute Academic Powers see that Black males - maybe 10% of the overall student population - constitute 50% or more of the total disciplinary actions, they conclude (wrongly) that there is racism motivating the decisions to take disciplinary measures.

In fact, the Obama Administration's Department of Education declared that schools that were disciplining disproportionate numbers of BIPOC students would see cutbacks in Federal funding and benefits. As a result, and continuing to this very day, public school administrators have, in effect, implemented a two-tiered disciplinary policy where conduct that would get a "white" student suspended will get a BIPOC student a stern lecture and a ticket back into the classroom.

Which begs the question, How did "we" get so stupid?
Indeed, fatherlessness is the cancer of "black culture".
A lukewarm talking to? That is what we get from the left and we wonder why we are in such trouble. All the fools on the left think that works for murderers and rapists too.
Just saying.

Notwithstanding, that observation doesn't mitigate the seriousness of the threat; indeed, the fact that we have such hatefully clueless brainwashes running around and being mainstream by the prevailing culture is very wearisome.
Segregation now. Segregation tomorrow. Segregation forever.
No, that is out of the question.

Currently, a lot of people (of every ethnicity) try on a daily basis to self-segregate.

They try to avoid living in certain neighborhoods.
They try to avoid sending their kids to certain schools.
They avoid as much as possible using public transportation.
They hope that they will not land up in certain hospitals.
They avoid public accommodations that have dicey clientele.

But there is a limit to what an individual can do.

If one's great-grandchildren choose to live in the United States, they must find a way to survive or to emigrate.

That is just how the cookie crumbles.

The 1950s are NOT returning. We have long passed the point of no return.
No, that is out of the question.

Currently, a lot of people (of every ethnicity) try on a daily basis to self-segregate.

They try to avoid living in certain neighborhoods.
They try to avoid sending their kids to certain schools.
They avoid as much as possible using public transportation.
They hope that they will not land up in certain hospitals.
They avoid public accommodations that have dicey clientele.

But there is a limit to what an individual can do.

If one's great-grandchildren choose to live in the United States, they must find a way to survive or to emigrate.

That is just how the cookie crumbles.

The 1950s are NOT returning. We have long passed the point of no return.
We are more segregated today than we were in 1960.
Discipline should involve discipline. If doing it differently for different races works, so be it. It will only last until Crackzilla decides to sue the school system for treating her kids different because they are black and then getting lots more money to smoke up.
Stunning analysis, just stunning. :rolleyes:

Grow up and wake up, before it’s your turn.
Public policy makers absolutely refuse to address the proverbial Elephant in the Room.

70% of Black students come from homes where there is no FATHER in residence. This is a particularly bad situation for male children, whose natural aggressive, competitive, and cruel tendencies need the guidance of - for lack of a better expression - a threatening presence in the household to keep them in check. Without this social constraint, they come to school with few inhibitions, no respect for authority, and little motivation to avail themselves of the free public education that is being proffered.

For these reasons, it is entirely predictable that the Black male student population will be disproportionately responsible for the mayhem that occurs in and about the schools. Indeed, it would be remarkable if that were not the case.

But when the blind, deaf, and mute Academic Powers see that Black males - maybe 10% of the overall student population - constitute 50% or more of the total disciplinary actions, they conclude (wrongly) that there is racism motivating the decisions to take disciplinary measures.

In fact, the Obama Administration's Department of Education declared that schools that were disciplining disproportionate numbers of BIPOC students would see cutbacks in Federal funding and benefits. As a result, and continuing to this very day, public school administrators have, in effect, implemented a two-tiered disciplinary policy where conduct that would get a "white" student suspended will get a BIPOC student a stern lecture and a ticket back into the classroom.

Which begs the question, How did "we" get so stupid?
Tell me what right wing site you pulled this bullshit from.
What are you trying to do, argue that it is only 69%? Whatever the number, it is out of control, immoral, unacceptable, and destructive.
What you clowns fail to tell is that in many of the households the father is present, but it is counted as a single household because they are not married.

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