Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

If the left believes that it's just tissue,

So, to you, you don’t value life?

Many Jewish people believe a fetus has much less value than it’s potential birthmother because God does not breathe the essence or spirit of human life into a new human being’s gestating body until he or she takes a first breath.

Therefore do you think Jewish Americans value life less than you and all your MAGA pals here because as adherents to the WORD of GOD that ensoulment is a gift from God that occurs at first breath.

OHoooooooohhh! for MAGA Republicans.


nf.23.08.17 #10,321
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I say, if you have an abortion, no worries, have another abortion within 5 to 10 years, you get fixed, and if the 2nd abortion was with the same man, he gets fixed too.

Why is your proposed policy necessary? Are you Moses?

So, you suggest that abortion should be a form of contraception?

My response to #10,320 is clear: Abortion should be a legal form of contraception as a last resort for women for the sole reason that it is not societal business whatsoever why or how a woman uses abortion as a last resort for contraception to avoid the risk of harm and including death if she gestates a fetus all the way to live birth.

No one besides the pregnant woman herself, absolutely no one besides the woman facing such risk herself and to her body should ever force a woman to take the potentially lethal risk of giving both unless it is her serious yet joyful decision to do so.

My third and youngest daughter, and her husband made that choice about 11 months ago. I am proud and happy that she made it knowing there could be some complications.

I have found very few greater moments of joy in life than the hours grandma and grandpa spend holding our new granddaughter and helping the new parents out in raising this kid.

But sickens me to hear MAGA G as in Godly Republican politucal thugs tell women like my daughter it was not really her choice to make to give birth to a child.

nf.23.08.17 #10,322
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MAGA Republicans are a threat to our country and our democracy.
Look out! There's one right behind you! Now change your underwear and get back to work.
Every single deplorable one who supports Trump after he said on Jan6 that if Pence does the right thing (commit fraud to disenfranchise Biden voters) He and MAGA win a second term where he could appoint more Catholics to SCOTUS who support state’s rights to force full term gestation on women against their will.

nf.23.08.16 #10,314
Could you repeat that in English?
MAGA Republicans are a threat to our country and our democracy. Every single deplorable one who supports Trump after he said on Jan6 that if Pence does the right thing (commit fraud to disenfranchise Biden voters)

Could you repeat that in English?

MAGA Republicans are a threat to our country because MAGA Republicans attempted in a criminal conspiracy with the loser to overturn the election after all fifty states certified the fact that MAGA lost. It was an attempt that would have disenfranchised every single Biden and Never Trump voter.

Had he stayed in power by unconscionable unconstitutional means Trump would be able to apoint more young Catholic judges to the USSC and that would be a threat to women who do not wish to have full term gestation forced on their bodies and lives.

If you vote for an anti-democracy MAGA politician for any office you are a threat to this country - a very serious threat to black folk and all women.

nf.23.08.17 #10,324
Also note, he actually does give instructions to the people. He says "we are going to walk to the capitol and were going to CHEER ON our senators..."

Cheer the Senators to do what?
Trump told the mob in that same speech and an earlier tweet, what the Senators were being pressured to do by a protest on their doorstep.

January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"​

Trump had no legitimate way to win unless it was by unconstitutional means with the help of others in a criminal enterprise to cancel or simply postpone Biden’s inauguration enough to cause chaos. Constitutional chaos would end with House of Representative deciding Trump the winner.

That was Trump’s plot to stay in power. It was wholly a crime. It’s not a crime to tell a mob he could win. But it is a crime to fraudulently attempt to actually overturn the certified election in seven states he lost because he thought the winning side committed fraud.


Many Jewish people believe a fetus has much less value than it’s potential birthmother because God does not breathe the essence or spirit of human life into a new human being’s gestating body until he or she takes a first breath.

Therefore do you think Jewish Americans value life less than you and all your MAGA pals here because as adherents to the WORD of GOD that ensoulment is a gift from God that occurs at first breath.

OHoooooooohhh! for MAGA Republicans.


nf.23.08.17 #10,321

I don’t care what some Jewish people think. I asked you if you don’t value life.
NotfooledbyW :



My response to #10,320 is clear: Abortion should be a legal form of contraception as a last resort for women for the sole reason that it is not societal business whatsoever why or how a woman uses abortion as a last resort for contraception to avoid the risk of harm and including death if she gestates a fetus all the way to live birth.

No one besides the pregnant woman herself, absolutely no one besides the woman facing such risk herself and to her body should ever force a woman to take the potentially lethal risk of giving both unless it is her serious yet joyful decision to do so.

My third and youngest daughter, and her husband made that choice about 11 months ago. I am proud and happy that she made it knowing there could be some complications.

I have found very few greater moments of joy in life than the hours grandma and grandpa spend holding our new granddaughter and helping the new parents out in raising this kid.

But sickens me to hear MAGA G as in Godly Republican politucal thugs tell women like my daughter it was not really her choice to make to give birth to a child.

nf.23.08.17 #10,322

But sickens me to hear MAGA

Well, when you find one in this conversation, let me know. Until then, let’s keep this conversation between me and you.

Here’s the thing. I agree with you on pretty much everything you said here, with the exception of using abortion as a form of birth control. What ever happened to safe, legal and RARE?

Here’s my stance on abortion. I am generally pro life, I do think that the life of the mother and incest are considerations that need to be..considered. However, I do not believe that religion should be used as a reason to ban it, because not everyone is religious, and I also think the federal government should not have their hand in it, because it’s not a federal issue. The Supreme Court did the exact right thing. They didn’t try to ban abortion, they said the states should decide.

That is the only appropriate thing to do, because of “….everything else is left to the states and the people.”

Cheer the Senators to do what?
Trump told the mob in that same speech and an earlier tweet, what the Senators were being pressured to do by a protest on their doorstep.

January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"​

Trump had no legitimate way to win unless it was by unconstitutional means with the help of others in a criminal enterprise to cancel or simply postpone Biden’s inauguration enough to cause chaos. Constitutional chaos would end with House of Representative deciding Trump the winner.

That was Trump’s plot to stay in power. It was wholly a crime. It’s not a crime to tell a mob he could win. But it is a crime to fraudulently attempt to actually overturn the certified election in seven states he lost because he thought the winning side committed fraud.
Uh…why are you merging two threads into one?

Anyway, he told them to cheer them on to stop the certification, is what I assume he meant…either way, that’s not the point. He told them to cheer on the senators, not go attack the capitol.
I don’t care what some Jewish people think. I asked you if you don’t value life.
I agree with the Jewish belief that God given life that “thou shalt not kill” begins at first breath of a newborn.

I value life exactly the way Jewish people do for thousands of years.

Now can you tell me that my value of life is one iota less than yours.


MAGA Republicans are a threat to our country because MAGA Republicans attempted in a criminal conspiracy with the loser to overturn the election after all fifty states certified the fact that MAGA lost. It was an attempt that would have disenfranchised every single Biden and Never Trump voter.

Had he stayed in power by unconscionable unconstitutional means Trump would be able to apoint more young Catholic judges to the USSC and that would be a threat to women who do not wish to have full term gestation forced on their bodies and lives.

If you vote for an anti-democracy MAGA politician for any office you are a threat to this country - a very serious threat to black folk and all women.

nf.23.08.17 #10,324

It was an attempt that would have disenfranchised every single Biden and Never Trump voter.

What are your thoughts on the national popular vote compact?

If you vote for an anti-democracy MAGA politician for any office you are a threat to this country - a very serious threat to black folk and all women.

Lol, let me guess, every right winger is “maga” right? I mean, that’s kind of the gist the left tends to allude to.

I agree with the Jewish belief that God given life that “thou shalt not kill” begins at first breath of a newborn.

I value life exactly the way Jewish people do for thousands of years.

Now can you tell me that my value of life is one iota less than yours.
Well, I’m not Jewish and I don’t know what their belief system is..but I’ll say it like this. God only ever breathed life into one person, and that is Adam. I don’t think think that means you take it that life has no value because it’s not “breathing”. The reason God breathed life into Adam is because he was a created being, he wasn’t conceived.

So, if you believe there is no life until it breathes, then answer my questions about miscarriage and getting hit by a drunk driver. In those cases, there should be no grief because it’s not a life, right? Also, according to your statement above, in the case of losing the tissue to a drunk driver, she can’t sue for the murder of the “baby”, since life begins at the first breath, right?
So, if you believe there is no life until it breathes, then answer my questions about miscarriage and getting hit by a drunk driver. In those cases, there should be no grief because it’s not a life, right?
Have you seen a post from this poster where I claim a gestating human being is not a life.

A gestating human being at any stage of it’s development has a right to life through the exact same right to life of its mother.

Of course there can be grief if the mother survives being hit by a drunk that causes miscarriage.

Only the mother can decide to avoid the risk of full term gestation by getting an abortion which end the life of a gestating human being.

Think about that please.

A drunk driver cannot legally blamelessly end a woman’s gestation by reckless and negligent behavior.

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if you believe there is no life until it breathes, then answer my questions
I absolutely do not believe there is no life until a gestating human being takes a first breath. I am on record here clearly stating that an unborn potential self sustained ‘air breathing’ human being achieving separation from his/her mother is as follows:

Modified slightly by me from original
By Robert P George Arguing the Ethics of Stem Cell Research : The embryonic, fetal, infant, child and adolescent stages are stages of development of a determinate and enduring entity -- a human being -- who comes into existence as a zygote and develops by a gradual and gapless process into adulthood many years later.

{The gestating fetal human being} is a complete and distinct human organism possessing all of the genetic material needed to inform and organize its growth, as well as an active disposition to develop itself using that information. The direction of its growth is not extrinsically determined, but is in accord with the genetic information within it.

Please adjust questions to suit what I say I believe.

nf.23.08.17 #10,334
thssm.23 08.17
Well, I’m not Jewish and I don’t know what their belief system is..but I’ll say it like this. God only ever breathed life into one person, and that is Adam.

Is it possible that God knows Judaism and Jews are ok? Jewish law does not consider a person (Heb. nefesh, lit. “soul”) until it has been born. The fetus is regarded as a part of the mother’s body and not a separate being until it begins to egress from the womb during parturition (childbirth)

Rabbi Schneur Zalman explains that the Torah’s use of the wordbreathto describe the Neshama, to teach that it comes from the essence of God, and he refers to it as a “part of God.”[15]Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan (1934-1983) provides additional insights into this metaphor: [16]

God's exhaling a soul can be compared to a glassblower forming a vessel. The breath (neshama) first leaves his lips, travels as a wind (ruach) and finally comes to rest (nefesh) in the vessel.

Of these three levels of the soul, neshama is, therefore, the highest and closest to God, while nefesh is that aspect of the soul residing in the body. Ruach stands between the two, binding man to his spiritual Source. It is for this reason that Divine Inspiration is called Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew.

The Journey of the Soul â Its Mission and the Afterlife

The Torah is teaching us that the human soul came directly from God's innermost essence in the same way that a breath issues forth from a person's lungs and chest cavity. The rest of creation, on the other hand, was created with speech,[17] which is a lower level.”

nf.23.08.18 #10,336
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Still yacking about something you can't do anything about?

Keep at it, we need all of you left-wingers to be unproductive.
Keep at it,
We sure will. As goes the Orange Anti-Christ xxx so goes the Saving Baby Fetus Cult’s chances of forcing full term gestation on women.

NY Daily News

Trump plunges to 35% favorable rating in dire new poll that says 53% back indictments​

Dave Goldiner, New York Daily News
Wed, August 16, 2023 at 3:29 PM EDT·

It’s been a while HikerGuy83 . Are you still favoring that dying intolerant white Christian nationalist political party with extremism minded voters like that Death-Ninja hate infested political operative considers 60 percent of the voters in Ohio Kansas and Wisconsin to be evil fucking animals who he’d like to kill.

But hey you and destiny guy can continue to bond on states rights to harm women. Have at it - Confederates.

all posts dated 23.06.15 nf #9,233
; hkrgy #9,237 ; nf #9,240

Tolerant Christian Dem Party opposed to forced full term gestation on unplanned pregnancy: Abortion is a medical procedure that prevents harm to a woman when and if she makes a private decision to terminate the life in her own body. It’s at her discretion andj on her conscience to accept that her pregnancy was not planned and is not wanted. The 14th amendment states that "no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. No State can guarantee any woman that giving full term birth of an unwanted fetus will not cause physical harm to her body if forced to continue beyond 15 weeks when must medical procedures are performed.

Intolerant Christian Repub Party dictating states force full term gestation on unplanned pregnancy:

dthnnj.22.05.22 #4 “It never was a right, that is irrefutable, it was an entirely manufactured right ludicrously predicated upon the right to privacy! If I had my way, and I may well get it in near future, you murder a baby we kill you in exactly the same fashion you murdered the innocent baby, whether that be with a coat hanger, or a powerful vacuum cleaner would be entirely up to you evil fucking animals...

hkrgy.23.05.23 #20 to dthnnj.22.05.22 #4
Agree. The right to privacy is a manufactured construct that is necessary to justify this kind of overreach.

nf.23.07.18 #10,338
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15 months out.

Can you supply a link showing someone who actually knows something saying the polling will get worse ?

The polling is gonna get worse.
The MakeAmericaGodlyAgain Party can pick who they want but Trump’s got them in a three way lose lose lose pickle, and probably worse, predicament for the general. Dobbs will remain the broadest drag on Republican popularity.

Four serious indictments are a badge of honor for their beloved Orange Anti-Christ slayer of liberals. However the White Christian Nation Evangelicals who make up the majority of his support base, must watch a third of their money plus money from all other donors go to paying the legal bills.

That’s a double whammy because there is no possibility that headlines from continuing trials next year where Trump attempted to cheat and disenfranchise America’s voters will help him with undecided voters.

So Trump will be paying for negative headlines against himself over the next fifteen months.

But if Trump is not the winner of the primary, the white religious right might just check out of worldly politics and go back to being prepared for Armageddon. They will focus on the real Jesus establishing his Kingdom for the Godly on Earth as it is in heaven.

Repubs can’t win national elections without white evangelicals voting loyally en masse for their pro-billionaire corporate tax cut land deregulation bullshit.

MAGA Christians will love Trump forever because Trump gave them Dobbs. They have no reason to be Republicans without him now.

But if Trump is the winner of the primary the white religious right will be on the front lines to give him what they believe was stolen from him by godless liberals.

I believe Trump being the nominee will jack up the same revulsion to the Republican Party’s Saving Baby Fetus Project that we saw in real voting in Kansas Wisconsin and Ohio. Forcing full term gestation on women against their will is not popular even in pink states . The ten states that may really want it may have a total of 50 electoral college votes

Trump being the nominee will energize millions of libertarian-ish Americans who are against being labeled baby killers by MAGA Republicans because they do not want Republican governments forcing full term gestation on any woman against her will.,

Putin may hold back from pulling his barbarians out of Ukraine, hoping Trump wins in 2024. That will not help the Republicans as a national security narrative at all.



The MakeAmericaGodlyAgain Party can pick who they want but Trump’s got them in a three way lose lose lose pickle, and probably worse, predicament for the general. Dobbs will remain the broadest drag on Republican popularity.

Four serious indictments are a badge of honor for their beloved Orange Anti-Christ slayer of liberals. However the White Christian Nation Evangelicals who make up the majority of his support base, must watch a third of their money plus money from all other donors go to paying the legal bills.

That’s a double whammy because there is no possibility that headlines from continuing trials next year where Trump attempted to cheat and disenfranchise America’s voters will help him with undecided voters.

So Trump will be paying for negative headlines against himself over the next fifteen months.

But if Trump is not the winner of the primary, the white religious right might just check out of worldly politics and go back to being prepared for Armageddon. They will focus on the real Jesus establishing his Kingdom for the Godly on Earth as it is in heaven.

Repubs can’t win national elections without white evangelicals voting loyally en masse for their pro-billionaire corporate tax cut land deregulation bullshit.

MAGA Christians will love Trump forever because Trump gave them Dobbs. They have no reason to be Republicans without him now.

But if Trump is the winner of the primary the white religious right will be on the front lines to give him what they believe was stolen from him by godless liberals.

I believe Trump being the nominee will jack up the same revulsion to the Republican Party’s Saving Baby Fetus Project that we saw in real voting in Kansas Wisconsin and Ohio. Forcing full term gestation on women against their will is not popular even in pink states . The ten states that may really want it may have a total of 50 electoral college votes

Trump being the nominee will energize millions of libertarian-ish Americans who are against being labeled baby killers by MAGA Republicans because they do not want Republican governments forcing full term gestation on any woman against her will.,

Putin may hold back from pulling his barbarians out of Ukraine, hoping Trump wins in 2024. That will not help the Republicans as a national security narrative at all.

Let's see if we have this right. You think that Putin so loved TRUMP! that he did NOT make a military move while TRUMP! was in office, but instead waited until someone he actually feared got into office to make his move, and now he's holding out for TRUMP! to get back INTO office so he can pull out, and all this because he thinks he'll get more favor from Washington if TRUMP! is there? I've heard some novel ideas, but that one is a doozy.

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