Sanders says he will vote for Clinton

What's Sanders other option??? A socialist is not going to vote for a Capitalist in Trump, (he hates Trump) anyways..

I don't think Bernie would vote for a Libertarian in Johnson, Limited Government to Huge Government, not gonna work..

Something tells me Sanders truly believes Clinton is more qualified than Jill Stein, pretty much a no brainer..
True Sanders believers will write him in and check the box beside his name. To sit home is to hold in the rage and might lead to (further) drug abuse. Nay, they must vent. November could see The Great Pencil Rebellion.
Glad he is supporting the very epitome of everything he stood against. By now you should have had this figured out. They drug the old socialist hippy out to gather up the fringe nut jobs and he delivered them to Hillary.
"Crooked Hillary is the epitome of everything that's wrong with out political system and the Democrat Party, and that's why she has my support" -- BS (Bernie Sanders -- what, you thought he was serious when he said all those nasty things about her?)

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