Saudi Arabia fails to respond to news of Biden victory

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
The article below examines the ever greater self-inflicted difficulties the Saudi butcher Crown Prince MBS faces, given that now his most loyal U.S. backer Donald Trump has been voted out of office. Saudi state oil finances are in a tailspin, its real income and influence now trailing other competing Gulf Oil Kingdoms. Nevertheless, incredible financial resources remain monopolized in the corrupt and bloody hands of MBS, much of it finding its way into bribing U.S. and British politicians, influencing Western bankers and investors, and of course winning loyalty from American Military Industrial companies. The Crown Prince has looted the bank accounts of innumerable once untouchable princes of the Saudi ruling family, making him ever more hated and dependent on his personal security apparatus, whose willingness to butcher opponents is well known.

A radical reorientation of U.S. policy in the Middle East will require the removal of the Crown Prince, but it is very unlikely that a Biden Administration will be willing to chance an open break with the Royal Family. The Saudi Crown Prince’s nightmare scenario is playing out, however. This short excerpted article only hints at the depth of the complex political power crisis now unfolding in Saudi-U.S. relations:

Saudi Arabia fails to respond to news of Biden victory
Riyadh instead offers congratulations to Tanzania and Cambodia over developments in their countries

“Saudi Arabia was the only Gulf nation not to congratulate Joe Biden on his victory over Donald Trump in the US presidential elections, choosing instead to offer congratulations to the king of Cambodia and the Tanzanian president...

“A number of Arab countries, including the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait, in addition to Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and others, had already offered their congratulations to Biden.

“CNN contacted the Saudi government for comment, but had received no reply at the time of writing on Sunday morning.

“Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's close personal ties with Trump had provided a vital buffer against a tide of international criticism over Riyadh's rights record, sparked by the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the kingdom's role in Yemen's war and the detention of women activists....”

US Elections 2020: Saudi Arabia fails to respond to news of Biden victory

Other worthwhile articles here:
Saudi Arabia’s Worst Nightmare
US election: Mohammed bin Salman braces for the loss of a key ally

Earlier comments of mine on Saudi Arabia:
Pompeo Ordered State Dept. Officials To Invent Reason For His Emergency Declaration In Saudi Arms Sale
Saudi Arabia’s Fatal Mistake
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No doubt Joe’s first foreign trip will be to kiss the ring of the Saudi king, just as his predecessors did.
No doubt Joe’s first foreign trip will be to kiss the ring of the Saudi king, just as his predecessors did.
Actually, I doubt that very much, gipper. I figure Biden won’t feel welcome or even safe on their turf as long as MBS is in power. It would be kind of embarrassing if he went and was spurned. Hell, if he or Obama went and didn’t bow low enough, they might end up getting ... dismembered! Just kidding, sort of.

The truth is the real threat to Biden — as it was to Obama — comes from the Zionist Lobby in cahoots with the MIC and Petrodollar Banks here in the U.S. Any attempt to change U.S. policy in the Middle East and strike a balance between the Gulf Oil Monarchies & Iranian theocrats faces tremendous vested opposition at home. The Republicans and these lobbies crucified Obama for his gamble ending sanctions for promises of Nuclear Inspections in Iran. Trump’s withdrawal from this international agreement was also a clear attack on fundamental Chinese (even European) interests in securing cheaper and more secure oil imports.
Apparently they don't recognize the fraud.

One of their News papers did do a headline that 'The dogs are going to be back in the White House'.
lol Biden hasn't been elected yet; the EC doesn't vote for a couple of weeks yet, and no one has conceded or gets to crown themselves, unless their name is Napoleon.
Flash: Saudi Arabia has finally sent a congratulations message to Biden. Seems even they are jumping ship. On the other hand, Russia and China both are acting very cautiously, not yet sending a message to anybody. Which makes sense for them.
Saudi Arabia is preparing a palace for Trump's escape from an American prison.
Actually, I doubt that very much, gipper. I figure Biden won’t feel welcome or even safe on their turf as long as MBS is in power. It would be kind of embarrassing if he went and was spurned. Hell, if he or Obama went and didn’t bow low enough, they might end up getting ... dismembered! Just kidding, sort of.

The truth is the real threat to Biden — as it was to Obama — comes from the Zionist Lobby in cahoots with the MIC and Petrodollar Banks here in the U.S. Any attempt to change U.S. policy in the Middle East and strike a balance between the Gulf Oil Monarchies & Iranian theocrats faces tremendous vested opposition at home. The Republicans and these lobbies crucified Obama for his gamble ending sanctions for promises of Nuclear Inspections in Iran. Trump’s withdrawal from this international agreement was also a clear attack on fundamental Chinese (even European) interests in securing cheaper and more secure oil imports.
Nobody bows to the Saudi king. The problem is with the White House protocols. Remember when they said the Saudis hated the color green?
We have defended their ass for 80 years
Time to stop
They haven't needed much defence. They don't pursue wars like the US and Israel. The Saudis pay for weapons and training and bases and for 10 years of no fly zone over Iraq at a million dollars a day.
We have defended their ass for 80 years
Time to stop
There was a tiny US refueling airbase with a US consulate during the 1950s and 1960s. Is that what you're talking about? We used to invite them all to 🍽️ for holidays like Christmas. Then they pulled out after Israel attacked Egypt.
Nobody bows to the Saudi king. The problem is with the White House protocols. Remember when they said the Saudis hated the color green?
who is they? maybe some Saudi got hysterical
because a Kaffirah khalbah wore a green dress.
Fellow Cyberbuddies----GREEN is the color of islam.
Dhimmis do not wear that color if they want to
live. Fun facts. Muhummad liked green and cats.

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