Satire: Glenn Beck raped a girl in 1990?

[SIZE=+1]Glenn Beck, Rapist[/SIZE]
The rumor has gotten enough traction that the professional media website has written about the hoax. Mediaite claims that some of the people behind the hoax may be from a group that previously virally attacked the Church of Scientology and was once responsible for “flooding YouTube with porn.” The attack on Beck has worked well enough that the top two Google searches under “Glenn Beck” so far today are “Glenn Beck murder” and “Glenn Beck rapist.” Sites like and YouTube have been flooded with attacks on Beck. All have implied Beck is a rapist and a murderer. One online poll indicated that 84% of 13,000 voters believe “Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990.”

[SIZE=-1] "Me? Unstable?"[/SIZE]

And polls don't lie or I think I kind of believe it.
On Obama: "I think he's a Racist"

For starters.
What a colossally stupid answer. I am not suprised at all. I have yet to see a single post of yours that is not insane or stupendously idiotic. I would wonder how it feels to be so insignificant, but I'm not all that interested.

Interesting, no one has yet to answer your question, LL:
I don't get how people miss this.

You're calling it retarted that anyone is saying that Glen has to prove innocense, simply because he was accused.

No fucking shit it's retarted. He doesn't have to prove shit, simply because he was accused. That's the point you fuckin dummies.

GLEN accuses people of shit, AND THEN, states that since the accused don't re-but, they're guilty. Glen does this. That's the irony, that's the source of this being SATIRE.

Anyone in here calling people idiots for stating Glen needs to prove innocense totally missed it. Over their heads. Gone with the wind. All of that shit. Facepalm is right. wow.

Give some examples of Beck making accusations against people.

So, one must wonder if those who claim this is all just in fun, are really able to actually think through an analogous situation.
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[SIZE=+1]Glenn Beck, Rapist[/SIZE]
The rumor has gotten enough traction that the professional media website has written about the hoax. Mediaite claims that some of the people behind the hoax may be from a group that previously virally attacked the Church of Scientology and was once responsible for “flooding YouTube with porn.” The attack on Beck has worked well enough that the top two Google searches under “Glenn Beck” so far today are “Glenn Beck murder” and “Glenn Beck rapist.” Sites like and YouTube have been flooded with attacks on Beck. All have implied Beck is a rapist and a murderer. One online poll indicated that 84% of 13,000 voters believe “Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990.”

You know, this story could possibly be proven to be true..........after all, Glenn Beck has claimed that he was a degenerate alcoholic, and has been 12 years sober. 2009 minus 12 equals 1997, so he was an alcoholic (by his own admission) prior to then. Additionally, if you are as bad an alcoholic as Beck claims he was, then it is very likely that he has had several blackouts from drinking.

Maybe the rapes and murders aren't that far removed from the truth............
[SIZE=+1]Glenn Beck, Rapist[/SIZE]
The rumor has gotten enough traction that the professional media website has written about the hoax. Mediaite claims that some of the people behind the hoax may be from a group that previously virally attacked the Church of Scientology and was once responsible for “flooding YouTube with porn.” The attack on Beck has worked well enough that the top two Google searches under “Glenn Beck” so far today are “Glenn Beck murder” and “Glenn Beck rapist.” Sites like and YouTube have been flooded with attacks on Beck. All have implied Beck is a rapist and a murderer. One online poll indicated that 84% of 13,000 voters believe “Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990.”

You know, this story could possibly be proven to be true..........after all, Glenn Beck has claimed that he was a degenerate alcoholic, and has been 12 years sober. 2009 minus 12 equals 1997, so he was an alcoholic (by his own admission) prior to then. Additionally, if you are as bad an alcoholic as Beck claims he was, then it is very likely that he has had several blackouts from drinking.

Maybe the rapes and murders aren't that far removed from the truth............
And maybe the President is an usurper. :rolleyes:
I'm not saying Glenn Beck is a murderer and a rapist, but how do we know for sure?
He has not denied that he raped and murdered a girl in 1990 and has been unable to account for his whereabouts during that year.

If he is innocent....why doesn't he just provide proof?

Will he volunteer for a lie detector test?
Have you ever known someone who has been a blackout drunk? I have.

Trust me........they can run around the night before, acting like they are completely in control (albeit with some rather bizarre and stupid behavior), and they won't remember ANYTHING after a certain time of night (when enough alcohol has been consumed), and will swear that they didn't do anything.

There have actually been criminal defenses based on that.
The idiocy will never stop.

It reminds me of children in the back seat of a car:

Kid 1: Mom! He poked me!
Kid 2: He poked me first!

Although, just poking does not make one look ugly.

Carry on.
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Look...If Glen Beck really did rape and murder a young girl in 1990.....The public should know

If he didn't do it...Why doesn't he just take a lie detector test?

Does he have something to hide?
Look...If Glen Beck really did rape and murder a young girl in 1990.....The public should know

If he didn't do it...Why doesn't he just take a lie detector test?

Does he have something to hide?
I'm wondering if you're also one of those party bores who repeats jokes over and over again, thinking no one has really gotten it because they have yet to get a laugh. But, unbeknownst to you, no one is chuckling because your point/joke is not all that witty from the start.
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Its the hate some seem to draw their lifes breath from.

He was talking about building adornments in NY city the other day.

saying the adornments were an indication of the fascist tendencies of the people who work in them.

70 year old adornments meant the 30 year old ad worker is a fascist?

That's not what he meant at all, and you would know if it you happened to see that particular segment. He was talking about the symbolism of the time WHEN THEY WERE BUILT which was long ago. Actually, long ago, fascism was considered to be just smashingly wonderful by lots of Americans who thought Mussolini was just the most fascinating guy and his policies were just GREAT!

I see symbolism in lots of buildings that represents things I don't like and they give me the creeps. I would hypothesize that 95% of people don't even see the artwork, much less recognize it as symbolism these days, and wouldn't know what they symbols mean....

Or maybe you would have to be an art student to get it....I dunno.... :-(
Like I said.......Blech proved himself to be a colossal idiot yesterday. Check this out.........

Does Glenn Beck support the slave trade or is he just an "idiot"?
September 23, 2009 8:16 pm ET — 196 Comments

In a chapter in his new book purporting to explain to "idiots" what "our Founding Fathers really intended," Glenn Beck praises an obsolete provision of the U.S. Constitution that prohibited Congress from outlawing the slave trade before 1808 and capped taxes on the slave trade at $10 per slave. In his explanation of the provision, Beck does not mention slavery, saying instead that the provision means that the Founders apparently "felt like there was a value to being able to live here" and lamenting: "Not anymore. These days we can't ask anything of immigrants -- including that they abide by our laws."
Beck claims to provide authoritative explanation of Constitution's meaning

Beck explains to "idiots" what "our Founding Fathers really intended" in the Constitution. In the introduction to a chapter titled, "The U.S. Constitution: Lost in Translation," Beck mocks "idiots" who don't share his interpretation of the Constitution:

How many times have you argued with your idiot friends about what's constitutional and what isn't? You may even show them the Constitution, but the disagreement continues. That made me think that maybe the problem is that the entire Constitution is written in English -- a language that is very difficult for the average idiot to comprehend. In addition, there are several words in the document longer than three letters, making it a tougher read than the "Dick and Jane" books they normally struggle through.

What follows is a translation (from English to Idiot) of several important parts of the U.S. Constitution, leaving no doubt as to what our Founding Fathers really intended. [Beck, et. al, Arguing With Idiots, Page 267]

Beck praises constitutional provision protecting slave trade

Beck praises "Migration or Importation" tax provision in taking cheap shot at "immigrants." In the chapter, Beck reprints and then praises Article I, Section 9, Clause 1 of the Constitution. Beck specifically highlights in yellow the phrase "ten dollars for each person":

Section 9. The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

That's right, the Founders actually put a price tag on coming to this country: $10 per person. Apparently they felt like there was a value to being able to live here. Not anymore. These days we can't ask anything of immigrants -- including that they abide by our laws. [Arguing with Idiots, Page 278]

Does Glenn Beck support the slave trade or is he just an "idiot"? | Media Matters for America

Now.......with all that being said, my question is, with the woefully inadequate way that Blech does his research, as well as the way that he spins the truth to suit his own rhetoric, why the fuck is anyone still listening to this asshole?
Look...If Glen Beck really did rape and murder a young girl in 1990.....The public should know

If he didn't do it...Why doesn't he just take a lie detector test?

Does he have something to hide?
I'm wondering if you're also one of those party bores who repeats jokes over and over again, thinking no one has really gotten it because they have yet to get a laugh. But, unbeknownst to you, no one is chuckling because your point/joke is not all that witty from the start.

I think si modo should take a lie detector test to see if she really is who she claims to be. And -- where was she in 1990?
I am saying Obama is a Marxist, after all, how do all you liberal/commies know for sure Obama is not a marxist.

Of course we can look at what Obama says and what he does, Beck exposing Obama's marxism is what is driving you guys nuts.
I am saying Obama is a Marxist, after all, how do all you liberal/commies know for sure Obama is not a marxist.

Of course we can look at what Obama says and what he does, Beck exposing Obama's marxism is what is driving you guys nuts.

The only thing Bech exposes is his stupidity. Remember on Thursday where he was talking about people paying 10 bucks to get into the US via Constitutional ammendment?

Turns out that the ammendment was for increasing the SLAVE TAX to 10 bucks/head.

With stupidity like that, can you really depend on anything Blech says?

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