Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!


The question of when a new genetically distinct human being comes into existence will not debated by state and federal legislators. The answer is settled as as biological fact to be “at conception.”

There is only one question that matters.

Ohio Issue 1, the Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative, is on the ballot in Ohio as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 7, 2023.​

A "yes" vote supports amending the Ohio Constitution to:​
  • establish a state constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions," including decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, and continuing pregnancy, and
  • allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.”
A "no" vote opposes amending the Ohio Constitution to establish the constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions."

This is the Only Question:

Do women have the right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions Including whether or not to have a safe legal abortion in the state in which she resides.

Moral of the story is if Saint Ding says anything about abortion wr all are correct to assess that he is almost always entirely wrong.

As with anything, legislation isn't a blanket pass for all activities to be included unless it somehow gets snuck through against the people's full understanding of what the legislation totally encompasses. Every state along with our federal government has the right to regulate or limit activities when passing any bill that would allow or give certain rights that would be granted within a bill, otherwise to make sure that the bill doesn't allow criminal or immoral activities to somehow be construed by the legislation as being part of the legislation when it is passed.

Blanket freedoms to be left wide open somehow within, otherwise say a bill that is to be imagined by the interpretation being left open to such imaginations, cannot and should not fly ever, and especially if not granted by a body of legislator's beholding to the American people who then have to agree as a majority to such legislation that is fixing to impact their live's in this nation called America.

Murder laws exist and apply to all individuals who have been separated from their mother at birth.

Prior to birth I support Every woman’s natural right to make and carry out her own reproductive decisions Including whether or not to access a safe legal and reasonably available abortion during 21 weeks of pregnancy in the state in which she resides.

And when that right applies to any woman in any state it must apply to every woman in every state under Equal Protection under the Constitution.

Murder laws do not apply to brainless fetuses that have neither individual independence or individual consciousness and in 99% of the cases when they are removed from being gestated by order of the woman who is gestating it.

Please be advised ding dvng that a biological life with unique dna that is underdeveloped and brainless, is an “it” unless its life is terminated by another individual besides its mother. In that instance, the fetus or whatever the “mother refers to it” and that includes if she calls it ““her” baby” the state definitely has an interest in protecting “her baby”

Criminal religionization of politics

Politicization of politics per Jenna Ellis.
Just now listening to her show on AFR American Family White Christian Bigotry Radio. She is the indicted former Trump Christian lawyer who worked hard on getting RvW overturned and then she found herself wound up in the criminal criminal enterprise to throw out the votes of black Christian Americans in Atlanta, Detroit, and Milwaukee just to name a few American cities for Black people.

To throw out the black votes in Atlanta she had indoors applied to throw up everybody’s vote in the whole state of Georgia. Does that sound right to anybody with a brain?

Many of them “Christians” came very fucking close to having their votes thrown out on behalf of former President Trump.

Apparently she’s so damn white and Christian, She thinks God wants her to practice law to figure out how to “legally” disenfranchise millions of black Christian voters across the entire nation because they voted for somebody who doesn’t follow the correct and one and only God.

She is the epitome of evil and racist and religious fanatic and a sweet, lovable, nice looking wholesome mommy body.

Jenna*t*Ellis does not even have half a brain in that other half I s not functioning properly. Jesus Drunk?

nf.23.08.31 #10,660
These post that you write are a direct proof of a nation in serious decline, otherwise for us to read your responses or ideals in which illustrates a rise in such thoughts on issues that demonstrate the moral decay of our society. We can do better, but not so sure anymore, because common sense has left the building, and critical thinking is no more. This is the evil one's plan to reek havoc on God's people due to his fall, and you have to be careful not to be an enabler of his activities in the world.
These post that you write are a direct proof of a nation in serious decline, otherwise for us to read your responses or ideals in which illustrates a rise in such thoughts on issues that demonstrate the moral decay of our society. We can do better, but not so sure anymore, because common sense has left the building, and critical thinking is no more. This is the evil one's plan to wreak havoc on God's people due to his fall, and you have to be careful not to be an enabler of his activities in the world.
Do you listen to American Family Radio on a regular basis?

Perhaps the Christian Nation of your dream is in decline. But the American nation is doing just fine after we dodged a very serious extremist Christian anti-America bullet on January 6 2021; but in a way, the Dobbs decision has woken up common sense Americans who are going to move this nation forward without people like you Saint Beagle.

I am with them and your brand of self righteous hate infested bullshit belief in corrupt Christianity will not go away completely, but it will go away enough.

The vote in November in Ohio to give women the freedom to do with their reproductive organs whatever is best for them will be monumental driving a stake through the heart of your antichrist Messiah, Donald J Trump

Ruby Freeman and her daughter are defying you. They just kicked Rudy’s ass in court. Pay attention.
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As with anything, legislation isn't a blanket pass for all activities to be included unless it somehow gets snuck through against the people's full understanding of what the legislation totally encompasses. Every state along with our federal government has the right to regulate or limit activities when passing any bill that would allow or give certain rights that would be granted within a bill, otherwise to make sure that the bill doesn't allow criminal or immoral activities to somehow be construed by the legislation as being part of the legislation when it is passed.

Blanket freedoms to be left wide open somehow within, otherwise say a bill that is to be imagined by the interpretation being left open to such imaginations, cannot and should not fly ever, and especially if not granted by a body of legislator's beholding to the American people who then have to agree as a majority to such legislation that is fixing to impact their live's in this nation called America.

But Saint Beagle when the answer to this question ..

Do women have the right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions Including whether or not to have a safe legal abortion in the state in which she resides.

……comes from the good people of Ohio including tens of thousands of Republican Christians like you in the affirmation granting women that right; what exactly are you and Jesus going to do about it?

Do you know is going to make progress matter how hard you and your version of Jesus try to stop it.

(Re Top Quote) Bottom Line: You believe as far as I can tell that you want women not to be protected by the US Constitution from state laws that force full term gestation on women against their will for the purpose of saving baby fetuses from decisions made by a women dealing with a private matter of unwanted pregnancy

If that is wrong please let me know and why.

Although you are not religious yourself, you’re connected to the very religious sector of society that make the state laws happen whenever you vote for a Republican anything.

And most importantly, you say that you agree with them. You want abortions banned because you morally believe that baby fetuses must be saved.

No harm meant however I refer to people as “saints” to keep track of who wants to save non-person “baby fetus” over the rights of the mother. That’s a moral choice.

(Re Middle Quote) Do you accept the fact that your “states rights” argument that states must be free to regulate the medical procedure of abortion is a political issue and a culture war moral issue ONLY because the life of baby fetus is involved?

(Re Bottom Quote) I have to ask you a question regarding half of your statement that your argument is not about the morality of abortion. If the states rights argument is not about opposing moral beliefs about the gestation of a fetus going on inside a woman’s body; why is her lack of morality the culture war battle cry of all the political powerful elites and the mass of right wing Evangelicals aligned against her “murderous” “evil” “subhuman” behavior if she decides to not gestate the fetus that is part of her body.

Are you saying it is your opinion a woman does nothing morally wrong when she decides to terminate the gestation of a fetus in her body prior to let’s say 24 weeks of gestation?

Thank you for being civil. It’s rare around here. I wish there was more of it at least on this thread.

nf.23.08.30 #10,656

Do you believe the federal government can force national reciprocity?

If a woman is hit by a drunk driver and loses the pregnancy because of it, is that murder?
The woman who is gestating a fetus is the ONLY person who may interrupt that gestation by induced abortion.

Every fetus has equal protection for a right to life through the right to life of its mother. A fetus does not have equal protection for a right to life without the consent to assume the risk of bearing a child by its own mother.

Reckless or drunken driver who kills a woman and her fetus is not granted a right to kill either or both victims because of bodily autonomy. The drunk driver has no autonomous right to kill any brainless person or organism that is not living inside his or her own body.

A drunk driver cannot legally blamelessly end a woman’s gestation by reckless and negligent behavior.

Only the mother can decide to avoid the risk of full term gestation by getting an abortion which end the life of a gestating human being.

A gestating human being at any stage of it’s development has a right to life through the exact same right to life of its mother.

If a woman is hit by a drunk driver and loses the pregnancy because of it, is that murder?

Let me know if that does not answer your question at the bottom.

Killing a fetus at any stage of development by any person other that the one who has a gestational relationship with it should be held responsible and accountable for the death of a fetus if proven in a court of law.

nf.23.08.31 #10,667

Let me know if that does not answer your question at the bottom.

Killing a fetus at any stage of development by any person other that the one who has a gestational relationship with it should be held responsible and accountable for the death of a fetus if proven in a court of law.

nf.23.08.31 #10,667

Killing a fetus at any stage of development by any person other that the one who has a gestational relationship with it should be held responsible and accountable for the death of a fetus if proven in a court of law.

So are you saying it’s murder then?
If a non enumerated right like abortion enjoys nationwide protection (states can't vote to outlaw it), then the right to keep and bear arms(an actual constitutional right), and conceal/open carry should also enjoy nationwide reciprocity, right?

Do you believe the federal government can force national reciprocity?

So are you saying it’s murder then?

I’ve said it was murder a zillion posts ago. Why wouldn’t it be. You can’t kill another person’s potential independent human being being nurtured in a woman’s body and expect to get away with it.

Of course. When a fetus is killed by any other person than the woman who is in a gestational relationship with a murdered fetus it is murder because the law must consider the gestational relationship to be positive. That means if the underdeveloped fetus dies by the hand of a person other that its mother the life of a potential independent human being has been unjustly ended by someone who had no authority to do it.

The mother has the authority to kill her own fetus because it is her life that is at risk if she consents to gestate a potential human being until separation from “her” body happens.

nf.23.08.31 #10,669

I’ve said it was murder a zillion posts ago. Why wouldn’t it be. You can’t kill another person’s potential independent human being being nurtured in a woman’s body and expect to get away with it.

Of course. When a fetus is killed by any other person than the woman who is in a gestational relationship with a murdered fetus it is murder because the law must consider the gestational relationship to be positive. That means if the underdeveloped fetus dies by the hand of a person other that its mother the life of a potential independent human being has been unjustly ended by someone who had no authority to do it.

The mother has the authority to kill her own fetus because it is her life that is at risk if she consents to gestate a potential human being until separation from “her” body happens.

nf.23.08.31 #10,669
Ok…so you included a quote about national reciprocity, but didn’t comment on it. Please address that question.

So, it isn’t the act of terminating the life of a baby that is murder, it’s simply the desire of the mother? She ultimately determines if the termination of a life is murder?

So, what happens if a pregnant woman has a few drinks and gets drunk and has a car accident that ends up terminating her own pregnancy. Is that murder?

I’ve said it was murder a zillion posts ago. Why wouldn’t it be. You can’t kill another person’s potential independent human being being nurtured in a woman’s body and expect to get away with it.

Of course. When a fetus is killed by any other person than the woman who is in a gestational relationship with a murdered fetus it is murder because the law must consider the gestational relationship to be positive. That means if the underdeveloped fetus dies by the hand of a person other that its mother the life of a potential independent human being has been unjustly ended by someone who had no authority to do it.

The mother has the authority to kill her own fetus because it is her life that is at risk if she consents to gestate a potential human being until separation from “her” body happens.

nf.23.08.31 #10,669

The mother has the authority to kill her own fetus because it is her life that is at risk if she consents to gestate a potential human being until separation from “her” body happens.

This would have me believe you support abortion up until delivery. Tell me, what is the difference between a baby 5 minutes before birth, and 5 minutes after birth?
These post that you write are a direct proof of a nation in serious decline,​

Are you sobbing for “Proud Boys Leader” Joe Biggs who is going to prison for seventeen years who says:

"I was seduced by the crowd and I just moved forward. I was curious. I wanted to see what would happen,"​

Yeah, what would happen is Trump gets to serve another four years and put more Catholics on the Supreme Court to deprive women of their reproductive rights by reviving the old south Christian Confederacy opposed to a medical procedure women need. So fuck him.

I have daughters and granddaughters that don’t need such anti-government filth meddling in their private lives by having governments banning access to abortions.

Trump is the new confederacy lost cause to bed. I took Joe big sis long to figure it out.

All the violent people with guns in the streets and who want to overthrow the government are on your side Saint Beagle in the “saving baby fetus cult”.
Anti-government militias and extremist groups like the Proud Boys have appeared at 27 abortion-related events as of July 1, according to new data shared with TIME by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED), a nonprofit that tracks political violence.​
That amounts to a 160% spike over the previous year.​
Ok…so you included a quote about national reciprocity, but didn’t comment on it. Please address that question.

I am reviewing it trying to figure out what the question is. Don’t worry, I’ll get to it. I try to answer every question that I asked of me when I get time I prioritize some I miss keeping up with the news of the day.

nf.23.08.31 #10,672
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Do you listen to American Family Radio on a regular basis?

Perhaps the Christian Nation of your dream is in decline. But the American nation is doing just fine after we dodged a very serious extremist Christian anti-America bullet on January 6 2021; but in a way, the Dobbs decision has woken up common sense Americans who are going to move this nation forward without people like you Saint Beagle.

I am with them and your brand of self righteous hate infested bullshit belief in corrupt Christianity will not go away completely, but it will go away enough.

The vote in November in Ohio to give women the freedom to do with their reproductive organs whatever is best for them will be monumental driving a stake through the heart of your antichrist Messiah, Donald J Trump

Ruby Freeman and her daughter are defying you. They just kicked Rudy’s ass in court. Pay attention.
I just love it when you out yourself as to what and who you truly are. Maybe I can keep irritating you so you can truly show your leftist stripes again and again, otherwise the ones that show that you could give a crap less about these women and their babies, but rather it's more about the slippery slope that you and other's like you fear the most, and all because of the roll or set back's.
This would have me believe you support abortion up until delivery.
I do not support abortion ever. That’s why I got a vasectomy after my second child.

I believe the amendment to the Ohio constitution to guarantee reproductive rights to women is spot on with my public policy beliefs that what women do with their own bodies is not the business of the government before an assessed approximate fetal development stage of viability of 21 weeks.

To be clear I can provide the Ohio language once again:

  • establish a state constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions," including decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, and continuing pregnancy, and
  • allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.”

Do you understand what “allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.” means?

It is a fact of statistical reality that early elective abortions occur well before viability which coincides with only a couple surviving fetuses that were separated from a willing gestation mother at 21weeks. 99 percent of all abortions happen well before 21 weeks.

We are on the same page on the last 1% of all abortions because those as I understand it along with universe common sense and common decency are entirely due to a catastrophic situation happening to a woman who wants to have a baby.

As The Ohio Constitution will say it :
  • the state shall restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.”
I support abortion up to the point of delivery when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health or if a doctor’s judgment is that the fetus will not survive being apart from its mother for very long after birth.
I JUST Don’t want Ron DeSantis sending some cop into the delivery scene ready to prosecute a doctor if he thinks the Jesus People do not agree with a doctor’s decision sometimes in a crisis situation.

nf.23.08.31 #10,674
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Are you sobbing for “Proud Boys Leader” Joe Biggs who is going to prison for seventeen years who says:

"I was seduced by the crowd and I just moved forward. I was curious. I wanted to see what would happen,"​

Yeah, what would happen is Trump gets to serve another four years and put more Catholics on the Supreme Court to deprive women of their reproductive rights by reviving the old south Christian Confederacy opposed to a medical procedure women need. So fuck him.

I have daughters and granddaughters that don’t need such anti-government filth meddling in their private lives by having governments banning access to abortions.

Trump is the new confederacy lost cause to bed. I took Joe big sis long to figure it out.

All the violent people with guns in the streets and who want to overthrow the government are on your side Saint Beagle in the “saving baby fetus cult”.
Anti-government militias and extremist groups like the Proud Boys have appeared at 27 abortion-related events as of July 1, according to new data shared with TIME by the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED), a nonprofit that tracks political violence.​
That amounts to a 160% spike over the previous year.​

I am reviewing it trying to figure out what the question is. Don’t worry, I’ll get to it. I try to answer every question that I asked of me when I get time I prioritize some I miss keeping up with the news of the day.

nf.23.08.31 #10,672
Ahhhhhhh, using your leftist tactics once again I see.. Don't you have any shame in what you do ? You remind me of someone I know, otherwise that has the same type of irrational but very conniving (always living in denial or caught in a partisan leftist fog), type of character, otherwise when it comes to the person being an irrational brainwashed minded person.
Ahhhhhhh, using your leftist tactics once again I see..
Do you mean that I write posts that contain facts like right wing militant assholes like the Proud Boys violently trying to overturn the election for Trump and since then throw their guns and ammo obsession in favor of religious right extremists pushing bans on a medical procedure that would have a detrimental effect on women’s freedom to live her life as she wants to live it.
This would have me believe you support abortion up until delivery. Tell me, what is the difference between a baby 5 minutes before birth, and 5 minutes after birth?
99% of all abortions occur before 24 weeks.

That late term 1% involve women who want to give birth to a baby and are suffering that nine months of being an expectant mother has turned into a medical crisis involving loss of her life or natural death of her baby.

Your question tells me you have no respect and sensitivity for pregnant women who suffer something you and I would hate to endure.

The past few years have been a litany of Democrat miscalculation
Now it's abortion. Running out of issues they could campaign on, Democrats now think they have a good one with the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs Wade.
Democrats forgot one thing. The aliens they are bringing in are overwhelmingly Hispanic. Maybe they don't realize this, but Hispanics are overwhelmingly Roman Catholic, and they could not find a group more opposed to abortion if they tried.

Well Well Well . . . .

A new survey from the Public Religion Research Institute hints at what could be a major swing in Latino Catholic views on abortion. According to this poll, 75 percent of Hispanic Catholics say abortion should be legal in “most or all cases,” up from 51 percent in a P.R.R.I. poll in 2010.​
P.R.R.I. conducted the latest survey from June 24 to 26, immediately after the Supreme Court announced its reversal of Roe v. Wade. Overall, 65 percent of U.S. adults said abortion should be legal in most or all cases, up from 55 percent in 2010. The pollster also reported a major swing in support for abortion among Black Protestants: 75 percent supported abortion in most or all cases, up from 56 percent in 2010.​
Trump was the Messiah of the Saving Baby Fetus Cult. Jenna Ellis is a white Christian Nationalist Lawyer who tried to overturn the election for God and Baby Fetus. Now she’s likely going to go to prison for illegal unlawful “acts” that she did. It was not her legal advice to Trump.

Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis argued on Thursday that the United States is a "Judeo-Christian nation" and should abide by the "limits" God puts on women by banning federal abortion rights.​
"We understand as a country that life is sacred, life comes from God and that's what it means to be a Judeo-Christian nation, that we understand that God gives life," she added, "and that there are limits on the power of government if legislate concerning these issues." Jenna Ellis says women's rights are limited by God: 'That's what it means to be a Judeo-Christian nation'
Key words are "as the legislature of each state shall direct". And Trump had just that.
And Biden ? He had "electors" selected by rogue Democrat election officials (same ones who implemented all the fraud.

When the electoral college met on Dec. 14, Giuliani and others organized Trump supporters to gather and declared themselves properly appointed electors, even in states where Biden was the certified winner. Trump and his allies pressured Republican state legislators in key swing states such as Arizona, Pennsylvania and Michigan to formally vote to recognize these electors in place of Biden’s. As late as Jan. 2, Trump convened a conference call for 300 state legislators in which he, Giuliani and lawyer John Eastman encouraged them to convene special sessions and appoint new electors. Despite the pressure and an alliance with numerous GOP legislators, no legislative body voted to endorse alternate electors. The alternate electors had no legal standing, but some Trump supporters, notably Eastman and attorney Jenna Ellis, argued that Vice President Mike Pence could simply choose to recognize these alternate electors instead of the official ones on Jan. 6.​
Only when state legislatures declined to vote on electors and Pence refused to recognize unofficial Trump electors was it clear Trump would not win by relying on alternate electors.​
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