Russia Has Dive-Bombed Ukraine

We shouldn't even be involved in the Ukraine / Russia civil war..
It has zero to do with protecting the security of America.
It's basically a border conflict between the ethnic slavic peoples.
That have been at war with each other several times over the centuries..

Yeah, they said that abut WW I and WW II, but nobody else on the planet wanted to leave us alone, and Japan and Germany declared war on us. OF course, interfering with the Kaiser's imperial dreams early on and Hitler's expansionism early in the 1930's would have nipped both world wars in the bud, so so much for the 'peace at any price' crap. They were far more expensive than early interference, too.
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I know you think America is supposed to dictate to other countries when they should or shouldn't have peace talks....but I think it was Ukraine who was invaded, not US.....if anyone should be pressured to enter in to peace talks, its the country that invaded the other
I actually have one agreement here. I believe the aggressor should be pressured. And, yes; the aggressor was Russia.
Funny tho, I guarantee you that you didn't have this same energy when the US invaded Iraq...most right-wingers pretend they weren't all in for that war...AFTER THE FACT
I think you made that shit up.
Life in America as we knew it basically already ended.

It all comes down that if the US becomes a target in whatever shape or form what will save the most lives.

I was "debating" AntonToo earlier - to the extent of his intellectual capacity at any rate, and pointed out that the Russian Federation is NOT the USSR. They really are a third world shithole with left over weapons that could be extremely dangerous, but that they lack the expertise to maintain or operate.

Probably the biggest threat from Russia is a dirty bomb. It's highly doubtful that they have an operational ICBM. But a dirty bomb built from the decaying Soviet Arsenal is a possibility. However, such a move would be suicide.

In the invasion of Afghanistan, the USA unveiled a weapon no one knew we had, the MOAB. A non-nuclear bomb with a blast radius of over a mile. Nuclear destruction without nuclear fall out.

If Russia were to attack the USA, they would be obliterated - wiped from the face of the earth. And then Bush would want to rebuild them...
I was "debating" AntonToo earlier - to the extent of his intellectual capacity at any rate, and pointed out that the Russian Federation is NOT the USSR. They really are a third world shithole with left over weapons that could be extremely dangerous, but that they lack the expertise to maintain or operate.

Probably the biggest threat from Russia is a dirty bomb. It's highly doubtful that they have an operational ICBM. But a dirty bomb built from the decaying Soviet Arsenal is a possibility. However, such a move would be suicide.

In the invasion of Afghanistan, the USA unveiled a weapon no one knew we had, the MOAB. A non-nuclear bomb with a blast radius of over a mile. Nuclear destruction without nuclear fall out.

If Russia were to attack the USA, they would be obliterated - wiped from the face of the earth. And then Bush would want to rebuild them...

We could literally level the entire country around Moscow within an hour, without one soldier setting foot on the entire Eurasian continent. No nukes needed, true enough.
I was "debating" AntonToo earlier - to the extent of his intellectual capacity at any rate, and pointed out that the Russian Federation is NOT the USSR. They really are a third world shithole with left over weapons that could be extremely dangerous, but that they lack the expertise to maintain or operate.

Dumbass I've lived in Russia through the USSR desolution and Perestroyka years. What the fuck do you think you know that I don't about any of this?

Same experts that maintained nuclear stockpiles in Russia before the dissolution were mainitaining it after the disolution and training the following generation. They've also built tons of Nuclear power plants and managed to not have USSR's Chernobil.
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