REVEALED: Hillary's $2,777 Per Minute Speaking Contracts...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Y'all feelin her pain yet? She broke ya know. Seriously though, who would pay so much to listen to her cackling and babbling on? And buying her book? What!? Why!? I just don't get it.

Hillary's $2,777 PER MINUTE speaking contracts demand a 'presidential' teleprompter, let her cancel 'for any reason whatsoever' and she's the only one allowed on stage

Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state who is preparing to run for president on a populist platform of fighting income inequality, demanded $2,777 per minute for two university speaking engagements and insisted on contracts that cut off reporters' access to her and limited the number of photos she would take with well-wishers.

The Harry Walker Agency drew up legal agreements for Clinton's speeches at the State University of New York at Buffalo in August 2013 and at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas next month.

Combined, the two gigs netted the Clintons' family foundation $500,000 for three hours' work, and allowed her to cancel or reschedule the events 'for any reason whatsoever.'

The once-and-maybe-future White House resident is routinely granted iron-grip control over the circumstances surrounding her speeches...

Her 'participation at the event including the speech and reception will be closed to the press, unless otherwise agreed to in writing,' the UNLV contract reads

'There will be no other media opportunities or availabilities (i.e.. press conferences, statements. etc.).'

The Buffalo appearance earned Clinton $275,000 for an hour on stage and a 30-minute photo line – limited to 50 photos of her alongside no more than 100 people.

UNLV will pay her another $225,000 for a similar 90-minute commitment, although angry students there have asked her to refund her fees since their tuition has nearly tripled since a decade ago.

Both schools had to agree to her prickly list of demands before her agent would sign on the dotted line.

The contracts they signed insist that Hillary must be 'the only person on stage during her remarks.'

The Buffalo paperwork specifically demands a 'presidential glass panel teleprompter,' although video of that speech shows she strayed from the podium and didn't use it...

Read more: Hillary's $2,777 PER MINUTE speaking contracts shut out reporters, limit picture-taking, demand a 'presidential' teleprompter and let her cancel 'for any reason whatsoever' | Mail Online
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If an ex Secretary of State, Senator and First Lady can command those rates, why shouldn't she receive them?

Do you have a problem with the free market?
If it isn't on the tax dime, more power to her. Her fault is in talking about how rough they've had it.
Many people make a good living by being speakers. Nothing wrong with it.
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It's pretty sad & perplexing as to why anyone would pay to listen to her or read her book. I'll never understand that. But on the bright side, her Publisher is whining about how it won't even break even on her book sales. And how it overpaid her.
Among the questions often asked political candidates, we outta include "What's the avg price for a gallon of milk?" If candidates have no ungodly idea we outta elect other people.

Are few people who when giving a speech and bearable to listen to, and HRC isn't one of them. Even more than Bush junior I can't stand listening to her talk. Like Warren though I gotta say, far more passionate and emotive. I hope hope hope HRC doesn't become President, she isn't Presidential imo. Better female candidates out there.
Hillary donates her speaking fees to charity

Where does the money from Sarah Palins, Rush Limbaughs or Glenn Becks speaking fees go?
If the free market pays her, I am good with that, if state funded colleges are paying for it, I take issue.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Hillary donates her speaking fees to charity

Where does the money from Sarah Palins, Rush Limbaughs or Glenn Becks speaking fees go?

All her speaking fees? This giving to charity for speaking just started. But as long as people pay her for it, I have no issue with her getting it.
The Buffalo paperwork specifically demands a 'presidential glass panel teleprompter,' although video of that speech shows she strayed from the podium and didn't use it...

Why do conservatives obsess so much about teleprompters?
I am willing to pay her to shut up already.

It is somewhat nice to see the America dream come true for a person who no more then 14 years ago was dead broke. Coming from food stamps to 2770/ minute is quite the success story. Just look at her many accomplishment and you will then know why she is now a 1 percenter, but not like the other rich people.
I am willing to pay her to shut up already.

It is somewhat nice to see the America dream come true for a person who no more then 14 years ago was dead broke. Coming from food stamps to 2770/ minute is quite the success story. Just look at her many accomplishment and you will then know why she is now a 1 percenter, but not like the other rich people.

She and her husband are fine examples on how lying benefits you. A great lesson for all of us today.
i am willing to pay her to shut up already.

It is somewhat nice to see the america dream come true for a person who no more then 14 years ago was dead broke. Coming from food stamps to 2770/ minute is quite the success story. Just look at her many accomplishment and you will then know why she is now a 1 percenter, but not like the other rich people.

bam!! :)

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