Russia Formally Warns US to Stop Arming Ukraine!

Argentina lost the falklands war but sank a few UK ships. So your "points" are not real points. You just don't understand that wars are messy. What matters is the map.

You're just too fucking stupid to look a map.
That's why I suspected that the French and the US were involved with the ship attack. It was an Exocet in the Falklands...the French have been at this for a while.

Stating the obvious doesn't qualify you to take part in the discussion. You may want to consider that the US is in control of Nato and it's for the purpose of aggression against Russia, China, and other future threats to US hegemony.

See Scott Ritter's utube I've posted that says the same but includes more details.

I think Germany and France would disagree. And it seems to me Russia is the aggressor.

Cuba and Ukraine are not the same. That said, I am American born and bred, and I couldn't operate a conventional missile let alone a nuke. I think Ukrainian military leaders may be smarter than a lot of people give them credit for, but I am also willing to change my mind if someone convinces me I am wrong.

It is not at all a matter of intelligence.
If you try to drive away in someone else's car, you won't be able to because they have a security system that requires a key.
Security does not require intelligence, but secret information.
And there is going to be no system more secure than nuclear missiles.
How nuclear missiles need to be programmed and launches is top secret.
The Ukrainians would never have been trusted with that information.
The missiles in the Ukraine were always manned by Russians.
I think Germany and France would disagree. And it seems to me Russia is the aggressor.


The Ukraine has armed, funded, and trained the AZOV terrorist who have been murdering ethnic Russian since 2014, and you call the Russia the "aggressor"?
That makes no sense.
You source claimed you only use "the" when referring to a region.
That is false.
Palestine is a region, and you do NOT refer to "the Palestine".
That is because Palestine is SINGULAR.
There is only one of them.
But the Ukraine is plural.
There is no way to drop the "the".
The Ukraine refers to many different provinces with many different ethnicities.
It is not and never can be singular.
It us similar to the US.
It is always going to be "the US" because it is plural.
"The United States".
You would never say, "US just launched a mission to the moon".
You would always instead say "the US just launched a mission to the moon".
It is wrong to just say Ukraine and always will be.
The Ukraine does not get any say, because rules of language belong to us, not the Ukraine.
If the Ukraine think they are being slighted, they are just ignorant.
The Ukraine is NOT a slight at all.
It is just recognizing the factual truth that it is comprised of many separate provinces.
Anyone who does not say "the Ukraine" is just ignorant of the English language.
Wrong. You Russian bots simply wish to continue to marginalize the nation your asshole scumbag cocksucking President chose to invade. Ukraine is the name of the nation. Not “the” Ukraine. Your dishonest cheap ass idiot propaganda is rejected. Go fuck your self, troll. May all you filthy Putin salad tossers catch something really bad from his sphincter.
Wrong. You Russian bots simply wish to continue to marginalize the nation your asshole scumbag cocksucking President chose to invade. Ukraine is the name of the nation. Not “the” Ukraine. Your dishonest cheap ass idiot propaganda is rejected. Go fuck your self, troll. May all you filthy Putin salad tossers catch something really bad from his sphincter.

The Ukraine has always been the Ukraine, just as the US has always been the US.
The Ukraine is plural in translation.
It is not singular.

And the Ukraine has always been our enemy, even back when they were running all of Hitler's death camps.
The United States of America is the name we utilize in the UN.

What is the name of Ukraine in the UN since it’s independence from the former Soviet Union? That’s right. It’s “Ukraine.”

UN logoPeace, dignity and equality
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On 24 August 1991, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic changed its name to Ukraine.

You’re welcome.
You do not read very well.
The point is the Ukraine is PLURAL.
It is NOT singular.
Just like the United States are plural.
So you then MUST use the prefix "the".
Would you say, "I hope to visit United States sometime?"
No, you would not.
You would say "I hope to visit THE United States sometime."
The wages of Sin are death and a wicked people should be destroyed to preserve and promote righteousness.

You cannot have an eternity without purging sin out of The Race of Man.

Repent or be subject to your life of sin. You go to what you worship, and for you that is Hell.
Today is the day you are supposed to be celebrating your bible, your religion, and the killing of children in your lord's name.
WW3 has already started. Continue to help Ukraine, War with Putin....back down, and Putin and China will seize more countries forcing us to go to war with them anyway. Either way--------the unspeakable has started.
That's what you're expected to think and to say.
For a common ground between us, empire is challenged and history teaches us what that means.

Fucking Biden-----this is result of a weak inept unqualified corrupt bogus idiot running the white house with a corrupt administration.
Biden will be relegated to being a figurehead as the Pentagon makes the right decisions for America.

Uncommon in this war is the MAD factor and the fact that the opposing and rising alliance isn't attacking militarily.

Be aware that I'm not talking to you, I'm using you as a backboard on which to comment.
Today is the day you are supposed to be celebrating your bible, your religion, and the killing of children in your lord's name.
How so.........we are bombing no one at the moment........Nor are we threatening WHOLE FAMILIES OVER A VACCINE....that doesn't freaking work.

Get the vaccine or we will not allow you to shop you and your family will have no money......can't pay the rent or buy food.....

Basically get the jab or we will throw your family out into the winter with no food.......and STARVE YOU TO DEATH.

That's what you're expected to think and to say.
For a common ground between us, empire is challenged and history teaches us what that means.
If history repeats by your meaning...........then the whole world is about to get very BLOODY.......

But you continue to bow to Russia and China.......while pretending to be a part of NATO....... news for you............they try to take us under via military.

If history repeats by your meaning...........then the whole world is about to get very BLOODY.......
I'm really not sure enough to predict that and neither does Ritter. But there's no doubt now that America is taking up the challenge of Russia/China allying against America's Western alliance to stop the other side's progress while it is still stoppable.
Should we all rally around the West's aggression or should we rise up in protest by supporting the antiwar cause, in the interest of not seeing nuclear war?
But you continue to bow to Russia and China.......while pretending to be a part of NATO.......
I've explained above what I'm doing. news for you............they try to take us under via military.

Your opinion being heard is more useful than spam and cheap childish shots. Try to stay in that lane.
Of course sending more weapons will just make sure the war continues and more people have to die.
I'm really not sure enough to predict that and neither does Ritter. But there's no doubt now that America is taking up the challenge of Russia/China allying against America's Western alliance to stop the other side's progress while it is still stoppable.
Should we all rally around the West's aggression or should we rise up in protest by supporting the antiwar cause, in the interest of not seeing nuclear war?
LMAO...........They want POWER and to replace them........then you will go BOW TO THEM afterwards..........They aren't the good guys.........Evil is all over the world.....Putin isn't doing this because he's a NICE GUY........And he went after strategic Black Sea port areas..............

He is pushing the envelope with NATO........and another thing.......WHO IS HE TO TELL NATO......I HEREBY DECREE THAT NATO CAN KEEP NO TROOPS in places like POLAND....

Poland and the Baltic States are members of NATO.......He DOESN'T DICTATE WHO CAN BE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY...............HE CAN GO FUCK HIMSELF OVER THAT...

If he doesn't like that.........then do something about it..........and we will show HOW INEPT HIS MILITARY IS..........They suck......paper tigers.
How so.........we are bombing no one at the moment........Nor are we threatening WHOLE FAMILIES OVER A VACCINE....that doesn't freaking work.

Get the vaccine or we will not allow you to shop you and your family will have no money......can't pay the rent or buy food.....

Basically get the jab or we will throw your family out into the winter with no food.......and STARVE YOU TO DEATH.

He insists on bringing his religious nonsense into other conversations in which it doesn't belong. I'm reacting to that in the interest of trying to stop it. And now you're off my radar for the same kind of off topic spamming.

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