RNC under Lara Trump spreads ‘massive fraud’ claims about 2020 election

Anyone who believes the 2020 election was legitimate is lying to themselves.

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And of course anyone who wants honest and transparent elections is a “threat to democracy”, right?

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Please, bitch, don’t pretend that you have any interest whatsoever in honest and transparent elections because you don’t.

You want elections that Republicans can win consistently. None of the more than 400 election bills which have been proposed since the 2020 election, have anything to do with honesty or security, and everything to do with limiting whoch citizens get to vote.

The southern states have been gerrymandered to a “fare ther well” so that even in states that have a 50/50 black white split in voters, white Republicans have veto proof control both Street legislatures. In essence, your representatives are picking their voters not the other way around.

Anyone who believes the 2020 election was legitimate is lying to themselves.


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And of course anyone who wants honest and transparent elections is a “threat to democracy”, right?


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Chat GPI isn’t a source Hawk. Even worse for you, studies done on Chat GPI writing show that the app LIES when asked to make a fact based story which reflects accurately reflects the published news accounts.

There is not a single credible source in the entire world, which backs up your contention that the election was stolen. At the same time we have literally thousands of election officials across every county and state in the nation who have certified that the results are honest and fair.

These people signed affidavits on pain of prosecution if they were lying or otherwise trying to subvert the ekection.

Notice how all of the rats on Trump sinking ship are now pleading guilty, and turning states evidence against him in all of the fake elector indictment. That’s what happens in criminal conspiracies when it falls apart. Everybody tries to save themselves and rats out the others to do so.

Notice how no credible person has ever flipped on the Clintons or the Bidens? Trump had to pardon half his campaign staffers at the end of his administration, because they all been prosecuted by Trump’s DOJ and had pled guilty, or were found guilty at trial.

The fact that there are no indictments against Trump staffers you know less than four different jurisdictions in regard to the fake electors scheme, shows you how wide ranging in large this conspiracy truly was.

But you’re gonna stick with a stolen election lie because you’re just that easily fooled? Or is it because you want to see an end to US democracy and the installation of an authoritarian white Christian dictator in the White House?
I would suggest you listen to Byron Donald question witnesses in House hearings then, White. I think he's the most informed person on that committee when it comes to banking and anything to do with banking...such as money laundering. He's the guy that Hunter REALLY doesn't want asking him questions on the stand!

As for DeSantis being a national joke over the "Disney thing"? You do realize that DeSantis won that battle? The judge threw out Disney's lawsuit against DeSantis. Disney lost a fortune. The two Disney Executives that brought suit both resigned. As for the PR stunt of sending a plane load of illegals to Martha's Vineyard? That was a stroke of genius. It had the island in an uproar and revealed just how hypocritical rich liberals ARE! They had those illegals bused off the Vineyard and to a military base on the mainland within a day! It's one thing to SAY you support illegal immigration...but it's another to have a bunch of them living with you! What Democrat Governor would you say is doing a better job than DeSantis? Gavin Newsome? He's the darling of the left. Did you really want to compare the two? I don't think you'll enjoy the conversation...just saying...

Byron Donald is a moron.

What Democratic governor is doing a better job than Ron DeSantis? All of them. None of the Democratic governors are trying to force a six week abortion ban on the women in their state This would outlaw miscarriage care for women in their second trimester, And any care whatsoever for a woman who loses her pregnancy in the third trimester.

Death rates due to the complications of pregnancy and childbirth have already tripled in states that have passed such bans, in a national that already has a maternal death rate similar to that of a third world nation.
For our resident dems and libs

A vote for Biden is a vote for president Kamala. Think about it. Do you really think senile joe will last 4 more years?

Do you really think Donald Trump is gonna last that long? He can’t even string a sentence together at this point. He thinks he still running against Nikki Haley.

Last, but not least he can’t even stay awake in court and he’s too tired after three days in court to go out on the campaign trail. Trump can’t even run his trials and his campaign without losing his mind.

Last but not least, Nikki Haley got 17% of the primary vote in Florida last week. She dropped out of the race weeks ago but people are still voting for her because 15% of REPUBLICANS refuse to vote for Trump.

When DeSantis was running, Trump was having trouble getting 50% of the vote. Even regular Republicans don’t want Donald Trump back in the White House and they won’t vote for him.

They don’t want another four years of chaos and sleaze in the White House.
Over 60 times your big lie was presented to a court. Over 60 times, it was discounted by the courts.

As for what the MAGAt extremist are doing, one of yours said it well. Nothing will be passed that might make Biden a win. And they have done exactly that. The one bill where everything they demanded for the border was given they buried it because the head MAGAt told them to bury it. Last time I checked, tRump was never elected to the House of Representatives in ANY state and he was fired.
That's not the issue, whether the courts (some of them corrupt, some of them not), found fraud.
The issue is un-auditable machine voting and un-auditable mail in voting without ID.
Also there's the issue of states who illegally changed their voting procedures due to the "pandemic".

It's not who votes - It's who counts the votes. Joseph Stalin

Guess who counted the votes in all of the big blue cites in all of the swing states?

Take a guess..... we're waiting....
That's not the issue, whether the courts (some of them corrupt, some of them not), found fraud.
It's not up to the courts to investigate fraud. They evaluate evidence brought to them. No evidence, no case.

Please site your evidence of your so called corrupt courts.
Run along junior. I think Mom's calling you for dinner.
So you don't understand the role of the courts or have a shred of evidence of corruption in the courts that ruled against the ridiculous claims Benedict Donald made over his 2020 lost to Joe Biden?

Did you get you obvious debating skills from Faux Not News?
So you don't understand the role of the courts or have a shred of evidence of corruption in the courts that ruled against the ridiculous claims Benedict Donald made over his 2020 lost to Joe Biden?

Did you get you obvious debating skills from Faux Not News?
I said run along, you are doing nothing more than spouting your corrupt party's talking points. I've heard them all a gazillion times. "courts found no evidence of fraud. 60 court cases, blah blah blah" I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR IT AGAIN. You people cheated.

You were determined to get rid of Donald J Trump by any means necessary so you released Covid to the world, you locked down the economy, you stole people's freedoms and you forced a vax on everyone that has now been proven not to work (at best).

I don't want to hear your bullshit any longer.
That's not the issue, whether the courts (some of them corrupt, some of them not), found fraud.
The issue is un-auditable machine voting and un-auditable mail in voting without ID.
Also there's the issue of states who illegally changed their voting procedures due to the "pandemic".

It's not who votes - It's who counts the votes. Joseph Stalin

Guess who counted the votes in all of the big blue cites in all of the swing states?

Take a guess..... we're waiting....

It was counted by machines, then by hand. Funny how one agreed with the other. And I got your waiting.......
It was counted by machines, then by hand. Funny how one agreed with the other. And I got your waiting.......
Garbage in, garbage out. If the machines were stuffed ("programmed") with extra ballots for Old Man Biden, then the machine counted extra ballots. Then, the hand count confirmed the fraudulent machine count.

Go back to old fashioned hand counts verified by observers from both main parties, and a 3rd party - now we're getting somewhere.
That's not the issue, whether the courts (some of them corrupt, some of them not), found fraud.
The issue is un-auditable machine voting and un-auditable mail in voting without ID.
Also there's the issue of states who illegally changed their voting procedures due to the "pandemic".

It's not who votes - It's who counts the votes. Joseph Stalin

Guess who counted the votes in all of the big blue cites in all of the swing states?

Take a guess..... we're waiting....

There are paper ballots to back up ever vote cast. Hand counts have actually INCREASED Biden's margin of victory.

No states illegally changed their voting procedures during the election - that's just another lie Republicans tell you.

Republicans counted the ballots in red states, fool.
There are paper ballots to back up ever vote cast. Hand counts have actually INCREASED Biden's margin of victory.

No states illegally changed their voting procedures during the election - that's just another lie Republicans tell you.

Republicans counted the ballots in red states, fool.

Corrupt ballots in = bad initial count = bad recount.

Fraud..... FOOL

Go back to old fashioned hand counts (AND VOTER ID), NO MAIL IN VOTES EXCEPT ABSAENTEE BALLOTS IF REQUESTED...and verified by observers from both main parties, and a 3rd party - now we're getting somewhere.
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Garbage in, garbage out. If the machines were stuffed ("programmed") with extra ballots for Old Man Biden, then the machine counted extra ballots. Then, the hand count confirmed the fraudulent machine count.

Go back to old fashioned hand counts verified by observers from both main parties, and a 3rd party - now we're getting somewhere.

They did hand counts, as well, and observers were there throughout the counting process, and all of the ballots, from start to finish - from both parties.

Here's where Donald Trump shot himself in the foot in 2020. Trump started talking about the election being "rigged" early in the campaign, when it became apparent he was going to lose. He went on national television on multiple occasions to say that the 2020 election would be decided by the courts.

Secretaries of State and election official throughout the country, took Trump's warning to heart, and made good and sure their election was run by the book and the results would withstand any kind of court scrutiny. THEIR states were not going to be caught cheating.

Not one of Trump's court cases showed ANY kind of cheating on the massive scale Trump claimed.

Trump always shoots himself in the foot and then tries to lie his way out of things.
Garbage in, garbage out. If the machines were stuffed ("programmed") with extra ballots for Old Man Biden, then the machine counted extra ballots. Then, the hand count confirmed the fraudulent machine count.

Go back to old fashioned hand counts verified by observers from both main parties, and a 3rd party - now we're getting somewhere.

How do I break it to you. Both Parties already do verify the count. When I voted, I went to a machine where I answered each question. In the end, it gave me a printout. That machine wasn't hooked to any outside source. Right on the form was the instruction to verify that it was correct. And I had to sign the form when I handed it in to the voting booth. Meanwhile, both parties had people there standing in the wings to ensure that it was as claimed. It was. And no one jumped up right after the election screaming, "You Cheated". It's impossible to cheat as long as you follow the directions.

If the information is turned over to a tabulator machine then you may have a problem. But when you compare the output of that machine with the signed vote forms then they MUST be the same. If you are having problems with this in your state, then I suggest you fire everyone and import out people and equipment so we can do it right for you. Make that check out......

Or you can continue to be stupid. What's the difference between being ignorant and being stupid? One can be ignorant until they are given the chance to learn. You are just stupid.
Over 60 times your big lie was presented to a court. Over 60 times, it was discounted by the courts.

As for what the MAGAt extremist are doing, one of yours said it well. Nothing will be passed that might make Biden a win. And they have done exactly that. The one bill where everything they demanded for the border was given they buried it because the head MAGAt told them to bury it. Last time I checked, tRump was never elected to the House of Representatives in ANY state and he was fired.
No court even looked at election fraud.
How do I break it to you. Both Parties already do verify the count. When I voted, I went to a machine where I answered each question. In the end, it gave me a printout. That machine wasn't hooked to any outside source. Right on the form was the instruction to verify that it was correct. And I had to sign the form when I handed it in to the voting booth. Meanwhile, both parties had people there standing in the wings to ensure that it was as claimed. It was. And no one jumped up right after the election screaming, "You Cheated". It's impossible to cheat as long as you follow the directions.

If the information is turned over to a tabulator machine then you may have a problem. But when you compare the output of that machine with the signed vote forms then they MUST be the same. If you are having problems with this in your state, then I suggest you fire everyone and import out people and equipment so we can do it right for you. Make that check out......

Or you can continue to be stupid. What's the difference between being ignorant and being stupid? One can be ignorant until they are given the chance to learn. You are just stupid.
Go back to old fashioned hand counts (AND VOTER ID), NO MAIL IN VOTES EXCEPT ABSAENTEE BALLOTS IF REQUESTED...and verified by observers from both main parties, and a 3rd party - now we're getting somewhere.

Problem solved. You do these things, and Trump loses - I'll say the election was fair and square and we move on.
Except your side doesn't want that. Gee... I wonder why.
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