Harris says...""As part of his agenda, (Trump) and his allies would enact a nationwide abortion ban, with or without Congress, A LIE!

Women don't trust Trump
Only stupid women think this is possible. At some point if you believe dumb shit like this you either just want to believe it or are plainly just too stupid to have a reasonable conversation with. Anyone who thinks either party will enact federal legislation for or against abortion hasnt been paying attention.
How is a national abortion ban any different from Row v Wade?
If the SCOTUS ruled that RvW was unconstitutional, how could another national federal mandate on abortion be any more legal?

That is the essence of the fallacy.
For starters Roe V Wade wasn't legislation which is why the court overturned it. The court wasn't making a determination on whether or not the US Congress passing a law regarding abortion would be Constitutional only that the previous SCOTUS court shouldn't have done so. I dont think it would be Constitutional (there's a reason there isnt a national seatbelt law) but that's not what the court decided on.
Only stupid women think this is possible. At some point if you believe dumb shit like this you either just want to believe it or are plainly just too stupid to have a reasonable conversation with. Anyone who thinks either party will enact federal legislation for or against abortion hasnt been paying attention.
Women don't trust Trump
And they’ve been trying all along. In fact since its inception
There hasn’t been a single bill brought to the floor of the house or senate attempting to get rid of SS regardless of how awful the program is.
Irrelevant. If you believe the President regardless of who it is can unilaterally ban abortion you are by definition fucking stupid.
I'm telling you how it is. Women don't trust Trump and the GOP on reproductive rights. That's all there is to it.
Well, they have had total control several times over the last few decades and we still have social security.
They’ve been attacking it for decades.

Calling it a Ponzi scheme
Saying the Trust Fund isn’t real
Pushing privatization

Apparently you have selective memory
They’ r been attacking it for decades.

Calling it a Ponzi scheme
Saying the Trust Fund isn’t real
Pushing privatization

Apparently you have selective memory
All true. But we still have social security. We need to get rid of the Ponzi scheme. We need to quit using the SS money to pay our other bills, and privatization should be an option for those who want it.
I'm telling you how it is. Women don't trust Trump and the GOP on reproductive rights. That's all there is to it.
Stupid women I guess. If you have an IQ above room temp you likely understand the simple workings of how bills become laws. Heck there’s a cartoon about it for kids.
They’ve been attacking it for decades.

Calling it a Ponzi scheme
Saying the Trust Fund isn’t real
Pushing privatization

Apparently you have selective memory
It is a Ponzi Scheme. Can you name a bill brought to the floor which had aimed to do away with SS?
All true. But we still have social security. We need to get rid of the Ponzi scheme. We need to quit using the SS money to pay our other bills, and privatization should be an option for those who want it.
And here you go attacking it
And here you go attacking it
Saying SS is a terrible program which robs poor people of the ability to build wealth and pass it down to their descendants does nothing to get rid of SS just move public opinion on the topic.
Wanna bet?
What is so funny is these abortion advocates do NOT evidently comprehend that this is a fact:
For nearly a quarter (24%), it was their second abortion.
For 11% of women who had an abortion that year, it was their third,
and for 8% it was their fourth or more.
More than 43% of all abortions are done by women who "accidentally" had free will (not raped or health reasons)
to have sex and get pregnant.
43% of all abortions are done by women who obviously were irresponsible enough to get pregnant.
They should have had protection. They should have been smart enough to keep from sexual activities.
Now I'm not against abortion for these situations:
1) Health of the woman... 2) rape, 3) or the first abortion.
And here are the statistics for that In the US, ONLY
1.48% of abortions are performed because the pregnancy threatens the woman's physical health.
Psychological health: 1.67% of abortions are performed because the pregnancy threatens the woman's psychological health
Social or economic reasons: 20% of abortions are performed for social or economic reasons
Elective: 75.4% of abortions are performed for elective reasons, meaning no reason is given
Common exceptions to abortion limits account for less than 5% of all abortions.
  • Rape and incest: 0.4%
  • Risk to the woman's life or a major bodily function: 0.3%
  • Other physical health concerns: 2.2%
  • Abnormality in the unborn baby: 1.2%
But the majority of abortion advocates evidently don't think the woman and man involved aren't responsible for the murder of another human just because they don't want the baby.
Totally irresponsible people!
Great closing argument

If you believe in abortion rights
You are irresponsible

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