Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

NFBW230310-#7,550 • So give me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business if you have one..

BackAgain230310-#7,551 • . . . lots of people who aren’t particularly religious (I am one of them) opposes abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Many of us simply place a higher value on life than you happen to.

NFBW230310-#7,554 I place as high a value on unborn life as anybody else including the Pope of all Catholicism. That is why I got a vasectomy after my second daughter was born.

BackAgain230310-#7,556 • Good for you. What the fuck does that have to do with snuffing out any human life?

NFBW: I oppose abortion on demand as a form of birth control. My form of birth control is vasectomy. Why are you bringing up snuffing out human life on a Dobbs thread? Snuffing out fetus life is obviously OK with a Catholic dominated SCOTUS if you listen to Alito:

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..​
NFBW: In post 7550 I asked you to give me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business. You replied in post 7551 that you aren’t particularly religious abe that you oppose abortion on demand as a form of birth control and that you simply place a higher value on life than I do. To that I replied in post 7554 that I place as high a value on unborn life as anybody else and is why I got a vasectomy. “ To that you wrote in post 7556 “What the fuck does that have to do with snuffing out any human life
Perhaps you do not understand that a vasectomy prevents needing to use abortion for birth control. On your wish list. I personally took action that prevents unwanted pregnancy so I guess if I was you BackAgain I should be calling for states to force all men who have sex with a woman to get a vasectomy since personal freedom and bodily autonomy are low on your list of protected freedoms. But I say every man should live according to their conscience and avoid doing harm to others in accordance with established common laws.

Now you still owe me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business.

I brought up Jewish belief that life begins at first breath to make a secular argument that religion cannot dictate what laws we have on matters of conscience which do no harm.

Jewish belief on the beginning of life harms no one and it does no harm to society. That is my secular remedy for keeping state governments from forcing a belief that life begins at conception, or at a sound that couid be a heartbeat.


We have a right to life. (You should stick to the topic).
I am. Women have a right to life that Dobbs turned over to states and voters to decide to undermine or protect.

Dobbs said nothing about abortion being murder as equal to a victim of homicide who has experienced live birth and prior to natural death or accidental death

IN FACT ALITO Said Dobbs had no dog in the fight.

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..
NFBW230310-#7,550 • So give me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business if you have one..

BackAgain230310-#7,551 • . . . lots of people who aren’t particularly religious (I am one of them) opposes abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Many of us simply place a higher value on life than you happen to.

NFBW230310-#7,554 I place as high a value on unborn life as anybody else including the Pope of all Catholicism. That is why I got a vasectomy after my second daughter was born.

BackAgain230310-#7,556 • Good for you. What the fuck does that have to do with snuffing out any human life?

NFBW: I oppose abortion on demand as a form of birth control. My form of birth control is vasectomy. Why are you bringing up snuffing out human life on a Dobbs thread? Snuffing out fetus life is obviously OK with a Catholic dominated SCOTUS if you listen to Alito:

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..​
NFBW: In post 7550 I asked you to give me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business. You replied in post 7551 that you aren’t particularly religious abe that you oppose abortion on demand as a form of birth control and that you simply place a higher value on life than I do. To that I replied in post 7554 that I place as high a value on unborn life as anybody else and is why I got a vasectomy. “ To that you wrote in post 7556 “What the fuck does that have to do with snuffing out any human life
Perhaps you do not understand that a vasectomy prevents needing to use abortion for birth control. On your wish list. I personally took action that prevents unwanted pregnancy so I guess if I was you BackAgain I should be calling for states to force all men who have sex with a woman to get a vasectomy since personal freedom and bodily autonomy are low on your list of protected freedoms. But I say every man should live according to their conscience and avoid doing harm to others in accordance with established common laws.

Now you still owe me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business.

I brought up Jewish belief that life begins at first breath to make a secular argument that religion cannot dictate what laws we have on matters of conscience which do no harm.

Jewish belief on the beginning of life harms no one and it does no harm to society. That is my secular remedy for keeping state governments from forcing a belief that life begins at conception, or at a sound that couid be a heartbeat.


Once again, you style of posting is just a pain to wade through. In fact, since you appear to simply be stuck on repeating your prior posts, I have elected not to wade through this one.

Also, in addition to using your ungainly posting style, you were far too verbose.

Tighten it up.
NFBW230310-#7,558 • Right to life at the fetal stage of development is limited when you need another persons brain and neurological operating system just to be alive.

BackAgain230310-#7,560 • How do you figure? Your right to life is “limited” when you’re out on life support?

NFBW: I am not “at the fetal stage of development” as stated in plain sight in post 7558 , so no my right to life is not limited if for some reason I would on life support. Your reading error is duly noted and on record..

So, Right to life at the fetal stage of development is limited when you need another persons brain and neurological operating system just to be alive.

It is limited because the pregnant woman has autonomy over the fetus’ life prior to its viability status. The state may have an interest in protecting the fetus in the third trimester because under normal circumstances the decision to terminate should weeks before that.

I am. Women have a right to life that Dobbs turned over to states and voters to decide to undermine or protect.
Nope. Dobbs turned over the issue of abortion to the States. That involves the preborn human’s right to life; not the mother’s.
Dobbs said nothing about abortion being murder as equal to a victim of homicide who has experienced live birth and prior to natural death or accidental death
Cool. I never said it spoke of murder.
IN FACT ALITO Said Dobbs had no dog in the fight.
I don’t care. That’s a dispute about “standing” which is moot.
NFBW230310-#7,562 • I am. Women have a right to life that Dobbs turned over to states and voters to decide to undermine or protect.

BackAgain230310-#7,566 - Nope. Dobbs turned over the issue of abortion to the States. That involves the preborn human’s right to life; not the mother’s.

NFBW: What is the title of this thread?

BackAgain220502-#1 • Is this a lock? I don’t know. But I’m so psyched to think that the ruling allowing slaughter of innocent life — sanctioned by the United States — is about to end.

NFBW: What ruling had you so psyched to come to an end. Something to do with a right to privacy of the mother not the fetus I believe it was. And it did not end any ruling that allowed the slaughter of any innocent persons. That overturned ruling allowed a woman to have access to medical facilities if she wanted to end an unwanted pregnancy prior to the third trimester. States that believe it’s a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy still do so. All Sanctioned by Trump’s three Catholic judges as well.

NFBW230310-#7,550 • So give me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business if you have one..

BackAgain230310-#7,551 • . . . lots of people who aren’t particularly religious (I am one of them) opposes abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Many of us simply place a higher value on life than you happen to.

Then don’t use abortion as a form of birth control. I wouldn’t.
No. I just refuse to be asked to do the tracking back for you. I posted it already. Do your own reviews. Not my job. And you also are wrong. I haven’t dodged a single question or alleged “point.”

Zzz. If you want a tutorial on how to do it more quickly and systematically, I can help you. The tools are already on the system.

Again, I did provide an answer to your questions. But since I did the posting already, I grow weary of you libs always demanding that I (or other conservatives) carry your burdens.
Anytime you or I provide an answer he doesn't like, then he searches for another answer by claiming no one answered him or rather he's hoping for a trip up answer by demanding more answer's for the same questions over and over again, otherwise he's doing this in hopes to get one that he can then study for a better counter argument on his part, but it's all in order for him to conduct a better counter defence on the issue because he's failed so many times before.... It's all in hopes to learn or create a strategy against us.. ROTFLMBO 🤣

He thinks that he's some sort of super smart player in this way, but everyone especially C-6 has had his number on the way that he likes to play his little game's for quite a while now.
I regard abortion to be a matter for the conscience of the individual and her family.

Why do you insist that a matter of conscience should not be a part of this discussion?
Not having a conscience is a bad thing.. It leads to uncivilized SOCIETIES, and you know this, but you like to play these games in hopes that you are looking all smart and stuff, when in reality you are just showing yourself to be a demon working for the evil one that resides in this world.
NFBW230310-#7,550 • So give me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business if you have one..

BackAgain230310-#7,551 • . . . lots of people who aren’t particularly religious (I am one of them) opposes abortion on demand as a form of birth control. Many of us simply place a higher value on life than you happen to.

Then don’t use abortion as a form of birth control. I wouldn’t.
You wouldn't, but the problem has become that we have a lot of trend loving brainwashed follower's that fall into the quicksand before they realize just how bad it is or that quicksand is forever a trap, and worse we have you attempting to argue that what they did (as they lay there sinking), was their choice to make, otherwise as they are struggling and taking their last breathe going under..... They are being told by you that their choice was ok because it was their choice to make as their soul then dies or was it their soul that had died ??? Think about that for a second or two... Maybe you'll figure it out.
BackAgain221128-#5,932 Leftards deny that it is akin to murder by denying that it is a unique human life.

NFBW: I have TRUTH, FACT, and SCIENCE in all I write. You have religiously driven faith based propaganda and lies in everything you support and write about. It is why I can document questions, answers and valid points of view based on facts and logic reason and repeat them if need be. And that fact obviously annoys you.,
#7,570 Anytime you { @BackAgain } or I provide an answer
You don’t refer back to it - you play a game of hide and seek


NFBW220812-#4,679 • Scientifically speaking The one-celled organism that forms as part of a woman’s body immediately after fertilization is alive and if the mother terminates it prior to viability it dies, it is dead, kaput, over, life ended, finished - that human DNA will never exist in the universe again.

NFBW220812-#4,654 The one-celled organism that forms as part of a woman’s body immediately after fertilization is alive.

NFBW220812-#4,655 Based on that scientific, spiritual and easily recognized and observable fact by cognizant human beings, the death or end of the non-viable human formation of cells prior to viability is not subject to the same legal and/ or moral penalty as the death after viability if terminated by another including the mother.

ding220812-#4,658 And yet you refuse to admit that abortion ends the life of a living human being.

NFBW220812-#4,679 • But I have in NFBW-#4,654 & NFBW-#4,655 @ding - it is in writing.
NFBW220812-#4,679 • In fact I use your source who informs us that each point along the human life continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point.

ding220719-#3,641 Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

NFBW220812-#4,679 • I am saying ding The one-celled organism that forms . . . after fertilization is alive with the full human properties that are appropriate at that point per Dr. William Reville and is wired in according to the newly formed unique DNA codes that come after conception. •••• I have it in writing that the non-viable human formation of cells prior to viability are all alive and exist in a living stage of the human development continuum that begins after fertilization. I have said this continuum as defined by Dr. William Reville, will die, will be a death at whatever stage of development it is in . . . if terminated by another human being including the mother. ••••

Therefore ding you are a liar. And beagle9 and CarsomyrPlusSix have attached their ideological contempt for women’s reproductive rights to the propaganda of a serial and ruthless liar.

Last edited:
BackAgain221128-#5,932 Leftards deny that it is akin to murder by denying that it is a unique human life.

NFBW: I have TRUTH, FACT, and SCIENCE in all I write. You have religiously driven faith based propaganda and lies in everything you support and write about. It is why I can document questions, answers and valid points of view based on facts and logic reason and repeat them if need be. And that fact obviously annoys you.,

You don’t refer back to it - you play a game of hide and seek


NFBW220812-#4,679 • Scientifically speaking The one-celled organism that forms as part of a woman’s body immediately after fertilization is alive and if the mother terminates it prior to viability it dies, it is dead, kaput, over, life ended, finished - that human DNA will never exist in the universe again.

NFBW220812-#4,654 The one-celled organism that forms as part of a woman’s body immediately after fertilization is alive.

NFBW220812-#4,655 Based on that scientific, spiritual and easily recognized and observable fact by cognizant human beings, the death or end of the non-viable human formation of cells prior to viability is not subject to the same legal and/ or moral penalty as the death after viability if terminated by another including the mother.
ding220812-#4,658 And yet you refuse to admit that abortion ends the life of a living human being.

NFBW220812-#4,679 • But I have in NFBW-#4,654 & NFBW-#4,655 @ding - it is in writing.
NFBW220812-#4,679 • In fact I use your source who informs us that each point along the human life continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point.

ding220719-#3,641 Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

NFBW220812-#4,679 • I am saying ding The one-celled organism that forms . . . after fertilization is alive with the full human properties that are appropriate at that point per Dr. William Reville and is wired in according to the newly formed unique DNA codes that come after conception. •••• I have it in writing that the non-viable human formation of cells prior to viability are all alive and exist in a living stage of the human development continuum that begins after fertilization. I have said this continuum as defined by Dr. William Reville, will die, will be a death at whatever stage of development it is in . . . if terminated by another human being including the mother. ••••

Therefore ding you are a liar. And beagle9 and CarsomyrPlusSix have attached their ideological contempt for women’s reproductive rights to the propaganda of a serial and ruthless liar.

Read and behold that all we say about this poster is true..
Beagle9230311-#7,570 • Anytime you or I provide an answer he doesn't like, then he searches for another answer by claiming no one answered him or rather he's hoping for a trip up answer by demanding more answer's for the same questions over and over again, otherwise he's doing this in hopes to get one that he can then study for a better counter argument on his part, but it's all in order for him to conduct a better counter defense on the issue because he's failed so many times before....

NFBW: Show me an exchange where I failed to defend anything I write beagle9 ?? Go for it.

Beagle9230311-#7,570 • Anytime you or I provide an answer he doesn't like, then he searches for another answer by claiming no one answered him or rather he's hoping for a trip up answer by demanding more answer's for the same questions over and over again, otherwise he's doing this in hopes to get one that he can then study for a better counter argument on his part, but it's all in order for him to conduct a better counter defense on the issue because he's failed so many times before....

NFBW: Show me an exchange where I failed to defend anything I write beagle9 ?? Go for it.

And you think that you are worth it ? Pffft. You think to highly of yourself don't you ?
beagle9230311-#7,574 • Read and behold that all we say about this poster is true..

NFBW: Here is one example of one of you saying something about me that is not true. It was a lie at the time it was posted.

ding220812-#4,658 ding • And yet you refuse to admit that abortion ends the life of a living human being.

beagle9230311-#7,574 • Read and behold that all we say about this poster is true..

NFBW: Here is one example of one of you saying something about me that is not true. It was a lie at the time it was posted.

ding220812-#4,658 ding • And yet you refuse to admit that abortion ends the life of a living human being.

You do refuse to admit it, and then you go on to present your timeline as if what you say is somehow true when you can't prove it to be true. The Bible in effect say's that he knew us before we were born, so for all you know you are in favor of disrupting the doorway that brings us into being, otherwise with your antic's or beliefs. I don't know the answers to it, and you don't know the answers either, so why take the chance to promote something that gets way out of control, and becomes sinister and monstrous in it's evilness, otherwise that man imagines to do, especially when it involves the miracle of a woman being with child in her womb for 9 months, but wait then she decides to destroy that child because evil trend's lead her to believe that it's an ok thing to do ??

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