San Francisco registering non-citizens to vote

No asswipe! It should be clear from the TOTALITY of what I wrote is that improperly documented persons cannot LAWFULLY vote in CA State and National elections. AND that, "...lesser governmental units within a given State CAN NOT NULLIFY OR AMEND a State's Constitution which is inferior to the US Constitution!" Learn how to read and understand ya fucking trolling IDIOT!
"Improperly documented" huh ? HA HA. What's that, trashbag ? Somebody who just got a bad tattoo ? S'matter boy ? You can't say ILLEGAL ALIEN ?

Now here's some information for you to learn. You can get somebody to read it to you >>

U.S. CodeTitle 18Part IChapter 29 › § 611
18 U.S. Code § 611 - Voting by aliens

It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia,
or Resident Commissioner, unless—

the election is held partly for some other purpose;
aliens are authorized to vote for such other purpose under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance; and
voting for such other purpose is conducted independently of voting for a candidate for such Federal offices, in such a manner that an alien has the opportunity to vote for such other purpose, but not an opportunity to vote for a candidate for any one or more of such Federal offices.

18 U.S. Code § 611 - Voting by aliens
"Improperly documented" huh ? HA HA. What's that, trashbag ? Somebody who just got a bad tattoo ? S'matter boy ? You can't say ILLEGAL ALIEN ?
Are you so damn muddled in your head to comprehend that all voters without properly required ID aren't ALL undocumented aliens not entitled to vote in national elections AND some registered voter may not have the correct type of ID? The first time I voter here in Arizona, they REFUSED my military ID and my VA card that were valid photo ID for me anywhere else! Apply logic before your dumb ass tries to nit pick with childish crap like this, fool! It displays your true faulted character and motive, asshole!
Now here's some information for you to learn. You can get somebody to read it to you >>
Read your own citation you ignorant troll! This time try to understand the damn thing!

[...]or Resident Commissioner, unless—

(1) the election is held partly for some other purpose;

(2) aliens are authorized to vote for such other purpose under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance; and

(3) voting for such other purpose is conducted independently of voting for a candidate for such Federal offices, in such a manner that an alien has the opportunity to vote for such other purpose[....]
It is clear from that statute that your dumb ass cited that what I wrote validates my assertion to which your dumb ass responded initially, and you even highlighted the operative passages! Stupid insane Rabbit!

My post to another you piggy-backed provided Section 2 of the Calif. Constitution defined the two requirements for lawful voters in CA voting in State and Federal elections ONLY; US citizen 18 years of age or older and residency status in Calif. Your dumb ass replied to that post with an erroneous assumption which was;
So you're claiming that illegal aliens cannot vote in California state & local elections ?

Obviously, that sophistry was a strawman given the law as written YOU PRESENTED, the voting requirements in Calif. I provided before you started, you troll, and as San Francisco would be required under National and State Law law to conduct State and/or national elections and City initiatives at the same time, MULTIPLE ballots for the two classes of voters would be necessary AND LAWFUL! Does your stupid ass see your false assumption your employed to troll as the failed insipid ploy it actually is? Your not fooling anyone, asswipe!!

Stupid fucking rabbits! Now go running to the Mods again and complain I've been mean to you again, INFANTILE TROLL!
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Are you so damn muddled in your head to comprehend that all voters without properly required ID aren't ALL undocumented aliens not entitled to vote in national elections AND some registered voter may not have the correct type of ID? The first time I voter here in Arizona, they REFUSED my military ID and my VA card that were valid photo ID for me anywhere else! Apply logic before your dumb ass tries to nit pick with childish crap like this, fool! It displays your true faulted character and motive, asshole!
I don't need to talk to any mods to deal with somebody as ignorant as dumbass YOU. Here you are blabbering about ID, when ID has nothing to do with it.

Here's your education on voter ID >> Arizona has a strict photo ID requirement, but California has NONE. You heard right. And neither do 35 other states. In fact, all these ID requirements (in states that have them) only require ID that shows WHO you are, but not that you have eligibility to vote (ie CITIZENSHIP).


Illegal aliens are not "undocumented'. They have plenty of ID (company photo IDs, library cards, etc) They have no impediment to voting, and they vote by the millions.

As for your dopey phrase "undocumented aliens" >> To call an illegal alien an undocumented alien, is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent" :rolleyes:
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Are you so damn muddled in your head to comprehend that all voters without properly required ID aren't ALL undocumented aliens not entitled to vote in national elections AND some registered voter may not have the correct type of ID? The first time I voter here in Arizona, they REFUSED my military ID and my VA card that were valid photo ID for me anywhere else! Apply logic before your dumb ass tries to nit pick with childish crap like this, fool! It displays your true faulted character and motive, asshole!
I don't need to talk to any mods to deal with somebody as ignorant as dumbass YOU. Here you are blabbering about ID, when ID has nothing to do with it.

Here's your education on voter ID >> Arizona has a strict photo ID requirement, but California has NONE. You heard right. And neither do 35 other states. In fact, all these ID requirements (in states that have them) only require ID that shows WHO you are, but not that you have eligibility to vote (ie CITIZENSHIP).

Illegal aliens are not "undocumented'. They have plenty of ID (company photo IDs, library cards, etc) They have no impediment to voting, and they vote by the millions.

As for your dopey phrase "undocumented aliens" >> To call an illegal alien an undocumented alien, is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent" :rolleyes:
Here you are blabbering about ID, when ID has nothing to do with it.
YOU were the one to object to my substituting undocumented aliens for your Redneck pejorative illegal aliens, shit for brains! Get a memory or shoot you dumb ass!

You open the door dumb ass, and I note you didn't respond to what I wrote regarding ID and ran right past it like a scared little girl to get to your snark! And that crap about ID in the FIRST PARAGRAPH WAS ALL FORGOTTEN BY THE TIME YOU STARTED THE SECOND PARAGRAPH, you bloody fool!
Here's your education on voter ID >> Arizona has a strict photo ID requirement, but California has NONE. You heard right. And neither do 35 other states. In fact, all these ID requirements (in states that have them) only require ID that shows WHO you are, but not that you have eligibility to vote (ie CITIZENSHIP).
You're a blithering IDIOT, and that is enough said for the rest of your bullshit trolling rants!

Bottom line is you are a bloody lying COWARD that has no sense of decency! You are to simply be pitied for your actions and childish behavior! And if you want to do more trolling, of my posts go ahead and eventually the Mods will figure that out again like last time when you had a post of mine tossed when I got on your ass about your conduct and THEN they toss 5 or 6 of yours at the same time, remember? So you just keep the trolling up pervert, and it is certain that Karma will kick you miserable ass again, cause I'm not a coward who will use the ignore button, and will give better than I get! Don't troll my ass and lie about shit, Prick! Karma is a real bitch!
Are you so damn muddled in your head to comprehend that all voters without properly required ID aren't ALL undocumented aliens not entitled to vote in national elections AND some registered voter may not have the correct type of ID? The first time I voter here in Arizona, they REFUSED my military ID and my VA card that were valid photo ID for me anywhere else! Apply logic before your dumb ass tries to nit pick with childish crap like this, fool! It displays your true faulted character and motive, asshole!
I don't need to talk to any mods to deal with somebody as ignorant as dumbass YOU. Here you are blabbering about ID, when ID has nothing to do with it.

Here's your education on voter ID >> Arizona has a strict photo ID requirement, but California has NONE. You heard right. And neither do 35 other states. In fact, all these ID requirements (in states that have them) only require ID that shows WHO you are, but not that you have eligibility to vote (ie CITIZENSHIP).

Illegal aliens are not "undocumented'. They have plenty of ID (company photo IDs, library cards, etc) They have no impediment to voting, and they vote by the millions.

As for your dopey phrase "undocumented aliens" >> To call an illegal alien an undocumented alien, is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent" :rolleyes:
Here you are blabbering about ID, when ID has nothing to do with it.
YOU were the one to object to my substituting undocumented aliens for your Redneck pejorative illegal aliens, shit for brains! Get a memory or shoot you dumb ass!

You open the door dumb ass, and I note you didn't respond to what I wrote regarding ID and ran right past it like a scared little girl to get to your snark! And that crap about ID in the FIRST PARAGRAPH WAS ALL FORGOTTEN BY THE TIME YOU STARTED THE SECOND PARAGRAPH, you bloody fool!
Here's your education on voter ID >> Arizona has a strict photo ID requirement, but California has NONE. You heard right. And neither do 35 other states. In fact, all these ID requirements (in states that have them) only require ID that shows WHO you are, but not that you have eligibility to vote (ie CITIZENSHIP).
You're a blithering IDIOT, and that is enough said for the rest of your bullshit trolling rants!

Bottom line is you are a bloody lying COWARD that has no sense of decency! You are to simply be pitied for your actions and childish behavior! And if you want to do more trolling, of my posts go ahead and eventually the Mods will figure that out again like last time when you had a post of mine tossed when I got on your ass about your conduct and THEN they toss 5 or 6 of yours at the same time, remember? So you just keep the trolling up pervert, and it is certain that Karma will kick you miserable ass again, cause I'm not a coward who will use the ignore button, and will give better than I get! Don't troll my ass and lie about shit, Prick! Karma is a real bitch!

Careful with the CAPS there slick, you know how sensitive some people are.
YOU were the one to object to my substituting undocumented aliens for your Redneck pejorative illegal aliens, shit for brains! Get a memory or shoot you dumb ass!

You open the door dumb ass, and I note you didn't respond to what I wrote regarding ID and ran right past it like a scared little girl to get to your snark! And that crap about ID in the FIRST PARAGRAPH WAS ALL FORGOTTEN BY THE TIME YOU STARTED THE SECOND PARAGRAPH, you bloody fool!
Here's your education on voter ID >> Arizona has a strict photo ID requirement, but California has NONE. You heard right. And neither do 35 other states. In fact, all these ID requirements (in states that have them) only require ID that shows WHO you are, but not that you have eligibility to vote (ie CITIZENSHIP).
You're a blithering IDIOT, and that is enough said for the rest of your bullshit trolling rants!

Bottom line is you are a bloody lying COWARD that has no sense of decency! You are to simply be pitied for your actions and childish behavior! And if you want to do more trolling, of my posts go ahead and eventually the Mods will figure that out again like last time when you had a post of mine tossed when I got on your ass about your conduct and THEN they toss 5 or 6 of yours at the same time, remember? So you just keep the trolling up pervert, and it is certain that Karma will kick you miserable ass again, cause I'm not a coward who will use the ignore button, and will give better than I get! Don't troll my ass and lie about shit, Prick! Karma is a real bitch!
Have you ever considered seeing a PSYCHIATRIST ? You are one sick puppy. Wow.

Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really. In the meantime >> :chillpill: :chillpill:


And you're still saying "undocumented" Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
I think local elections are a wee bit different from Federal elections
No, they aren't. They are ILLEGAL. ILLEGALS should get ZERO RIGHTS.

Nothing more than a bullshit ploy to get them voting on national issues. Voting is secret. Is someone going to stand over them to make sure they don't fill out portions of the ballot they are not supposed to?

Everyone wants to call Trump treasonous, well there is the real subversion of our government.

Fuck the left & the illegals
San Francisco registering non-citizens to vote

San Francisco is permitting “undocumented immigrants,” as political correctness demands we label them, to register to vote this November in local school board elections. Who doubts this is the first step by the left and Democrats toward full voting rights in state and eventually in federal elections?

Cal Thomas: San Francisco makes it clear what immigration debate is all about -- votes for Democrats

Cal Thomas: San Francisco makes it clear what immigration debate is all about -- votes for Democrats

Don't democrats claim this does not happen?
Fox, Thomas, and most on the right are reprehensible liars; the thread premise fails as a slippery slope fallacy.
God Damn you are a fucking sad sob
Today, Dims want them to be able to vote in local elections, tomorrow they'll be going for state and national elections.
Today's Dimocrats have no respect for citizenship. They could care less whether you're a citizen or an illegal.
Better than advocating for the removal of right to vote from american citizens. Voter Id laws are admitted to be exclusional by Republicans but it's a happy coincidence that poor and minorities would be discouraged from voting.
I think local elections are a wee bit different from Federal elections
No, they aren't. They are ILLEGAL. ILLEGALS should get ZERO RIGHTS.

Nothing more than a bullshit ploy to get them voting on national issues. Voting is secret. Is someone going to stand over them to make sure they don't fill out portions of the ballot they are not supposed to?

Everyone wants to call Trump treasonous, well there is the real subversion of our government.

Fuck the left & the illegals
I think they should get zero rights as well. But it is also up to the localities.
I have never seen proof localities are letting illegals vote in national elections. Not only does that carry stiff penalties for the "voter" the feds will eat the localities ass up.
I think local elections are a wee bit different from Federal elections

Yes they are. But there are people who are as sharp as a bowling ball who can't be bothered to be informed, or at least think with any depth beyond their sexual hormones.

Disenfranchisement based on citizenship is a relatively modern practice, though to be fair citizenship based on the kind of detailed rules that are common today is also relatively modern. There may be a bit of correlation between the two.

In any event, a right for noncitizens to vote in local elections has been the predominant practice through most of the history of western civilization. In the United States, voting rights have always been in the purview of the states and the federal government has almost never been involved. Constitutional amendments that eliminated disenfranchisement based on race or gender, and the age 18 voting guarantee were the only involvement of the federal government to define rules about voting rights until 1996 when Congress prohibited noncitizens from voting in federal elections. The states otherwise establish the rules for who may vote, especially who may vote in state elections, as well as localities where permitted by state law.
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When did you start giving a shit about evidence? :dunno:

RW's do nothing but demand evidence - so post the numbers of a Federal election that was changed/decided by illegal votes ........... Gomer.
Why would i do that? Im not screaming about illegals throwing our elections, you damn retard :rolleyes:

on this thread -
Ok, show me when i said that i will prove why i think that ;)


You're telling me you made the accusation without actually having evidence to support it?
I think local elections are a wee bit different from Federal elections
No, they aren't. They are ILLEGAL. ILLEGALS should get ZERO RIGHTS.

Nothing more than a bullshit ploy to get them voting on national issues. Voting is secret. Is someone going to stand over them to make sure they don't fill out portions of the ballot they are not supposed to?

Everyone wants to call Trump treasonous, well there is the real subversion of our government.

Fuck the left & the illegals

They don’t get the ballot with Federal or state candidates on it. You can’t seriously be that devoid of critical thinking skills.
I think local elections are a wee bit different from Federal elections
No, they aren't. They are ILLEGAL. ILLEGALS should get ZERO RIGHTS.

Nothing more than a bullshit ploy to get them voting on national issues. Voting is secret. Is someone going to stand over them to make sure they don't fill out portions of the ballot they are not supposed to?

Everyone wants to call Trump treasonous, well there is the real subversion of our government.

Fuck the left & the illegals

They don’t get the ballot with Federal or state candidates on it. You can’t seriously be that devoid of critical thinking skills.
Sure they don't. You can't be that devoid of common sense.

I think local elections are a wee bit different from Federal elections
No, they aren't. They are ILLEGAL. ILLEGALS should get ZERO RIGHTS.

Nothing more than a bullshit ploy to get them voting on national issues. Voting is secret. Is someone going to stand over them to make sure they don't fill out portions of the ballot they are not supposed to?

Everyone wants to call Trump treasonous, well there is the real subversion of our government.

Fuck the left & the illegals

They don’t get the ballot with Federal or state candidates on it. You can’t seriously be that devoid of critical thinking skills.
But you guys keep telling us they don't get welfare, they don't get IDs and they don't vote, but they do all 3.

Try being honest and trying to defend that position for once.
I think local elections are a wee bit different from Federal elections
No, they aren't. They are ILLEGAL. ILLEGALS should get ZERO RIGHTS.

Nothing more than a bullshit ploy to get them voting on national issues. Voting is secret. Is someone going to stand over them to make sure they don't fill out portions of the ballot they are not supposed to?

Everyone wants to call Trump treasonous, well there is the real subversion of our government.

Fuck the left & the illegals

They don’t get the ballot with Federal or state candidates on it. You can’t seriously be that devoid of critical thinking skills.
Sure they don't. You can't be that devoid of common sense.

My common sense works just fine. It tells me that, when I get a ballot, city candidates don't show up on my ballot. In a presidential primary, Republican candidates don't show up on my ballot. I have enough common sense to understand that there are different ballot styles for voters.
I think local elections are a wee bit different from Federal elections
No, they aren't. They are ILLEGAL. ILLEGALS should get ZERO RIGHTS.

Nothing more than a bullshit ploy to get them voting on national issues. Voting is secret. Is someone going to stand over them to make sure they don't fill out portions of the ballot they are not supposed to?

Everyone wants to call Trump treasonous, well there is the real subversion of our government.

Fuck the left & the illegals

They don’t get the ballot with Federal or state candidates on it. You can’t seriously be that devoid of critical thinking skills.
Republicans are that low an IQ.
I think local elections are a wee bit different from Federal elections
No, they aren't. They are ILLEGAL. ILLEGALS should get ZERO RIGHTS.

Nothing more than a bullshit ploy to get them voting on national issues. Voting is secret. Is someone going to stand over them to make sure they don't fill out portions of the ballot they are not supposed to?

Everyone wants to call Trump treasonous, well there is the real subversion of our government.

Fuck the left & the illegals

They don’t get the ballot with Federal or state candidates on it. You can’t seriously be that devoid of critical thinking skills.
Sure they don't. You can't be that devoid of common sense.

And, no, Obama did not encourage non citizens to vote.

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