Republicans Seem To Lose On Every Issue Placed Under Scrutiny, Yet They Still Get Elected. Why?

If everyone in the US voted, the middle class could be free from persecution from the right.

dear, right is opposed to unions which drove 30 million good jobs off shore and right is opposed to destruction of American family which knocks millions out of middle class and right is opposed to destruction of American schools which now prevent people from qualifying for the middle class right is opposed to highest corporate tax rate in world which has driven 10 millin middle class jobs off shore!

Do you ever say anything intelligent?
The thought of them taking the senate is not only awful, it is downright bewildering. You want the truth? Average joe Americans are idiots.

dear, Republicans since Aristotle, Jefferson, and Friedman have been the ones to support freedom from big liberal govt. In fact, that is exactly what our Constitution is all about. How can you object to that?
They've lost on the issue of wealth inequality.

They've lost on the issue of human caused climate change

They've lost on the issue of voter fraud.

They've lost on the issue of the effectiveness of tax cuts for the wealthy and trickle down economics as a whole.

They've lost on the issue of gay marriage

Last but not least, congressional republicans have the worst approval ratings behind not only Obama, but congressional democrats as well.

The thought of them taking the senate is not only awful, it is downright bewildering. You want the truth? Average joe Americans are idiots.

Starting in the 70s the Republican Party began building a vast institutional structure to attract lower and middle class voters. (Many of these voters were part of Nixon's Silent Majority - folks alienated by the Democratic Party's move away from traditional working class issues toward gender/racial and lifestyle politics)

The new Republican structure (called "Movement Conservatism") was comprised of think tanks and various media assets - talk radio & Fox News being the most well known variants. This structure mainly used conservatism (which boiled down to a curious admixture of religion, patriotism, tradition & the culture war) to get poor and uneducated people to join the cause, which cause was really a front for lowering the taxes and regulatory burden of the wealthiest Americans, as well as increasing the control those Americans had over the nation's political machinery. This institutional structure convinced poor and uneducated Americans that all information sources outside of the conservative media (including things like science) were part of a conspiracy to destroy the country. This is very much like the Dark Ages when powerful forces were able to drive science underground and destroy freedom by taking advantage of stupid people.

[Movement Conservatism very much depends on ignorance and fear; meaning: it requires a certain kind of voter who is extremely paranoid and uninformed - someone who doesn't know the difference between Marx or Keynes, Bin Laden or Hussein, someone for whom all the worlds bad guys exist in this undifferentiated duck soup called "evil doers". Rather than understanding actual policies or history or other nations or oil geopolitics, this person subsists wholly upon cliches "Freedom is on the march". This is the kind of person who makes generalizations about entire civilizations, cultures or religions. In other words, they hold passionate beliefs about Muslims, yet they have never directly studied Muslims in a rigorous context with diverse information sources. They are powerless to describe the difference between Sunnis and Shias. Ask them about regional sects in the Middle East like the Kurds and you will get a blank stare. Ask them about the failure of the Maliki government to incorporate the Kurds into the region's balance of power and again - blank stare. Ask them who Isis is and what they want ... (blank stare). Ask them about Reagan's unconstitutional alliance with Iran or the mujahideen in Afghanistan...(blank stare). Ask them about the US relationship with Hussein going back to Eisenhower. . . (blank stare). Such is the brain that depends on Rush Limbaugh for thought. And they vote.]

[Ask them about the secular Ba'athism of Hussein versus the Islamic radicalism of Bin Laden . . . (blank stare). They don't know anything about the region save what they've been told by people with a very narrow political agenda. God help us . . . because . . . they vote]

Needless to say, the Conservative movement was extremely successful and managed to get enough Americans to join the republican party (where they would vote against their own interests without knowing it). And yes, this group of well meaning but terribly duped Americans is not the numerical majority. In fact, with each passing year, the nation shifts away from their values and largely submerged racial beliefs. Demographic trends are not on their side. But this doesn't matter. Not only have they captured Washington because of their alignment with corporate wealth, but they also have Big Media (which is owned by a handful of mega-corporations who have scorn and contempt for the Left's tax and regulatory policies). Point is: the reason that the Republican Party survives despite diminishing consensus for their views is because they successfully captured enough political and media machinery to insulate themselves from the democratic process. This is what all successful movements and coups do.

The game is over. People don't get it. They organized and they won. The left still doesn't know what hit them.
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Clearly they have not lost on every issue that matters most to the American people or they would not be getting elected. Perhaps the reason Republicans keep getting elected is because of the failures of Democrat policies and leadership.
And yet you can't give any examples of republicans helping anyone besides the wealthy class.

Like I said, they get elected because Americans are dumb. They would rather buy into the abysmal Fox News propaganda and listen to flowery speeches about freedom and warm apple pie that mean nothing.

I've got some examples:

Bush and the GOP Legislature created the 10% tax bracket. That was huge for the working class.

Bush and the GOP Legislature greatly expanded the GI Bill. Another win for the working class.

Bush's Medicare drug benefit certainly helped the working class in retirement. It's even included in many zero premium and Part B rebate plans now.

Middle class entrepreneurs (think landscapers and maids) benefitted greatly by having capital gains taxes reduced.

Allowing for immediate expense of technology and vehicle purchases (instead of amortization) was huge for the working and middle class (and good for the people that worked for companies making vehicles and technology).

Let's also not forget the average net worth of people that retired between 2001 and 2008.
Um do you have a link to all of this?

Not off hand.

Are you disputing the claims?
the reason that the Republican Party survives....

is because they, like Aristotle Jefferson and Friedman, value work and freedom rather then more and more soviet welfare for all.

Its a simple concept but one which a liberal will lack the IQ to understand.
Because Republicans are still able to brainwash a certain segment of our society.
Bush was president from 2001 to 2009 causing SNAP spending to increase over 300%. They only increased 30% under Obama & are now decreasing. SNAP spending was decreasing all during Clinton's entire presidency, then Bush caused it to explode 10 times more than Obama.


Marketwatch - Obama spending binge never happened


Bush destroyed the US Dollar causing commodity prices to soar. Obama has restored faith in the US Dollar causing commodity prices to fall. Yes Food & Energy prices are going down. Remember to be thankful for $2 Gasoline this Christmas.

Deflation, Rising GDP & Employment. Thank You Obama! Fuck You Bush!
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Spending is what people had to do in the stagflation environment created by Bush. Savers got punished & borrowers got rewarded by the devalued dollars. Lower wages & job losses forced even more to live on borrowed money.

Now with Obama we have rising dollar, wages, jobs, savers & fewer borrowers. Obama crushed Bush's Stagflation.

Stagflation Rate

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