Romney slams Obama AND HILLARY. A preview of another run? Or just, "I told you so?"


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney said Sunday that President Barack Obama is naive when it comes to Russia, has shown "faulty judgment" about Moscow's intentions and could have done more to try to deter its annexation of Crimea.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee said Obama didn't have the foresight to anticipate Russia's moves and should have been working earlier with allies to make clear the penalties that Russia would face if it moved into Ukraine.

Romney did acknowledge that such steps may not have been enough though to hold back Russia President Vladimir Putin.

"Had we communicated those things, there's always the potential that we could have kept them from invading a country and annexing it into their own," Romney said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

During the 2012 campaign, Romney took criticism from Obama for saying Russia was America's "number one geopolitical foe," rather than al-Qaida. Now Romney seems to be claiming the right to say, essentially, "I told you so."

"There's no question but that the president's naiveté with regards to Russia, and his faulty judgment about Russia's intentions and objectives, has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face," Romney said.

"And unfortunately, not having anticipated Russia's intentions, the president wasn't able to shape the kinds of events that may have been able to prevent the kinds of circumstances that you're seeing in the Ukraine, as well as the things that you're seeing in Syria."

He said the U.S. should now welcome nations that seek entry into NATO, should forgo cuts to the U.S. military budget and reconsider putting a missile defense system into the Czech Republic and Poland, as once planned.

During the 2012 campaign, Romney had tried to portray the Democratic incumbent as soft on Russia. Writing in Foreign Policy magazine, he said that "for three years, the sum total of President Obama's policy toward Russia has been: 'We give, Russia gets.'

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who just returned from Ukraine, said it was Romney who was naive.

Durbin, referring to Putin, a former officer in the Soviet KGB, said Putin is "a bully and we've got to call him for what he is. But this notion that some sanction is going to stop a former colonel in the KGB from his ambitions of a Russian empire is naïve.

Romney also used the appearance to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama's first secretary of state who now is considering a presidential run in 2016.

Romney said he couldn't think of a major country that had greater respect and admiration for the U.S. than it did "after five years of the Obama administration and Secretary Clinton."

"You look over the past five years and say, 'what's happened?' Good things have not been bursting out all over," he said.

Durbin, the second-ranking Senate Democrat, said on CBS that Romney suffered from "political amnesia."

"Osama bin Laden is gone. The war in Iraq is over. Afghanistan is coming to a close. And this president has worked with many of these nations successfully to put pressure on Iran, the sanctions, bringing them to the negotiating table," Durbin said.

He said Romney has "forgotten those facts.";_ylt=AwrTWfyxAy9TTAUAt2jQtDMD

Footage of Romney's comments here;
Romney Slams Obama, Clinton for Naïveté on Russia: ?This Is Not Fantasyland? | Mediaite
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Yes, we could of warned Putin that sanctions will be launched at Russia if he even thinks of taking Crimea.

Iraq is over. Afghanistan is coming to a close and we lost every single thing gained. Iraq is a basket case. The taliban is back. obama gave it up like a two bit whore.
A mature, moral, white, male, capitalist, straight leader in the White House? The libs would be suicidal. Please God..make it happen
A mature, moral, white, male, capitalist, straight leader in the White House? The libs would be suicidal. Please God..make it happen

LOL... no such animal in the GOP now, or in the future. :eusa_clap:

LOL... and I love it!!! :lol:
Iraq is over. Afghanistan is coming to a close and we lost every single thing gained. Iraq is a basket case. The taliban is back. obama gave it up like a two bit whore.

You may blame Reagan AND Bush for that fine mess.
I worked my butt off for MR, but he will not run again: 53% of the country is against him from the start and he won't change any minds there.
Romney and Palin, the perfect couple for POTUS and VPOTUS; add Newt Gingrich as Sect. of State and Mr. Nine Nine Nine as Sect. of the Treasury; bring back Rumsfeld as Sect. of Defense and Dick Cheney as National Security Advisor, mix in Rudy, a noun, a verb and 911 as head of the Homeland Security and Michelle Bachmann as the UN Ambassador.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney said Sunday that President Barack Obama is naive when it comes to Russia, has shown "faulty judgment" about Moscow's intentions and could have done more to try to deter its annexation of Crimea.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee said Obama didn't have the foresight to anticipate Russia's moves and should have been working earlier with allies to make clear the penalties that Russia would face if it moved into Ukraine.

Romney did acknowledge that such steps may not have been enough though to hold back Russia President Vladimir Putin.

"Had we communicated those things, there's always the potential that we could have kept them from invading a country and annexing it into their own," Romney said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

During the 2012 campaign, Romney took criticism from Obama for saying Russia was America's "number one geopolitical foe," rather than al-Qaida. Now Romney seems to be claiming the right to say, essentially, "I told you so."

"There's no question but that the president's naiveté with regards to Russia, and his faulty judgment about Russia's intentions and objectives, has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face," Romney said.

"And unfortunately, not having anticipated Russia's intentions, the president wasn't able to shape the kinds of events that may have been able to prevent the kinds of circumstances that you're seeing in the Ukraine, as well as the things that you're seeing in Syria."

He said the U.S. should now welcome nations that seek entry into NATO, should forgo cuts to the U.S. military budget and reconsider putting a missile defense system into the Czech Republic and Poland, as once planned.

During the 2012 campaign, Romney had tried to portray the Democratic incumbent as soft on Russia. Writing in Foreign Policy magazine, he said that "for three years, the sum total of President Obama's policy toward Russia has been: 'We give, Russia gets.'

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who just returned from Ukraine, said it was Romney who was naive.

Durbin, referring to Putin, a former officer in the Soviet KGB, said Putin is "a bully and we've got to call him for what he is. But this notion that some sanction is going to stop a former colonel in the KGB from his ambitions of a Russian empire is naïve.

Romney also used the appearance to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama's first secretary of state who now is considering a presidential run in 2016.

Romney said he couldn't think of a major country that had greater respect and admiration for the U.S. than it did "after five years of the Obama administration and Secretary Clinton."

"You look over the past five years and say, 'what's happened?' Good things have not been bursting out all over," he said.

Durbin, the second-ranking Senate Democrat, said on CBS that Romney suffered from "political amnesia."

"Osama bin Laden is gone. The war in Iraq is over. Afghanistan is coming to a close. And this president has worked with many of these nations successfully to put pressure on Iran, the sanctions, bringing them to the negotiating table," Durbin said.

He said Romney has "forgotten those facts.";_ylt=AwrTWfyxAy9TTAUAt2jQtDMD

Footage of Romney's comments here;
Romney Slams Obama, Clinton for Naïveté on Russia: ?This Is Not Fantasyland? | Mediaite
Romney was ridiculed by the left and the media for these things during the election so if he wants to give a I told you so now go for it and no I don't think he will make another run for the presidency.
Romney and Palin, the perfect couple for POTUS and VPOTUS; add Newt Gingrich as Sect. of State and Mr. Nine Nine Nine as Sect. of the Treasury; bring back Rumsfeld as Sect. of Defense and Dick Cheney as National Security Advisor, mix in Rudy, a noun, a verb and 911 as head of the Homeland Security and Michelle Bachmann as the UN Ambassador.

I would take that line up over Valerie Jarrett POTUS, Obama as the dummy, Lurch Kerry as SecState, and Chuck "I have no input" Hagel at Defense. We could add Susan "Liar" Rice at National Security Council, and Samantha "Too Busy For Meetings" Power at the UN. A true clown show.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney said Sunday that President Barack Obama is naive when it comes to Russia, has shown "faulty judgment" about Moscow's intentions and could have done more to try to deter its annexation of Crimea.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee said Obama didn't have the foresight to anticipate Russia's moves and should have been working earlier with allies to make clear the penalties that Russia would face if it moved into Ukraine.

Romney did acknowledge that such steps may not have been enough though to hold back Russia President Vladimir Putin.

"Had we communicated those things, there's always the potential that we could have kept them from invading a country and annexing it into their own," Romney said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

During the 2012 campaign, Romney took criticism from Obama for saying Russia was America's "number one geopolitical foe," rather than al-Qaida. Now Romney seems to be claiming the right to say, essentially, "I told you so."

"There's no question but that the president's naiveté with regards to Russia, and his faulty judgment about Russia's intentions and objectives, has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face," Romney said.

"And unfortunately, not having anticipated Russia's intentions, the president wasn't able to shape the kinds of events that may have been able to prevent the kinds of circumstances that you're seeing in the Ukraine, as well as the things that you're seeing in Syria."

He said the U.S. should now welcome nations that seek entry into NATO, should forgo cuts to the U.S. military budget and reconsider putting a missile defense system into the Czech Republic and Poland, as once planned.

During the 2012 campaign, Romney had tried to portray the Democratic incumbent as soft on Russia. Writing in Foreign Policy magazine, he said that "for three years, the sum total of President Obama's policy toward Russia has been: 'We give, Russia gets.'

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who just returned from Ukraine, said it was Romney who was naive.

Durbin, referring to Putin, a former officer in the Soviet KGB, said Putin is "a bully and we've got to call him for what he is. But this notion that some sanction is going to stop a former colonel in the KGB from his ambitions of a Russian empire is naïve.

Romney also used the appearance to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama's first secretary of state who now is considering a presidential run in 2016.

Romney said he couldn't think of a major country that had greater respect and admiration for the U.S. than it did "after five years of the Obama administration and Secretary Clinton."

"You look over the past five years and say, 'what's happened?' Good things have not been bursting out all over," he said.

Durbin, the second-ranking Senate Democrat, said on CBS that Romney suffered from "political amnesia."

"Osama bin Laden is gone. The war in Iraq is over. Afghanistan is coming to a close. And this president has worked with many of these nations successfully to put pressure on Iran, the sanctions, bringing them to the negotiating table," Durbin said.

He said Romney has "forgotten those facts.";_ylt=AwrTWfyxAy9TTAUAt2jQtDMD

Footage of Romney's comments here;
Romney Slams Obama, Clinton for Naïveté on Russia: ?This Is Not Fantasyland? | Mediaite
Romney was ridiculed by the left and the media for these things during the election so if he wants to give a I told you so now go for it and no I don't think he will make another run for the presidency.

Almost a year and a half later and the poor little rich boy still can't get over losing to Obama. And what makes Romney an expert on Russia all of a sudden anyway?
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney said Sunday that President Barack Obama is naive when it comes to Russia, has shown "faulty judgment" about Moscow's intentions and could have done more to try to deter its annexation of Crimea.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee said Obama didn't have the foresight to anticipate Russia's moves and should have been working earlier with allies to make clear the penalties that Russia would face if it moved into Ukraine.

Romney did acknowledge that such steps may not have been enough though to hold back Russia President Vladimir Putin.

"Had we communicated those things, there's always the potential that we could have kept them from invading a country and annexing it into their own," Romney said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

During the 2012 campaign, Romney took criticism from Obama for saying Russia was America's "number one geopolitical foe," rather than al-Qaida. Now Romney seems to be claiming the right to say, essentially, "I told you so."

"There's no question but that the president's naiveté with regards to Russia, and his faulty judgment about Russia's intentions and objectives, has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face," Romney said.

"And unfortunately, not having anticipated Russia's intentions, the president wasn't able to shape the kinds of events that may have been able to prevent the kinds of circumstances that you're seeing in the Ukraine, as well as the things that you're seeing in Syria."

He said the U.S. should now welcome nations that seek entry into NATO, should forgo cuts to the U.S. military budget and reconsider putting a missile defense system into the Czech Republic and Poland, as once planned.

During the 2012 campaign, Romney had tried to portray the Democratic incumbent as soft on Russia. Writing in Foreign Policy magazine, he said that "for three years, the sum total of President Obama's policy toward Russia has been: 'We give, Russia gets.'

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who just returned from Ukraine, said it was Romney who was naive.

Durbin, referring to Putin, a former officer in the Soviet KGB, said Putin is "a bully and we've got to call him for what he is. But this notion that some sanction is going to stop a former colonel in the KGB from his ambitions of a Russian empire is naïve.

Romney also used the appearance to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama's first secretary of state who now is considering a presidential run in 2016.

Romney said he couldn't think of a major country that had greater respect and admiration for the U.S. than it did "after five years of the Obama administration and Secretary Clinton."

"You look over the past five years and say, 'what's happened?' Good things have not been bursting out all over," he said.

Durbin, the second-ranking Senate Democrat, said on CBS that Romney suffered from "political amnesia."

"Osama bin Laden is gone. The war in Iraq is over. Afghanistan is coming to a close. And this president has worked with many of these nations successfully to put pressure on Iran, the sanctions, bringing them to the negotiating table," Durbin said.

He said Romney has "forgotten those facts.";_ylt=AwrTWfyxAy9TTAUAt2jQtDMD

Footage of Romney's comments here;
Romney Slams Obama, Clinton for Naïveté on Russia: ?This Is Not Fantasyland? | Mediaite
Romney was ridiculed by the left and the media for these things during the election so if he wants to give a I told you so now go for it and no I don't think he will make another run for the presidency.

Almost a year and a half later and the poor little rich boy still can't get over losing to Obama. And what makes Romney an expert on Russia all of a sudden anyway?

No one has claimed he is a expert on Russia including Romney but the fact is he called this one right deal with it or don't it won't change it.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney said Sunday that President Barack Obama is naive when it comes to Russia, has shown "faulty judgment" about Moscow's intentions and could have done more to try to deter its annexation of Crimea.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee said Obama didn't have the foresight to anticipate Russia's moves and should have been working earlier with allies to make clear the penalties that Russia would face if it moved into Ukraine.

Romney did acknowledge that such steps may not have been enough though to hold back Russia President Vladimir Putin.

"Had we communicated those things, there's always the potential that we could have kept them from invading a country and annexing it into their own," Romney said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

During the 2012 campaign, Romney took criticism from Obama for saying Russia was America's "number one geopolitical foe," rather than al-Qaida. Now Romney seems to be claiming the right to say, essentially, "I told you so."

"There's no question but that the president's naiveté with regards to Russia, and his faulty judgment about Russia's intentions and objectives, has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face," Romney said.

"And unfortunately, not having anticipated Russia's intentions, the president wasn't able to shape the kinds of events that may have been able to prevent the kinds of circumstances that you're seeing in the Ukraine, as well as the things that you're seeing in Syria."

He said the U.S. should now welcome nations that seek entry into NATO, should forgo cuts to the U.S. military budget and reconsider putting a missile defense system into the Czech Republic and Poland, as once planned.

During the 2012 campaign, Romney had tried to portray the Democratic incumbent as soft on Russia. Writing in Foreign Policy magazine, he said that "for three years, the sum total of President Obama's policy toward Russia has been: 'We give, Russia gets.'

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who just returned from Ukraine, said it was Romney who was naive.

Durbin, referring to Putin, a former officer in the Soviet KGB, said Putin is "a bully and we've got to call him for what he is. But this notion that some sanction is going to stop a former colonel in the KGB from his ambitions of a Russian empire is naïve.

Romney also used the appearance to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama's first secretary of state who now is considering a presidential run in 2016.

Romney said he couldn't think of a major country that had greater respect and admiration for the U.S. than it did "after five years of the Obama administration and Secretary Clinton."

"You look over the past five years and say, 'what's happened?' Good things have not been bursting out all over," he said.

Durbin, the second-ranking Senate Democrat, said on CBS that Romney suffered from "political amnesia."

"Osama bin Laden is gone. The war in Iraq is over. Afghanistan is coming to a close. And this president has worked with many of these nations successfully to put pressure on Iran, the sanctions, bringing them to the negotiating table," Durbin said.

He said Romney has "forgotten those facts.";_ylt=AwrTWfyxAy9TTAUAt2jQtDMD

Footage of Romney's comments here;
Romney Slams Obama, Clinton for Naïveté on Russia: ?This Is Not Fantasyland? | Mediaite

The best thing that could ever happen to the Democrats is another Romney run.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney said Sunday that President Barack Obama is naive when it comes to Russia, has shown "faulty judgment" about Moscow's intentions and could have done more to try to deter its annexation of Crimea.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee said Obama didn't have the foresight to anticipate Russia's moves and should have been working earlier with allies to make clear the penalties that Russia would face if it moved into Ukraine.

Romney did acknowledge that such steps may not have been enough though to hold back Russia President Vladimir Putin.

"Had we communicated those things, there's always the potential that we could have kept them from invading a country and annexing it into their own," Romney said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

During the 2012 campaign, Romney took criticism from Obama for saying Russia was America's "number one geopolitical foe," rather than al-Qaida. Now Romney seems to be claiming the right to say, essentially, "I told you so."

"There's no question but that the president's naiveté with regards to Russia, and his faulty judgment about Russia's intentions and objectives, has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face," Romney said.

"And unfortunately, not having anticipated Russia's intentions, the president wasn't able to shape the kinds of events that may have been able to prevent the kinds of circumstances that you're seeing in the Ukraine, as well as the things that you're seeing in Syria."

He said the U.S. should now welcome nations that seek entry into NATO, should forgo cuts to the U.S. military budget and reconsider putting a missile defense system into the Czech Republic and Poland, as once planned.

During the 2012 campaign, Romney had tried to portray the Democratic incumbent as soft on Russia. Writing in Foreign Policy magazine, he said that "for three years, the sum total of President Obama's policy toward Russia has been: 'We give, Russia gets.'

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who just returned from Ukraine, said it was Romney who was naive.

Durbin, referring to Putin, a former officer in the Soviet KGB, said Putin is "a bully and we've got to call him for what he is. But this notion that some sanction is going to stop a former colonel in the KGB from his ambitions of a Russian empire is naïve.

Romney also used the appearance to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama's first secretary of state who now is considering a presidential run in 2016.

Romney said he couldn't think of a major country that had greater respect and admiration for the U.S. than it did "after five years of the Obama administration and Secretary Clinton."

"You look over the past five years and say, 'what's happened?' Good things have not been bursting out all over," he said.

Durbin, the second-ranking Senate Democrat, said on CBS that Romney suffered from "political amnesia."

"Osama bin Laden is gone. The war in Iraq is over. Afghanistan is coming to a close. And this president has worked with many of these nations successfully to put pressure on Iran, the sanctions, bringing them to the negotiating table," Durbin said.

He said Romney has "forgotten those facts.";_ylt=AwrTWfyxAy9TTAUAt2jQtDMD

Footage of Romney's comments here;
Romney Slams Obama, Clinton for Naïveté on Russia: ?This Is Not Fantasyland? | Mediaite

The best thing that could ever happen to the Democrats is another Romney run.

Some may believe Obama is a lame duck (I don't)...but Romney political career is a dead one...only he dosn't seem to know it.

Sent from my iPhone using
Romney and Palin, the perfect couple for POTUS and VPOTUS; add Newt Gingrich as Sect. of State and Mr. Nine Nine Nine as Sect. of the Treasury; bring back Rumsfeld as Sect. of Defense and Dick Cheney as National Security Advisor, mix in Rudy, a noun, a verb and 911 as head of the Homeland Security and Michelle Bachmann as the UN Ambassador.

You scoff, but that would be a stronger and smarter and better team than what's there now.

And for you to hold up that list as one for derision shows just how poor your judgment is.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney said Sunday that President Barack Obama is naive when it comes to Russia, has shown "faulty judgment" about Moscow's intentions and could have done more to try to deter its annexation of Crimea.

The 2012 Republican presidential nominee said Obama didn't have the foresight to anticipate Russia's moves and should have been working earlier with allies to make clear the penalties that Russia would face if it moved into Ukraine.

Romney did acknowledge that such steps may not have been enough though to hold back Russia President Vladimir Putin.

"Had we communicated those things, there's always the potential that we could have kept them from invading a country and annexing it into their own," Romney said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

During the 2012 campaign, Romney took criticism from Obama for saying Russia was America's "number one geopolitical foe," rather than al-Qaida. Now Romney seems to be claiming the right to say, essentially, "I told you so."

"There's no question but that the president's naiveté with regards to Russia, and his faulty judgment about Russia's intentions and objectives, has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face," Romney said.

"And unfortunately, not having anticipated Russia's intentions, the president wasn't able to shape the kinds of events that may have been able to prevent the kinds of circumstances that you're seeing in the Ukraine, as well as the things that you're seeing in Syria."

He said the U.S. should now welcome nations that seek entry into NATO, should forgo cuts to the U.S. military budget and reconsider putting a missile defense system into the Czech Republic and Poland, as once planned.

During the 2012 campaign, Romney had tried to portray the Democratic incumbent as soft on Russia. Writing in Foreign Policy magazine, he said that "for three years, the sum total of President Obama's policy toward Russia has been: 'We give, Russia gets.'

Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., who just returned from Ukraine, said it was Romney who was naive.

Durbin, referring to Putin, a former officer in the Soviet KGB, said Putin is "a bully and we've got to call him for what he is. But this notion that some sanction is going to stop a former colonel in the KGB from his ambitions of a Russian empire is naïve.

Romney also used the appearance to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama's first secretary of state who now is considering a presidential run in 2016.

Romney said he couldn't think of a major country that had greater respect and admiration for the U.S. than it did "after five years of the Obama administration and Secretary Clinton."

"You look over the past five years and say, 'what's happened?' Good things have not been bursting out all over," he said.

Durbin, the second-ranking Senate Democrat, said on CBS that Romney suffered from "political amnesia."

"Osama bin Laden is gone. The war in Iraq is over. Afghanistan is coming to a close. And this president has worked with many of these nations successfully to put pressure on Iran, the sanctions, bringing them to the negotiating table," Durbin said.

He said Romney has "forgotten those facts.";_ylt=AwrTWfyxAy9TTAUAt2jQtDMD

Footage of Romney's comments here;
Romney Slams Obama, Clinton for Naïveté on Russia: ?This Is Not Fantasyland? | Mediaite

The best thing that could ever happen to the Democrats is another Romney run.

Some may believe Obama is a lame duck (I don't)...but Romney political career is a dead one...only he dosn't seem to know it.

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You'd be better off just reading these posts. Not making them.

You got a lot of learnin to do.

There are things a candidate can and can't do.

There are things a non-candidate can and can't do.

Mitt is doing the things a non-candidate can do to help this country by providing an alternative perspective on what this poor excuse for a POTUS is doing and not doing which is hurting America and Americans.

There are ways Mitt can help that no one else can.

If every loyal American just emulated Mitt and did just what they were able to do for America we'd be better off than we are now.
The best thing that could ever happen to the Democrats is another Romney run.

Some may believe Obama is a lame duck (I don't)...but Romney political career is a dead one...only he dosn't seem to know it.

Sent from my iPhone using

You'd be better off just reading these posts. Not making them.

You got a lot of learnin to do.

There are things a candidate can and can't do.

There are things a non-candidate can and can't do.

Mitt is doing the things a non-candidate can do to help this country by providing an alternative perspective on what this poor excuse for a POTUS is doing and not doing which is hurting America and Americans.

There are ways Mitt can help that no one else can.

If every loyal American just emulated Mitt and did just what they were able to do for America we'd be better off than we are now.

Paid no taxes and banked only in the
The best thing that could ever happen to the Democrats is another Romney run.

Some may believe Obama is a lame duck (I don't)...but Romney political career is a dead one...only he dosn't seem to know it.

Sent from my iPhone using

You'd be better off just reading these posts. Not making them.

You got a lot of learnin to do.

There are things a candidate can and can't do.

There are things a non-candidate can and can't do.

Mitt is doing the things a non-candidate can do to help this country by providing an alternative perspective on what this poor excuse for a POTUS is doing and not doing which is hurting America and Americans.

There are ways Mitt can help that no one else can.

If every loyal American just emulated Mitt and did just what they were able to do for America we'd be better off than we are now.

How the hell is deriding an American prez during an international crisis "helping America"?!
Frankly, ur fortunate that rational folk like me are contributing some balance to these hate seeking threads..ur certainly not.

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