Roosevelt was a big fan of Hitler's before the war


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Most progs don't know this, but before he invaded Czechoslovakia Roosevelt was a great admirer of Hitler. He was implementing all the schemes that Roosevelt wanted to impose on this country.

Roosevelt’s Prewar Attitude Toward Hitler
From the time FDR first took office in 1933 until America entered World War II in December 1941, the Roosevelt administration’s policy was to pursue cordial, sometimes even friendly relations with the Nazi regime.
Many Americans boycotted products from Nazi Germany. But the Roosevelt administration helped Nazi Germany evade the boycott in the 1930s by permitting goods from Germany to bear labels that misled consumers as to their country of origin. The administration halted this disgraceful practice only when threatened with a lawsuit by boycott activists.​
FDR also sent Secretary of Commerce Daniel Roper to address a pro-Nazi rally in New York City in 1933. At that rally, Nazi Germany’s ambassador to the United States was the keynote speaker and the podium and hall were decorated with swastika flags. In 1937, the administration sent one of its senior diplomats to represent the United States at the annual Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg.​
In some instances, the Roosevelt administration actually apologized for U.S. citizens’ anti-Nazi sentiment. In 1935, the administration publicly apologized to Adolf Hitler after a New York City judge released protesters who tore a swastika flag off a visiting German ship. Then, in 1937, when New York mayor Fiorello La Guardia called Hitler a “brown-shirted fanatic who is threatening the peace of the world,” Roosevelt’s secretary of state expressed the US government’s “regret” over “utterances calculated to be offensive to a foreign government.”​
Joe Kennedy supported the NAZI's as well. Even JFK admired them at one point. It wasn't until war was clearly imminent that the DNC preferred to support actual soviet marxism rather than the watered down kraut flavor that didn't kill nearly as many people.
Authoritarians love each other until there's a power struggle between them.
Wrong forum but in defense of FDR he might have been in the same place mentally as the current president and he didn't have a clue outside of what liberal socialist handlers were telling him about the crisis in Europe prior to Pearl Harbor.
Most progs don't know this, but before he invaded Czechoslovakia Roosevelt was a great admirer of Hitler. He was implementing all the schemes that Roosevelt wanted to impose on this country.

Roosevelt’s Prewar Attitude Toward Hitler
From the time FDR first took office in 1933 until America entered World War II in December 1941, the Roosevelt administration’s policy was to pursue cordial, sometimes even friendly relations with the Nazi regime.
Many Americans boycotted products from Nazi Germany. But the Roosevelt administration helped Nazi Germany evade the boycott in the 1930s by permitting goods from Germany to bear labels that misled consumers as to their country of origin. The administration halted this disgraceful practice only when threatened with a lawsuit by boycott activists.​
FDR also sent Secretary of Commerce Daniel Roper to address a pro-Nazi rally in New York City in 1933. At that rally, Nazi Germany’s ambassador to the United States was the keynote speaker and the podium and hall were decorated with swastika flags. In 1937, the administration sent one of its senior diplomats to represent the United States at the annual Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg.​
In some instances, the Roosevelt administration actually apologized for U.S. citizens’ anti-Nazi sentiment. In 1935, the administration publicly apologized to Adolf Hitler after a New York City judge released protesters who tore a swastika flag off a visiting German ship. Then, in 1937, when New York mayor Fiorello La Guardia called Hitler a “brown-shirted fanatic who is threatening the peace of the world,” Roosevelt’s secretary of state expressed the US government’s “regret” over “utterances calculated to be offensive to a foreign government.”​
I believe he also admired Mussolini.
The world admired Hitler. After he restructured the German economy, banks in every country were chasing the Mark. He shut down the brothels and prosecuted gays raping boys. Closed the drug den cabarets. Hitler was Der wunderkind, until he wasn't. It happens sometimes. Ted Bundy was a perfect boyfriend, until he wasn't.
Sure, the next thing you'll say is FDR was anti lynching and that Woodrow Wilson was a conservative tards can't dodge history, no matter how much you try to commie wash it.
Sorry Skippy

But FDR was ahead of the game sanctioning Japan and supporting UK even though he wasn’t supported at home

He also built up our military before the war

Moves that outraged Republicans
I believe he also admired Mussolini.
He sure as hell did.

Unfortunately for the left, it turns out that Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and other key Democrats were actually fans of Adolf Hitler and his Italian fascist copycat Benito Mussolini. If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle…(well, you know).
Yes, it’s true. The architect of the modern left and the patriarch of neo-liberalism admitted to drawing considerable inspiration from the fascist uprisings led by both Hitler and Mussolini prior to the outbreak of WWII (when admission of Nazi sentiments became hazardous to one’s health.)

Even Joseph P. Kennedy and Prescott Bush were waist-deep in cash derived from shaking the bloody hand of Hitler, a fact these self-appointed ruling families continue to whisk away from public view at crucial moments of political determination.
FDR and his foremost cheerleaders at the time specifically espoused open support for the efficiency of Mussolini and Hitler, and welcomed fascism (minus the war) at home.

Roosevelt himself once called Mussolini “admirable,” adding that he was “deeply impressed by what he has accomplished.” Mussolini returned the compliment with adulatory praise, writing of Roosevelt’s many reforms, “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices … Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.”
Joe is one of those who sticks his finger up in the air to see which way the wind is blowing before he says anything.

If you get my drift?

To get back to HItler.

He was ahead of his time in ways and very innovative.

Unfortunately he was obsessed with Jew Hatred and that is very common in Europe even to this day.

A product of centuries of Papist Priests preaching that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus.
So you approve of fascism?

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