Russia Formally Warns US to Stop Arming Ukraine!

It is “Ukraine.” It hasn’t been “the Ukraine” since it became a nation. I guess that’s what confused you.

The Ukraine means "the border lands" is and must always remain plural.
That can never change unless they change the name of the country to something singular.
It is like the Maldives.
It is a plural series of islands.
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That is ridiculous.
If Russia wanted the Ukraine, then Russia would not have given them their independence in 1992,
The war is the fault of Zelensky and the US, for trying to illegally get the Ukraine into NATOI.
Oh stop with the stupid.

I research hun. Ukraine elected to leave the soviet union--------and up till fucking Clinton got involved, they had the nukes to demand their freedom. Russia didn't allow anything--they couldn't stop them when they were nuked up. Then Clinton lied to them to get them to disarm with promises of protection-------and now look at the lives that the corrupt Clintons has cost. Obama by the way, also repromised when president--but again more lies as both of them and Biden have used and abused ukraine to enrich themselves.


You source claimed you only use "the" when referring to a region.
That is false.
Palestine is a region, and you do NOT refer to "the Palestine".
That is because Palestine is SINGULAR.
There is only one of them.
But the Ukraine is plural.
There is no way to drop the "the".
The Ukraine refers to many different provinces with many different ethnicities.
It is not and never can be singular.
It us similar to the US.
It is always going to be "the US" because it is plural.
"The United States".
You would never say, "US just launched a mission to the moon".
You would always instead say "the US just launched a mission to the moon".
It is wrong to just say Ukraine and always will be.
The Ukraine does not get any say, because rules of language belong to us, not the Ukraine.
If the Ukraine think they are being slighted, they are just ignorant.
The Ukraine is NOT a slight at all.
It is just recognizing the factual truth that it is comprised of many separate provinces.
Anyone who does not say "the Ukraine" is just ignorant of the English language.
What is Wisdom?

To know there is a God
To know that Free Will has a purpose.
To know that God foreknew the fall of both Lucifer and Man and that The Fall was Necessary to establish an Eternal Kingdom.

What is Understanding?

To understand that the lordship of Earth was legally transferred to Lucifer upon the contractual violation committed by Adam when He broke his covenant with God.

Satan is currently the god of this world, and all things exclusionary of God work towards the agendas of Satan.

Men inspired to carry out this agenda bring suffering upon their fellow man.

War, Pestilence, Famine and Death are horses with human riders.

They carry out the Will of Satan but this Evil is able to be used by God for Good.

The Days of Evil come soon and come quickly.

Yet as The Darkness encroaches so does Redemption approach near.

Hold fast, for in the midst of what looks to be defeat, and The End of All Hope The Light of Truth shall burn away The Darkness.

1 Samuel 15:2-3 ESV / 311 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful​

Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

How can there be any greater evil than what your bible teaches?
Oh stop with the stupid.

I research hun. Ukraine elected to leave the soviet union--------and up till fucking Clinton got involved, they had the nukes to demand their freedom. Russia didn't allow anything--they couldn't stop them when they were nuked up. Then Clinton lied to them to get them to disarm with promises of protection-------and now look at the lives that the corrupt Clintons has cost. Obama by the way, also repromised when president--but again more lies as both of them and Biden have used and abused ukraine to enrich themselves.

The Ukraine never had any nuclear weapons.
The Soviet Union created nuclear weapons they stationed in the Ukraine, but the Ukraine had no control or knowledge how to use them.
No one got the Ukraine to "disarm" because they never had any nuclear arms.
Those arms belonged to the Soviet Union, which then became Russia.
The Russian strategic advantage is nightmarish and real.
As is the deterrence of NATO. People like you amaze me until I remember that you're likely a 20-30-something with no real-world experience. Only a FOOL believes a nuclear conflict can be won. The only way that happens is if Vladimir Vladimirovich uses a low-yield airburst over a base or a city and manages to stare down the rest of the world. Even in THAT extremely unlikely scenario, he never regains the level of trade or trust Russia enjoyed before it.
He is the most "presentable" leader for the Rodina in the modern era and he has shown himself to actually be a Nekulturny barbarian. Just like you.

At this late date in the current war, does this even make sense from an American's POV? Does this serve to telegraph the real situation when all the propaganda effort is ignored?

Or is this Russia's answering to the sinking of their Missile Cruiser flag ship?
If so then it's coming sooner than I would have expected!

Can everybody accept that this is not good news and now it's critical on how America receives it. (not Biden) It's above his pay grade this time.

Am I reading too much into this article?
We flip Putin the bird. When you let a bully have his way, he doesn't stop. Chamberlin cowered before Hitler when he he could have avoided ww2. Appeasement always leads to more war later.

1 Samuel 15:2-3 ESV / 311 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful​

Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

How can there be any greater evil than what your bible teaches?
The wages of Sin are death and a wicked people should be destroyed to preserve and promote righteousness.

You cannot have an eternity without purging sin out of The Race of Man.

Repent or be subject to your life of sin. You go to what you worship, and for you that is Hell.
The Ukraine never had any nuclear weapons.
The Soviet Union created nuclear weapons they stationed in the Ukraine, but the Ukraine had no control or knowledge how to use them.
No one got the Ukraine to "disarm" because they never had any nuclear arms.
Those arms belonged to the Soviet Union, which then became Russia.
Umm, no, that's not exactly how it went down. Russia built hem, but after the fall of the Soviet Union, they left behind a functional nuclear arsenal in Ukraine. The Ukrainians did know how to use and maintain them. They gave them up only after security promises from both Russia and the USA. Obviously neither superpower kept their word.
Anger serves no purpose for you or Mac, but it does serve my purpose of pushing enough to cause American brains to start thinking and functioning.

'Fk off' is not an answer.
If you two aren't here to discuss the possibilities of the outcome then that's fine with me. You're not going to stop hearing the difficult questions by acting like petulant teens.
They gave the same answer as the martyrs on snake island gave. It is an appropriate answer.
Nope. Truth Teller.
Russia had the Ukraine until 1992
By force. Not willingly. And THAT's the difference.
and they gave the Ukraine aways on the promise they would never try to join NATO.
A sovereign nation has the right to befriend and ally-with anyone whom they believe will best serve their own interests.
Georgia invaded South Ossetia, and Russia stopped them.Russia never invaded Georgia.
Yeah... sure... you tell 'em.
Afghanistan ASKED for Russia to come on and help against the CIA backed Mujahideen.
Yeah... their PUPPET asked them to come in... another in a long-line of Russian false-flag operations... you're full of $hit clean up to your ears.

Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland were troops from other Warsaw Pact countries, who restored order, and then left.
Yeah... restored THEIR order... restored their PUPPETS... rather than letting the people of those countries make their own decisions... you're full of $hit.
There was no "invasion".Russia never attack Afghanistan.
Russia has never invaded for economic gain like the US did with all of South can Central America, the Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Nicaragua, Libya, Syria, etc.
Blah, blah, blah... endless phukking blah...

Goddamned Russian troll... :fu:
You source claimed you only use "the" when referring to a region.
That is false.
Palestine is a region, and you do NOT refer to "the Palestine".
That is because Palestine is SINGULAR.
There is only one of them.
But the Ukraine is plural.
There is no way to drop the "the".
The Ukraine refers to many different provinces with many different ethnicities.
It is not and never can be singular.
It us similar to the US.
It is always going to be "the US" because it is plural.
"The United States".
You would never say, "US just launched a mission to the moon".
You would always instead say "the US just launched a mission to the moon".
It is wrong to just say Ukraine and always will be.
The Ukraine does not get any say, because rules of language belong to us, not the Ukraine.
If the Ukraine think they are being slighted, they are just ignorant.
The Ukraine is NOT a slight at all.
It is just recognizing the factual truth that it is comprised of many separate provinces.
Anyone who does not say "the Ukraine" is just ignorant of the English language.
Nice try at de-emphasizing the sovereign nation status of Ukraine... the country... not the region... you Russian propaganda mouthpiece...
The wages of Sin are death and a wicked people should be destroyed to preserve and promote righteousness.

You cannot have an eternity without purging sin out of The Race of Man.

Repent or be subject to your life of sin. You go to what you worship, and for you that is Hell.
That has never happened. The evil rule the planet and have for thousands of years.
Umm, no, that's not exactly how it went down. Russia built hem, but after the fall of the Soviet Union, they left behind a functional nuclear arsenal in Ukraine. The Ukrainians did know how to use and maintain them. They gave them up only after security promises from both Russia and the USA. Obviously neither superpower kept their word.

Not only did the Ukraine NOT know how to use them, but most Russians would not either.
No one builds a nuclear missile system without security and encryption.
There is no way the Ukraine would have known how to program these missiles, or how to active their warhead protection system.
All Soviet nuclear missiles were controlled ONLY by Russians, never anyone else.
Do you think Cubans could have launched those Soviet missiles in Cuba for example.
Nice try at de-emphasizing the sovereign nation status of Ukraine... the country... not the region... you Russian propaganda mouthpiece...

You do not read very well.
The point is the Ukraine is PLURAL.
It is NOT singular.
Just like the United States are plural.
So you then MUST use the prefix "the".
Would you say, "I hope to visit United States sometime?"
No, you would not.
You would say "I hope to visit THE United States sometime."
Winger, I believe it is all much deeper than that. 2 front wars do not work. I believe we have a choice, Ukraine, or Taiwan, and the USA along with NATO has chosen Taiwan. If we get to involved in Ukraine, China would probably pounce quickly if they do have plans to invade. Wouldn't you if your opponent(s) was tied up elsewhere?
I agree that China intends to retake Taiwan soon. They will act while feckless joe is in office and while the extreme left wing socialists have control of congress. Sadly we are weaker now than we have been in 100 years. This is why we need to give Ukraine every single weapon they ask for instead of playing tiddly winks with them. People who think Russia is defeated because they haven't won in just a few week's are nincompoops. NATO has left their pants down for too long, and people in America wanted cheap toasters so badly they gave China all the money they needed to create a military that was built from scratch to fight ours.

People forget that North Korea has a military capable of striking Japan and Guam with nuclear tipped missiles and enough regular artillery that can reach Seoul with 12000 multiple artillery launchers and 2,300 other types of artillery that can reach Seoul. If China wants Taiwan, NK will be asked to keep our allies busy so we will have no help to defend them. And 1/2 of our democrats in Congress do not want us to defend Taiwan anyway. So likely, feckless joe will wag his finger angrily and then waddle back for an ice cream cone. And President Moon of south Korea some how thinks the Kim Un family will play nice with their neighbors. South Korea is full of high technology centers, if Kim Un gets his hands on that all bets are off.

It is also a reasonable bet that Putin may think that if he uses Nukes Biden will back down and do nothing. If that happens he will keep using them in Eastern Europe until he has his old Soviet Empire back.At that one can expect china to rattle their nues and walk into tawian and NK will do the ame and walk into SK. Biden has not played well for position at all.
Not only did the Ukraine NOT know how to use them, but most Russians would not either.
No one builds a nuclear missile system without security and encryption.
There is no way the Ukraine would have known how to program these missiles, or how to active their warhead protection system.
All Soviet nuclear missiles were controlled ONLY by Russians, never anyone else.
Do you think Cubans could have launched those Soviet missiles in Cuba for example.
Cuba and Ukraine are not the same. That said, I am American born and bred, and I couldn't operate a conventional missile let alone a nuke. I think Ukrainian military leaders may be smarter than a lot of people give them credit for, but I am also willing to change my mind if someone convinces me I am wrong.

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