San Francisco rent - $1000 a month for 250 sq ft GARAGE!!! - I blame obama's illegals for this


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
10 million illegal squatters in the state are causing a housing shortage and a water shortage.

Meet the single mother living in a 250-sqft GARAGE- Daily Mail Online

march 5 2015
Meet the Silicon Valley mom forced to live in a GARAGE - that still costs her $1,000 per month - as San Francisco rents skyrocket
  • Nicole Jones lives in the tiny space with her 18-month-old daughter and she also has a son on the way
  • The converted home in suburban San Mateo includes a central space which is utilized as a living room, kitchen, bedroom and dining room
  • In the back, there is a toilet and stand-up shower
  • Jones says she used to live in a normal apartment but was forced to downgrade after losing her job
  • Although she has found work, she is going to stay put for now
  • The average property rent in San Mateo is $3,608, according to the real estate firm
Maybe or maybe not. Cost if living is high everywhere in CA especially on the coast. I had a two bedroom townhouse when I lived in San Clemente that was 2k a month and that was in 2003.
Yo, taxes are high, so you thank a Democrat, Jerry Brown!!!


10 million illegal squatters in the state are causing a housing shortage and a water shortage.

Meet the single mother living in a 250-sqft GARAGE- Daily Mail Online

march 5 2015
Meet the Silicon Valley mom forced to live in a GARAGE - that still costs her $1,000 per month - as San Francisco rents skyrocket
  • Nicole Jones lives in the tiny space with her 18-month-old daughter and she also has a son on the way
  • The converted home in suburban San Mateo includes a central space which is utilized as a living room, kitchen, bedroom and dining room
  • In the back, there is a toilet and stand-up shower
  • Jones says she used to live in a normal apartment but was forced to downgrade after losing her job
  • Although she has found work, she is going to stay put for now
  • The average property rent in San Mateo is $3,608, according to the real estate firm

What an ignorant idiot you are.

Rents are going through the roof in San Francisco and the Bay Area(San Mateo is not San Francisco) because of the Silicon Valley boom- its not illegals that are renting 1 bedroom apartments for $3,000 a month- Silicon valley boomers, commuting back and forth from Google and Yahoo and Apple are driving low income earners- including illegals out of San Francisco and Peninsula housing.

You are as usual- an ignorant idiot.
Who are you talking to?

The Alzheimer's has progressed so rapidly that you don't recall last week's diatribes about the poor folks of Kivalina, Alaska whose homes are being washed away by Global Warming?

1. I don't "remember" that because I didn't participate or even see any threads on it.

2. What does that have to do with this thread?
1. I don't "remember" that because I didn't participate or even see any threads on it.

2. What does that have to do with this thread?

You missed a thread? Hardly credible but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

In the referenced thread folks in Kivalina were all upset that global warming was going to wash away their villages and the cost of living there was just so crushing. The advice handed them was basically "move somewhere else". Now here's another person being crushed by the cost of housing so fairness demands she be given the same sage advice...."MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE".

Just as thoroughly ridiculous as demanding poor folks in a tiny village find the money to move and giving them no clue where to move or how to get there. Except for some who wanted to spend YOUR tax money to build them a new village.

So the same advice. Unless some of you generous folks might want to set up a fund so the lady can move. Remember, if she stays in Baghdad-by-The-Bay the gift money will run out fast and she'll be back to the same problem.

Tying that all together now ought not prove too challenging......
I wish I paid $1,000 a month. I live in a converted single car garage. It's $1,300 a month. I like it. It's small. I have only a kitchenette. But I have air conditioning, no carpet, a good sized yard, washer and dryer, pool, covered patio with an outdoor tv and it's in Beverly Hills.
1. I don't "remember" that because I didn't participate or even see any threads on it.

2. What does that have to do with this thread?

You missed a thread? Hardly credible but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

In the referenced thread folks in Kivalina were all upset that global warming was going to wash away their villages and the cost of living there was just so crushing. The advice handed them was basically "move somewhere else". Now here's another person being crushed by the cost of housing so fairness demands she be given the same sage advice...."MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE".

Just as thoroughly ridiculous as demanding poor folks in a tiny village find the money to move and giving them no clue where to move or how to get there. Except for some who wanted to spend YOUR tax money to build them a new village.

So the same advice. Unless some of you generous folks might want to set up a fund so the lady can move. Remember, if she stays in Baghdad-by-The-Bay the gift money will run out fast and she'll be back to the same problem.

Tying that all together now ought not prove too challenging......


I found the thread - all 50 or so posts (made by 6 or 7 posters). Why exactly was I supposed to have seen it?

And no, your post still doesn't make any sense. I asked you this before, but you didn't answer - Who are you talking to, in this thread?

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