The EU Brought It Upon Themselves


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trump cites immigration anger as driving factor in 'Brexit' vote – and beyond

The idea of European countries banding together to make each other collectively stronger was a great idea. Lately, however, with the decision to FORCE their nations' citizens to take in millions of Islamic Refugees, they have only succeeded in making their nations weaker, have endangered their national securities, have placed their citizens in danger, have made their citizens VICTIMS (of such crimes as the mass sexual harassment and rape perpetrated by Muslims), and have created an ever-rising body count, such as from the attack in Paris.

This flood of 'refugee's and the ripple effect it has had is in large part the reason why Britain wanted out...which is why other nations are thinking about severing ties with the EU. This is NOT what they signed up for when they joined the EU!

Trump nails it.

Trump cites immigration anger as driving factor in 'Brexit' vote – and beyond | Fox News
I enjoy drinking the liberal tears over the Brexit vote (even though it has little, if any, effect on America). The EU is the biggest sucker of muslim cock in the history. And just last year, that despicable nation Germany welcome 1 million members of the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating hate ideology on this planet. Which proves once a Nazi, always a Nazi. These German pigs' holocaust guilt is faker than a $6 bill and we Americans & the Russians were right to keep these German maggots on the short leash we did.
This is what you get when one section of society supports another. Watch how many of these countries tank now that the UK isn't bankrolling them.

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