Repubs threaten another govt shutdown

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Republicans Threaten To Shut Down The Government If Obama Extends Relief To Immigrants ThinkProgress

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) floated the possibility of shutting down the government on Wednesday if President Obama issues an executive action granting deportation relief to more undocumented immigrants. King’s comments come just one day after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) suggested that Republicans in the Senate use “funding mechanisms to address this issue.”

“If the president wields his pen and commits that unconstitutional act to legalize millions, I think that becomes something that is nearly political nuclear,” King said in remarks before the Westside Conservative Breakfast Club in Urbandale, Iowa, adding that “all bets are off” on passing a measure to keep the government running past October.

“I think the public would be mobilized and galvanized and that changes the dynamic of any continuing resolution and how we might deal with that,” he added.

Congress will have just 10 working days to pass a continuing resolution after it returns from summer vacation on September 8. Several Republicans have already threatened to hold up the measure over renewal of the Export-Import Bank and the administration’s proposed environmental regulations, though no party leaders have yet endorsed using must-pass legislation to prevent the administration’s forthcoming immigration action.

Speaking to Breitbart, Rubio said he would be “interested to see what kinds of ideas my colleagues have about using funding mechanisms to address this issue.”

Earlier this month, Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told a Politico reporter that Republicans would strong arm President Obama into adopting a host of Republican policy priorities, from repealing the Affordable Care Act to undoing environmental regulations, but did not specifically mention immigration.

In the House, Republicans approved a bill that would end the Obama administration’s Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), which has allowed young immigrants to obtain work permits and remain in the country. The measure would also prohibit the president from extending the program to other undocumented people. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) did not say if he plans to attach the measure to the continuing resolution.

And if they do it, they'll lie about it.

So Nuttley, tell us about the little MS13 members you've taken in! ...Are you really getting $70 a day for their upkeep?...I didn't think peanut butter sandwiches, and used GOOD WILL underwear cost that much!
omg not this freakin shit again

Are you all going to die if this government shut down for a couple weeks or something?

Damn we didn't get the head count of how many died because of the last one that lasted what? two whole frikken weeks.

You are latched onto government as if you CAN'T SURVIVE without them

How the hell would you every get though a hurricane or tornado you're so helpless.
The Libs had wicked Diarrhea over sequester where they claimed it caused massive hardships and destruction of our American way of life....
I don't believe anything that comes out of their mouth.
Worked so well for the party the first time. Guess they finally noticed the GOP has no one viable for 2016 so might as well piss everybody off again.
if repubs won't stand on principle and use the tools like not funding then why would they deserve any votes or support ??
So Nuttley, tell us about the little MS13 members you've taken in! ...Are you really getting $70 a day for their upkeep?...I didn't think peanut butter sandwiches, and used GOOD WILL underwear cost that much!
You mean we have people on this forum harboring illegal immigrants? Who are they and how can we report them?
ANYONE notice the lie right off in the title?
Republicans are going to shut down AGAIN

THIS is how the left uses brainwashing

Your dear Leader is the one who wouldn't "negotiate" and let the government be shut down. Then he went on a PAY BACK vengeance AND the first thing he does, HE shuts down all of the people's Parks and Memorials...Even shut off our older vets from what could of been their last travel for that visit.

Everyone in the country should NEVER forget this picture that was taken under Obama a DEMOCRAT

do not support sites like thinkprogress folks, this how dirty the left is
there you go , and I know that but thanks for the reminder to the libs .

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